Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 755: Attack on the ambush!

"Everything is as expected!"

This sentence is almost a victory.

Li Wubo almost unknowingly breathed a sigh of relief, and a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

This is an adventure after all!

The emptiness inside the Li family has reached a point of horrific.

If it is the fifth to gently see the deployment of the Mo Tianji, and send people to attack long distances, this time back to help is just a joke. It’s definitely too late.

Although this action was formulated with a high degree of trust and Mo Tianji, Li Wubo is always worried that the fifth gentleness will be seen; after all, the other party is definitely not a leisurely generation.

It really didn't look bad now.

It is really safe.

On the other side, the wind and snow are high and the air, Chu Yang stares at the Li family army, and smiles softly: "It turns out that... Mo Tianji is really yin..."

Dong did not hurt: "What?"

Don't say that Dong is not hurt, even the experienced tears of the rivers and lakes are somewhat puzzled: "From the heights, the fifth soft deployment is basically impeccable. In addition to attacking Ye Jia in accordance with the interests, Mo Tianji There is no way to do it..."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Wrong. The fifth gentleness has been fooled when making such a decision!"

Said, Chu Yang gasped, said: "If it is me ... I am fooled."

"I don't understand." Dong did not hurt, ink tears and Mo light dance together shaking his head.

"I don't understand it. If you look at it, you will understand it immediately." Chu Yang smiled.

On the other side, a secret place.

Gu Duxing Xie Danqiong, Merkel, and the four enemies looked at the coalition camp, one by one: "This is what is going on... How can you not understand it?"

"This is a good match? Isn't this action that we need to cooperate with?" Xie Danqiong also has some of the two monks who can't touch their minds.

Of course, Ji Mo and Rock's enemies did not consider it at all, and the two of them swayed the legs of Erlang.

For these two people, what is the arrangement of the Mo Tianji, completely uninterested, need to fight the old man to rush, need to withdraw from Laozi to run...


"We must start the action immediately." Mo Tianji whispered, but said slowly: "Ten squads, all attacked, in accordance with the first plan, the formation of the formation in advance. According to the formation of the prior exercise, the end, immediately, immediately retreat."

"Good!" Li Wubo said.

Mo Tianji said: "I will accompany the team to advance. When I reach a certain position, I will stop at the designated position, and that position will be my first command. Then if I need my command, I will follow the agreement. I made a whisper and then came to the second command. I only had two command times, and each time, no more than one. After the second time, I will immediately return to the meeting point to wait for you. By that time, there is only one choice, that is. All staff retreat!"

Li Wubo really said: "I hope that you will not happen to these two conductors."

Mo Tianji smiled: "The other party will definitely react, so I have to command this twice, at least once. So, you should not hold this kind of luck. The enemy is far stronger than you think!" ”

"Yes." Li Wubo nodded and said: "What about the second plan?"

Mo Tianji faintly shook his head: "I can't use the second plan!"

Li Wubo took a deep breath and shot a shock in his eyes. "Good!"

"The last time I checked the equipment, the poison, the hidden weapon, the weapons, and the equipment that needed to be retreated!"

"All staff is checked!"

"Don't forget, no one is allowed to speak out!" Mo Tianji's eyes looked at the snow fluttering in the sky, watching the front, whispered: "Go!"

These two words are spoken, and the peace is slow, but everyone has a feeling of sudden **** weather.

All the people, divided into neat ten teams, like the side-by-side ten arrows, Thunder shot out!

Mo Tianji, proud of the cloud, can not follow the team, hanging at the end of the team.

The proud cloud said: "If it is not... what will you do?"

Mo Tianji slowly shook his head: "Absolutely not!"

"But the fifth gentleness, if there is no such intention to completely annihilate, but still exchanges with your interests... The risk of the second plan is too big... I really don't understand why you are so sure."

Mo Tianji said faintly: "I have been exchanging interests with him, and there have been several times, and it is indeed in a situation of helpless exchange with him. The reserve team of the other party has never been exposed. But I can feel it. The fifth gentle must have a reserve team."

The proud evil cloud nodded: "Yes, this level of wise men, if there is no reserve team in every battle, it would be surprising."

"And this time, I deliberately made this gesture, which is equivalent to a swap of interests. The fifth gentleness will surely assume that I will be the same as he guessed... and at this time, he also did well with me. Preparation for interest swaps."

"But he has to look at my strength and leave a backhand! If he does not leave his back, it is not the fifth gentle. And this backhand must be annihilated!"

