Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 553: The situation is grim [first! 】

When this voice came out, Wei Wuyan suddenly stopped.

Out of surprise!

The accident is not the sudden appearance of this person, but because... With the repair of the waves and waves, I have not noticed that someone is invisible on the side?

Lang Yilang did not move, there was no place to move around the whole body, but his temperament suddenly changed! It becomes like a sharp arrow, and it is sharp and unmatched!

Moreover, his body, the ruthless arrogance of the penalties that just disappeared, has once again returned!

He did not turn around and said faintly: "Spirit? Li Yunyun?"

That voice laughed loudly: "Sure enough, it is the first wave of the wave! The old man is not seen, two hundred years have not seen, actually still remember the old voice!"

With laughter, a white old man suddenly appeared in front of the two quietly.

"Li Yunyun, you are a strong family, what is this?" Lang Yilang did not move, asked faintly.

"Oh, the meaning of the first wave of the wave, is the old man not hearing the lingering past of the first wave of the wave?" Li Xiaoyun squinted and smiled.

This sentence is somewhat disrespectful; and admitted that he has been eavesdropping around.

Lang Yilang’s face was cold and faint: “Is it interesting?”

"It's not fun to see it. It's just that I can't think of the past in the first place. It's so tragic." Li Yunyun said: "The old man was moved by his heart."

Lang Yilang smiled weirdly: "It turns out that the goal of your family is me! Li light cloud, no whispering in front of the Ming people, give your reasons."

Li Guangyun sighed and said: "The first wave of the wave, the old ones came out, one is to help the first wave of the wave to capture the Tianhuo with the party, and second, just want to invite the first wave to sit in the Li family; let us The family’s friendship with the landlord is not meant by the enemy, and there is no intention to target the first seat of the wave. The first seat of the wave must not be misunderstood."

After Lang Yilang’s hands were negative, he looked up at the sky. Whispered: "If I said, don't you go?"

Li Liangyun's eyes flashed, said: "Cough, the first wave of the wave is still promised! Here is a remote place, the mountains are deep and deep; if you are lost here, it is difficult to find the way back."

Lang Yilang sneered.

At this time, the figure shook, and the nine men of Lang Yilang and the people of Wanjie also found anomalies. Have to stand up.

After this period of nursed back to health. Wan Jie and others have basically recovered their physical strength; moreover, these rumors of ruthless law enforcement enthusiasts are not hostile to them. Actually, I also prepared some dry water and let the three people eat.

This makes the three people unexpected.

It seems that before Lang Yilang came here, there was really no intention to arrest them. Just want it but hope it.

Wanjie went to Wei Wuyan's side and looked at him with a look of doubt.

Wei Wuyan smiled awkwardly: "I am fine."

The tens of thousands of people have put their hearts down.

At this moment, there are fourteen people here, opposite, but only Li Yunyun.

"A big big squad! The first trip of the wave, it really is the former call back! The law enforcement person 36 gold medals, actually there are nine accompanying!" Li light cloud flashing, hehe smile, relaxed.

Lang Yilang faintly said: "Let your people come out; don't say anything nonsense! This seat does not want to hear you talk nonsense! I want to let my one wave Lang go to you to be a guest. You have not had such a big face! Under the hand, see the real chapter!"

Li Xiaoyun screamed and shouted, haha ​​laughed: "The first seat of the wave does not give face! Erlang, everyone is sincerely invited!"

With a scream, all sides suddenly responded at the same time: "Please have a wave of the first seat, go to Lijia and his party!"

The shadows flashed and the brush brush appeared.

Four directions in the southeast and northwest. The white man is coming neatly!

Wei Wuyan’s heart sinks: the other side, there are two hundred people! Moreover, all of them are masters!

The current strength of Lang Yilang, simply can not be called with the other side!

Lang Yilang has a blunt face and does not say a word. The eyes gradually become cruel as a corpse!

Surrounded by four sides, it became a huge encirclement. Keep everyone in it.

Li Xiaoyun smiled faintly: "The first seat of the wave, I am a family of six products, one of the five supreme ones, four of the supreme two, four of the three supreme, two of the five supreme, one of the ten supreme; There are fifty people in the nine grades and one hundred and forty people in the eight grades! With a great lineup and infinite sincerity, we invite the first wave of the wave and go to Lijia to be a guest!"

Lang Yilang sneered: "The lineup is not small, but Li is not qualified!"

"Enough is not qualified, the first seat of the wave will know immediately!" Li Xiaoyun's eyes flashed.

The strength gap between the two sides is too great!

Lang Yilang is a light-handed Jane, and comes from a thousand miles; but Li Jia, it is obviously premeditated and prepared for a long time! Now that the lineup is unveiled, on the side of Lang Yilang, the situation is so bad that it is almost impossible to fight back!

Both Lang Yilang and the nine men are all looking at each other. It seems to be commonplace and not at all. The face is a piece of indifference!

They have been in charge of the criminal court for a long time, and they have been doing it for years, that is, tormenting people, or killing people! Over time, my heart has already been honed.

It has become commonplace to live and die.

Whether it is the life of others or their own lives; in their eyes, it seems to be indifferent.

Li Xiaoyun chuckled, it was a smile in the big picture.

In his opinion, Lang Yilang, can not escape!

And the truth is that!


In the snow of the sky, a white shadow fluttered gently, fell in the hundreds of feet, and then flew against the ground.

It is Chu Yang!

