Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 558: The last order [second more! 】

Chu Yang smiled bitterly.

These people standing at the top of the mountain, really are not easy to each generation; each one is human fine!

Lang Yilang knows his own injury, but he immediately reverts to this after he took the medicine. He immediately confirmed in his own heart that he is the master of the nine robbers!

The last sentence is ‘or you want to go against the sky, but I don’t want it’; it’s expressed in a vague way.

"So, don't persuade me, I don't feel bad... you don't feel bad." Lang Yilang said with a deep meaning: "Let me die, it's good for everyone."

Chu Yang only smiles.

This Lang Yilang is really embarrassing to himself.

He simply cut off his own retreat and cut off the road of Chuyang's progress: You saved me, I am the first seat of the law enforcement prisoner. As long as I go back, the identity of your nine-robbery master can't be saved.

So don't save me.

It can be seen how urgent he is eager to die.

Chu Yang spread his hand and said: "The first wave of the wave has said this to the point, I really have nothing to say. However, the individual always feels a pity."

For the two people to say, the other few people are in the clouds, do not know what it means.

This is also the scruples of Lang Yilang: If he says it, it will kill his four brothers now; even if Chu Yang does not want to destroy his mouth, he can only destroy it! So he only asked to cut off his own way back.

"Nothing a pity." Lang Yilang smiled: "You don't know what I longed for this day, and I was eager to get to where I was. Xiaer didn't have a chance to go with me... but she never did that, hehe..."

"I know that she is consciously thinking that she is white and obscured, and that she is no longer chaste... and I was misunderstood at that time, and it was wrong. It caused a tragedy in Xiaer..."

He sighed. My eyes looked at the mud wall in front of me, and there was infinite tenderness in my eyes: "This is going. I can't wait to tell her, I don't care! No matter what she does, I don't care! I care. Just can't? Together!"

"It has been for many years... I am really afraid that she has been reincarnation at this moment..." Lang Yilang is suffering from a loss, saying: "I don't know if she is still there..."

"I won't be there!" Chu Yang sighed: "She died with infinite regret and great resentment, and her grievances have not disappeared. I heard that even the reincarnation channel will not accept it..."

"Then I will be relieved." Lang Yilang sighed.

Chu Yang said that it is a legend; and Lang Yilang, a high-powered supreme master, even immediately believed.

Everyone is sighing in the heart.

Lang Yilang has not wanted to live, and finding the ‘Xiaer’ is his greatest hope.

Therefore, although I know that the so-called "that world" is illusory. But he still has no hesitation. Although he knew that Chu Yang was comforting him with the benefits, he did not hesitate to choose to believe.

Only in this way can he go to find his lover with confidence.

If even this point of confidence is lost. Then... no matter life or death. For Lang Yilang, there is no point in meaning.

Chu Yang has sunk for a moment. The wrist turned over and said: "The first seat of the wave, if you really want to... then this thing may help you!"

I saw a small petal in the hands of Chu Yang; it seemed to be emitting light.

And this light is like a rainbow.

Just a petal of the size of the fingernail, it is clearly divided into ten colors! Red orange yellow green blue blue purple black and white also has a colorless transparent color.

Lang Yilang was shocked: "Ten color blue petals? Is this the ...... Tianlan Lan? That ... 10,000 years of change, one color 10,000 years of yin and yang **** medicine day petal?"

"The first wave of the waves is a good sight!" Chu Yang sighed.

"I am not good at knowing... but I am asking for this kind of thing, it has been more than a thousand years..." Lang Yilang smiled bitterly: "If I found it before this, I am still interested in finding Hong Qiuquan to report any hatred? Just eat it and go to Xiaer..."

He is smiling, but everyone is moving!

This Lang Yilang, the truth is... infatuated scary.

"Since this is said, I must know how to use the first seat... I only want to remind you that when you are dying, I will put these orchids in your mouth, and you will die; you can keep your soul intact. If you find The soul of your lover, passing the medicine through the soul to half of her... You can keep the soul intact and feel in touch with each other; after the reincarnation... be a pair of fairy monks, loving couples!"

Chu Yang stunned: "Yin Cao is a partner, it is better to be a husband and wife than a red dust."

Lang Yilang’s gaze was so hot that both hands couldn’t help but tremble, and his eyes were excited and red, and he couldn’t say anything: “Thank you...”

As Chu Yang said, Yin Caodi is a companion. Where can I get a pair of fairy monks in this world? Lang Yilang certainly wants to, but he does not dare to hold any hope...

Today, Chu Yang directly solved the biggest problem for him!

Lang Yilang has tears in his eyes, but his mouth is full of smiles. It is a sincere yearning.

Yearning for the afterlife!

No longer a dream!

The biggest problem now is that after he died... can you find that... Xiaer.

Chu Yang couldn't help but also feel sour.

He understands the mood of Lang Yilang.

