Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 333: In the last three days, the first chaos of the nine robberies (1)

The saint in the sword, six products!

This is the highest level of cultivation that Gu Lianxing can expose after he has hidden his cultivation. It is also the most unobstructed breath. Mo Tianji tailor-made, deliberately let Gu alone reveal a sharp edge.

Lan Yingyu looks like a glance, only seeing the intrinsic brilliance of the brilliance, between the gestures, the sword and the vertical and horizontal, it seems that every hair, but also contains sharp swords.

It is the charm of the six or seven products of the saints in the sword: Jianqi Changjiang, Jianguang Beidou!

Lan Yingyu’s heart was shocked and infinite. In the first three days, he recruited Gu’s lone line, but he only took a fancy to his potential. Although Gu Duxing was already a swordsman at the time, at the time, Lan Yingyu seemed to have only a terrible potential.

But did not think that his entry into the world is so amazing, two years from the district, even from the sword emperor all the way to the six saints!

This kind of entry is unique in the last three days, not to mention the place where the aura is seriously deficient in the third day.

Lan Yingyu's excited face is red: "Gu brother, really?"

Gu Lonely nodded coldly and said: "Really!"

Lan Yingyu Huo Ran got up: "Can you dare to fight?"

Gu’s eyes were swept away, and the sword was sloppy and faint: “I’m afraid that the sword has no eyes!”

Mo Tianji roared in his heart: Gu alone, this stupid two, to ask people do not know to lower the posture.

I rushed to remedy the remedy. "I have been practicing alone. It has always been a murderous sword... This is not suitable for discussion..."

"It turned out to be the case." Lan Yingyu relieved in his heart and smiled: "I must have no accidents. I will make arrangements for my brother." He hurried out afterwards.

Mo Tianji whispered: "Gu Lao Er, can your face be softer?"

Gu alone sneered: "Do you manage the world, can you still manage my face?"

Mo Tianji is the knot.

Gu alone said: "Tianji, this time is too risky... Jiuzhongtian just opened, they will not doubt that we are just the nine robbers?"

Mo Tianji smiled indifferently and said: "I am afraid... they don't doubt."


And said that Lan Yingyu rushed to find Lan Yingfeng, Lan Yingfeng is in the midst of a slap in the face, listening to such things, could not help but say: "Is this happening?"

“It’s true!”

Lan Yingfeng sinks up. Muttered: "But...but the name of Gu alone, how so cooked..."

Lan Yingyu said: "Haha, the memory of the big brother is really amazing. The last time I came back, I told the big brothers that there are several rising stars in the middle of the three days. The first one is Gu Zhixing."

Lan Yingfeng nodded: "It turns out." I feel that my memory is a bit fuzzy.

In fact, Lan Yingfeng himself is not vague, but the name of Gu alone, he has heard two people said; the first person. Nature is Lan Yingyu. The second person is the ancestors of the retreat.

When the old ancestors came out and came back, they talked about Lan Yingfeng’s name. Then I went out again; Lan Yingfeng didn’t care, I really forgot...

Lan Yingfeng frowned and said: "If it is true, it would be a good thing. However, now that the nine heavens are open, the nine robbers go to heaven. If this person is so genius, will it be one of the nine robberies?"

Lan Yingyu suddenly stopped, this possibility, he did not really think about it.

"However, whether he is one of the nine robbers. Or special to come to us... this person, have to stay and see." Lan Yingfeng indulged, said: "Sword in the saints six products ... then, Let's try a one-of-a-kind supreme."

"it is good!"

Tea time.

Gu Duxing and Mo Tianji were invited to the small square outside the hall. In the field, stood an old man with a look and awkwardness.

Around the four hundred and eight people, including the blue family, Lan Yingfeng, watched the battle.

Obviously, Lanjia is full of attention to this war.

Just a sword saint to go. The key is that the guess in Lan Yingfeng’s heart is: Will it be one of the nine robberies?

This speculation makes this test a significant one.

At this moment, Lan Yingfeng’s gaze is watching Gu’s body. I saw me alone standing on the sidelines, standing side by side with Mo Tianji. However, the atmosphere is lonely, lonely and desolate.

Although he stood in the crowd, he used this inexplicable breath to isolate himself from inadvertently.

He does not seem to belong to this world, nor does it belong to this space.

Completely lonely.

Lan Yingfeng brows a wrinkle, the heart secretly said: "The heart is locked, there is no kendo. This... If it is a nine robbery, it is too repulsive..."

"Please!" Lan Jia, the one of the supreme, issued an invitation.

Gu alone, his face is like ice, stepping out in one step, pressing the hilt by hand, flying in black, silent.

Only two eyes sharply shot two eyes, and the sword was rushing!

Although he did not speak, everyone understood what he was going to say: "War, it is killing!"

The face of the supreme face was cold and sneered: "Yellow mouth children... also dare to say!"

Gu alone did not move his eyes, his face did not move, his body stood still, but with a bang, the Black Dragon Sword had already appeared in his hands like the same stream.

The inviolable sacred breath of a king is diffused!

The opposite of the supreme has long been against this hand, one hand has been pressed on the hilt, but at the moment, the sword is crisp and bright, it seems to be straight up in the clouds, can not control for a time, the waist in the sword Cheerful long sounds, even automatically half-footed!

The flash of light is shining!

The supreme homesick sword, his face has changed.

The faces around everyone changed at the same time!

I can't think of the sword of the six saints in a sword, which can affect a single supreme! This is simply an incredible thing...

The shock of everyone’s face, as well as thoughtful. It turns out that the saints in the sword... are really so powerful.