He followed the Li family team and walked for a few days, then determined the target direction and found it. However, the other party has many people, and the master is like a cloud. Chu Yang does not dare to show his way.

Until recently, these people suddenly appeared, and they did not care about it. Chu Yang took the opportunity to get close to the venue.

At this moment, looking at the situation in the field, Chu Yang brows faintly wrinkled.

These situations are actually unexpected. Bad to the extreme!

Even if you add yourself, there is no such thing as a chance to win!

However, Chu Yang can't help but want to do it; whether it is for the Amethyst Mine of the Sixth Nine-Year Warrior, or for Wei Youyan Wanjie and so on, he can't stand by!

But now, Chu Yang’s mind flashed over a dozen strategies in the blink of an eye. Compared to the current situation, there is actually no one to use!

Really can't do anything!

"How can we get rid of this dilemma?" Chu Yang thought quickly; looked at the terrain of this piece, this piece. It's just a mountain forest. In the heavy snow, although there are ups and downs, it is not big. The most terrible thing is that there are not even dense forests.

And here is the northwest, the means that can be hidden in the snow, in the eyes of the local family. That's all affirmative!

And Chu Yang still has a headache. It is also this thing that makes him have an urge to marry the mother of these family members: Wei Youyan and Lang Yilang, both of whom have just revenged. The heart is empty, now at this time, even if others do not kill. If you don't deal with them, I am afraid that they all have the tendency to commit suicide.

At this time, it was caught in the scope of a deadly battle. For these two people, it was just when they wanted to sleep.

I am afraid that even if Chu Yang wants to come out, these two people may not go!

This is the most headache for Chu Yang.

If they really want to break through, Chu Yang's current position should be outside, at least 80% of the success of the breakthrough, as soon as the rushed out ... will be caught up, that is after the breakout.

But break through... is sure!

But in case the two of them got on the temper of the temper, there is no love... So, even Chu Yang shot. The biggest possibility is that it will only be affected by two people, and die here!

What can I do? For a time, Chu Yang almost whitened his hair.

The smell of gunpowder in the field is getting stronger and stronger.

"You have to deal with me only." Lang Yilang did not move his eyes, faintly said: "First let these four people leave! These four people have nothing to do with me."

Li Guangyun obviously does not want to have more troubles. I have to leave these four people together. I am afraid I have to pay a lot of money. I nodded and said: "Although these four people are the same party outside the world, but it is with me. It doesn't matter; if you want to leave, please ask now."

"The waves of the predecessors helped me to report the great hatred. At this moment, I can't leave Wei Weiyan and steal the life?" Without the expectation of Chu Yang, Wei Wuyan said: "Wan Xiong. You can leave!"

The tens of thousands of people are unhappy: "Don't we all be greedy and afraid of death?" Cheng Duying and Bao did not even agree: "The boss is talking!"

In the dark, Chu Yang turned his head and said nothing.

These four ribs...

It really makes me speechless. If you go out first. Only Lang Yilang and others have been left. They have been working together for many years, and they have their own tacit understanding. It is also easier to break through.

It’s not good. It’s also possible that I suddenly robbed Lang Yilang at the last moment. Anyway, Li Jia is absolutely reluctant to kill Lang Yilang...

But all four of you are here, but it is actually letting Chu Yang catch it: Brother has the ability to go all out, but he can't fly with five people from the eyes of the six products.

Isn't this going to kill me alive...

"Good! A good loyalty to the liver! A good man!" Li Liangyun sneered: "Toasting does not eat and drink fine wine. In this case, the old age will be the name of your martial arts, let you be a hero." !"

One waved and shouted: "Make these four people into eight!"

Among the Li family members, four people quietly walked out and said: "Please!"

Li Yunyun said: "Quasi!"

The four people turned around neatly and stepped forward to come here. The goal was Wei Wuyan four!

Lang Yilang’s face was cold and shouted: “I’m going to protect the people I want to protect, you dare to move! Gold medal! Give me these four people!”

The black clothes flashed, and nine gold medals were sent out at the same time!

The war is on the verge.

Li Yunyun said: "You don't have to care about the identity of the law enforcement, you can kill it! I only need one wave of a wave!"

A shout, a family of more than two hundred people at the same time!


<It was snowing yesterday, I took my wife, called friends and friends to go out to play, three or four cars full of people, everyone was very excited to go out and go to the mountains to watch the snow.

A buddy also brought two dogs, saying that snowing is a good time to catch rabbits.

Cough; the snow in the city is all gone; on the mountain, there is only one pity, but everyone is so excited. Hey called...

Called for a long time, the rabbit was not caught, the rabbit ran in front, the dog was chasing after the back, a thin dog's hind legs ran straight and did not catch the rabbit...

Cough, so everyone went home and sent the dog back. The girls went shopping, the men went to drink, and the seven or eight people started drinking at one o'clock in the afternoon, drinking four o'clock, then bragging, and drinking at 7 o'clock in the evening. After drinking, I went to sing, and I was so stunned.

Today, I feel refreshed; just my throat hurts; a word scares my wife to jump: it becomes a male duck scorpion...

A comrade-in-arms wife called to complain, saying that the goods were drunk last night. After returning home, I actually turned on the TV and let go of the sound. I sang karaoke as a slap in the microphone, and it was more than two in the morning... ...there was no complaint that it was...

All in all, yesterday was a complete relaxation!

Cough, relaxation is relaxing; but... it should be tense after relaxing.

Cough, the first is sent, I then code the second, third, fourth, and fourth...

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