Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 640: In crisis, planning

Lan did not regret the smile, said: "So, please ask you one thing first... If it is below, I will see my father. Bring a good with his old man."

The look of his **** was revealed in his eyes, whispering: "His old man left home in the year of my weak crown, and never went back... I miss him very much, I miss him very much."

He said: "The same is the nine robbers. If you have a spirit after death, you will definitely see his old man."

Mo Tianji smiled faintly: "I am afraid, after I told him, he will be very disappointed with you. That is not very beautiful."

Lan does not regret the faint saying: "If his old man can come to my dreams for a training, then what if I kill the people in the world?"

He looked at Mo Tianji and suddenly asked: "Do you have a father? Is your father still alive?"

Mo Tianji glimpsed, and suddenly there was some nostalgia in his eyes.

Father, Mo Tianchen's father, Mo Xingchen, is also a character; but Mo Tianji did not feel what it was before, and he was not satisfied with his father's many practices.

Mo Xingchen is somewhat snobbish, and some cities are embarrassed. When it comes to the wind and the wind, there is not much.

Mo Tianji’s feelings for his father are neither awe, nor respect, nor even contempt. In short, it is very complicated. Especially after growing up, as your wisdom experience slowly increases, it will be even more...

But at the moment, I only think of my father’s care for himself when he was a child. He cares for the middle-aged man who held himself on his shoulder and was urinated by his own neck, but he could not help but smile. , said: "I am more happy than you."

Lan did not regret and smiled: "You have a father, where do you know the pain of a child who lost his relatives since childhood!"

Mo Tianji said with a deep heart: "If I really die today, I will miss you for your thoughts!"

“Thank you!” Lan did not regret the first smile: “To express my gratitude, today, I invite you to drink tea.”

When talking about a move outside, the aura of the air suddenly tumbling, and a teapot and three teacups were formed out of thin air. He took the tea out of his arms. It is the most common green leaf tea, put into the teapot. Once again, the spirit is watered and poured into the pot. After a while, the pot will boil.

"I don't care about these things, whether the tea is good or not, whether the wine is beautiful. I don't care. I never pay attention to it." Lan did not regret while busy, saying: "So, scorn..."

Mo Tianji smiled: "It is indeed a bit sloppy. However, I forgive you this time."

Lan did not regret shaking his head and laughing, saying: "You and I are years old, a difference of 10,000 years. But now, I am treating you as a peer, even half an elder."

Mo Tianji indulged and said: "I understand."

Lan does not regret: "Thank you for your understanding. So I will be gentle when you will start with you."

Mo Tianji smiled: "Thank you."

Lan did not regret it, laughing, the tea had already rolled away, and the tea was full of space, and he took the teapot. Tea for two people. The hot tea scent rose and formed a thin mist in front of the three people, which seemed to cover the faces of three people and covered the eyes of three people.

"Lone alone, in order to avoid the doubts of the predecessors of the Lan, you will play with it. If you walk side by side, I am afraid that the blues are really afraid that we will escape."

Mo Tianji said.

Gu alone is silent. Just sat down on one side.

Lan does not regret this in the heart, if the nine robbers sit together, then there are countless means or ways to convey the message and discuss what. That little trick. Even if you are the supreme of the nine products, you may not be able to detect it.

Now the two sit separately. Just right. But the mouth said: "I have thought about it."

Mo Tianji smiled slightly.

Now the position of the three is, the Mo Tian machine is in the main position, facing north to the south, facing the door. Lan does not regret sitting opposite him, facing the door. Gu is alone in the east, facing the west. Living in the middle of two people.

In front of the three, it was the table.

Lan does not regret for a long time, this position, himself is the most beneficial; even if there are enemies behind, they can fully react, and if the other two want to escape, they will not pass through the door. But if you break through the wall and don't say that you don't give this opportunity, even if they do it, they will do it. When the wall breaks out, there will be a slight hindrance.

But I am enough to react three times in such a short time!

So Lan did not regret to let go of his heart.

"Nine major families, very powerful!" Mo Tianji did not wait for Lan to regret this time, he took the initiative to speak up, his voice was slow, with a kind of sultry power, at this moment, his posture, still Yes... Jiangshan is at hand, the world is in the heart.

It seems that he is pointing out with his relatives and friends, and his brothers are talking about heroes; not life and death!

"The nine families have been passed down for thousands of years. Every generation has a thrilling generation! So, more and more powerful."

