Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 549: When things are [fourth more! 】

"I am Wei Wuyan!" Wei Wuyan’s hatred of the bones: "I used to be an innocent apprentice, but now it is not." He looked up: "I am asking you for mercy, but because Hong is inferior and shameless, dirty. Inferior! I have nothing to do with him!"

Lang Yilang sneered: "A thousand years... Did you actually find him despicable?"

After he waved his hand, ten people fell neatly from above.

Wei Wuyan and others did not move, nor did they escape.

Four of them, but the supreme one. And they are already exhausted. At the moment, don't say that they are fighting, they just stand up and are very stubborn.

The other party is a master above the supreme one! There are still a few of them, and they are even more of the characters of the second product. As for the first one, Ichiro is even more unfathomable!

In this case, there is no hope that there will be a trace of escape.

Lang Yilang body slipped from the snow like a colleague, standing in front of Wei Wuyan, looked up and down him, nodded, with deep fatigue and loneliness in his eyes, said with a tired voice: "Wei Wuyan, presumably... know me."

Wei Wuyan is cold and cold: "When the first wave of the wave is a god, how can you not know?"

Lang Yilang laughed, but although he was laughing, his face was still so sad and bleak, he said: "I mean, what is between me and Hong Wuliang."

Wei Wuyan was silent.

Of course, he knows this thing; and Hong Wuquan has said it more than once.

but. Ever since Hong’s actions have caused his image in Wei’s heart to collapse. Wei Wuyan is really unable to judge now. What is wrong with these two people?

Lang Yilang sighed a little, faintly said: "I have found you all the way, and forced you to change the route again and again, let you come to this Northwest Wilderness... Is it familiar?"

Wei Wuyan was silent and said: "Yes, it is very familiar."

Lang Yilang slightly decapitated: "Well. You grew up here. Naturally, you will feel familiar..."

Wei Wuyan is silent; there is an inexplicable embarrassment on his face.

Yes, I grew up from here, my own home, my roots. right here. Just to avoid strong enmity, I followed Hundreds of Miles to escape...

Leave here.

Ten thousand people and three people suddenly realized.

Why in this northwest region, in such a harsh environment, Wei Wuyan was able to get rid of the chase once and for all. That's it!

Northwest is the hometown of Wei Wuyan.

However, it is not only Wei Wuyan’s face, but even the face of the wave in front of him is actually the same look.

"It's not just you... my hometown, here too." Lang Yilang said: "The hometown of Hong Wuliang, here too... the person I love... her hometown. Also here!"

"It's all here!"

Lang Yilang’s voice became very empty, very empty, and seemed to be talking to the soul. He muttered: “So I will not hesitate to lay down the nets, dispatch all the forces of the entire law enforcement hall, launch the nine families to chase and intercept, and also push you here. Come."

"Because I have to be in my hometown, I have a lifelong grudge!"

"It turns out that." Wei Wuyan said calmly: "So you only ordered, can not hurt our lives, must be caught?"

Lang Yilang smiled tiredly. Shaking his head: "With your slight strength, do you think you can really beat hard here?"

Wei Wuyan sneered: "Even if we can't, but you do this, it is too much to play with us!"

Lang Yilang frowned and said: "I am very sorry about this."

He paused and said: "But... this is me... the wish of nearly two thousand years. So... even if it is difficult. I have to do it. Even if I can't hold the world, I have to do it."

Wei Wuyan did not speak.

He understands the meaning of Lang Yilang: even if you are sorry for the world, you have to do it! What's more, is it just four of you?

Lang Yilang squats with a kind of tiredness from the soul to the body. This kind of fatigue is like a traveler who does not eat or drink for a few days in the desert, and let people see it. Suddenly there is also a kind of empathy...

It seems that I am tired too. I am tired of this life...

It’s no longer interesting.

"Chuyang is not an extraterrestrial demon... I don't care." Lang Yilang kept his hands behind his back and gathered in his sleeves. He said, "You four, I don't want to kill."

"But the thing of the year, only you Wei Weiyan is a witness!"

When he finished, he turned his head and said: "Please also ask three people to find a place to rest and rest." Then the eyes flashed and said: "Be politely! Don't be rude!"

As soon as one of the supreme came forward, he slammed the ground and hit a big hole in the mountain wall. Then several people went in with a million people and sat down to rest. Sure enough, there is no difficulty for them.

Outside the cave, there is only a lot of snow, and only Lang Yilang and Wei Wuyan.

"You have to cooperate, because if you don't cooperate, your loyal three brothers will die because of you!" Lang Yilang said very plainly.

"You!" Wei Wuyan screamed.

