Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 454: There are tears in the snow

When the southeast was raging, Dong was not hurt and couldn’t get through the carriage, and marched toward the southeast with the turtle speed. On this road, I also encountered a lot of Haoqiang want to share a piece of cake - after all, this long team is too attractive.

However, the blood paid by the two men is not a mediocrity. Of course, when they encounter a hard scorpion, they are the shots of Dong Siye. With a knife in hand, Wanfu is invincible!

Although it is not the use of his own ink knife, but to the point where Dong is not injured, what knife is in hand is no different.

This road has become an experience of Dong’s innocence, and it is directly back to the southeast.

This road has directly become the growth experience of the knife saint, and the strength of Dong’s innocence has soared;

Do not say this way.

Just say Chu Yang, this way through the night state, by the way, he also slaughtered a lot of fire and robbery.

Because many people actually stopped the roads on the road and intercepted a person to interrogate them, they killed the looting property, and they were famous: this is the same party outside the realm of the heavens, we are doing the heavens and maintaining the peace of the mainland. .

In particular, seeing those wealthy businessmen who are rich in value, they will never let go.

The despicableness of this part of the people has reached a point of horrible! If it is really fighting against the extraterrestrial demon, even if it is blinded, it is also a kind of justice.

But these people are not justice at all, nor for peace between people; but for selfish desires. Or, it is hatred!

Not only the military has such a person; even the ordinary civilians actually have it. The rich people in each place have suffered more or less.

Chuyang came all the way, watching the fire of the fire, and then directly killing!

I also don't care whether you are a warrior or a civilian; as long as there is such an act, you will kill nothing!

He profoundly realized a truth: despicable, not only exist with the top! But. Everywhere!

In this case, encounter a kill one, kill a broken grandson. Go all the way!

The craziest one is that there is a rich family in one place. The name of the nickname is Li Dayan; as the name suggests, the eyes are extraordinarily large; this person has been so lonely since childhood, struggling to fight hard. For more than 30 years, he earned his career with bare hands.

Moreover, after the success of the fame, not only is it not rich; but it is good and good; the neighbors are guilty, and they are all generous!

It is such a person, in this extraterritorial event. Actually, the people he helped helped to make a living, not only saved his life, but also the house was fired, and it was clean.

Moreover, he was also charged with a crime of "outside the world."

At first, there were only a few people who were troubled. Other people who had benefited from Li Da’s eyes were still embarrassed to do it. But then, all the poor ghosts in the whole town united to start rectifying Li Da’s “out of the world”; and there was a strange phenomenon: the more he was kind to him, at this time he changed his position at once. The more you rectify, the more you are!

It seems that this is not enough to get rid of the shadow of the grace of this person.

If it is broken, then simply throw the conscience away... In the end, no burden!

have to say. When humanity comes to this time, it is really not as good as a dog! Not as good as any beast!

After passing through this place, Chu Yang was seeing a group of four people in Li Da’s eyes being stalked by the ropes, and the two sides cheered and thundered. Everyone was cheering and grabbed the heavenly demon.

However, some old people whispered and dared to speak out.

After Chu Yang used a very short period of time to investigate clearly, he was furious and frustrated! The whole street was almost killed by his killings.

Then I stayed here for a day, never listening to one side of the word, but several people gathered together to ask the situation, looking at the sword and family, looking for the past, all the people involved, no one slipped the net sword!

The more the Chu Yang is killed, the more it is suppressed.

He remembered all the doctors in Yaogu, so he died. If a good person does not have a good report, who would dare to be a good person?

Moonlighting and wind and rain can choose to continue to be good people, that is because they have such strength; others do not dare to bully; but, like the drug valley ... such as the eyes of Li Dayan, etc. What should I do?

After this incident, Li Da eyes can make a good thing even if he can make a comeback in this life. Does he dare to send a little bit of kindness?

(Writing here, I can't stop sighing. Although this is very one-sided, it is very chilling. I think of the old grandmother crossing the road and being deceived; I think of the people who sent the car accident to the hospital and went to the hospital to be deceived by the deceitful... There aren't many people like this, but they can make everyone shocked and do not do good things! The indifference of society can be formed overnight. Once the conscience is lost, there will be no return to eternal life! The impulsive criminal can still turn back, but If a person's conscience is gone, then it is really gone... Compared with the prisoners in the prison, I think that this part of the people is really a five-major corpse! The feeling is two hundred words, followed by a supplement.)

I watched Li Dayan’s family take the entanglement of Chu Yang’s gift, and he left here with great enthusiasm and walked away.

Chu Yang stood in the night wind, standing on the old road, but only felt a burst of cold.

Just a fabricated ‘out-of-domain demon’, you can twist the world’s hearts to such a degree! If there is something else? Or something like 'the extraterrestrial demon' really exists, what about it?

It’s just that I’m walking straight, and this road has killed no less than a thousand people. So, on the vast expanse of the Nine Heavens, how many such things are happening or have happened or even... are premeditated?

At this moment, suddenly someone whispered: "Do you feel that this world is so ugly? Is it so fast to kill?"

Chu Yang was shocked!

In terms of his cultivation, it is already a holy nine, and it is a sword nine! I didn’t find out when I stood alone next to me!

