Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 572: Tong Can Chan Lotus [third! 】

"Chuyang? Outside the realm of Chuyang?" Li family is of course well-informed. Once he heard the name, he immediately knew that this person was a Chu **** doctor who had stirred up the sky on the mainland.

"Chuyang is true, but the devil outside the domain may not be." Chu Yang smiled freely: "Dare to ask here, who is hosting?"

"No matter who is hosting, take him first!" A voice is like a gold and iron, and it is heard.

Before the Supreme Deception, Chu Yang did not resist. The next moment, he was locked in Dantian, and the blood was run. Several Supreme also let go of his heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

Someone inside said: "Bring him in!"

Someone took Chu Yang and went in. Although Chutian was locked in Danyang, the blood was blocked, but it did not hinder normal action. Still went in without delay.

Turning the corner is a white tent.

At this moment, three people sneak out from the tent, three pairs of eyes, are looking at Chuyang like a knife.

"Say, the purpose of your coming!" asked Li Lianglei in the middle.

"I came here this time, without rebellion, of course, to come and cooperate with Li." Chu Yang smiled gently: "Dare to ask you?"

Li Weilei smiled strangely: "You don't know who I am? You don't know me?"

Chu Yang shook his head in confusion.

"But I can recognize you!" Li Lianglei taunted: "If the old man's old eyes are not dim, then the white man who saved the wave of Lang Yilang and others at the most critical moment, is that you?"

Chu Yang suddenly burst into shock: "Predecessors are really like a torch! Only a pity of the younger generation, actually did not see where the predecessors were."

The other two of the six products were suddenly murdered in the eyes.

"Kill him! What are you talking to?" Li Lifeng sighed.

"Slightly safe! At this moment, he is already in our hands, want to kill the shackles, not eager for a moment." Li Lianglei gently waved his hand: "Talk about why you are coming?"

Chu Yang said: "This is to talk to the seniors, how can we cooperate with each other."

“Cooperation?” Li Xiaolei chuckled: “How to cooperate?”

Chu Yangdao: "First of all, I have to explain that the reason why I was shot was that there were four people among the besieged people. It was my friend! The predecessors were well informed and naturally knew who the four were. What does it have to do with me."

Li Shaolei leads: "Not bad! That Wei Wuyan, 10,000 people, into a single shadow, and the package does not return, and you really have a relationship."

"So they are in danger, I have to save them." Chu Yang sincerely said: "The loyalty in the rivers and lakes is heavy" I believe that even if I changed my predecessors in my situation, I would not hesitate to choose to shoot."

"Not bad!" Li Lianglei nodded again.

"And, the great enemies of the predecessors, the first sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the law, Lang Yilang, is now dead under the ancestor of the predecessors!" Chu Yang smiled: "The remaining four criminals have become me." People!"

"Become your person?" Li Lianglei frowned.

"Yes, there are many ways to control people, for example, using poison." Chu Yang smiled faintly: "You need to take an antidote once every other time."

Li Lianglei snorted without a word: "Continue."

"The worries of the former generations are nothing more than the news that the law enforcement officials told the Li family against the law enforcement law after they went out, which led to a terrible disaster." Chu Yang is not humble: "But as long as we have reached a cooperation, This layer of concern can be waived."

The look of Li Guanglei’s eyes is uncertain.

"The law-abiding person searches for the extraterrestrial demon in the whole world; it gives me the charge of not being able to turn over this world!" Chu Yang took a deep breath: "Between me and the law-abiding person, it is absolutely impossible to coordinate! The predecessors are It’s a smart person, when I know, I don’t lie.”

"Yes! It is true." Li Lianglei admitted.

"The situation of Lijia is now clear. The predecessors are clearer than me. The nine-robbery sword master is about to be born. Li will soon face the eight major families and the law-abiding people! But when the nine-robber sword master just appeared, the strength must be weak; therefore, Lijia Although the details are huge, it is definitely not the opponent of the entire law enforcement and the eight major families!" Chu Yangdao.

"Yes!" Li Lianglei frowned, still nodded.

"At present, the periphery of Lijia has been eaten up by the eight major families! And Li, in the face of this situation, can only contract, constantly shrink, but can not counterattack, can be said to be extremely wrong."

"It's really good!"

"From now on, Li is very safe! But in the long run, the situation of Lijia is so dangerous!" Chu Yangdao: "A careless, that is, the boat is dead, the whole family is destroyed! This is not impossible! ”

"Well said."

With the step by step of Chu Yang, the color of play in Li Xiaolei’s eyes is more intense.

"At the moment, the eight major families have joined forces with the law enforcement practitioners to encircle me." Chu Yangdao: "So, fundamentally speaking, our two sides, the enemy is the same!"