"If there is a chance to defeat the nine-robbery think tank, this is the fifth gentle life-long volunteer! Although he can't believe that he will beat me so early, he can't help but try."

"And what I want to get rid of is his attempt!"

Mo Tiandao said: "This time, I don't want to get too much results, but to tell the fifth gentleness: if you want to achieve your purpose, you must exchange it with my interests! Otherwise, such awkward, I I can play for the first time, I can play for the second time!"

"Unless he is dispatched to be a team of eight products and nine supremes, come and die with us. And now I have not forced the nine families to that point... the fifth gentle will not have such authority!"

"For now, my first plan is enough."

Mo Tiandao said: "I just waited for the fifth gentle change, but we are attacking. Now he is defensive. He has to wait for our attack to start to react, and this is slow, but he only needs to do it. In response, I can respond immediately to his deployment."

"I have laid down so many doubts to confuse me. The purpose to be achieved is that the fifth soft start is slow, this is nothing!"

Mo Tianji quietly said: "It's almost."

Between the talks, it has already come out for a hundred miles, and the ten teams suddenly flew like a meteor.

Five of the teams headed east and five teams went west!

Then each dispersed again, turned into a complete ten teams, ten different directions, wrapped in the past, flashed away.

The snow is fluttering, the world is lonely!

A faint blood stunned and spread.

Mo Tianji stood on top of a snow pile, and the arrogant cloud and the cockroaches could not accompany him. Under the snow pile, it should be a soil slope. It is simply inconspicuous between the mountains.

He stood quietly, and he didn't even go to see where the war was about to begin.

He grabbed a handful of snow and brushed it in his hand. He squeezed it into a ball of ice, grabbed a handful of snow, and two pieces of snow, which became a human head in his hand. puck.

Then he took out a knife and sculpted it on the ice hockey.

No one is around.

Mixed nothing.

Suddenly, there was a dull sound in the distance. Suddenly, a sharp, fearful whistling tear screamed: "The enemy attack!~"

Then the shouting suddenly stopped.

Then there was a rioting sound on both sides, and then it was the voice of anger, the voice of the shouting policeman, and the screams. The loud noise of the screaming should be someone’s hand, and it’s a slap in the face. The sound is loud.

Of course, it is thousands of times denser than the sound of hitting iron.

The white blade was added.

The earth underfoot also trembled fiercely.

Mo Tian’s mouth showed a faint smile, no look up, and continued to engrave.

Everyone thinks that I want to fight the coalition camp, but who can think of the goal of my Mo Tianji is to hit the fifth soft ambush? !

Taking himself as a bait, yin* is the fifth gentle division, and the fifth soft ambition is set off, let him send the team to prepare to intercept our return... And what I am going to kill now is the two teams that you sent out!

Big camp? No interest!

When the sound of the killing sounded, the arrogant cloud and the cockroaches turned around and turned around. They looked at the eyesight and saw that in that direction, there was a body that had left the human body and flew in the snow, and there was a sharp eye. The blood sprinkled in the air, and in a flash, the small piece of snow became a strange pink, and it quickly fell.

The two turned their heads and looked at Mo Tianji.

Mo Tianji concentrated on the ice hockey in his hand, his eyes were focused and motionless. It seems that this moment, this ice hockey is all his interest, attracting his full attention.

There is no relationship between him and him in the distance!

If you look at the eyes of outsiders, the way Mo Tianji is at this moment is undoubtedly a superpower, and he will admire the five bodies. In the face of such a terrible war, it is so calm, is it an ordinary person?

However, the arrogant cloud and the cockroaches looked at each other and looked at it. He couldn’t talk through his mouth. He said: "Mo Tianji, this guy, if you don’t pretend for a while, you will die..."

The proud evil cloud almost laughed and nodded very seriously.

Mo Tianji carefully engraved, and the crystal ice hockey in his hand slowly turned into a human head. The facial features seemed to be vivid, and his eyebrows were vivid. He still carved three long squats on his chin, which seemed to be very chic.

In particular, a pair of eyes are deep and silent, with a kind of calmness that sees through the world, and is more vivid.

Mo Tianji actually used such a hockey puck to engrave such a human head.

Then he held it in his hand and looked at it. He added a half-neck to the head of the man. However, under the neck, he slammed everything with his palm and became neat and tidy.

Then he looked at the head of the snow-melted ice, and smiled silently, so he was in his hands. Start slowly carving the hair.

In his mouth, there was a calm smile.

(To be continued)

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