Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 597: Tongtian Kendo starts today

Chuyang is like a leafy boat in the turbulent waves. It rushes with the wind and waves, and falls with the wind and waves. But no matter how big the wind and waves, it can never completely submerge this leaf boat.

Chu Yang’s heart is empty and forgets everything. Just follow the sword of the other side and cast a soft water sword.

Even, there is no need to use any tricks at all.

But it constitutes a seamless defense!

"If the other's sword is a raging wave, a storm, I have only one bend in the water..." Chu Yang thought: "But... if you bend the water, you can't attack it?"

“If I am a river, what will happen to the storm?”


"If I am a river, then the wind and rain should be to increase my strength! Whether it is raining or snowing, or fog, it will only add strength to me..." Chu Yang suddenly raised his mind.

The next moment, his sword is a change!

Become accepted!

next moment!

Puff puff……

Chu Yang shouted, one rolled out ten feet, squatting on the body, just such a change, is to add more than a dozen wounds, if not fast, the entire left leg is almost cut.

The night drunk eyes reveal a cruel look, the magic sword drive straight into the volley, direct volley, a sword smashed into the Chu Yang heart!

Chu Yang Wolverine rolled on the ground, jumped up, the long sword slammed into a cross, a strong vibration force came, Chu Yang is a turn over a dozen feet.

The other side's sword has already arrived.

From the beginning to the end, Chu Yang did not even take the time to take Jiuzhong Dan!

Chu Yang was helpless and had to use the soft water sword to stabilize the situation.

In my heart, I am puzzled: I guess, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. This should be the reason, but why do I do this, but will be followed by a heavy blow?

The sound of the long sword Dangdang collision is more and more dense, obviously the opponent's sword is getting faster and faster!

Chu Yang snorted and went backwards again.

but. It was this impact, but he suddenly understood!

Yes, it turns out!

The creek can accommodate storms, but if the storm is too big, it will destroy the creek!

If the creek's continuous soft water means losing the dam, it will disappear!

And his current position is a small stream. If you don’t move yourself. Then let the other side attack, he is still the creek.

However, if you are not self-reliant. If you open a source and want to accept another source of water, you have to look at your own capacity.

The current night drunk is like another creek. Or Xiaohe, or Dajiang...

I only have the capacity of a small creek, and I can't accommodate each other. Then, it is only destroyed by the other party!

So now, I use the soft water sword, I can only defend, but can't attack!

At least, before growing up to become a big river. Can't attack.

Dajiang can already accommodate the trickle; but it still can't accommodate another big river!

If you want to attack and hurt people with this sword, or even hurt someone higher than yourself, then at least you have to become an endless sea.

In this way, in any case, they can be invincible and can counterattack the enemy at any time.

Even if the enemy is stronger than itself. the same alsp.

There is a storm in the sea, the stronger the offensive of the other side, the greater the wind and waves in the sea.

But this point, whether it is a river or a stream... can't do it!

Thinking of this, Chu Yang's heart is suddenly stable.

He believes. I have found a way to go all out! Now, walk on this road. Only self-protection, the evil can not be invaded; it is enough.

But when you grow up, you can use this piece of the sea to drown out any enemies!

In the Jianguang vertical and horizontal, the night drunk is refreshing, but it also feels infinite depression, and the sword in the supreme battle, the ubiquitous sword meaning, it really benefited him.

But the most depressing thing is that the opponent has not attacked from beginning to end!

I was completely crushed by myself.

This makes the night drunk uncomfortable: you don't hit me, you don't attack, I can understand it, it is very limited. But why don't you attack? Make clear that you have the power to attack.

Of course, the night drunk does not know, this is his unreasonable barbaric attack, but this time the world has added a truly invincible sword!

This battle has hit the present, he has not been hurt, and the benefits are not small; the other side seems to be bruised and bruised, but the benefits are not imagined by his dreams!

If it is said that the night drunk got a gold ingot, then... Chu Yang is in this battle, got a national treasury!

How much gold is there in the treasury?

"End it!" The night was drunk and shouted: "Since you don't want to attack, go there and die!"

"Magic sword kills the sky!"

A fierce!

The magical flames of the sky suddenly burst out and spread the world!

This sword is completely a sword and is dominated by swords!

The real magic sword!

Chu Yang shouted and said: "Red dust is ruthless, and you can't take the knife!"

Suddenly, the soft water swords are all put away, and what follows is the mighty killing!

All the tactics of night drunk are to deal with his soft water swords. Now, it is also the way to deal with the soft water swordsmanship: with the most violent attack, throwing the other side!

