Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 799: Do you dare to marry my brother?

The three people of the tens of thousands of people and Mo Tianji get along very often, naturally there is no right to speak. The arrogant cloud and the ignorance of the two people can understand that Mo Tianji is very familiar. Even a few hairs on his body can be said to be similar, but now It is also full of fog.

When I was about to talk, I saw that Mo Tianji was very arrogant. He insisted: "I am considering the strategy of defeating the enemy. You have to disturb me... hum!"

Everyone is speechless at the same time. Are you really considering the strategy of defeating the enemy? Not like it!

It's a bit like the smell of that!

Of course, Mo Tianji will not be considering the great plot to defeat the enemy. There is no one star or two.

However, I did not consider other things. In fact, now he is thinking about what he is thinking, not only outsiders do not know, even he does not know. At this moment, "God's Ghost Calculation" only feels a lot of thoughts, and countless thoughts come quickly. However, the tide usually fades.

When I decided to be a certain god, I wanted to sort out the mixed feelings, but I found that there was nothing in my heart, and all my thoughts disappeared.

This strange situation has never happened in the life of Mo Tianji.

He feels very novel about this situation, very surprised, and even has some fear and expectation.

When all the distractions have disappeared, a clear face emerges in my mind.

It was a delicate, Hui Min, but with a strong and pretty face.

Eyes are smart, strong, stubborn, but with a hint of tenderness that people can't help but pity.

The owner of the face is so pitiful, but with pride that never depends on anyone.

Such a girl is very special and very special. At least, Mo Tianji has never seen it.

Especially. For the first time in the heart of Mo Tianji, there was a gentle and eager desire to care for her mood.

This kind of mood that you want to care for. In addition to the light dance of his sister, it was the first time that it appeared on other girls. Even the two women (the nominal little sister) or the little snow in Tianji City did not.

However, the taste is a bit different.

For my own sister, it is the wholehearted care, full of love, full connivance.

However, for this little girl who appeared in the sudden, in addition to love and connivance, Mo Tianji has a hegemonic possession. Selfish care...

The only difference is that it is a completely different result.

Mo Tianji was thinking, his heart was a little confused, and some people were suffering from the loss...

He stood so dull. The whole person is motionless. Half-baked.

The arrogant cloud and the ambiguous two were still accompanying him at the beginning. They had to fulfill their duties as a bodyguard. Later, they simply ignored him. Two people moved out of many wine dishes, and they ate and drank with people like ge, and they were infinitely happy.

The bodyguard is also a person, but also has to eat, can not give you a bodyguard, do not eat, and then we did not go away. Just eat it before you, but also tell you a piece of old...

Besides, it’s true that the buddies are treated as bodyguards by you. But... If it’s not brotherhood, you can’t afford a bodyguard like us.

During the drinking period, I called the Mo Tianji several times, but the Mo Tianji in the state of swimming did not hear it at all. Everyone only said that he was considering an infinitely far-reaching and serious problem. No one would dare to rush.

Even the voices of high talks have been depressed a lot...

According to the arrogant and the awkward two, once the question of the great **** stick is going to be a problem, if one can't think of a result, it is decided not to give up.

One time, he considered a layout, did not form for a long time, stayed up for a few nights, and stunned, and fell into such a state of safari. The two brothers kindly sent a bowl of ginseng tea, let him rest for a while, but cited There was a thunderous general sorrow, saying that he was bothered to think about it, and it was clear that there was something to be confused for the two.

Good intentions are treated as sputum liver and lungs, and the arrogant clouds and sorrows are almost ineffective.

From then on, the two of them did not ask about the state of a person’s wandering, and they were exhausted and deserved!

At most, it is time to send some tonic tea, bird's nest and other tonics, put it there and leave, love to eat!

Everyone drink and drink half, Li Xiongtu also joined, but the cup is too small, very happy, simply holding a wine jar that is almost half-human high, and the arrogant cloud can not get through.

This kind of mouthful of drinking and stuttering the flesh of the mouth, so that the sinister cloud and the stunned moments shocked.

Instead of drinking wine with a jar of wine, I really didn't drink such a big wine jar!

At this moment, Li Xiong’s picture is full of pride and enthusiasm, and his ambition is overwhelming. He is irritating and arrogant and ignorant and bloody. He is willing to show weakness, and his eyes will rush up. He has to smash this product!

I can't help but suggest that since I have to drink a lot of water, I have to seal each other's cultivation and drink again. With the cultivation to support the amount of alcohol, I must drink one or two.

This proposal has been unanimously endorsed by everyone.

So even the three men and three brothers and brothers together, these six people have closed their own dantian in an instant, six people drink five and drink six, Hu eat sea drink.

Chu Leer’s sleep was extremely sweet, and when the show was opened again, it was already midnight.

I only heard the sound of the outside being like a drum, and occasionally a little rumor came, just opened the door, and the alcohol that came oncoming almost rushed to the end, waiting to hold my nose and look.

But on the steps outside, there are six big men lying on the top, most of them are acquaintances.

Five of them are proud of evil clouds, they are unreasonable, and they are arrogant, and they are not alone. As for the last tall black carbon head, they don’t recognize it.

