Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 627: Say no reason

Talking about the sudden sorrow, it was like a bomb suddenly detonated in the Lan Family Courtyard.

All the way in, the Lan family did not respond at all, they saw the fire of their own gate building, the fire was shining. The burning sound of the dragonfly came very clearly.

For a time, the figures of the people all flew up and flew over.

"What happened?"

"Who is so bold?"

"Globe! What happened?"

"Someone dared to scatter in my Lan family!"

Over there, Tan 昙 has already rushed over a dozen people and smashed in from the direction of the gate. When I passed, I saw a person fluttering in the air and involuntarily twirling in the air. A weird pose.

Far away, I heard that the uncle is talking about it: "Lan family! It’s too deceiving! Too bully! This world, there are such things? It’s just no reason! The Lan family is here, and I will give one to Laozi. Otherwise, this is not over!"

The Supreme Master of the Lan Family who just came out was simply mad at the nose.

You have ordered the Lanjia Gate, and the staff has been knocked over by dozens of people all the way. There are countless injuries, and it has become a Lanjia unreasonable?

It’s too late, it’s fast.

Brushing brush...

Dozens of figures fell at the same time, encircling a circle, and surrounded by the talk of Xie Danfeng striding forward.

Almost no greetings at all, and the arrogance of the general arrogance, it is sweeping over the past!

If it is normal, these people may stop and ask, what is going on.

But now, people have been hit by the door, even the door is lit, and now, it is already an inextricable death, and what are you asking?

Directly hit, the fist is reasonable. Grab people and say anything else.

Talking about anger: "You are not reasonable!" A few times, the seven or eight people who just rushed up and flew out with their long swords.

Blood spurts and draws seven or eight **** rainbows in the air.

This time, the attack was not a little bit, and it was directly shocked out. Seven or eight people were killed!

The whole scene suddenly quieted down, only the fire was burning.

One hit and the seven supreme. Although it is only a product supreme. But it is too scary! At the very least, the three-product supreme can't be done.

The Lan family in the field looked heavy at the same time.

Who is this weirdo?

How can I drill out such a person out of thin air?

Several people flew up, and now they are quiet. Then the next step is to negotiate; the imperative is naturally a firefighting.

Talking about screaming: "Give me a stop! The fire that Lao Tzu put, who let you go?"

He didn't shoot, but everyone was feeling clear: go out with this sentence. The entire space in the air was clearly distorted and solidified once.

The essence of the moment, even the sun that reflects the sky!

The next moment, slamming, the few Lanjia masters who were flying in the sky suddenly fell like stones!

Earthquake into steel!

The eyes of all people are solidified collectively!

This is the starting sign for the nine masters.

It is impossible to make it out of the fascinating and fascinating study of the earthquake.

There is no such thing as a trick!

Moreover, this person used the super-Kung Fu in this legend, but he did not have a big gasp. obviously. Not too laborious. If this is the case, then it is not the kind that has just reached the supremeity of the nine products... but, the intermediate level? advanced? Or... peak?

Thinking of this, everyone’s legs are spinning.

This time it suddenly came out to find the Lan family trouble, turned out to be a nine-piece supreme? When I thought of it, everyone was greatly shocked and looked at the ugly face. Suddenly, I felt a lot of pleasing to the eye.

Supreme nine product masters... What is the relationship between ugly and handsome? It’s just because of the long Jun, and it’s not dead.

The fire on the gate became more and more prosperous, and it began to gradually extend toward the walls on both sides, but this time, absolutely no one went to fight the fire.

in this world. Nine products supreme, that is equivalent to half god!

The words of the nine products supreme. Who can dare to violate in the absence of other nine products? Don't you die?

Talk about the back of his hands, the big thorns are surrounded by the eight-step steps, step by step around the circle; that posture, that look, like a tiger who is arrogant and arrogant, inspecting his own forest!

The group that he saw in his eyes was all a group of monkeys!

"Why don't you still do it? Why don't you do it?" Talking about the uncle's nostrils, shaking his head and shaking his head: "How? You just didn't have a prestige? Just don't even say a word, just open it... ..."

"I thought how much you have kind... The result is disappointing and disappointing. The so-called ambition of being a human being, the temperament of a warrior, the temperament of the warrior, the fear of everything, the courage to go forward, the death of a singer, the arrogant coffin... ah! Where are you going?"

The Lanjia family, Lan Yingfeng, piled up a smile that was more ugly than crying. Step forward: "Predecessors... Today's things, I am afraid there are some misunderstandings..."

In the Lan family, I want to come, and I have such a repair, of course, all of them are seniors! Even if this person looks young, it is the same. Who doesn't know that supreme can last forever?

