Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 570: Desperate

Chu Yang galloped forward with the wind and snow, and his heart became more and more anxious.

The heavy snow that hit the face hit his face, but he could not eliminate the sigh of his heart. .

He has not had such emotions for a long time, including the one-time escape from the big Zhao Zhongzhou back to Tieyun, even though it was the time of life and death, he did not feel this way.

This feeling can only be seen when the last life was in the wind and thunder, suddenly surrounded and completely desperate!

But now, this feeling is unstoppable and rises again.

Only he knows, the next step is how to go, it is not a bit of a clue. From the out, break through the first level, the second level, the third level... even the fourth level.

I have used the psychological blind spots of ordinary people, precise fraud, continuous fraud...

It seems that luck has always been on my side.

Behind him, the four prisoners and Wei Wuyan were full of confidence and their faces were very relaxed. Such a strict blockade was actually so easily broken by Chu Yang.

Chu Yang will be able to rush out!

Everyone is somewhat optimistic.

But Chu Yang himself knows that the most difficult moment is coming soon.

Luck, it is impossible to always be with you.

It's a good idea, it can only be a temporary one, it can't be effective forever. Want to rush through the blockade of Li, the most crucial thing is strength! But now the most deficient one is the strength!

The other party made a big move. Only the supreme, is at least a hundred, or even two hundred and three hundred!

The supremeity of more than three products will not be less than fifty!

But on your own side. There are only nine Supreme items! The strength gap is more than a thousand times?

There is also the most crucial point.

Number of people!

In such a runaway, one more person can increase the difficulty by ten times!

If only Chu Yang himself, Chu Yang is sure that he can escape.

In any case, you can take advantage of a glimmer of life, even if it is the ninth supreme killing, Chu Yang also has confidence. Escape from birth.

But now he is not alone, and he is not two. With eight people!

And, among them, their own brothers. There are also four punishments!

This has led to the contradiction of Chu Yang: If it reveals the identity of the nine robbery swords, and strives for it, there is no life. But... four prisoners exist. If you go out, pass it out? This is the law enforcer!

The law enforcer is his own enemy!

That is tantamount to bringing disasters to your loved ones, family, and brothers!

But if it is not exposed, there is absolutely no way to live! This can be determined. Maybe you can just get rid of it, but... what about your brother?

This kind of contradiction is piled up in Chu Yang’s heart.

Not coordinated. ,

If it is a general pursuit, with its own powerful soul, God can sense it, and it can be avoided. Do it to avoid evil. However, the current situation is: the participation in the war is completely supreme.

And supreme, can already shield the mind perfectly! I waited for someone to block the mind and swindle again and again; But the other party also uses this to deal with themselves and others.

I can't figure out the traces and layout of each other!

Suddenly calmed down around.

Between heaven and earth, except for the scattered snowflakes. It seems that it is already silent.

But at the moment of calming down, Chu Yang’s heart raised a strong warning. He did not hesitate to turn into the jungle. At the moment he entered, Jianling had already silently covered the snow. The rise of interest.

Chu Yang does not hesitate. I drilled in at one end.

Although Wei Wuyan and others did not know what he meant, they followed him and drilled in at the same time.

The snow layer fell.

Here, things suddenly, from the road outside, only less than ten feet!

It can be said that it is close at hand.

Everyone looked out at the same time.

The next moment, everyone closed their eyes at the same time.

The heart is cold.

I saw the big road behind me, and the white figure was like a hurricane, coming in, one or two... In an instant, hundreds of people whizzed past and chased toward the front.

The three people in the lead are clearly defined as the five-grade supreme, and the body is approaching the extreme, just like a group of ghosts, and a slamming sound will pass.

If everyone is still on the road, they will definitely be caught up! This is beyond doubt!

If everyone is still squinting and watching, it is only the subtlety of the line of sight, and it will definitely make these six sensitive and sensitive people aware!

Death, so close!

This group of people had just passed, and immediately, with a cry, there were a large number of white people passing over the two sides, and a gust of wind rushed to the front.

A sly voice faintly came: "Everyone is observing the fifth level of the in-situ, not allowed to move! No one will incite the battle, hehe!"

The cold sound seems to have no more feelings than the flying snow in the sky.

Chu Yang is sinking in his heart.

Knowing the most sinister situation, finally arrived.

The other party is obviously not prepared to accompany himself than IQ, the game conspiracy, but to come directly to a constant change!

This is the situation that I am most worried about, and I did not expect it to happen so soon.

You are more conspiring than me, I only compare strength with you. You are more intelligent than me, I am only more than a fist.

The current situation is better than one: the show meets the soldiers!

