Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 645: why?

Lan does not regret his hands like orchids bloom, it is the Lanshi family desperate trick: orchids fly over the fall!

The palms of the film were turned into colorful pieces of orchids, like the empty valley orchids, dying in helplessness.

The gust of wind is mixed with murderousness, and comes to the face!

The pure power, even the entire space that is driven, becomes a black hole!

Power is everywhere, the space is fragmented! Splitting into a black hole is like a piece of paper burnt to ashes and then gently cracked open like it, so that it is clearly visible to the naked eye!

The desperate blow of the nine products, the power can be said to be earth-shattering!

But the three rays of talk about ignoring all the palms, ignoring all the power, just like the squally wind blowing through the sparse woods, wearing the past from the palm of the palm of the blue.

Three photos in one! Invincible!

The power of light is simply not such an invisible element that can block it! Just as there are countless elements between heaven and earth, but the sun can still shine directly on the ground!

But Lan does not regret that since he knows who is opposite, he still uses these desperate tricks, naturally not to resist the other side of Samsung.

But to destroy each other!

Your power can be turned into something like light, but your total can't really be King Kong? Wouldn't it be nothing?

This is the real intention of Lan’s regret not to say “together with the end”!

At the moment when the other party's three lights are one, Lan does not regret that he is already in danger.

In front of the devil, it is clear that it has not fully awakened. Otherwise, it will not be divided into three steps to display Samsung. It can be formed directly in the breath.

If he immediately said that he would attack with the words "Jin Yang Teng", the situation will not deteriorate to the present level!

But when he comes to Samsung, even if it is Ning Tianya, it is only the drink and hate on the spot!

Because ... with one person's power, the power of the sun, the moon and the stars will be erupted. This is not directly a force that the world can compete against!

Therefore, Lan does not regret the last hope is: you kill me first, then I will kill you!

perish together!

Talking about Samsung's passing through the bang, and suddenly plunged into the blue does not regret the body!

But at the same time, Lan did not regret the madness of the road, but also to talk about it.

Talking and yelling, the body slammed and all the black fog gathered in the air. As his gyro generally turns. Instantly formed a tornado that went through the world!

Use the rotation of the circle and the circle to kill the desperate power of Lan!

As Lan does not regret speculation, although he is now able to use the secret method to stimulate the blood to accelerate the soul awakening to launch Samsung. But his current is still the peak of the nine products.

In the face of the same level of Lan does not regret the desperate, he absolutely can not do the understatement!

The next moment, a loud bang!

Talking about the smashing black smoke, the kite is generally falling from the sky. The blood in the mouth is squirting.

Chu Yang edged up at this moment, greeted the sky, hugged the body, and at the moment he hugged him, the fierce power cast a slap in the body and slammed on Chu Yang. Chu Yang had long been prepared to know that even after the smashing of the nine-supreme sacred death, it was not that he could pick it up. The mouth already contained an incomplete version of Jiuzhong Dan.

The violent force rushed. Chu Yang's face is white, and wow spurts a blood.

The strength of Jiuzhong Dan will still be able to open in the future. Another strength of the body will be rushed. The two brothers and brothers will roll over and fall, and Gu Lianxing and Mo Tianji will jump at the same time. Then the two arms will be shocked like an electric shock. Four people fell to the ground together.

"Fucking..." Tan 昙 was smashed. Zhangkou is a big sentence.

Chu Yang put down his heart and only felt that the chest was like another bomb blasting in his chest. It was uncomfortable and sprayed two blood, which made the chest feel more comfortable. The power of Jiuzhong Dan began to open...

On the sky, Lan does not regret it. The volley stands!

His eyes have been watching the conversation without hesitation, watching the whirlwind of the smashing, falling from the sky, being caught...

There was a strong disappointment in his eyes, and the meaning of a bitter smile floated on his lips.

Opposite him, a crazy hurricane swept away, along the way, the opposite of the three hundred miles of the mountains, even straight and plowed out a big road!

Several mountains were even plucked up by the force of the smashing, rolling in the air and rolling back! It’s huge, it’s turned upside down!

The four brothers were on the ground, and Lan, who looked at the sky, did not regret it.

Chu Yang mentioned all the spirits, if the blue does not regret and the power of chasing, then the sword spirit will immediately take charge of the body.

Talking about coughing, said: "Nothing... he is now dead!"

In the sky, Lan did not regret the blue robe fluttering in the wind. He smiled slightly and shook his head slightly, whispering softly: "The years will not be able to escape today."

He turned his head and looked at the Mo Tianji on the ground. He sighed and said: "You said that my Lan family is going against it. You said that my Lan family is ruined... but can you know that among the nine families, although The weakest ranking is Shijia, but in fact, it is my Lan family!"

"I don't have anything to do, but... the kind of things that ruin other people's bodies and take the souls of others. I am strictly forbidden in Lanjia... When you get to other families... You will find that Tianlan City is actually... …heaven!"

"You asked me, can you regret this life?"

"I tell you now... I regret it! But... If everything is going from scratch, I will... I will do it again, or I will regret it, but... I have to do something."

"Although doing that, I can't live with Li Min... but, Mo Tianji... You have to know that people like us, when they step by step to the heights, can take into account that when Li Min was born, he was basically gone. ""

"This is ruthless and helpless. If you have that day, you will know my feelings, my mood!"

"As you said, there is nothing fair in this world."

"As of today, who told me what fairness? Hehe..."

"My own father, I went looking for it myself."

