Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 629: Frequent consumption

The Lan family looked at the golden gold on the ground with five or two golds, one with a rich expression on the face.


In addition to secular people, where is the gold used?

For the behemoth of Lanjia, gold... is almost the same as the bandit.

Just the door to the burning, just use gold, it also needs 100,000! Not to mention, there are dozens of people who are injured and injured. Among them, there are still seven Supreme people who have died, and there are still more than a dozen, and they have been seriously injured!

Such a loss, even if it is a million amethyst, can never make up for it, this guy actually only throws out five or two gold; and also ask the Lan family... smile?

Actually, the voice also said sincerely: This matter is evened out, and everyone does not owe each other...

Nima! Are you five or two gold worthy of **** worth it?

Lan did not regret the face of the frost, watching the shiny gold on the ground, waved, gold has reached the hand. It seems that the next moment, gold will be turned into gold water in his hands.

But then he suddenly took a deep breath and smiled and said: "Yes, but please remember the two, from now on, this matter will be evened out, everyone will not owe each other, the mountains are tall and long... there will be a period!"

Outside the fire, there seemed to be a low laugh. It seemed that there was a voice that said vaguely: "...good."

"The ancestors!" Lan Ying was eager to break, and dreaming of the ancestors would be so weak.

Lan does not regret holding the ingot gold in his hand. He said: "What is it? Are you still not convinced?!"

Lan Yingfeng’s face is distorted: “This... deceiving is too much...”

Lan did not regret taking a deep breath and said: "This is the rivers and lakes!"

Everyone hangs their heads, gasping heavily, and their foreheads are jumping.

Lan did not regret the negative hand to go inside, Man said: "The comfort of 10,000 years has already made you self-respecting to a certain extent. One by one for the sake of Fu Jinyi jade food. Has forgotten the essence of this river!"

"Before our Lan family was more than ten times more bullying than others, there are already many people? But you have overlooked the most important point; you can do this to others. Others can do this to you. Is it? ...just allow you to be unreasonable to others, and you will not be a little wronged?"

"If this is the case, Lan Jiaruo annihilates in this catastrophe. The old man... is no exception!" Lan did not regret the last sentence, it was already from a distant place, the voice is already very ethereal.

"I have to remember in the future, don't let the ancestors... and because you are ashamed!"

This sentence is extremely heavy!

All people are shy.

Yes, what is the character of Lan regret? He is the person who founded the Lan family; He can not accept the insults of today, and he will fight with the enemy and fight for it.

Life and death. Nothing is worthy of his English name.

And Lan does not regret that since the beginning of the year, he has always been arrogant and arrogant. It is also well known. Nowadays. The first outbreak should have been him.

But he is still for his own children. I chose to bear.

Teaching is more than words!

Lan does not regret this retreat, which is equivalent to ringing the alarm for everyone in the Lan family. If the Lan family can really be cautious from this, do not live up to the deep meaning of Lan does not regret, or ... the ending will be different?

Lan Yingfeng ironed his face and shivered his lips: "Have you all heard it? Have you seen it? The hard work of the ancestors is not for us to enjoy, let alone forget us... We If there is such a thing that makes the ancestors shameful in the future... everyone is really not as good as the collective cross sword."

Everyone has red eyes and a heavy nose.

At this moment, everyone really regrets it. Indeed, it used to be too embarrassing...

At this time -

"Report -" Someone came quickly, and suddenly rushed into the Lanjia Gate from the fire, dressed in clothes, all caught fire, tumbling on the ground, extinguishing the fire, it was already a bubble, but it was If you can't take care of this, you will suddenly lie in front of Lan Yingfeng: "Starting your home, emergency information!"

"What intelligence?" Lan Yingfeng was in the heart.

"Tonight, in the middle of the night, the Jiuzhong Tianlan family passage has undergone tremendous changes... All the disciples of the guard channel, from the Supreme Second, none of them survived! Suspicion, there are strong enemies from here, come up for three days! "This person is rushing to report.

Lan Yingfeng only felt that the body was shaking: "There is this!"

"When the disciple arrived, he saw only one body;"

"This situation is simply incredible!"

Lan Yingfeng does not have to think about it. What is the situation that can kill so many masters at the same time?

If it is a person who has come up from three days, then, when did the three-day person become so powerful? This incident can reveal a bad spirit...

"After discovering this, the subordinates once dared to go to the passage to see, but after walking out of the road, they found that in the passage, they were also corpses in the middle of the passage... the family sent the team for the next three days... also..."

"How is it?!" Lan Yingfeng screamed: "Come on!" He had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he still had the hope of the event.

