Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 794: Fascinating

"I saw that Dong was not hurt! He also came?" Li Xiong, standing next to Mo Tianji, said in a very solemn and seemingly casual tone that he wanted to express something very formally, but it was Speaking casually.

He is not a person who plays with his mind, but doing so makes people feel particularly awkward.

"Oh?" Mo Tianji raised his eyes and said to Li Xiongtu, it seems that he did not care.

"I saw that Dong was not hurt in the battle, it was really mighty! In the battlefield, the blocker was invincible! Moreover, he is now repaired, higher than me. It is much higher!"

"Very good, really good! He is much stronger than I expected!" Li Xiong's eyes showed fanaticism; faintly said: "In the middle of three days, several of you, some are not as good as me, some At most, it’s just just with me, but now, each should go beyond me and become the goal of my pursuit!”

"We are a generation."

"Life is afraid that there is no target to catch up; and now I have ten goals!" Li Xiongtu said.

"Congratulations to you." I can't help but swear: "There are so many goals, who do you think you can catch up with?"

This sentence is a bit yin and yang, even a very disapproving sarcasm.

Li Xiong snorted and looked at him and said: "I will catch up with you. I think the first one that can catch you is you. When I catch up with you, I will pick you up at the first time. Mom doesn't know you!"

I couldn’t help but panic and screamed. I jumped out of the way and patted my chest and pointed at the scorpion. “Hey, I’m so scared... I’m a six-pin peak and I’m being threatened by a four-product supreme today... I’m good. I am afraid, I am so afraid..."

Li Xiong's face is dark and black as the bottom of the pot.

I can't help but continue to panic: "Ah~~~ I heard such a terrible threat. Should I kill the bud in the cradle? You said that I should kill you directly, or let you know what it is." Your mother doesn't know what you're like. You kill him again? Black charcoal, you give me a suggestion, oh... wait until you catch up with this supreme!"

The "black charcoal head" directly made Li Xiong's black face darker, snorted and turned away.

Outside the chicken flying dog jumped strong, Li family's high-ranking supremes ran back and forth, everyone is arranging materials for the Mo Tianji, sighing incessantly.

Li Chunbo’s face is getting more and more sullen, and obviously it’s not optimistic.

It is at this time. Suddenly someone came to report: "Qi's ancestors, there is a girl outside, said her name is Chu, came to find Mo Tianji. She brought three followers. Four people are any masters of the supreme level."

Li Chunbo frowned: "Tsu name Chu? Girl? Supreme master?"


"Please come in." Li Chunbo said: "The coalition forces should not be naive to use such undercover scams..."


When Chu Leer stepped in. Everyone in the court is attracted to this girl!

Although the little girl was only fourteen and five years old, she developed very well during this time. She was also taken care of by Master and the big brother Chu Yang. The silhouette that belongs to the peerless beauty, belongs to the top color, but it has begun to show its power!

In the eyes of everyone, I saw only a white girl, suddenly appeared from the sky, and Shiran went into the hall. Floating up, not a little dusty and irritated.

Although the age is still young. The body has not yet fully grown, but the holy innocence means. But it is even more intense!

Like a pure and true fairy, suddenly appeared in the world, not only the glory of the ages, the face is exquisite to the point of the country, and because of the disease-ridden disease since childhood, now that the dysentery has gone, there is still a kind of Poor meaning.

She... seems to have been wronged...

Who would have the heart to let these peerless women be wronged? It’s **** it!

At the same time, people feel a pain at the same time, and the feeling of wanting to take care of them is strong.

Although mortal people know that the lowest fairy is stronger than their own, it is impossible to take care of the mortal, but they are involuntarily thinking in their hearts: Ning died can not let her be bullied!

Even Li Chunbo’s eyes can’t help but slip through a thick appreciation.

As for other people, nature is even more unbearable, and even some people are directly in a daze. Everyone can't help but marvel at the heart: There are such women in this world! Zhong Qiankun Ling Xiu, the essence of the world!

In the two colors of Li Tiantian and Li Tiantian, the evil spirits instantly widened their eyes, opened their mouths and looked at Chu Leer, and for a time they were not directly guarded. In the depths of their eyes, there is a faint glow in the blinking...

Such a beautiful person, if it can be included in the room...

Li Chunbo just concluded that this girl can never be a spy.

Because no one will be willing to let such a woman to be a spy, even if it is a violent thing, there is no such violent law!

"Excuse me, girl?" Li Chunbo turned around and looked around, and asked a word.

Originally, this sentence should not be personally asked by his ancestor, but at the moment, everyone in the hall seems to have lost the ability to speak at the same time. In addition to Li Chunbo, the eternal monster, other people or I am immersed in the good things, or in the middle of being dull, and even more so as to be arrogant and arrogant.

