Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 800: Willow flowers, cloth array!

"The most fundamental role of Amethyst is to transform the point into personal strength! So many amethysts, do not quickly allocate to the masters of the home to absorb all, keep watching the numbers? Isn't this a very strange thing? ”

Li Chunbo’s face was speechless.

For Mo Tianji, he agrees infinitely; but... before that, Li has done this! Every day, the amethyst is mined, and the amethyst is gathered every day, but the amethyst is only kept, and even the family is only a very small part.

The vast majority of the rest are all collected and hoarded... What is the significance of hoarding this?

As Mo Tianji said: You are here a pile of dead objects! If you give the family masters, and fully supply them to cultivate... If you really turn these amethyst into a master, how much pressure can you reduce today?

305.67 million Amethysts, such as the huge number of figures, in terms of quantity alone, even if piled up a thousand nine products supreme is more than enough, if the Li family really has a thousand nine products supreme... ...Is it not been swept by my family for three days? !

"哎川... Such a faint move..." Mo Tianji sighed in the sky: "Now the family is dying, this huge wealth, it is all falling into the pockets of others..." Is it the accumulation of the family? To complete the enemy today? ! ”

“It’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous!”

Mo Tianji said with awkwardness, it is a bit gnashing.

Li Chunbo is speechless. Everything that Mo Tianji said is ugly, but every sentence is big! Think about the situation of the Li family now, and then look at the huge amount of amethyst storage of astronomical figures, which can be transformed into the family's own strength...

Mo said that Mo Tianji hated to bite his teeth, Li Chunbo directly wanted to kill himself!

In fact, all the big families do this, and Amethyst is a scarce resource to be collected for later use. Only available to the master, but no family has ever used all these amethysts.

Because there is always a need to leave a hand behind this one can not hòufei.

But if the billions of piles are piled up, the entire continent is also a separate one?

"Previous seniors"... I don't know if you have been to the Amethyst storehouse? "Mo Tianji said: "The amethysts that are under pressure... or have been moldy, maybe?" ”

Li Chunbo's face rose purple and he gasped.

For a long time, Li Chunbo said that some desperate powerlessness said: "Is it really impossible to try? Is there no room for a test?"

When I said this, it was the disappointment in my heart. It was a disappointment for the descendants of the family. There was no general idea of ​​the overall situation.

The mouse eye can even make such a silly and arrogant thing, or one of the nine families, so funny and pen is also the best!

The family that I created by myself, the blood of my own continues, and I am about to completely annihilate the world.

Thirdly, it is clear that the opportunity to preserve the descendants has been shattered after the hope has risen. The strong impact from hope to despair has made the old man seem to be a few hundred years old in the blink of an eye. At this moment, Li Chunbo has no more demeanour for the best, and he is only a dying man with no fighting spirit.

There is even a kind of boring sorrow.

Mo Tianji sighed in his heart and reversed his head. He said: "Li Lao, you have been living for many years, even if you don’t know much about the law, you should know that 'the difference is a thousand miles. This is especially true. If I am reluctant to do what you say, the formation is difficult to complete, not to mention the seven thousand, even if it is seven people, it will be finished because of 'reluctantly try.'

"I finally solemnly reiterated that if I can get the soul of Amethyst, I can use what you have found so far, and build a battle to save the total number of women and children, that is, seven thousand blood; but if there is no Amethyst The soul is a battle for the town, and the battle is difficult, then there is really no hope!"

Li Chunbo spit out a sigh of relief, and the old man’s heart was filled with despair.

It’s like trying to do something with a sigh of relief. Success hope is in front of you, ready to do everything, but finds that you lack a necessary item on the road to success and can only give up halfway. Let the hope go away from you.

That kind of sorrow, that kind of powerlessness!

The feelings of depression in Li Chunbo’s mind are beyond words.

Even the fire of hope that had already begun to burn in his eyes began to gradually extinguish, and gradually became stunned.

"Amethyst Soul?" said a cool, cool voice in the afternoon: "Mu Da Ge, what do you want to do with the Amethyst Soul? I have it here, how many pieces?"

The owner of the cold and sweet voice is naturally Chu Leer.

At this moment, Mo Tianji clearly saw that Li Chunbo’s nephew suddenly burst into a bright color, which made it impossible to directly look at it!

Then I saw the old man jumped like a sudden burst of vitality!

Jumped up and turned around, his face is full of ecstasy!

Looking at Chu Leer, Li Chunbo’s voice even trembled: “Chu girl, you...” Where do you have the soul of Amethyst?

