Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 623: The devil is on the sky [the fifth! 】

The Nine Heavens Channel has finally opened!

Ning Tianya sighed.

He also shocked the changes in the world for a long time, and then remembered Chu Yang's entrustment. Well, go look down.

Shaking his body, walking slowly toward the passage.

It is already near here, not far away. Ning Tianya, a swept body, is likely to go beyond...

Going to the entrance of the passage, I saw that there were already Lan family members in the guard, and, not far away, there was a house in Lanjia. It seems to have been here for a long time.

Many people are coming out of the house and coming towards the passage.

"Old man! What is the thief's head looking at? What way to go?" Just turned around, someone screamed and screamed. .

Ning Tianya took a long time to wake up, this ‘old man’ is to say himself!

It is a funny fire.

Does the old man really look so good?

"I want to go down, you let go." Ning Tianya's small role in front of him is really not even interested in hands-on.

"Going down? Are you going to go down?" Lanjia’s big man laughed and said: "You want to go down in the afternoon? Do you want to go down? Who do you think you are? Are you Ning Tianya?"

Ning Tianya was so happy.

This is really awesome. I guessed who I was in a word, but unfortunately, it was mocking.

"Yeah, do you know that I am Ning Tianya?" Ning Tianya smiled and asked.

The big Hanton stunned, and then he laughed loudly and screamed, and said strangely: "You are Ning Tianya? Hahaha... Lao Ning, you don't know me? I am clothed..."

Next to seven or eight big men, while laughing and leaning forward!

Ning Tianya’s face sank. These few **** are simply unacceptable to my elderly!

I ate a bit of stomach in Chuyang, and now I am here, and I have eaten half a stomach! And still a few wretched little people like this...

In a rage, he said: "Get out!"

A sudden momentum suddenly burst out!

The next moment, these seven or eight people suddenly softly stunned like a ghost, and they couldn't move.

Ning Tianya’s cold glimpse suddenly felt that Lan’s family had no need to exist. But then I felt like I was hooked up by such small people. It is really detrimental to identity.

However, my heart is suddenly rising up and feeling: this is going to the next three days, if the Lan family is really not interested, then ... just kill it...

Shi Shiran went in and walked in front of the seven or eight people and entered the passage.

At the moment, behind the Lanjia Brigade, there are dozens of feet from here. I saw a person who did not belong to the Lan family entered the passage, and the big one was unexpected. But when they get close. Ning Tianya is already without a trace...


Ning Tianya galloped all the way in the channel.

Only a moment, I walked through half of the passage, and there was no surprise in my heart. A calm.

At this moment, I saw a black line from the opposite side, and quickly came to this side of the channel!

Ning Tianya a trip. The opposite person, the strength is very strong. Is there such a master in this three days?

Thinking about each other, the opposite person is getting closer. Ning Tianya discovered that it was a black man, holding a girl's waist, all the way to fly, in the blink of an eye came to the front.

Immediately, the black man was also ‘咦’. Found Ning Tianya, actually stopped.

From the speed to the end of the station, with a person, even as the flow of water, incomparably natural. This kind of control makes Ning Tianya also sigh for it.

I saw people coming long and draped, silky on the shoulders. But it gives a strange taste.

And the appearance of this person is also very strange, one eyebrows are straight, straight and straight; the other eyebrows are facing down, but also straight.

One eye is big and one eye is small. Moreover, the two ears seem to be somewhat asymmetrical...

Ning Tianya only took a look. I feel that I can't bear to die, this guy is also miserable... I have to pass by.

But I saw that this person actually reached out and stopped himself.

Ning Tianya looks up and looks up.

I saw this person looking at himself, suddenly the look of shock.

Ning Tianya is even more puzzled: Does he know me?

Then I heard this person ask in a shocking voice: "Old man! I am handsome and handsome?"

Ning Tianya suddenly had some dizziness.

handsome or not?

As you grow up like this, is there a point that is slicked by ‘handsome’?

However, Ning Tianya also knows that even if the strength of this person is weaker than himself, I am afraid that it will not be weak enough. When it is played, it will really delay time.

And this person... does not seem to be a bad person?

Smiled: "Shuai! It’s just handsome! The old man has lived for so many years and never seen the second one more handsome than you."

"Wow, haha... the old man has a good eye!" The black man laughed and took the girl around him and walked over Ning Tianya. It seemed that he suddenly stopped, just to ask someone else to be handsome.

Ning Tianya shook his head and continued to move forward. I heard a voice coming from behind me: "Sure enough, the aesthetics of the last three days are different from those of the three days and the next three days. I said that I was ugly in the next three days and three days. I can’t think of it for three days now. handsome man……"

This voice is actually a bit smug.

The sound is getting farther, just listen to the girl and say, "Well, you are very handsome..."

"That is that, hahaha..." finally disappeared.