So he gave the petal orchid. Moreover, only take out half: a whole piece of Tianlan, if a person enjoys, the soul can be forever, and after the reincarnation, with memory, with this life of 30% repaired ... to achieve a bad character!

However, what Lang Yilang wants is not brilliant.

What he wants is happiness.

A piece of heavenly orchid, the two men served, can only stabilize the soul, and then feel each other ... to create a singular phenomenon of 'two souls connected,' but not with memory and cultivation.

The two work together, progress together, and care for each other... that is the true way of husband and wife.

And what Lang Yilang wants is this!

"But you have to remember!" Chu Yang solemnly said: "On the way to the reincarnation, you can't hold hands... Otherwise, if you become a pair of twin brothers and sisters... that would be terrible!"

Lang Yilang’s spirited spirited a slap in the face, and his face was a bit pale and said: “Yes, thank you for your reminder.”

Just now, he thought so in his heart: Once you hold hands, don't separate!

Chu Yang a reminder. Almost scared him to fly away... If it really is like that. That’s true, this hate is endless...

Lang Yilang feels relaxed, even, the gentle smile of the mouth has seen the Tianlan. It has never disappeared.

"Chu brother, this saved me, I must have a reason?" Lang Yilang smiled: "As long as you say. Lang is to do everything, nothing."

Chu Yang smiled: "The first seat of the wave is really a smart person."

Lang Yilang also smiled: "Please say."

Both of them know very well that if Chu Yang is only to save Wei Wuyan and others, then he will never suddenly return to carry a wave of Lang Yilang at the last moment!

Be aware that at that time, you are really risking your life.

As long as the other party is a little faster... Chu Yang has nine lives and can't escape.

Not to mention that after I saved Lang Yilang, I ran a thousand miles with him...

"The purple gas comes to the east!" Chu Yang said implicitly.

Lang Yilang stunned and refreshedly said: "No problem. Chu brother re-created with me, I am a dying person, I can help the brothers, but it is a cause and effect."

Chu Yang was a long sigh of relief.

The sixth section of the Nine Robbery Sword. Now I have finally seen the real eyebrows. I just don't know, the seventh and eighth...what is it?


"Chu brother, here. It takes at least three or five days..." Lang Yilang's breath is a little weak. Slanting leaning against the wall of the cave, some sorry said: "I didn't want to die in this hole... Let everyone be accompanied by a corpse. It's not always a thing... but I saw the petal is really waiting..."

His great revenge was reported, his wish was paid, and the covenant of life came to an eye.... Lang Yilang’s heart was completely put down, and he no longer wanted to take a breather...

Chu Yang Shen Shen said: "Whether life or death ... are the same. Lang brother, you are, you accompany us, you go, we send you!"

Lang Yilang smiled bitterly: "My four brothers... I entrusted you... Chu Yang, let them... go back alive!"

"I don't dare to keep the ticket, I can only do my best!" Chu Yang said seriously.

Lang Yilang knows nod.

If Chu Yang patted his chest and packed his ticket, he would not be relieved... After all, the situation is so sinister now, it is hoped that it is too small.

"You four... Go back and tell the brothers... I, I will go first." Lang Yilang looked at the four prisoners, and said the hard way: "So many years of wind and rain... I have used you, I have also played But in my heart... you are all my little brothers... I... I cherish you very much; these years... Thanks to the brothers, it’s a pity... the road ahead, you have to go by yourself...”

The four criminals burst into tears and nodded again and again: "Big brother... We really don't know what to say... I say this sentence is good all the way, but it is so sad..."

Lang Yilang showed a faint smile: "Don't worry for me... I am happy for me, I am going to... I am dreaming... You, go back... Tell the brothers... From then on, resign from the penalty Position, wave of rivers and lakes, don't be a law enforcer anymore... This is what I gave you... the last order!"

"Why? Big Brother, why is this?" The four criminals were stunned. Why did Lang Yilang say this at the last moment?

"Keep this in mind! Now the law enforcer... is right with the Nine Robber Sword Master... There is no good end; you always believe me... then I believe that I last time..."

Lang Yilang’s voice is getting weaker and weaker: “Continue to go against the master of the Nine Robbery Swords, you will... will die...”

There was a tidal wave on his face: "Promise me!"

It is already back to the light.

"Yes, we promised!" The four people burst into tears.

Lang Yilang snorted and gasped, suddenly cried: "Chuyang... Do you understand?"

Suddenly, I didn’t breathe.

At this moment, Chu Yang shot like a lightning bolt, and he entered the mouth of Lang Yilang in time.


<Second! I followed the codeword third more...>

<Cough, first, after countless eight women sent a message to ask: Where is the bite where the bite is biting? I don't believe it is an arm...

I rub! ! Your shameless eight women are simply intolerable! Penalize each of you a monthly ticket! Am I a liar? So don't believe me, add a penalty ticket! !

You, automatically go to pay a fine. If you think about it in your heart, let’s pay a fine...

Cough, 遁走码字三等...>{飘天文学 www.ptwxz.comThank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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