Desperate hope, hope is desperate, but in the time of complete despair, but completely seized hope!

With the strength of Li Chunbo, it almost collapsed.

Chu Leer smiled and said: "Yeah, in this battle, I can’t do anything with my ability. However, since I came here, you just lacked that thing, and I just happened to have it. It should be."

Howl is modest? Is this modesty? People are the "drug doctors" of the clothes and rumors, but they can't make any effort.

Howl is it? Is this generous? It’s just that you are missing, and I just have it, help the handle...

Li Chunbo took a heavy breath, and for a moment there was a kind of ‘the mountains and the waters were full of doubts, and the feeling of the darkness was another village. The feeling was directly “the death of ten deaths” but “the escape of death”.

Mo Tiandao said: "How much do you have?"

Mo Da Shen stick is not too unexpected for Chu Leer to have the soul of Amethyst. Chu Yang’s most pampered sister, how could there be no Amethyst soul? The real thing that makes Mo Tianji unexpected is that this girl will be like this. Generous to take it out.

It’s a kind and generous girl. Such a character is really only seen in Mo’s life. If you change to someone else, Hugh will say that the amethyst soul is such a rare treasure, even a piece of amethyst, may not be willing.

Chu Leer asked in a reversed way: "Don't worry about how much I have, how much do you want?"

This sentence, but really let both Mo Tianji and Li Chunbo be amazed: What does this little girl mean? Is it... how much can you provide me?

Li Chunbo couldn’t help but marvel at it. It’s really the sister of the nine-robbery sword. The apprentice of the poison doctor is really rich and rich.

The screaming of the rich and the rich, this is called the rich and the rich, the old man has opened another vision for many years.

And on a little girl...,

In an instant, Li Laozu felt that he had lived on the dog for more than 10,000 years... It’s not as good as a 14-year-old girl...

This old child does not know, in fact, the soul of Amethyst owned by Chu Leer, and even the most amethyst soul of Chu Yang itself is basically taken out from Lijia... Now only back to back three Two pieces, but turned into a big human feeling...,

Mo Tianji said: "If I need to complete all the materials I need, then I need at least five pieces of Amethyst to fight the big battle: but now the total number of materials is not even one-third, with two pieces. The soul of Amethyst has been more than enough to come to the town!"

Chu Leer said very cheerfully: "But two, I thought how much I need, hey, give it to you."

With a slap in the hand, there are two purple amethyst souls in the palm of your hand!

Li Chunbo’s lips are all scorpion up.

"The effectiveness of the battlefield is limited, you can only save seven thousand! Li predecessors, you must remember to remember, seven thousand people, only less, not more, more than one person, may cause a burst of instant Crash, once the battle collapses, there is no possibility of repair!"

Mo Tianji said: "Predecessors, now have the soul of Amethyst, I am here to start to arrange the array, as for you to arrange arrangements."

"Arrangement? What to arrange? Is there anything I need to prepare?" Li Chunbo has some souls to keep up with, and the old man’s experience should not ask such unwise questions, but the repeated sorrows and joys and hopes desperately make this old man really have some heads. Big.

"First of all, the number of places that can be entered into the battlefield is very limited. There must be trade-offs in the family. In the end, it is necessary to protect that, and it is necessary to make a decision. Secondly, 7,000 people are in the big battle, safe. Although there is no need to worry about it, it still needs to be prepared for drinking and daily necessities. Since it is a hidden refuge, it is necessary to live in it for a long time, and it is not allowed to come out for a long time. Finally, I must remind you that this one Things should be regarded as the first-class secret of Li, and how to maximize the secrets while being able to screen people out, the key is to believe that you understand!"

Mo Tianji said: "Once Zhang Yang, this only chance of survival will cause a strong internal guilty dispute within Li, Chuan, this point, you must know, can't help!"

Li Chunbo suddenly woke up and jumped up. He said: "I will proceed immediately and I will never allow it to happen!"

"Right, please ask the ten supremes to help out! Don't ask for the level, as long as you can trust it." Mo Tiandao said: "The layout of this array, there are certain requirements for the environment, first of all need to put all the snow Get rid of it..." You broke the place and it was so deep..."

After the words have not been finished, Li Chunbo has promised to go far.

In the next two days, the Li family began an intensive movement inside.

The remaining peace time has been very short, and Mo Tianji has been supervising the whole process and began to set up.

A faint mysterious atmosphere gathered in the sky above Lijia...

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