Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 609: Tianya said [first! 】

Supreme, the gate of the avenue!

Chu Yang was shocked by these eight words, and he was more conscious of his mentality.

Even Lian Tianya said so, then, it must be different!

Unconsciously, Chu Yang straightened his back. The two ears are tall, lest they miss a word.

Ning Tianya took a long breath and spit it out with a long breath. He sighed deeply and said: "This, I also learned it recently; but although I realized it, I myself are no longer Nothing hopes to reach the top..."

"It's not ironic, it's amazing!"

Ning Tianya looked infinitely lost and sighed.

Chu Yang sat upright and did not speak. Just listen and listen.

"If you compare this mountain to life, then the road to the mountain is the road to life. There are too many martyrdoms on the road of life."

Ning Tianya slowly said: "The martyrdom will hinder you from moving forward, which will restrict your speed. However, you can increase your experience and let you have lessons and experience..."

"From birth, you don't have to go all the way to the peak, you haven't seen it since ancient times!"

"But here, the martyrdom we are talking about now, is not the kind of martyrdom."

"It's, experience, but a lot of life, have to do it, have to guard, some precious!"

"Some roads are parents, sisters, brothers, true feelings, affection, and wives, children, etc... These are the most precious rumors if they are the martyrdom that affects the speed of progress on the road of life. !"

"Note, I am talking about the ramp that affects the speed of advancement, but speed rather than influence progress... Do you understand?"

Chu Yang nodded: "Fully understand!"

Life is not where you think, you can go anywhere. Nothing else is ignored. There are always some things. When you sprint, when you start, it will disturb your mood and will make you confused...

For example, the parents' care, the tears of the lover...

These can all make a steel heart. The moment turns into a soft finger.

Ning Tianya said: "Many people, the heart of the martial arts is determined to be extremely strong. You must know that when a heart is firmly at the extreme... there is only coldness! At this time. No matter what, no one can shake him. "This kind of person is a martial arts madman! He only sees his own goal, he only sees the martial arts peak! He wants to climb. So, he gave up everything around him and embarked on this road!"

"His eyes are always in front, so when he walks through every fork in the road, he will not be distracted. Just walking firmly, he will not care. At the intersection, is there any relatives, is there any? His concern..."

Ning Tianya said: "So, this kind of person will become a master! Become a strong! He is like a hard knife, will continue to slash down until the moment when the blade is broken!"

"Is the knife broken? Yes! Because he is too hard!"

Chu Yang listened, if there is a realization in the heart.

"Being a person, and practicing martial arts, is one. To be a simple 'person', you can't do well, but also talk about what martial arts peak?" Ning Tianya sighed: "One person, practicing martial arts, is to protect, not Simply to become stronger."

"Strong, why? Just to kill people? There is no goal you want to protect, there is no one you want to protect, then there is no direction you have to work hard, so even if it is a nine-product supreme, even more than nine products supreme But wait until the end... without any enemies, you can beat yourself!"

"Because you have no reason to win at that time!"

"Even if the martial arts madman, the reason for the beginning of cultivation is the same, it is the guardian. Absolutely no one has said since childhood: I want to become stronger, so I practice! Oh... everyone is the same, cultivation is for Protection, and protection, is affection, but walking around, they forget it."

"From the grave, it is from now on!"

Ning Tianya said: "When I was young, I also had parents and family, and I also had wives and children. I always thought that I was very good to my family, but my family died one by one."

"I regret it, because I can do it better! If I practice less for a while, and use a lot of thoughts on my family, I can extend their lifespan until I can no longer extend them... I don't regret it. But I don't have it. I had more thoughts at that time, or I hurry to the peak, laughing and arrogant, and looking at the world!"

"I did it, but when I was able to laugh at the world, my side, no one cheered for me. For me, I am a person I don't know, and I don't have a relationship with me. So, I What is the use of this kind of applause?"

Chu Yang understood.

"So, the real supreme goal is that you should first make a 'person'; then say other. Do 'people', how to do it? In front of parents, be a good son, be a good man in front of his wife and sister. In front of children, be a good father, be a good friend in front of friends, in front of the enemy, you are the king of Jurassic!"

