Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 589: Revenge does not need a reason [fourth more! 】

"Shut up!" The black man turned his head and glanced at him coldly: "You are not a dog, what is it called?"

"You...hey, I am a dog?!" The old man in the yellow robe was so angry that he trembled: "Let me! Give me a lesson!"

For thousands of years, who dares to blame yourself?

Suddenly heard this sentence, the old man of Huangpao almost fainted.

With one order, the digital supreme rides the chasing beast and squats forward. Everyone waiting for this order has been waiting for a long time!

This black robe guy is too arrogant, and everyone can't wait to teach him!

Know that you are a master, but even if you are a master again... Can you resist so many supremes with one person? What a joke!

The black man slowly stood up and his face muscles moved. It seemed to be a smile. Then he said faintly: "You made blood debts. Someone has to discuss it... I didn't want to be more embarrassed... but, since you sent it to me, I It will not be polite!"

The sleeves of the robes were raised, and the two sleeves flew out in the clouds.

A group of colorless and odorless light blue singular smog, first surrounded by Chu Yang and other people in the body ten feet, then slammed into a sudden, suddenly filled the entire mountain!

The chasing beast screamed at his master and rushed up! I rushed into this pale blue smoke!

next moment……

Suddenly horrible things happened!

All the supremes who entered this blue smog and their mounts suddenly fell silently to the ground.

The next moment, whether it was a human or a beast, the unity smashed two times, and then stretched out the legs... From the body, a light blue smog came into the blue smoke that surrounded Chu Yang and others. Go among them.

The blue smoke is more intense.

The thirty or forty people who entered this range and the thirty or forty chasing beasts, but one by one fell to the ground, and the body slowly emerged with light blue smoke, just like after the point is gone, but there is no The sound of the gun, just smoke...

However, whether it is a human or a beast, the muscles of the body are shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With more and more blue smoke. The people on the ground and the chasing beasts have become silent, bone shelves...

Immediately, with a bang, a bit of blue smoke appeared on the pale bones, and it slammed into the ground and became a pile of white powder.

Another burst of blue smoke, even such a powder, disappeared without a trace.

A total of thirty-three supreme. Connected with thirty-three heads and eight spirits to chase the wind beast. Even a little trace was left, and it disappeared between heaven and earth.

Even the core of the spirit beast was dissolved. Made a blue smoke!

Everyone widened their eyes, grew their mouths, and looked at this strange scene. Rubbing your eyes desperately.

One of the six products was very close, and one hand had already touched the blue smoke. Then he discovered the scene and quickly shrank his hand. One of the heads left the chasing beast and turned back, only to find that his hand had begun. Blue smoke is coming up.

Desperately, the power is blocked, but it does not help.

With a sigh of relief, the sword was pulled out of the sheath and the arm was pulled from the shoulder.

Blood spewed out.

The arm fell to the ground. Jumped twice, and the blue smoke disappeared. At the same time, his mount also turned into a blue smog.

On the top of the mountain, the mountain wind whistling, this group of blue smoke is actually lingering, and there is still a tendency to expand outward.

A dead!

"Supreme smoke! You are a city of dance!" The old man of Huangpao shouted like a ghost. Then he slammed back a few steps and his face was white!

At this moment, the smoke on the black man's face is gone. The old man in the yellow robe finally remembered who the black man was. No wonder he felt familiar. In the family, there are his portraits...

But it is better to not recognize it, this is recognized. The eight-product supreme wants to cry: Who can think of getting a few cannon fodders and actually provoke the god?

Yes. Nearly 100 Supremes come forward together, even if it is Ning Tianya and Bu Liu, you must be in a hurry; but this does not include the dance city!

The poison of the dance city does not care much about the enemy. As long as it is not the nine supreme, it can not resist the poison of the dance city! Even if you come up with 10,000 at the same time, he can give you a complete reimbursement at the same time!

The black man is of course a dance city. I saw him a little surprised. "You used to call this poison a supreme smoke... I have always called it 'dream like a blue'. You see, this blue The smog, isn't it a dreamlike color?"

Huang Yi old man wants to cry.

The Supreme Supreme looked at the air with awe-inspiring eyes, and could not help but be disgusted.

Yes, this color is indeed a dream, just look at its color, it is really comfortable... But this is a terrible thing to die, and, in this part, there is a considerable part that is actually burning the supreme After that, it came out and melted in...

Let people think about it, there is an impulse of fear and vomiting.

Such a life-threatening thing is actually called ‘dreams like a blue’...

"A blue one, life is like a dream, all unreal." The dance city faintly explained: "Do not think it is just awe..."

