Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 576: Fengyun gathers in the northwest [fourth more! 】

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe that a generation of supreme will be so satisfied for such an ordinary wine.

If you don’t experience it personally, you will not believe that you will be so good...

After eating, I finished drinking.

Everyone just hooked up the mites, and the stomach was only filled with a half full.

"After eating? Start working." Chu Yangtou did not return to take the lead, continue to walk through the ground.

Everyone complained.

"This is awkward, even more terrible than the landlord! Such a high-frequency squeeze of labor..."

But complaining is just an activity, and everyone will not be really angry.

At this time, actually complaining... is also a kind of power, and it is also a way to deepen feelings...

In the excavation.

People such as Jie Yi and Wan Jie also gradually discovered a strange problem. That is, the temperament of Chu Yang is transformed.

Sometimes, like the spring breeze, there is no hurry; there is a mound in the heart, but it is not obvious.

But sometimes, it is very vicissitudes, and it is very bleak, very lonely, very distressing...

Everyone feels weird: Isn't this young guy actually looking back?

Whenever this happens, the speed will always be fast.

Chu Yang seems to vent the constant mining of stones, and several people are also eager to work hard...

Everything happens silently.

It’s just a strange thing: the power of this goods, really he is not the average person, we are already tired of the car behind him, panting, he is still a hundred times more spirit...

Naturally, everyone does not know that in such a higher frequency of work, Chu Yang’s soul has been transformed back and forth seven or eight times. Jian Ling and Chu Yang took turns.

Although Sword Spirit is reluctant, he screams, "My sword spirit is the character of the top of the world. I have never dug a broken stone..."

But under the arrogance of the sword master. Jian Ling also had to participate in the work of digging stones.

On the third day, new problems came.

There is no problem with eating and drinking for the time being; however, people are in a hurry.

What about this... pulling urine?

Even if it is supreme. Can't just enter it.

In this regard, Chu Yang's answer is very simple: I want to find a solution. The only requirement is: don't let me hear! Don't let me see! Don't let me smell it! Don't let me know!

So now everyone is going to use the toilet as a thief, and they sneak around to the end... quickly solve it.

Anyway. Also quickly blocked the big stone...

After three days...

When everyone rested, Chu Yang took out the dry food and the fine wine, and everyone was waiting for it...

Chuyang moved out of the jar, and each person was filled with wine, chewed food in the crowd, and enjoyed the taste of wine.

Chu Tianmo said very embarrassedly: "You use it slowly. I went to the back to solve it. Cough, I can't stop it. Just put a fart, you smell it... I feel bad about myself..."

In a word, everyone suddenly described it as weird.

this moment. There is something chewing in your mouth, do you come here?

Nima! Do you want to be more embarrassing!

Especially in the solitary shadow, this moment is really crying. The dilemma of life and death: Chu Yang just squatted in front of him. He followed closely, his nose was only a stone's throw from Chu Yang's ass...

this moment. Wan Da Ge is stuffing his bulging food in his mouth and is preparing to swallow...

In an instant, I felt that the food that had been scented at the moment was like a bowel movement. I vomited and almost vomited out...

"Mom! Hey!"

Eight people were raging, and when they swarmed, they pushed the boy underneath, and they burst into arrogance...

After a long while, Chu Tianmo, who had a swollen nose and swollen face, went to the end and went to the end...

Everyone looked at each other and grinned at the same time. Cough, because you are cautious, you can’t make a don’t misunderstand...

But please imagine that there are a few big men who have a few old men laughing like a little girl with a mouth... a cold.

However, everyone’s heart is touched.

It is really unbearable for this kind of boring work to be carried out underground for a long time. Everyone is not young, the youngest is nearly a thousand years old, and there is no spirit to make fun.

Chu Yang just made this joke, but it was just right to use his own as a punching bag. Under a smile, all the psychological pressures disappeared without a trace...

Good intentions.

At the same time, eight people actually found out what everyone was.

The dry food of Chuyang seems to be endless. Nine people have been eating for seven days, and even every meal can still be half full. I really don't know how much stock is in Chuyang.

But everyone did not say anything.

As for the wine, three cups per person. Now seven days, even though the jar of wine is big, it is time to bottom out. If it is strictly calculated... Santan should be gone.

But Chu Yang's wine jar is still still easy, every time can pour out three cups.

There are distinctly weird.

But everyone did not raise it.

I know that Chu Yang is the person in charge of the materials, and the pressure in my heart is definitely much bigger than myself. His young man, who can do this step, can't share his pressure with his old guys?