Li Chunbo was dissatisfied with this in his heart. He did not cultivate his mind, and he did not cultivate his mind. In the end, the future generations of Lijia were so corrupted. In addition to the inquiry, this sentence contains a few points of the nine masters. Like Huang Zhong Da Lu, the gong and drum of the morning bell, rang in the ears of everyone.

Suddenly the souls that are already coming out of the body are collected.

In an instant, most of the Supreme Supreme people who have been waking up have bowed their heads because of shackles, turned their eyes, and screamed in their hearts: the goblin, the sorcerer!

But there are some younger ones, but they still keep their eyes open.

Once the shock of the peerless beauty is removed, it is replaced by a strong color and the most urgent possessiveness.

Among them, it is the most extreme!

"I am a friend of Mo Tianji." Chu Leer faced a group of supremely supreme, and did not move. Quiet to the extreme answer.

Just this self-conscious calm has already made Li Chunbo look at each other: a 14-year-old girl. In the face of hundreds of supreme onlookers, we must face the pressure of the nine supreme supreme, but the appearance is as usual, the heart is sealess.

This in itself is already an amazing achievement.

"It turned out to be a friend of Tianji's brother." Surely smiled and stepped forward, posing the most perfect posture, like a windy eucalyptus tree with the most amiable smile: "Under the stern, and the brother of Tianji can be said to be Mo Rui The turn of the girl! Since the girl is a friend of Tianji, it is my friend! Since I came here, I will be treated with sincerity."

This is already a fascinating thing. The soul is incomplete, but I didn’t notice that my family’s ancestors were questioning and answering with Chu Leer, and the fluttering force was inserted into the words.

Li Chunbo’s face was black as the bottom of the pot. Looking at the stern eyes, I almost have to unload him eight!

It’s too shameful. It is too shameful.

This girl is young. At most, but at the age of fifteen or six, it has been until the highest level of cultivation. And their own children and grandchildren. Actually, in the face of such people, the number of non-compliance is even worse. If it is passed out, it will inevitably be despised...

Even if you are dead, your reputation will be hard to hear...

Chu Leer smiled a little and said: "Thank you for your son."

Li is a great son of Li Jia, and he is not a person who is covetous. At least on the surface is still decent, and his own self-cultivation is quite good. I shouldn't have a mood swing, but I don't know why. After listening to Chu Leer's thank you, I felt like I was light and fluttering. It seemed that the bones were lighter than three or three.

For a time, I was dizzy, and even my old ancestor’s face was dark and I didn’t notice it. My father desperately gave himself more attention.

"The girl is so polite!" The smile is more gentle and amiable, a kind of understanding: "Is the girl a good name?"

Although Chu Le's age is small, she has been plagued by illness since she was a child. I really don't know how much pain I have experienced. My mind is far beyond the actual age. I also have a brother of the Nine Robber Swordsman. There is a 40,000 year old. The poison of the first nine robbers as a master, the dexterity of the mind, it can be said that the machine is changing, far more than ordinary people.

Especially because of the relationship between childhood illness and pain, it is not too far to see the world in the world, but it is also a bit too extreme because of the experience of young people.

At this moment, I saw that I didn’t know how to advance and retreat. I didn’t need to turn my eyes to know what the goods were, and my heart suddenly felt disgusting and a burst of anger rose.

Just rely on your oily face guy, actually want to color this girl? It really is your eyes! In a rage, he will poison this cockroach. Think about it, strengthen yourself.

Hearing the words, Le Er’s face still showed no anger. Instead, his eyes turned and smiled. He actually picked up the magical Dafa taught by the purple evil. He said, "My name is Chu, but the name cannot tell you."

This laugh, if it is really like a strange birth, the gorgeous is not square. And the tone is even more delicate, like a subtle girl in a delicate and spoiled.

I was so lost, my eyes were straight, my bones were crisp, and I squinted my face: "Why can't you tell me to pinch?"

Chu Leer seems to be a slight swearing, scolding: "The nickname of the daughter's family can tell strangers casually!"

Between this swearing and swearing, it’s really eye-catching and playful, so it’s hard to write such a scene. In conjunction with the fascinating Dafa, it is the heart and soul that is drunk in a moment. For a time, like the fog in the clouds, the clouds are happy.

Today is the birthday of the ‘cold moon’. Happy birthday to him! In other words, the cold moon lord has always been called ‘Cang teacher’. Today, I said in the author’s group, “I want to celebrate the birthday of Cang’s teacher,” and suddenly there is a big **** to take the lead: Go to Japan?

I was silent for a few moments...

But no matter what other people are, I don't know who Cang teacher is. I only know the cold moon, so I wish you a happy birthday!

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