"Pay attention to these sequences; the enemy is at the end!" Ning Tianya said: "Do you understand?"

Chu Yang profoundly said: "I think, I understand."

"Do it all, you are complete. You have a retreat, no matter where you go, you have roots!"

"The tree has roots and can live. People have roots and they go far."

"So, when you are on the way to the martial arts, you should pay attention to the roads around you, remember. Then when you are tired, you can retreat, return to your roots, and recuperate."

"As you move forward, you abandon your roots, and if you can't retreat, you will die alone on that road!"

"Some people love their wives deeply and die. They think that they are gone, but they are sentimental. Is it just his feelings for his wife? Is it true to parents, to family, to children, to Children, shouldn’t there be love?”

"So that is still ruthless! So in the end, it will still be annihilated!"

Ning Tianya said here that Chu Yang’s heart was shocked.

He thought of his ancestors, Chu Xiaoxin. Does Chu smile have a feeling? Feeling deep like the sea is beyond doubt! But is he ruthless? Also ruthless. Because he abandoned his other feelings for his wife's feelings, for the sake of the past, he threw the feelings of the past. So, Chu smiles, is also ruthless?

I remembered Lang Yilang and remembered Wei Wuyan...

"Relentlessly..." Chu Yang sighed deeply.

"So, the door of the avenue is that you can do what you can do, be able to guard, and let your heart be intact; you will have the power to attack any peak!"

Ning Tianya said heavily.

Chu Yang said silently: "But if you do all of this, where is the time to practice?"

Ning Tianya’s strange eyes widened: “How can there be no time? Do you not enjoy the peace of mind when you are with your parents? Is this peace of mind, isn’t it cultivation? When you are with your friends and brothers, Isn't it enjoying the warmth? Is this warmth, not a state of mind cultivation? Can you feel happy when you are lingering with the red face? Isn't this happiness a state of mind cultivation?"

"And these are not a lot of time. Even sometimes, you only need to let them know where you are, it is enough. Your cultivation is enough!"

"People have seven passions and six desires, why? Seven emotions are perfect, it is life! Life is perfect, it is the avenue; the avenue is perfect, because there is root!"

"In the hearts of the people, there are many martyrdoms. But these martyrdoms belong to different feelings; they all go hand in hand. You must choose one of them as the main road. But others, you can't ignore it. If not, The farther you walk the road of martial arts, the farther you are from your life. If you can't see it far away, you can't come back, that is, the moment when you collapse... it's like Mu Xiu Yulin."

"There is a root, there is a avenue!"

"This is truly a sentimental, that is, the door to the real road, the gate of heaven, the gate of the fairy!"

"There is love, including, all the love. You did it, it is the avenue!"

"Why can the morning breeze and the flowing cloud not fall down because they have roots! They are the roots of each other! Even though they have been in the past tens of thousands of years, they still saved the city from the ninth. They can even take care of their relatives for thousands of they have a clear conscience and a complete heart."

Ning Tianya Shen Sheng said: "This is a complete state of mind, in the impact of the road, when facing the demons, it is a huge force! Throughout the ages, how many strong people fell under the demons, not because they are not strong enough, but because they Too strong! They face the demons again and again, go all the way, and go to the day of collapse. There is no root!"

"Morning wind and flowing clouds, as long as they don't die, they will be able to see the avenue! That's it!"

Chu Yang sighed, this matter, it is really the benevolent seeing the wise and seeing wisdom. The two people in the morning winds have done the best they can do, but they don’t understand the truth and dance the city... but it’s even worse.

Another thought of Chu Yang: If the dance of the city is destroyed in the nine robbers, and really went to the field battlefield, is he happy?

What about their boss?

God wants to get people, one to Yusi.

"Chuyang, I only tell you a word, Hugh wants to look down on the red dust experience! Where is the world not red dust... Even if the fairy road has a basis, even if it is dominated by the Scorpio, as long as it is not destroyed, it is still in the red dust. ""

Ning Tianya slightly sighed: "As long as you have regrets in your heart, and you are embarrassed, then you can't reach the peak of the road... Even if you can go to the Nine Heavens, it is the same!"! ~!

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