"A family that can inherit hundreds of millions of years, whether it is the foundation, the force, or the wisdom, is very different. If not, there is no nine robbers, and it has already been destroyed in the hands of others. So for such a family, no matter how careful It’s not too much.”

"Even if it is a small manager in the nine family, a small deacon... As long as it is a full-time job, it should not be underestimated. Without the corresponding ability, it is absolutely impossible to sit in that position."

Mo Tianji came.

Lan did not regret the look, turned his head and looked at Gu alone, thoughtfully. Then he shook his head and smiled, not stopping Mo Tianji from speaking.

Gu Zhixing’s heart is like a knife, but he is sitting up straight and listening without a word.

He knows that Mo Tianji has reached this point. In these words, he does not mean to give Lan a repentance, but to listen to himself. It is to pin all hopes on the vision of being able to escape.

If Mo Tianji died today, then this is his final plan for the Nine Robbery!

"The more the nine families, the more backward, the more peculiar the phenomenon, that is, the younger the older generation, it seems to be repaired into the country, always faster than the older generation. The same qualifications, but old A generation who reaches the throne may need to be thirty-five, but a younger generation, or only twenty-five."

"So it gives people the illusion that the so-called predecessors are not really amazing. The younger generation is the strong man who wins the ancestors! But this kind of statement is a big mistake."

"Like Lan does not regret the predecessors, it should be a real life!"

"But the descendants of the next generation are different. The so-called predecessors plant trees, and the descendants enjoy the cold. The first generation has a foundation, the second generation can be faster, and the second generation will accumulate, the third generation will be faster... then As a generation is faster and stronger than the first generation, all the resources will be more and more. The power of the predecessors can only develop a channel of heart, but the descendants of the rest of the generation do not need to pass directly. , cultivation is even faster... this is a cycle!"

"So among the nine families, the dragons are lying, I really don't know how many masters..."

"And the nine family environment is the case, so even if some of the nine families are not very good, after years of smouldering, it will naturally adopt the most correct, or most in line with family interests. The practice is the same as that of some people who are full of learning and wisdom. This is an inherent advantage."

"As the emperor's son learned the emperor's mind from an early age, he was prepared to be an emperor, but the children of other people only wanted to be a slave to others after the title of the gold medal!"

"Learn the martial arts and sell it to the emperor's house."

"This is a condition, a rule, and a heritage! This kind of inheritance has gradually formed a custom, slowly forming the law, slowly deepening the hearts of the people, making everyone subtle! ... is really terrible."

Lan did not regret and Gu alone and nodded at the same time.

What Mo Tianji said is very reasonable.

Lan does not regret the sigh: "Yes... the emperor's son learned the emperor's mind from an early age, ready to be an emperor, but the children of other people only want to be a slave to others after the title of the gold medal! This sentence, the true classic !"

Mo Tiandao said: "Yes, this is the identity. Speaking of identity, even the education of ordinary people and bureaucrats is different. It seems to be equal, but it is already offset. So this is identity and the state. It is more of a world!"

"So in this world, the so-called fairness is actually just two words, but it!"

"Ha ha ha ... fairness is just two words. This sentence is worth a lot of white!" Lan does not regret laughing: "When the world has been since the ancient times, when has there been real fairness?"

Mo Tianji said: "So we want to stand on this three days, we need to fight hard, and the nine families can be here from birth to do what they want..."

Lan does not regret laughing.

Gu alone is heavy.

Next, Mo Tianji began to analyze the nine major families one by one. In his analysis, Gu’s face was getting heavier and heavier. Mo Tianji has not really fully understood the nine major families, so all his analysis and reasoning are based on the general direction.

Not elaborated from the details.

But it is such a general theory that it also makes Gu’s mind feel awkward.

There is even a feeling that the horror of the nine family is definitely based on the analysis of Mo Tianji.

"...just like the Lan family, on the surface, we have already destroyed the Lan family's base camp. But in fact, this time, despite the injury to the Lan family, it is definitely not a mess!"

Mo Tianji took a condescending tone of the country and said: "The Lan family must have a high-level person to survive, and the Lan family went to the next three days, a wave of guarding the Jiuzhongtian passage, and a wave to the northwest. There is even more waves scattered in the rivers and lakes."

"So, this time Lan Lan only lost the fundamentals, lost some direct blood, and can not affect the survival. At any time, you can make a comeback. This is why Lan does not regret the seniors have to listen to my analysis, because he does not want to repeat the same mistakes. ""

"Similarly, this also gave me reasons to delay the time."

......{飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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