Before that, he had a close inspection, hundreds of feet around, absolutely no one exists!

Let go of the repair. His spirit is even stronger, even if it is the supreme nine products, it may not be comparable to his spiritual power, but he did not find it.

This person is like a ghost, and it appears silently.

Not only has it appeared, but he is still talking to himself.

Chu Yang whirlwind like a turn, turned to look.

I saw a gray man in front of myself. I am carrying my hands, standing against my own back, looking up at the sky. The look is quite leisurely.

He just stood there, but the feeling for Chu Yang was: there is nothing here, only a free breeze. Only a whole group of nothingness.

Chu Yang smiled: "Who is the car?"

He calmed down in the first place.

If this person wants to kill himself, he will never be spared; therefore, it is a blessing that is not a curse. At this moment, he also looked at it, or said... aroused the bachelor mentality in his heart!

Love you!

Who loves who!

"Who am I?" The gray-haired man seemed to smile softly and said, "What do you say? Chuyang?"

Chu Yang has been easy to pass, confident that no one in the world can recognize himself; but this gray man, but called out his name!

This voice, Chu Yang suddenly felt familiar; suddenly a figure in the mind. Can't help but take a step back and shouted: "Is it you?"

The man smiled and turned slowly. He looked at Chu Yang and even blinked his eyes twice. Road: "Is it not me?"

Chu Yang’s intuition’s mind thundered and thundered, and there was some dizziness in an instant!

This person in front of him is actually him!

The fortune teller in the city of that day, the friend of the past life, the first talent recognized by the previous nine heavens, the snow and tears.

Only at this time. He is not the mysterious and unpredictable singer in the city of Tianji, nor the white-like clothes like the snow in the past.

He is another dress, a gray coat, and looks ordinary.

At a glance, look at the past, everyone!

"You recognize me." The gray man smiled faintly.

Chu Yang's throat knot moved up and down twice, finally laughed, God knows that when he exposed this smile, his eyes were a little wet, and some of his heart was shaking.

If it is not expected, the past and present, this is the person who created it for himself!

Chu Yang does not know whether he should hate him, or thank him.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head gently. "I really don't know, how to call you, should it be... Xue brother? Or... Master? Or... Lord?"

The gray man was silent and said: "I like the name of the snow and tears."

Chuyang Road: "Oh?"

Gray clothing humanity: "Snow and tears, tears in the snow, dripping are cold."

Chu Yang faintly said: "Snow melts into water, it is all tears. Since all are tears, then the heart is cold."

The gray-clothed people have tears and tears: "So, life is alive, tears in life, and pain in life."

Chu Yang’s eyes flashed and said: “Oh? You said that I still have tears in my life? Are they bitter? Past and present, are there any differences?”

"You are very resentful to me." Snow tears and laughed: "There is no thought of another side; snow, is the heaven and earth elves; turned into water, although it can be tears, but it can also moisten the people; and, no It will disappear... Soon after, it will be turned into a heaven and earth aura, scattered into a wind, and gathered into a cloud. When the wind moves, it turns into rain, turns into fog, turns into frost, or... turns into snow again."

"Let's come to the world!" The gray-shirted man looked at Chu Yang calmly: "It’s the beginning of the week, it’s the avenue!"

"But the past and present, after all, is a subversion." Chu Yang was silent for a moment, suddenly said.

"Previous and present, who is not?"

Snow and tears slammed a green leaf floating in the spring breeze, and said: "Even if it is this leaf, there are past and present lifes; except for a few powerful people who are detached from the reincarnation, even if they are saints, there are past and present life."

"But since ancient times, I can remember the past and present and so clear, but only you." Snow tears the hole in the eyes of the world, looking at him, said: "You have not only experienced past and present, but also coincided with past and present!"

"Returned to the power of the heavens, turned into the heart of the heavens! Turned into a reincarnation, turned into a soul of the purple sable!" Snow tears cold and said.

Chu Yang’s face showed a confused color and said: “I don’t know what you said.”

Snow tears and laughed.

"But I still like the snow and tears of the past life." Chu Yang said: "You and I first met, in the white snow purple bamboo forest, when you sang a poem... said: 'Wangu Qiong 霄 无 颜 ,, one The snow in the field is chilling; who can be determined in the world, who can return to heaven?"

Chu Yang faintly said: "I miss the sorrowful snow brother of the past life, but I don't like the snow and tears in front of everything."

The snow and tears blew and condensed, and a cloud of smoke swept through the eyes. It seemed that the world was vicissitudes, and it changed at this moment.

For a long time, he laughed: "Chu brother."

A brother, Chu Yang will return to the past life, some confusion and emotion in the eyes, smiled: "Snow brother."


<self can not live. Last night, the ointment was applied, and today the left eye is swollen directly into a seam.

And yesterday I promised to erupt today.

There will be an outbreak, and I don’t want to talk. Everyone knows me too. I just have to say something, no matter what I can’t achieve, I can’t achieve it. I have to do it myself.

I will talk to the brothers first, huh, huh...

There will be an outbreak, please give me time.

I am going to use the hot towel to apply hot water to the hot towel. I will drop the eye drops and the speed will be very slow. But at least three are more.

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