Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 771: Where did the reinforcements go?

Aussie Jiuzhongtian 7_ Aussie Jiuzhongtian full text free reading _ Seventh Seventy-seventh chapter of the reinforcements went where? From

All the way, Chu Yang and Wucheng City did not speak, and walked into the cave one after the other.

Dong did not hurt to stand in the hole with a knife: "What happened just now? Is it an enemy?"

Chu Yang smiled and said: "There is, just a dance predecessor to practice, that is enough to shock."

Dong did not hurt suddenly: "Oh... it turns out. The predecessors of the dance really don't care for the seniors. Just now it was shocking. It was directly legendary. A scorpion collapsed more than 30 peaks."

The dance city took a look at him and walked into his own stone cave to rest.

Ink tears twisted a hand in Dong's wounded waist.

Dong did not hurt and screamed, "Why are you doing this woman? You are against you!"

Ink tears sighed.

This monk, my dear grandfather, you can't be a little smarter. This time, going out clearly is a big deal. I didn't see people dancing. The old man's eyes were red, a crying look, and even the hair became gray……

Can make such an old monster cry, and instantly white hair, then what is the big thing that touches the soul and hurts? It’s the same as Xiaoke, you’re still lingering here...

Such a blind person is really rare in the world.

Dong did not know what to do, and asked: "You said, what do you do to screw me up?"

Ink tears were even more angry and did not speak, twisted and turned and entered the cave.

Dong Wu injured inexplicably turned his head and asked Chu Yang: "Look at... Women, it is too difficult to wait..."

Chu Yuzuo rolled his eyes and said: "Have you seen the pig?"

Dong did not hurt and said: "I have seen it!"

"Oh, you have seen it before, have you seen it since childhood? I have been known since I was a child." Chu Yang smiled and asked.

Dong was not hurt and was not happy: "Of course! Who has never seen a pig."

"That's good. You haven't seen it before, others have never seen it." Chu Yuzuo turned and walked away.

Dong is not stupid.

Shaking his head, the second monk can't touch his mind, lying in the trough, what does this mean?

What does this mean? What is the boss saying?

"Hey. What do you mean!?" Dong did not hurt the foggy anger: "Don't go!"

Ink tears rushed out of the hole, grabbed Dong’s unharmed ear and slammed in, and screamed: "You pig!"


The whole city of the city has been quietly silenced. Every day, it exercises in a posture that is almost life-saving. It detoxifies and makes every effort to restore and enhance its skill. It seems that practicing and detoxification is the purpose of his future survival.

Only in the rest of the time when the energy is overdraft, he will quietly look at Chu Yang and Dong without injury and practice. Only when those are necessary. The corner of the mouth will bring a warm smile, but the eyes will be more distant and empty.

What he saw in his eyes was that Chu Yang and Dong were not hurt, but his heart was thinking of his own brothers.

Even if Chu Yang and Dong did not hurt, they occasionally went out to cooperate with Mo Tianji’s actions. The dance city still only looked at it, did not interfere, and did not speak. Just blindly watching.

Every time in the battle, there is a strange scream from Ji Mo, the wolf of the enemy, the dragon of the sinister cloud. Feng Ming, who is ignorant, Gu Lian’s cold, Xie Danqiong’s shouting...

Whenever this time. Chu Yang and Dong’s unscarred face always glow with a soothing smile from the bottom of my heart.

It is also at this time that the envy and memories in the eyes of the dancing city are long-lasting.

They are brothers!

Such a brother, I also have it.

Just, they are not with me now.

but. Even if I am not around, I will see such a scene, or will it be heart-warming, still moving, or warm.

I believe that we can always get together again, we can!

If you can't bring the truth of the boss to the brothers, I will not be able to see the city.

No, you can't die, even if you die, you have to wait until the brothers have the truth and give the boss a wish!


The fifth gentleness was naturally not idle for two months, and it was organized for forty attacks!

A total of forty battles, big and small!

Mo Tianji is not in a mess, and the trick is on the opposite side.

As the two people warmed up in this round of battles, their personal prestige is getting higher and higher. It is really like the day when the words and the law are followed, and the internal teams are also becoming more and more elite because of this baptism.

Once and for all, once and for all, it’s difficult to think about it. In fact, the insincere elements have no living space and survival value. The jungle is the strongest and the survival of the fittest. The jungle law of the survival of the fittest is at this moment. , the most vivid show in front of you.

On the fifth gentle side, the death is not only the weak, but also a lot of strong, the supreme of more than six products, in these several battles, the fifth softly filled into thirteen!

Those are the fifth gentle and uncontrollable, or there is no way to control them.

For such a big gift, Mo Tianji will naturally be polite, as long as it is delivered to the door, it will satisfy the fifth soft desire, and the one-color photo will be fully accepted.