The two players in the field have been tumbling together.

Lan Yingfeng did not care about victory or defeat at this moment, but he was only looking at his own temperament with a sword. The same was true of several people around him.

"How?" Lan Yingfeng gently audible.

"The sword is lonely, the heart is lonely." One of the supreme said.

"Abandon everything," said another.

"The kendo is the only one, this is a ruthless person." Another said.

"The feeling of nine robberies, earth-shattering! Such a ruthless person, it is difficult for nine robbers!" One person made a final conclusion.

Several people nodded slowly.

Lan Yingfeng brows locked up.

During the deliberations of the people, there was a sigh in the field, but it was already the result.

The sword of the Lanjia Supreme shoulder is bloody. Gu alone is the two swords on the chest, **** and fuzzy. But that sigh is sullen, but it is from the mouth of the Lan family.

As for Gu’s behavior, his face has not changed, his eyes are light, and it seems that the wound that is bleeding on his chest is not his.

This gives people the feeling that even if the head is cut down, Gu will not speak out.

He is such a person!

This battle is somewhat different from the results predicted by the public. Originally, everyone thought that Gu’s ability to support a few strokes would be good. But I did not expect that it would be a fateful outcome!

Next. Lan Yingfeng naturally made a very happy look. He sent people to take care of him and the Mo Tianji into the inner hospital to heal.

After some comfort. I finally returned to the Chamber of Secrets.

"I immediately dispatched a competent man and went to the media for three days to listen to the news of the lone trip. I want all... accurate!" Lan Yingfeng gave the order at the first time: "Once you get the news. Come back immediately! First time I reported it to me."


"Action now!"

Lan Yingfeng looked at the people and went a little, his face was a bit strange.

Whether you are one of the nine robbers, but when you arrive at the Lan family, you will not want to go out again! Just give me three days, and all your details can be placed in front of me.

Lan Yingfeng sneered in the heart.


Lan Yingfeng did not think at all, how could Mo Tianji give him three days? Mo Tianji is half an hour of time will not give...

"Lone, how?"

"no problem."

"That's good! Start acting this evening!"

“So fast?” Gu Zhixing was a little shocked: “Tonight is the tightest time they see us...”

Mo Tianji sneered: "When they relax, we will be finished. Our safest time. Only half a night today, even in the middle of the night is not safe!"

"Tonight, it’s the first chaos!"


The black wind is high.

A few of the Supreme are in the dark, paying attention to the rooms where Mo Tianji and Gu Duxing lived. For the two highest revisions, only the holy six products, the Lan family can send four extreme surveillance, it can be said that it is already a big deal.

in the dark. A black shadow stunned and suddenly appeared outside the room. In the darkness, the completely black sword light seems to flash...

Gu alone supported the supreme who had just been sealed by his own sword and gently placed it on the ground. It's like lowering the footsteps and stepping on the movement of a grass.

One side. There is a voice whispering: "Well?"

Gu Zhixing breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his voice. Contains vagueness: "...not big..."

"What's not right?" The wind stunned, and another Supreme Lightened over.

A completely black sword tip, at the same moment he came, silently pierced his throat, the sword gas suddenly broke out, the first time to control the brain, Jianqi explosion, then control the meridians, rushed into Dan Tian, ​​bursting suddenly...

The supreme is also falling down without a word.

With the cultivation of Gu Zhixing’s current Supreme Supreme Master’s Peak, he is fully committed to dealing with several ordinary ones, which is simply a hand-to-hand, with no effort.

Put two people on the edge of the wall, completely absorb the **** taste with the black dragon sword, and let the two bodies sit opposite each other. If anyone sees it, it will only think that the two are discussing with a low head and thinking about what...

The passage on the entire side opens.

Gu Zhixing gently spit out a breath, this breath went out silently and crashed into the window of Mo Tianji.

Under the light, the figure of the Mo Tianji appeared in the window, it seemed to sway, and then opened the window.

The two supreme men on the other side suddenly felt a tight heart.

But seeing Mo Tianji sigh and muttered: "This is really different for the last three days..." Actually, I took a deep breath and looked at the sky starlight with a deep affection.

The two supreme hearts are loose.

Mo Tianji sighed for a while, then finally blew out the lights, only to hear about Soso, go to bed. But the other side of the window was gently opened, just in the moment when the two supreme thought that Mo Tianji felt back and went to sleep, Mo Tianji himself drifted out silently...

The soft breathing in the room is still the same... It was the small arrangement that Chu Yang once left for Mo Tianji. It can naturally imitate the sleep sound of ordinary people with the help of the wind. (This was mentioned before, but I forgot my name... Cough, 惭愧.)......


<Cough, many people are dissatisfied with the setting, saying what they have never said before, saying what was invincible at first, then walking to the top... I will say it again here: the first chapter of the world, mentioning the nine Scorpio. ‘Nine robbery and nine heavens, one sword destroys the world; Qianqiu respects the ages, and the nine heavens are outside the sky’. In the first ten chapters, I said, ‘Big Folding Nine Heavens’.

Nine heavens can be folded, what is the ultimate?

As for why Jiuzhongtian has become the upper, middle and lower planes, each plane has its own system, in order to avoid this phenomenon of 'starting the throne is the master, then the supreme is not as good as the dog'.

Because ... different planes have different standards. If you have to measure the Nine Heavens in the next three days, then you should measure Sun Wukong in a modern society. Don't worry, don't worry, don't use this plot that has already been written for millions of words to mislead me. Readers. Thank you. >{飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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