Lan did not repent and looked up to the sky, and suddenly two drops of crystal tears dripped in his eyes, muttering: "Father... Before you leave, I touched my head... I hope so much... I hope so much... Touch your hand again... It’s warm on the day, I’m remembering it now!”

"I miss you so much!"

Lan does not regret the sudden madness of Yang Tianda: "Even if I can live a million years old, I am not willing to be a child who has no mother! You know that I would rather exchange this 10,000 years. What day are you with me?!"

"You are nine robbers, your glory is a thousand years!"

"But I am your son, why can you wait for it to be wiped out after ten thousand years!"


The screaming voice shook the clear sky, and in a cry, Lan did not regret that he suddenly shot from the inside out of the sunshine. His stalwart body. In this sudden burst of Samsung's light, the disappearance disappeared without a trace.

It never seems to have appeared!

The vibration in the distance has subsided.

There is silence around.

For a long time, four people did not speak.

"You are nine robbers. Your glory is a thousand years!"

"But I am your son, why can you wait for it to be wiped out after ten thousand years!"


Lan’s unrepentant voice seems to echo in the ears of everyone.


Mo Tianji deeply sighed. Dao: "Lan does not regret is not a sinful crime. He condone the sin, but it is indeed guilty. But for himself, it is still a good man."

Gu Lone took a breath and nodded: "This person, a pity!"

Mo Tianji was a little embarrassed and said: "But today, he is bound to die! Not dead!"

Gu nodded.

Chu Yang looks a little bit. The earthquake has not healed, said: "In the enemy, there are also good men, solitary, just like the Tu Qianhao that we met in three days, Li Xiongtu... Isn't that one iron skeleton? But each has its own position. Life and death are defeated, this is an ordinary thing, you don't have to worry about it. If you are an enemy of cherishing, you can't kill... then the world can be purer."

Gu Lone and Mo Tianji are laughing and laughing.

Talk about the swaying hand: "You talk about yours, I just used some strength... It seems to hurt the muscles... Just restore it."

Xie Danfeng had already ran from the shelter and gathered around him. Warm and cold.

Chuyang Motian machine three people do not do light bulbs, go to one side.

"Boss when you came?" Mo Tianji squinted and asked: "How so smart?"

“Can you be uncomfortable?” Chu Yang rolled his eyes: “When Lan did not regret coming to your window, I’ve come to talk. I’ve been waiting outside. Listening to you’s talking about it’s almost One morning……"

Mo Tianji and Gu Duxing are relatively speechless: "You came at that"

Chu Yang snorted and said: "Do not let you feel the pain, how can you let you remember the lesson!"

Both Mo Tianji and Gu Duxing’s faces are awkward.

Gu alone stunned, said: "This thing, blame me! The plan is good, but I was a little dissatisfied at the time, and then some dissatisfaction, resulting in almost nothing! It is my fault!"

Chu Yang nodded: "You know it well. If the brothers are dissatisfied with each other and are not convinced, then it is the root of the destruction. After all, one day will become a big accident. This time, it is time for me to talk. Come here, but... can you guarantee that you have such luck every time?"

The two bowed their heads.

"And..." Chu Yang added a sigh of relief: "The sentence about 'nine robbery is not dead' is best forgotten from your heart! If you keep remembering this sentence, even if you don't believe it, it will subtly influence your thoughts. Let you become ingenious in the face, then... just finished!"


<I entered the hospital last night and stayed. The doctor on duty at the reception was a big sister, coughing, checking it, asking why, and fortunately saying: Fortunately, it is not pregnant, or else, such a slamming flow.

I broke out on the spot; I said that the older sister, take a closer look, just look at the middle of the embarrassment, do you think I can have a chance of pregnancy in my life? What is good fortune is not pregnant... Brother is a man...

On the spot, I got a pain in my liver. I rely on a few bird people in the doctor's office to laugh at me. I am late for the night to give you a pistachio. >

More tragic is that at about 11 o'clock in the morning, the phoenix dance lord came, first call me, ask the ward, and then come, come in the door, the high throat, the big bang: Feng Ling, I heard you Pulling the eggs, I bought the eggs for you...

I am going to be jealous on the spot.

I don’t know a few people in the same ward, I tried to hide it...

This is not a good thing, is it right? If you don’t want to take time off for this matter, will I still hold a code chapter yesterday? I can't go to the hospital directly, can I... I can't help but hurt later? I want to say directly: I will take a leave tomorrow, I can’t write it, and then I think about it, I’m still letting you have fun, but you can’t find me on the Internet...

Now it’s good, this item has brought me to the ward.

The tragedy is that there is a 22-year-old buddy in the same ward who has lost his arm. He was lying in a cold gypsum with a computer lying on his back. Listening to the phoenix dance, he suddenly came to me: I Grass, is it really windy? I am acting, are you really pulling the eggs? I am acting with me, I thought you were looking for a reason to take time off...

This buddy’s mantra ‘I’m fucking’ is very skillful.

This tragedy of my brother is mentioned...

I really want to cry, I am a muscle strain, not an egg... grass! Who do I provoke who I am...

The young man said that you don't care about the buddies. When the buddies have money, they go to see the genuine ones. I silently shed tears for a while: I met a book friend or a pirate... I don't want to live me...

This chapter was coded from the young man's computer in the afternoon and uploaded on his laptop. Cough, until now, the buddy said with a sigh of relief: Brother, you said that it only takes three hours, now seven hours...

I swear: If you don’t spend money to see genuine, you still don’t know what to do?

Suddenly did not speak, and even admitted to the mistake.

I will be discharged tomorrow, I can't stay anymore...{Floating Astronomy Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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