The six big men are all lying on the ground, each person's body presents a rather weird posture, some twisted and curled up, the most weird of which is the strange black charcoal head, two feet high The ground is placed on the six steps, but the head is in the snow below the steps, and the snow has been buried in most of the head.

With constant gasping, breathing, breathing, breathing again, some of the wine comes out from time to time, and there is a sparkling around the head. The wine that has emerged has already been frozen due to the cold. Half of the head was frozen in the snow. It’s really amazing that I can sleep with a thunder.

As for the other five people, the attitude is also similar. Anyway, it’s strange, each has its own merits.

This Chu Leer is really a bit stunned.

Chu Leer fluttered with great care, flew over the heads of the six drunkards and went to the yard. I can’t help but feel a bit strange. Where did Mo Tianji go? Proud evil clouds, you can't get through the two people drinking here, even drunk, then the Mo Tianji should not be too far away.

Under the plum tree, there is a pile of snow that is similar to a human being. "哗啦" was scattered, revealing a person inside, long and handsome, gentle and elegant. It’s just a stranger that I didn’t see: “How can you wake up so early? How hard have you been in the past few days? Why don’t you sleep for a while?

Chu Leer looked at him with amazement: "Isn't you drunk?"

These brothers of the heart of the big brother are really a wonderful one. The few people there will not know about the people themselves, but this one directly buried themselves with snow. Is it easier to figure out the problem in the buried snow?

"Well, I never let myself get drunk." Mo Tianji smiled.

"This habit is very good." Chu Leer did not disguise the praise: "I hate to be drunk, I hate it, the whole person is stinky, and the confused and unconscious, the real do not know the so-called. I feel that I am a man... Hey, my older brother will never be like this!"

Mo Tianji’s eyes lit up. Road: "Yes, drunk people are really annoying."

Chu Leer’s eyes lit up. Road: "You think so too..."

The two seem to have found a common topic in general, and they all blame the harm caused by drunkenness. Mo Tianji cited the classics, and the levy of the levy, the handcuffs, only a moment of effort, the drunkenness of men has risen to the height of the indignation of the heavens.

Men who are often drunk are not reliable.

Men who are often drunk are insecure.

A man who is often drunk is too easy to get into trouble.

The man who is often drunk is very rude.

A man who is often drunk can't do big things.

Men who are often drunk and have a tendency to beat their wives are by no means ideal.

a man who is often drunk...

Mo Tianji was very graceful and very organized, and he talked with Chu Leer very much, and it was more and more speculative. In the absence of traces, through the "drunken drunk" thing, intentionally or unintentionally nearly "infinitely" degraded the two good brothers, the proud and the ignorant, and then did not mention a word from beginning to end. Own, but invisible, you will undoubtedly increase your image and unfold high...

Because I won't get drunk!

What a simple, clear, real reason.

But Mo Tianji finally made a mistake and made a mistake that was quite low for him.

Chu Leer is saying Chu Yang: "How good is my big brother... how much..."

At the beginning, the Mo Tianji is of course listening and laughing, occasionally reconciling, complimenting and praising a few words...

But Chu Leer said that Chu Yang is simply endless, the kind of worship that Chu Yang infiltrates into the bones, the infinite closeness, the unconditional trust, just worship, it is simply... God!

The more I listened, the more I felt the sourness in my heart. He didn’t know what the sour feeling was because of what. Mo light dance said in front of him that there are countless good words in Chu Yang, the same worship, the same closeness, but Mo Although the celestial anger is angry, although it is not pleasing, there is really no such sour feeling.

It is this inexplicable sour feeling, almost subconsciously said: "In fact, Chu Yang is not so good, this **** is also a hungry ghost, a few boats, deceive so many women They all died on him... even my sister cheated, it was a beast..."

"You are a beast! You are not even a beast!" Chu Leer suddenly burst into anger: "You dare to marry my brother!"


<say things. Recently, these seven or eight days, the two hands began to be a bit unsatisfactory. In recent days, it was even more itch. The back of the hands of both hands showed the kind of sputum like acne, with ten fingers. Itching is going to die to live...

The mood has been poor for a few days. I really don't know the miscellaneous saying. From the day before, I need to use hot water to burn. After I slammed it, I felt that it was not so itchy, and then I started the code. I burned five or six times a night.

God knows that it is itching and trying to use a knife to draw a code word.

Today's kind of bulging cockroaches are somewhat hard and some are bulging out. I let people look at them and say that they may be scorpions, but... haven’t seen a long scorpion with a pair of hands on it?

And it is because of the climatic relationship between spring and what is so sensitive...

I am speechless, I have never heard of the spring hair to the hand...

I will go to the hospital tomorrow to see what it is. It’s quite a lot. I’m trying to count it with my hands today. I have two hands with my fingers on my back. There are about twenty-six of these things. This is already obvious. There are still some places. It started to itch and it didn't bulge. Each one has a big chassis. If it’s really a scorpion, that’s too much...

How big is my hand?

I will check the results to you tomorrow. If you don't open a single chapter, just write it here. >

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