Anyway, people use a big blade to greet you. What about your son? People have a knife! What is your poem? People still have a knife.

You are also a poet's family to cut you; you write articles or people cut you, you beg for others to cut you; you ignore people... people still cut you!

Chu Yang wanted to take advantage of Li Tongtian’s identity and then slammed it. But at the moment, it is not feasible!

The people closed their eyes tightly, and after a long time, they finally opened their eyes.

"There were three hundred and seventeen people in the past." Chu Yang's voice was faintly passed into everyone's ears: "Where, seven products are supreme, six are supreme, five are supreme, three are four, and four are supreme, The three products are supreme and fifteen people, the second product is supreme and twenty people. One product is supreme, forty people. The rest is all the holy level of **!"

The statistics of Jian Ling are very accurate!

Everyone was heavy and no one spoke.

This kind of strength, there are 90 people in the supreme grade.

No matter which grade, there is a separate killing of their strength!

Two hundred and twenty-seven ** goods are holy. They can also be killed by human tactics alone. Forty-one ones are supreme, and they can consume more... As for the supreme of the sixty-seven products. One can live them!

Such strength, directly can not compete!

Chu Yang also does not want to face positive. But the problem is, even now avoiding. Running away has become a big problem!

The voice of Chu Yang continued: "This is only the one that has been passed by the ambush that we have already abolished, and it has not been counted as a master of the road ahead. It seems that this time, the Li family is doing its best. Rather, it is better to raise mosquitoes in the mountains and not to leave the northwest alive!"

"Roughly, this time, Li has at least sent 200 to 300 Supreme, and as for ordinary people, it is more than 10,000!"

A despair in the hearts of everyone!

How can this go!

Lijia has been operating in the northwest for about 10,000 years! Ten thousand years of accumulation. At this moment, the whole force is on the crowd... It is really a feeling of suffocation!

The underground came to the shock, and everyone was amazed.

Chu Yang took a deep breath: "The other side has a new action... They are about dozens of miles away from the front, and they have excavated a canyon that is hundreds of miles deep and hundreds of miles away. Prevent us from dig through the tunnel. There, there is a high probability that it will be after the fifth level."

Everyone is taking a breath of air.

So big!

Everyone just thought in their minds: the sky can't go. The ground can't go, it's not good, you can only dig tunnels and walk through the ground.

But I did not expect that the other person just raised this idea, the other side will dig out a canyon that is thousands of feet deep and hundreds of miles wide!

One of the criminals couldn't help but screamed: "This is Jiuquling!"

Everyone is silent.

Jiuqu Ling. This name is the reason why everyone has been safe until now: Jiuquling, grounding pulse. It is the necessary way to enter and leave the northwest. The terrain is strong; its hardness is not as good as the black-blooded jungle.

If you want to destroy the mountains in this area, or dig out a huge trench like the one in front, it is absolutely impossible to repair the six products above the fairy.

Therefore, the mountains on both sides of the Jiuquling road are not the Li family who do not want to flatten. It is really... the power is not caught.

This gave Chu Yang and others the opportunity to take the first few levels!

But now, the other six masters above the supreme master actually do not hesitate to do so, do not hesitate to repair the personally shot, but also the last escape route for everyone.

This canyon appeared out of thin air, completely breaking the final fantasy of everyone's heart!

Under such circumstances, there are only two results for everyone: first, collective escape, no one is killed or injured. Second, the whole army was wiped out, and no one survived!

If you are besieged, you should not think about it.

The most sad thing is that everyone is a lonely army! There is no reinforcement outside the grain grass! The embarrassment of this situation is really sad to the extreme!

"Oh... if the first seat of the wave is still..." One of the prisoners sighed.

Everyone is silent. If Lang Yilang is still there, with his six-supreme cultivation, or there is a line of vitality. But now...but I don’t even think about it.

"Now is Jiuquling, away from the northwest, into the mainland, there are seven thousand seven hundred miles!" Chu Yang said softly.

Everyone was silent.

The tens of thousands of people said: "What do you still say about rushing out of the northwest... Don't say seven thousand seven hundred miles, even if there are only seventy steps, it is powerless!"

Into a single shadow, a smile, said: "The original swaying in the mainland, just the holy seven or eight products, I already feel the oldest, my second child... Now it's good, upgraded to the supreme one, but I feel that the supreme one is simply a fart... ”

The bag didn't bitterly face: "It's said, Mom, I don't know if it is so many supreme from the mother's pants. It really feels like a dream! If you are surrounded by only some thrones, thrones... ...that's how good it is. Lao Tzu can play a prestige and then the glory of the glory of the grow-up... Hey!"

Everyone was speechless at the same time; I felt deeply admired for this whimsy at this time.

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