Ning Tianya almost fell a bit, and his heart was so easy that the nine-day channel opened. The first one was actually a mental illness... and it was a very serious mental illness.

Shaking his head, flying all the way, disappeared into the passage.

As everyone knows, these two people are of course talking about Xie and Xie Danfeng.

Talking about it is very happy now, walking all the way. Just entering the channel has been affirmed. The old guy’s strength is stronger than himself. He doesn’t have to be afraid of himself, but he is sure that he is handsome.

This is the most happy thing to talk about.

In front of us, a group of people rushed in and out, and the team was neat and sneaked in. It is very organized. It was the Lan family who set off for the next three days.

These people have been waiting here for more than half a year. After the Dagongzi went down, no news has been transmitted so far, and the family is in a hurry.

Especially now that the younger generation of Lanjia is almost dead, the family is in a hurry.

This is not the day before, the news that the second son was killed; the family has been strict: as long as the passage is open, the first time to go down to find the big son, see how the big son is now...

Therefore, seeing the sky at a glance. The crowd immediately began to prepare, and then immediately went on the road.

I didn't expect anyone to be earlier than myself, and the passage of my family was advanced to an old man... everyone was a little uncomfortable.

Even though the old man is a master, so everyone decided to catch up with the old man’s lesson.

Among us, there are several supremes...

Halfway through the passage, I saw a black man coming face to face, and it was very strange and strange. but. The most uncomfortable thing is. This very incomparable guy, actually holding a beautiful woman!

This makes people feel a little too unbalanced.

In fact, Xie Danfeng is certainly one of the best in the world. It is pretty good. But it is definitely not a ‘dead beauty’! However, now that Xie Danfeng is accompanying him, he will use his face as a backdrop...

I rely on! Where is this still a peerless beauty? It is simply a fairy! Do not. Fairies are not so beautiful! !

What is the shame of the city, what is the shame of the moon, and Xie Danfeng, who is talking around, is completely eclipsed!

These masters have reached such a point, and there is no lascivious heart, but now I see the standard flowers inserted into the cow dung, still feel a bit violent!

But this has nothing to do with myself, even if it is a pity, I have to do it.

Someone could not help but swear, and someone immediately stopped: "Our mission is to go down for three days. See if the Dagongzi has made progress. If there is no progress, then the woman of the Nine Robber Swordsman will be caught. This is why our Lan family lives and died. The big things can't be born. As for the passage, there are people who guard it... We have to hurry."

Seeing it is going to pass by, everyone sees the heart of the unseen heart and hurries.

The two people’s words are saying that they are talking, saying. No one else can hear it. However, Tan Xiu is a few layers higher than them, and there are more secrets of the saints, but they are clearly heard. I can’t help but think: “These are the Lan family among the nine families? The woman of the sword master? Isn't that the woman of Chuyang? I rely on, let me say... You have to catch my nephew?"

Think of it here. Where can you stand the test and stand up immediately. With one hand, it blocked the passage: "Hey, all of them stop for Laozi!"

The masters of the Lan family suddenly took a look: If we don't want to find you trouble, you should laugh, now you are coming to us for trouble? Your head won't break, right?

Hold back and ask: "What?"

Talking about his face, raised his chin and asked: "Do you think I am handsome?!"

When Lan Lan’s team led the team, they fainted and angered: “What is your relationship with me? What is the relationship with me? Let the road open!”

Tan said persistently: "No, you first say, I am handsome?"

Suddenly two people laughed out loudly. One person taunted and said: "The real idiot, the same long shit, and actually have a face to ask others that he is handsome and handsome..."

Suddenly burst into laughter.

Tan's face sank and he said: "You said that I look like a shit?? Are you sure you are talking about me?"

The man said: "You don't look like a shit, you don't know, but the grandfather sees a bunch of **** in his eyes and asks others if he is handsome!"

The voice did not fall, talked about the violent scream: "You dare to marry me is a shit!" Stretching his hand and grabbing it, the arm suddenly stretched indefinitely, grabbed the man's head and slammed it over, slap the slap Hit the face, and then slap the slap and call back, just a few slaps in the opposite direction, asked: "I am handsome!"

He used to play the problem. Now he is more merciless. After a dozen slaps, the man’s head has become a tofu brain. He has already died a long time. Where can he answer his question?

But talking about it is not arrogant, the road of anger: "You don't answer my words!"

I grabbed one by hand and asked fiercely: "I am handsome and handsome?!"


<It seems that five more. Well, there are five chapters left, and the second half of the month is filled. After passing the zero point and sending a single chapter, I went to sleep, and I don’t know if I can get it tomorrow. So there are no updates that I dare not say now.

Happy New Year's Day, I wish you all a happy New Year.

The next month's update plan, I will explain in a single chapter. Ask here in advance: I have to rest and rest, do you say good? ,

>{飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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