"I only said it once." Lang Yilang’s voice was bleak.

Wei Wuyan suddenly bowed his head: "How do you want me to cooperate?"

Lang Yilang seized Wei Wuyan's biggest painful foot; if only Wei Youyan was alone, he had already had no love, and maybe he was already desperate.

However, the lives of three people were held in the hands of Lang Yilang, but Wei Wuyan did not dare to act rashly; even, he did not even cough.

Three people cherish themselves, accompanying themselves to death, Wei Wuyan can do the same, for them to spare everything!

Including doing anything.

"Follow me." Lang Yilang took a walk in the snow and walked step by step on the cliff.

Wei Wuyan stepped forward and stepped on the footsteps of Lang Yilang.

Suddenly, Wei Wuyan had a wonderful feeling in his heart: stepping on his footprints... if so. Your own destiny. Compared with Lang Yilang, where is it worse?

Isn’t the fate of the two people the same?

It’s all because Hong’s homeless family is dead and lonely!

Thinking of this, Wei Wuyan long sighed.

"One thousand seven hundred years ago, on this mountain cliff, there was a plum huā. Every time the snow flew, Mei huā was also opened, and the white plum huā, in the snowy white snow, was like a fusion. No one knows when Mei huā will open. I don’t know when Mei huā will be thankful;

Lang Yilang’s tired voice said: “Now, even the plum huā tree is gone.”

He stood on the heights and looked up. Then I sat down slowly and patted the snow around me: "Wei Wuyan, sit down. Be patient, listen to me telling a story."

Wei Wuyan silently sat down in front of him.

"This story, I am in my heart, for more than a thousand years... I have never told anyone! Today, when the end of the resentment, let the story be revealed to the world; at least, there can be a story-related People. As a witness!"

Lang Yilang smiled faintly.

Wei Wuyan took a deep breath. Since the appearance of Lang Yilang, he heard a lonely loneliness and sorrow from the voice of Lang Yilang.

And a kind of ... bitter bitterness!

It seems that in this person's heart, there are countless bitter tears.

But my heart is a bit strange: Lang Yilang has been saying that today's resentment has ended; but Hong Wuquan still does not know where to hide, how can I fully understand the grudges today? You only tell me a story, can you end the grievances together?

Lang Yilang smiled bitterly and said: "One thousand seven hundred years ago. It is this hillside. There is a small village in the east 50 miles; the village is called Hongjia Village; and my family is the only surname of Hongjia Village."

"One day. Hongjiacun suddenly changed, and the whole village died of extinction. Only two young people escaped and lived together. They have gone through thousands of hardships and took out the northwest, revenge. Two people swear to the alliance. For the brothers, forever, life and death! Never betray!"

"Finally, the two brothers have their own encounters and finally separated. After seeing each other, it is already thirty years later. Both of them have to worship famous teachers and practice their skills."

Wei Wuyan knows that Lang Yilang is talking about himself and Hong Yuanliang, but this story is clearly different from the story of Hongquan.

"When the two meet, of course, they are not happy. From then on, they are accompanied by the rivers and lakes. At the beginning, the two people have all the income, they are put together, and the two are equally divided; but at that time, the amount of money was slightly higher and earned much more. I earned less; the flood was gradually a little uncomfortable... After I offered it, Hong was infinitely big."

"At one day, the two brothers met a robber and robbed a team. Hun was not going to intervene; but I remembered the hatred of the genocide at that time, so I rushed up; the people of the team They are all dead, only one girl is left. Because of the long beauty, the robbers did not kill, but wanted to rob the mountain."

"I saved the girl...and killed the robbers. But we both have a weak woman, how can we hurry? But if she let her go, she will die all her parents, how can I survive?"

"But I have always been enthusiastic about this matter. After seeing this woman's face, I became enthusiastic. I proposed that we both teach this woman's kung fu; to improve the strength in a short period of time, as long as there is a kung fu, it is no longer cumbersome. For this decision, I and the woman are very much in agreement."

"Time has passed, although Hong Wuquan has always deliberately performed strong, but the woman's dependence on me is getting stronger and stronger; and I also... After half a year, finally, I and the woman have privately set a lifelong life. I exchanged the tokens! The two agreed that when they reported the great hatred, they would sneak into the mountains and hide in the world, and they would not come out again. Peaceful and quiet, and safe and secure."

"At the time, both of us felt happy and satisfied. It seems that this world has become more lovely."

Lang Yilang said that this should be the story of a talented woman, but his voice suddenly became gloomy and resentful.

A sinister breath makes Wei Youyan also a horrible thing.

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