The old man in Huangpao’s face was so weeping, and the hoarse voice said with a tough voice: “It’s the dance predecessor’s personal presence... the younger generation... the younger Chen’s Chen Tianxing is polite... just...hehe, these little brothers...hehe ...somewhat misunderstood...and please dance the predecessors... understanding."

"Misunderstanding, I know." The dance city nodded. "If you can save this kid, this thing will not happen! I will forgive you!"

Said, dancing the city finger toward Wei Wuyan.

The old man of the yellow robe, Chen Tianxing, only thought about crazy madness on his face.


He knows for himself how much power he has used!

Don't say that it is a second-class supreme!

Even if the four products are supreme, the five products are supreme, I am afraid that it is impossible to survive! It was already very lucky that the palm did not play this kid on the spot.

At this moment, Chen Tianxing looked at the eyes of Chu Yang and others and was full of regrets!

Helpless confession!

If you know that they have a relationship with the city, and that the city is nearby, Laozi would rather give them a few sons and put them on the road and never dare to hit their ideas...

"This, people can't resurrect..." Chen Tianxing swallowed: "Please also ask the seniors to mourn... Our Chen family is willing to pay any compensation... as long as the seniors can be satisfied..."

"Yeah, of course, you have to mourn." The dance of the city is of course: "But people are dead! Dead... there will be a price! You said, right? This is a **** sea."

Chen Tianxing nodded again and again. The face turned into a bitter gourd: "Yes right."

In my heart, it is a grievance: you only have one death, we are here... These thirty-three people have already returned to heaven and earth. The twelve people below have you dancing in the city. It is estimated that the antidote has not been obtained. ......

It is blood and sea enmity that you are dead. Why are we not dead? And is it... more dead?

But this sentence is not killed or dare to say it!

"Chuyang, are you going to deal with him?" Wucheng looked at Chuyang who had been silently taking care of Wei Wuyan. Said.

"I just made a poison oath. You should have heard it too!" Chu Yang eyes slowly became blood red: "I want him to watch his own family being destroyed, chickens and dogs are not left!"

"Good!" Danced the city and said: "So, let him go first?"

Chu Yang word: "Cheats personally reported! I want to personally. Revenge for no face! In any case, even if it is devastating, it is against the sky and ... I want the Chen family. Gray smoke!"

Chen Tianxing shouted loudly: "Hello, you are too wrong to say this! You are just dead, we are dead more than forty people... You are dead brother, I understand that you are sad, but we die Isn't it a brother? Is it not the flesh and blood of future generations?"

This sentence, if it is before, he is not willing to say. Because it is said, it is equal to begging for mercy.

But at the moment. He has to say.

Because this person has a close relationship with the dance city, if you want to destroy the Chen family, it is really not to say that you play.

Chu Yang screamed and said: "So, we all want revenge. People are the same, this is the same. Everyone is not dead! But all this is built on strength! If you can kill me, revenge I have no complaints!"

"But I want to kill you to avenge my brother... it is justified!"

"In your heart, all of us are dead... I can't beat you one. It's also in my heart!" Chu Yang slowly raised his head: "The cause and effect of the cause, who is right and who is wrong. I don't want to say more. I only Say one thing: Even if your Chen family is extinct, the chickens and dogs will not stay. It is hard to eliminate my hatred!"

Chen Tianxing stunned!

Chu Yang said yes.

Even the other party has even abandoned the right or wrong. The cause of the incident is of course caused by Chen’s unreasonable reason. But the other party will not care about this.

I want to take revenge, to kill, no reason! No reason is needed. You don't even need anything big, you don't need any height.

Only one is enough: my brother is dead!

This reason is enough to obliterate any other reason, any premise, any justification!

The silhouette of the top of the mountain flashed, and a crisp voice called: "Big brother, big brother, are you okay?"

Then a little girl with a powdery makeup rushed over.

Going into the blue smoke.

Everyone was surprised, but when they saw that the little girl was doing nothing, she rushed straight in, and then she was delighted and shouted: "Big brother! You are really good..."

"I am fine... but Wei brother..." Chu Yang frowned, biting his teeth. The tears that have already rushed to the eye are forced to go back. There was a light mist in the eye.

"Die Big Brother? This... What's wrong with this?" Chu Leer was shocked and immediately saw Wei Wuyan: "This... Master, you will save me Wei Big Brother!"

Chen Tianxing’s eyes closed, and his heart was infinitely stunned: it turned out that this little girl was an apprentice of the city. And this person is the big brother of this little girl...

The old man’s luck was really gone, and he suddenly got into the poisonous nest...


< Fourth is sent! I continue to code the fifth more... Maybe after zero, everyone can watch it tomorrow. >{飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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