"Misunderstanding?" Talked and gasped, and sighed and said: "You are water ~ ~ 诶? Report your name, position, identity ... ah, I see you enough to talk to me."

"The younger generation Lan Yingfeng is currently the contemporary owner of the Lan family..." Lan Yingfeng closed his eyes and swallowed a sigh of anger. He said humblely.

There are nine masters in their own family... but that is the ancestors. Moreover, compared with the person in front of you, it is not necessarily who is taller and who is lower...

That is the last card, can not be used, can not be used. Besides, if you want to use it, you may not use it.

A faint sigh, said: "What do you mean, should you reason with me?"

Lan Yingfeng’s smile is getting more and more painful: “Yes, this...”

"When I first came in, why didn't you tell me?" Talk about the eyelids and said: "Now I see that I am stronger than you, I have to come to tell me? Hehe...Since I am stronger than you Why do you want to tell you the truth?"

Everyone suddenly stopped.

This sentence is really bad.

We are stronger than you, of course, do not need to reason with you; but when we want to reason. You are stronger than us.

A voice came very slowly, faintly said: "This lord said, although some are not heard, but it is indeed the essence of the world, it makes sense, it is worthwhile to do this for a sentence."

"The truth... In fact, it will never exist. Whether it is in the Supreme Warrior of the Nine Heavens. Or the ordinary people who have not cultivated at all. They are all strong and respected! Between ordinary people, they have the right to have money, It is the strong; he can not reason with ordinary people at all. It can also trample on the laws that ordinary people follow. Although in our eyes, these people are as embarrassing as turtles, but it is not denied that these turtles, It’s the secular world, the truth!”

"Poor people steal one or two of the money, they can go to the prison, and even die. But the powerful and powerful people are stealing in one way, but they are left unattended. Even if someone is in charge, it is just a walk away... although Everyone is not at peace. But such things happen all the time in the Nine Heavens, and thousands of pieces happen every moment."

"Between the warriors, there is no reason to talk about it! Strength is the truth!"

"It doesn't make sense... It's a strong privilege, and there's nothing wrong with it."

There is a peaceful smile in this voice: "But now I want to talk to you and tell you the truth!"

Talk about twisting his neck. It’s a faint saying: “If you want to make sense, you have to show up and talk, and you can’t make sense.”

"Haha...good." With a laugh, a blue figure fluttering. Suddenly appeared in the air, step by step. It is like an invisible ladder in the air for him to step on.

This is a middle-aged man who looks like thirty or forty years old. He is white, and his style is as jade and elegant. However, between the eyebrows, it is natural and has a compelling style.

"See the ancestors!" The Lan family was led by Lan Yingfeng and fell to the ground neatly.

This person is the founder of Lanjia, and Lan does not regret it!

"But, wait! I am reasonable with this lord, you have to listen well! Look at it!" Lan did not regret the faint road: "Remember, in the future, someone will directly smash the Lan family When you are at the gate, you have to be reasonable with others in the first time... Otherwise, people will not reason with you! Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Lan Yingfeng sighed. This matter can actually be talked about. The moment the other party just came in is the only chance.

But... At that time, everyone was stunned and didn't even think about it. If people didn't have a point, there weren't a few brushes, how dare they go into the Lan family to make trouble?

Or thought of it, but everyone was blinded by the glory of the year. So that it has developed to the present. Actually, the ancestors were required to personally come forward and clean up the mess.

"Hello, I am here to tell you the truth, can you?" Lan did not regret slowly, standing in front of the conversation, said with a smile. His two eyebrows flew into the shackles, his eyes were clear and radiant, even though it was a gentle smile, he also had a fascinating style!

Talking about a weird smile: "It’s enough to be stubborn. After that, I will tell you the truth."

Lan did not regret a gentle smile: "Thank you." At the same time, my heart was secretly shocked: the person's cultivation in front of him, he actually could not see through. It seems that you should be careful.

Talking about the heart is also a shock: the cultivation of this person in front of me, I can not see clearly. Have to prevent!

Talk about it is the use of the Samsung saints secret law, Lan does not regret it. However, it is real to say that you can't see Lan, but you can't regret it.

"Dare to ask, why is this?" Lan asked without regret.

When he snorted, he suddenly reached out a hand and pointed at his face. He said, "Look, I am handsome?"


< A classmate called to ridicule me: How do you have a face to say that you are a junior high school culture, have you learned the dog's belly in your own years of crazy self-study? I am confident that I can go to junior high school when I go to school. As for self-study... isn't that school? This kind of thing also needs to be entangled? As for what...

Cough, there will be a second more. >{飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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