Just like a river, all-round sudden infusion into a river!

It will be washed in an instant!

His strategy is completely correct!

But he did not expect that the other party suddenly gave up the seamless defense of the day at this moment, suddenly turned into an offensive, all the power concentrated on one point, spurs!

A sword is like an empty scream, from the night drunken sword Jianguang long drive straight into, only a sword, it stabbed the night drunk right chest chest!

Between heaven and earth, suddenly still!

The blood is flying.

Chu Yang has dozens of sword wounds and blood at the same time, which is the final attack! The injury looks horrible, but there is no fatal injury.

His sword, staying in the chest at night, and entering the meat three inches, will not enter.

It is a deadly kill!

Chu Yang did not advance, but instead stepped back two steps and pulled the sword out.

The night of drunken eyes reveals an incredible look, and the body is like a lightning strike, suddenly froze!

The night drunk face reveals a complex look: "Why don't you force? A sword kills me, isn't it clean?"

Chu Yang shook his head. Said hoarsely: "Why kill you! Besides, I can't kill you."

In the night drunk, the color of the poisonous corpse is revealed: "Oh?"

Chu Yang shook his head: "You are the peak of the four products, my sword, if you go further, you can't break your defense. The battle of the swordsman, this is the end of today!"

The night drunk meditation, said: "If you are stabbing in, I will fight back. I will die. You will die. But although I can't die, I will become a waste person. Well, this battle. You win! Level battle, I am not your opponent!"

Chu Yang smiles: "Fast!"

He said beautifully, but the truth is not so. The reason why I did not get in. Not at all because I can't kill the night drunk. Taking advantage of the night drunken enemy, just a sword, Chu Yang can use the sword without a sound, completely killing this dangerous enemy!

And if that is done, there is no chance to fight back at night!

The real reason is: Chu Yang this time, this is to enter the night home. Night drunk this sword idiot, is a perfect springboard Chu Yang how to let go of this opportunity?

This battle, in the view of Chu Yang, is the bright road into the night!

Another reason is: night drunk this sword is supreme. In Chu Yang's view, it is the sharpening stone of Gu alone! If Gu Zhixing can't fight with him, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

You are dead now, too wasteful! If you are dying, please... die under my brother's sword!

The night drunk and snorted, said: "I don't take your love, you sword. Although it does not hurt the internal organs, but the nine swords criss-cross, but also hurt me is not small; your injury, all The flesh hurts, but the last sword of your bastard. But it hurt my bones!"

Chu Yang said calmly: "If I don't hurt you, if you repent after the war. What should I do?"

The night was drunk and laughed.

In fact, he is in the heart of this: after this war, regardless of victory or defeat, immediately show the true repair, kill this person!

What rules of the sword are not rules in the sword, where do you manage so much?

But now it is no longer feasible.

This sword of Chuyang hurts his ribs; even if he replies to the four-product cultivation and forcibly carries the sword, it will lead to a long-term failure to recover; serious, even a life-long disability!

The two men have been exhausted since they hit it; Chu Yang is really exhausted, but although the night drunk can't reach this level, but because of the injury, the seat is sitting on the ground and smiling.

But each other knows their own heart: there is absolutely nothing to cherish.

Night drunk still wants to kill Chu Yang, Chu Yang... Also, there is no good thought about the night drunk. On the surface, however, they are afraid that the other party will not feel their own ‘惺惺相惜’.

"Happy!" Night drunk smiled: "What is your name? That sword defensive, really wonderful!"

After a pause, he said again: "Especially, after the overall defensive, suddenly the singularity is outstanding, and the one-shot triumph is even more a god's pen! Admire!"

This principle is very simple, just like our table tennis. If the ball is cut and the whole game is cut, it will suddenly be a cold and a slam dunk. Even if it is a world champion, it may be a time to fight.

Of course, it is easy to talk about, but it is difficult to do it.

Chu Yang is about to answer, and suddenly a sneer screams. The sound is definitely not far away, that is, within a few dozen feet.

Both of them are eclipsed.

There is absolutely no goodwill in this laugh. Obviously it is the enemy, and it should be prepared early, and it will only come close after the end of the battle.

Just two people were fascinated by the battle. One was a sword idiot. The other was pressured to be innocent. The end of the battle was a sigh of relief. Although they were not very alert, they could be close in such a short time. But it is not something that ordinary people can do!

This shows that people are definitely not a mediocrity!

Both of them are now seriously injured, but the situation is extremely bad.


<After zero, it is double the monthly ticket, and the white blade is fighting. are you ready? >

< The last three days of the update plan will be announced in the next chapter. >{飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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