The fifth soft offensive is more and more crazy, especially the last three attacks, the strong offensive, really like a mountain and a tsunami, almost a wave after wave, a wave is higher than a wave.

The strength of the Li family is almost no room for comparison. Only by relying on the exquisite calculations of the Mo Tianji can we survive and succumb in the cracks again and again, but the gap between the real strengths of the two sides can not be relied on alone. Exquisite calculations can make up for it.

During this period of time, in addition to the core area of ​​the Li family, the important external strongholds, a little bit lost, are now almost completely collapsed!

The Li family, who once dominated the vast territory of tens of thousands of miles, is now available for the area that has been vacated for more than three thousand miles! This range is by no means small. If it is placed for the next three days, it will be enough to hold a battle between the two countries.

But in this battlefield where the moment can reach the supreme level of advance and retreat for dozens of miles, it seems so narrow.

The repeated attacks, repeated wins, and repeated tacit cooperation, so that the fifth gentle from the beginning of the attention to the Mo Tianji, slowly changed to the extreme attention, and then changed to admire, now to the point of respect .

All the solutions of Mo Tianji, all the arrangements, and the ability to do everything in a safe and sound manner can be said to be dripping. It’s hard to get a lot of money. Although Mo Tianji never really took advantage of his own, but the fifth is soft but knows well, how big is his advantage here.

There is endless support on his own side; there is almost no support on the other side of Mo Tianji. The result of the gap between the strengths of the two sides, in every action, Mo Tianji is bound to be much more uncomfortable than himself, and more to think a lot of steps, in order to cope with unexpected incidents on his side, or suddenly increase the number of troops, otherwise There is a danger of a situation collapse and a total failure...

In terms of planning, in terms of emboldenedness, it is still self-occupying, and it is not a small advantage.

However, even in the face of such a bad situation, Mo Tianji still stabilized the situation, making himself unable to turn the advantage into the absolute victory.

This makes the fifth gentle real wishful thinking impossible.

He wanted to go on like this, and then on the basis of his own strength, occupying a comprehensive victory, and when he thinks that he is enough, he will fight in one fell swoop, completely swallowed up, and even the nine robbers will swallow together!

But Mo Tianji never gave him such an opportunity!

Any gaps in this area have not been left out, this is the most admirable place for the fifth!

With the slight sacrifice, Mo Tianji had completely collapsed and collapsed two months ago. The Li family, which was completely destroyed, has been lingering and dying. No, it’s really awkward to describe it as a "solid soup" defense. And all of this is due to the Mo Tianji.

In the meantime, the follow-up reinforcements arrived, and the fifth gentleness immediately began to act and started the battlefield. In addition to the first time because of some unexpected factors, the other days, the other days, the two were even more comfortable. There are attacks and guards, no mess. And every attack can attack one's own soft underbelly, weaken and resist strong, and contain the army.

As for the traps that I have carefully laid out, Mo Tianji has never stepped in.

The fifth is to ask yourself softly. If you are in a position of Mo Tianji, you can never do better than Mo Tianji! Even if there are some omissions, it may not be.

For the first time, for the first time, for the opponents of this kind, for the first time, for people other than themselves, this kind of ‘respect to respect’ is such a degree!

"The other side's military division is really sharp. I rarely admire the people who play with the tricks, but for this person, I have to write a 'service' to him." The night of the night is sighing and sighing, very I respect the meaning of admiration.

In the last battle, he was completely counted by Mo Tianji, and was besieged by the three eight-supreme supreme, and almost could not return. Even this attack failed to participate.

"It's really sharp!" The fifth softly nodded slightly, faintly said: "Night old, you can't just see the other army's masters. What you really need to see is that the nine robbers and the nine robbers are so powerful, especially they Deep bottomless potential."

The night is stunned and said: "Yes! Really!"

"This time I faced the nine-robbery think tank, and there are several other people among the nine robberies. The nine robberies are not complete. It can be said that there is no climate yet, but it can only rely on an almost half-discrete family. , blocking the coalition of our eight major families and law enforcers."

"If the nine robber wings are really full, what will be the result?" The fifth soft and faint remark: "At that time, the living space of the eight families...hehe..."

The night is full of sweat and half-speaking.

"And, this time, at the very least, it is just the brains of the nine robbers who are dealing with us. Others only play a role. The most important thing is..." The fifth soft voice is a bit heavy: "The nine robbery sword master did not shoot!"

"Nine robbery think tanks, of course, terrible; but the most let me worry, it is still the nine robbers!"

Aussie Jiuzhongtian 7_ Aussie Jiuzhongtian full text free reading _ Seventh Seventy-seventh chapter of the reinforcements went where? update completed!

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