After a short time, Chu Yang came back and started working.

During this time, take a break every three days.

When you are resting, play out a large cave in advance so that everyone can lie flat and recover the tired body with the greatest effect.

However, even when sleeping, Chu Tianmo is also magical: there is a piece of dry food in everyone's mouth: not allowed to chew, to sleep... avoid snoring...

After all, when you are tired, it is impossible to fall asleep and want to snoring. But there is dry food in the mouth, it is not the same... I was hungry, I still can't eat it... I can't help but secrete saliva when I fall asleep, and slowly dry the dry food...

The calculation of Chuyang is extremely accurate: the dry food is completely destroyed, and the difference between people is not enough.

Everyone complained.


Ten days passed!

Calculated the progress, has been played out 1,500 miles!

This time. There has been no movement at all; it seems that Li has really not found this time... everyone is relieved.

after all. The scope of the Jiuquling here is thousands of feet, and with the ability of Chu Yang to have a few supreme powers, in the eyes of Li Jia and others. Still can't reach such a powerful...


Therefore, during this time, the surface is completely completely turned over.

Li Lianglei and others are grievous and crying.

Who can think of this situation?

Clear goals have emerged, and. It has also been locked by myself and others! Everyone chased after the chasing, and after half a day, they found that the enemy disappeared.

Where can I go when I disappear?

There is no **** anyway. That is the earth?

Ever since, the whole area where the sword spirit disappeared, regardless of whether it is a hill or a mountain, has been completely turned over by the Li family. What is more than a thousand feet?

With such strength, three thousand feet were dug up and turned over.

Li family is very rewarding! Some beasts, such as hundreds of years old snakes and so on. They are all warm under the ground, this time, all turned out.

Even the mice were killed by a single one.

Every stone that exceeds the size of a human head is smashed. Look at the past. The entire eight hundred miles. It is a desert.

However, the real goal is nothing.

After Li Jia was informed of such a situation. A large number of people were sent again.

Li Er's second ancestor, Li Xiangsi, personally led the team and grabbed Li Lianglei and smashed a dog's blood. "What do you think you have to use? I saw that I still couldn't catch it? I chased three hundred behind the **** stocks." In fact, I can chase people out... I still have a sentence that 'disdain disappears'...they are not ghosts!"

Li Lianglei was trained to pull his head and jumped blue.

But I don't know that there is a saying in Li Xiangsi that it is on the idea: they are not ghosts... Yes, sword spirit is not a ghost, but the essence, but the ghost... there is no difference.

Strictly speaking, this is an old ghost!

The beggar's blushing neck and thick spleen and squeaky teeth raised valuable information: "The ancestors, I can guarantee that these rabbit scorpions are turning into the northwest! As long as we maintain a tight seal, they will definitely not go out!" ”

"Follow me, I have a fart?" Li Xiangsi was furious: "I am not going to find it!"

The entire northwest turned upside down, and the place where the original mountains and mountains were. After this incident, the moment was the plain of the sea...

The mountains are flattened.

I believe that in the northwest, I will change my name and change it: the Great Plains of the Northwest!

There are several small families with vassals who are not doing well, and the violent family members have killed the whole family on the spot...

The wind is raging, the grass is all soldiers! ,

The big move of the Li family, so violently so abnormal, such a big hand, of course, caused the attention of the major families outside.

For a time, the big families looked at the northwest, and they were more dense and more careful.

The nearest Lingjia, night house, Xiao family, etc... All the personnel handed out are quietly infiltrating into the northwest. Among the law enforcers, many people are coming to the northwest.

The criminals of the torture hall naturally know that the boss is where he went. He has not heard the news for so long, and he has sent people to come to scout...

Li Jia naturally refuses to let these people come in, so the conflict at the border is also more intense every day...

Southeast side.

Since Chuyang entered the center of the mainland, there has been no news of the past. Everyone is also anxious.

The injury to the city has been restored more than half, quietly thinking, accepting the entrustment of the people, with the purpose of the 'experience apprentice', with Chu Leer easy to change out of the southeast. I remembered that Chu Yang seemed to say that he was going to the northwest...

So Chu Leer even spoke with a threat and took the Master all the way to the northwest...

Invisible, the remote northwest of this terrain has become a gathering place for the wind.

When the whole continent is in a mess, Chu Yang is underground, and naturally he knows nothing.

He is just thinking about the words that Lang Yilang said before he died, and the last sentence that he did not cover up: "Chuyang, do you understand?"

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