"There have been counted... being slaughtered! One hundred and thirty-five people, no one is alive!" The man said here, a head squatted on the ground, and then dared not speak. However, the mental energy loss was too large, and finally fell to the ground and fainted.

All the people who heard this news were shocked and speechless.

The three aspects of the news add up, that is to say, just in today's day, the master of Lan's loss is more than three hundred!

You know, there are a hundred and sixty people in the gates of the guards! Divided into ten waves and turns guards. Over the years, why have there been some omissions? I can't think of being connected to the pot today.

Moreover, the master who was sent to the next three days was also killed...

"Is it... the nine robbers have gone to heaven?!" A Lan family master shocked and said something that everyone was thinking about: "If this is the case... then, the strength of this nine-robbery is better than the front... But it is too powerful."

This issue is exactly what everyone is worried about.

"Home! This matter must be thoroughly investigated! This hatred, non-reportable! Even if it is a nine robbery. Also **** blood compensation!" An old man with a white hair and a beard almost bleeds.

This wave is the turn of the guard channel. It is the descendants of the six elders; all dead, it is equal to... He has never died, how to live without anger.

"I immediately sent the Lanxiang team to conduct a thorough investigation!" Lan Yingfeng was a little trembling: "At all costs. Also find the murderer!"

This sentence is somewhat remarkable. Everyone listened: I only said that I had to find out the murderer and did not say what to do. I believe that if it is really a robbery. The words of the head of the family will become... long-term discussion.

After all, Lan Ruo still doesn't know how.

The six elders snorted and went away.

"In addition, the people who have been dispatched for the next three days have already been annihilated, but the plan for the next three days cannot be grounded! Immediately send a team... the elders, this time, we can't send people casually, I see... Have you personally led the team and how to go to the next three days with the three offerings?" Lan Yingfeng turned his head. Looking at the old man who looks like an iron.

The elders and the three devotes are the seven-supreme supreme that has transcended the fairy tales. It is also the big part of the remaining strength of the Lan family; except these four. There are only two eight-supreme offerings. I don't regret it with Lan, the ancestor. They led the team and believed that they would be in the district for three days. Even if there is a goblin, it will never be their four opponents.

Everyone is relieved.

After all, for the next three days, the woman of the Nine Robbery Swordsman is the top priority of Lanjiasheng’s death and death!

"Alright. If you are old, you will go there in person." The elders calmly said: "But how to act, please ask the owner to make a plan."

"If Lan Ruo and others have achieved results... then they can go with the flow. If the other party has seen Lan Ruo... then, whatever means, they will not hesitate, even if they want to destroy the entire Iron Cloud Empire, it doesn't matter! By then It really tears the face and faces the sword of the nine robbers."

Lan Ying sighed with a deep sigh: "Unfortunately, Mei Xian is already dead... Otherwise, we let her personally come forward... things will be much easier. The news she left before is too general, we only have time to act. Once, Nine Heavens was closed immediately..."

"If the news is true, then the nine-day squad will have a movement, so... this time the elders will go down, it is the last chance of our Lan family."

Lan Yingfeng said: "It is like this."

The elders of the elders are floating, and Shen Sheng said: "Old age understands!"

In the distance, Lan Lan did not regret a long sigh: "Don't forget what I said, never, do not offend the nine robbers."

Lan Yingfeng leaned back to the sky and did not speak for a long time.

The meaning of the ancestors, of course, he knows, but... In these years, it has already been a crime for the nine robbers! At this moment, even if you want to stop... it is already impossible.

Unless... Lan Ruo succeeded; otherwise, it was already doomed to the endless situation.

But they did not know that the hatred of the Lord of the Nine Robbers was already doomed. And Lan does not regret the painstaking efforts of the Lan family, but also destined to be put into the water...


In a very secluded southern tavern, Mo Tianji, Gu Duxing and others gathered around a table.

Finally came up.

Everyone, including Mo Tianji himself, can't think of it as easy, it's easy. In their hearts, this should be a **** battle, and it will take a lot of hard work to break through, and then everyone will be hurt by the bruises.

I didn't expect to encounter a piece of corpse in the passage. Then, after I came up, I saw a group of people picking up the corpse. Everyone rushed out, and all the moves of Mo Tianji had not been used yet...

Everything is over.

There are more than two thousand kilograms in the two large coffins that are carried with you... This is what Mo Tianji took a lot of effort to get out, and prepare for the key moment to detonate and escape.

"I finally came up. Below, I will talk about the future arrangements." Mo Tianji quickly calmed down.

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