"The enemy of the enemy is our friend!" Chu Yangdao: "Predecessors must have approved this sentence!"

"Of course!" Li light thunder deep.

"And my information, the predecessors must be clear." Chu Yang proudly said: "In the face of the law enforcement, and the eight major families, I Chu Yang, is not without a fight!"

The look of Li Guanglei’s eyes flashed and said: "Oh?"

"Predecessors should know that the eight major families have a battle!" Chu Yang's mouth glimpsed: "Seven hundred sacred, no one survived! All died!", the peerless master who created this brilliant record, is my side Currently, I am in Chujia, Pingshaling, southeast!"

Chu Yang said calmly: "Of course, she was also injured. However, after this time, it has also recovered more than half."

Li Lianglei’s eyes flashed and said: “I believe!”

In the battle of the massacre, although the eight major families tried to conceal it, how can such a big event be concealed? In particular, the big family, such as the Li family, is even more unlikely to be able to survive.

"There are two people who are in the wind, and now, in my home!" Chu Yangdao.

The look on Li Yanlei’s face was cautious: “Not bad.”

"One of the nine robberies in the past was also in my Chu family! This is a secret to others, but for Li, it is not a secret."

"Yes, I know this." Li Lianglei took a long breath.

These names, which are spoken from this Chuyang mouth, can shake the big man in the world! These names, once they appear, will change. Not to mention being together?

"Predecessors should also know. Bu Liuqing and Ning Tianya are two supreme, and we are alliances." Chu Yang slightly smiled: "The two common disciples are the fiancee under him."

Chu Yang’s face was proud and sly, and she said in a series.

"The disciple of Fengyue Supreme is the confidante underneath."

"The poisonous doctor dances the city, but it is the master of the next sister."

"The one who killed the seven hundred to the best in the First World War is my best!"

Li light and silent.

But the fierce winds and Li Liangyu next to them are getting more and more shocked!

The foundation behind this boy is so powerful!

Able to kill 700 people in the world! One of the nine robbers in the past was a poisonous medicine dance! Ning Tianya, cloth staying in love! Listening to the snow in the moon, soft and windy!

The whole world is standing on the top of the pyramid, there are actually more than half, standing on his side!

These people, just come to a person, Li family must be high to meet!

Chu Yang smiled faintly: "We are not the opponents of all the law enforcement figures in the world, not the opponents of the law enforcement and the eight major families! But our strength, want to protect ourselves... but there is no problem. Even if it is When the law is respected, the ancestors of the eight great families are all there; but if we only ask for self-protection, they will only blink their eyes and helpless!"

"So, if today is not forced into the end of the road by you, I have not thought about it, I want to cooperate with you!" Chu Yang smiled: "After all, cooperation with you is against all the world" risk Too big. And we are married to the family, but there is no one of the nine robberies."

Li Lianglei took a breath and said: "So, you are here to talk to us about the conditions, but it gives us the face of Li Jiatian?"

Chu Yang smiled lightly and said: "Of course, one is that I am now stuck here and can’t come out.

If both of us continue to do the right thing, then I can’t escape. But you have a strong family, in addition to the eight major families and obsessives, but also added my enemy! ”

"Secondly, the cooperation between the two sides, the benefits to me, and only now temporarily save their lives; but for you, the family, but it is a long-term plan. Otherwise, how can I just come to see you?"

Chu Yang pointed at his own eyebrows, hehehe smiled: "Here, this golden line, see it? It is the connection of the two souls, life and death. The seniors should know, what is this... Oh, this is the one The battle has been exhausted to the top of the 700-year-old. If I die, even if the seniors think that they can hide the truth?"

Li Lianglei's face is a bit ugly.

Li Liangfeng and Li light rain face each other; from full of anger, to meditation.

What the other party said is not a lie!

Moreover, the other party is really forced by the family to the point where the mountain is running out of water. It’s really a good thing for the current Lijia to really cooperate with each other.

However, when I think about it, I always feel that something is wrong.

"When the same front, why bother!" Chu Yang said seriously.

"Oh, I admit, what you said is true." Li Xiaolei squinted: "But I don't believe you! I don't believe you will cooperate with us."

He narrowed his eyes: "First, I don't believe in your gold line. Second, I don't believe that Lang Yilang's punishment will become yours. Third, I don't believe it. After I let you go, you Will keep the promise."

Li Lianglei smiled faintly: "There is nothing to eat and drink... The old man has seen a lot. For you, spreading the news, let us fight with the law enforcement, it seems more favorable! I can hardly believe that you will not go out after going out this way!"

Cough, you guess, are they cooperating or not cooperating? )

Seeking a monthly ticket!

It’s snowing outside, I’m going out for a walk, today’s three more! (To be continued)

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