Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 816: Play!

Xiao Chenyu’s chest was ups and downs, and he had to be arrogant. Suddenly he shouted, and a blood spurted out, muttering: "Second brother! Second brother!"

Suddenly turned around, the white robe was in the air like a white meteor, and disappeared without a trace.

However, there is a breath of sorrow and sorrow between heaven and earth, which is slowly spreading out; the atmosphere is full of extreme anger, bitter hatred, and immortality!

More to say no benefit.

Only do not die!

Li home direction.

Eight teams have been assembled!

A total of 1,961 people. Severe, Li Wubo, Li Xiongtu is in it.

Desperate to the back of Li Xiongtu, his eyes filled with the most resentful meaning.

Why can't he, I can't?

At this moment, I am ready to start.

Severely moved to the back of the team, but was pulled by Li Bubo, slowly shook his head.

On one side, the arrogant cloud and the sorrow are not holding the sword and standing; the face is cold.

A long shout, Mo Tianji volleyed, on the top of the mountain, once again pulled up a hundred feet. Beside him, there are Chu Leer, Wanjie, into a single shadow, the package does not return. There is also a good love.

In commanding the battle, Mo Tianji chose the same way as the fifth gentle: high-altitude command!

In this respect, Mo Tianji is still a little more advantageous than the fifth. First, Mo Tianji is self-cultivated to be far above the fifth gentleness, and he maintains a virtual suspension for a long time, without the help of others. Second, there is Chu Leer is around, there will be no means to cast a beheading. The fifth is gentle but there is no such preferential treatment. Even if you know your strength is superior, you must arrange enough manpower to protect yourself.

In the end, Mo Tianji’s just a word has already confessed to the identity of his “Nine Robbery” think tank. The legend of the nine robbers has been long gone. From no exception, this is equal to the “God of Heaven”. The great pressure!

The opposite is also a long shout, obviously, the fifth gentleness is already in place.

The two are too far apart, and even if they are suspended in the same void, they still can't see each other, but they have a feeling of heart and soul.

Sure enough, you are the same.

"Chen Jia, Ye Jia played!" The fifth soft command, Lan Mofeng shouted out loud and shook the four wild. This is also a point of advantage. The fifth gentleness must be conveyed by others, but the Mo Tianji does not need it. This is the advantage of being high...

The two teams came together in unison.

Mo Tianji faintly said: "The first two teams, play!"

Both sides also played, but the momentum of each other was absolutely different. As soon as they saw it, the coalition forces dispatched a team of almost 1,500 people, while the Li family had less than 200 people.

The four teams, from the opposite direction, interspersed toward the front at the same time and entered the snowy mountains and mountains.

A fierce murderous murderously rushed.

The final battle!

Talking about the saints of the Sanzhao people in the sky, they are looking at the sudden energy of the three lights in the sky. The envy of each face is bright, the mouth is coveted, and the mouth is full of coveted.

If we are... we can also motivate the power of the sun, the moon and the stars, then... the strength of the Samsung saints is not enough... brushing?

In an instant, everyone was greatly sighed: the gangsters, the real ruined family, actually used such precious power to ... arranging! ? Stabilizing the mountains? This is really a waste of his mother’s waste.

Seeing the unbearable reaction of everyone, talking about the slap in the face of a pretense, "brushing", the long hair that was placed in front of the forehead was very "rejoice" and smashed onto the shoulder, one eye, one eye, one small eyebrow Chaotian asked an eyebrow to insert the ground: "Today, this guy is not handsome?"

The Samsung Sanctuary Extreme has been entangled in the moment, and even the channel: "Shuai! It is so handsome! Who can be more handsome than you?"

"The Holy King is crowned with heaven and earth, and there is no match for the world, the world is the next person!" said a saint of the saints, holding his nose!

"Is it true that the Holy King is so handsome today? The real day is more handsome than the day, how can people be so handsome... vomiting..." One Supreme said that he couldn’t help but feel nausea at any time. come out.

"The holy king is really cool and cool, unless he is not going out, going out is the dream girl of the world girl, the idol of the woman who is eight years old to the age of eight thousand..." This supreme is really talented. These words have transcended the times.

"Nonsense, you are the sacred king. With the handsomeness of the sacred king, how is the idol of the eight thousand-year-old woman, clearly it should be 80,000 years old, 800,000 years old! As long as it is a woman, the baby is also dumped "The other supreme, shameless can also have no upper limit, no limit, for example, this one!"

"The holy king is so terrible! The handsome man is terrible! The handsome sky is cracking! The handsome sun and the moon are dull! The handsome end of the world, the handsome is really too inhuman. vomit..." The conscience of another person is really gone, say In the end, I finally couldn’t stand the condemnation of my conscience. The voice was very vague and vomited twice.

"An ancient drum, what do you say? I am handsome and handsome? If it is really handsome, you will say it out loud, don't be so reserved, I won't mind!" Tan Xiao smiled and looked serious, always An ancient elder who did not speak.

The ancient drum is like a leather drum, and the round face is instantly distorted. It continues to maintain a serious attitude. Shen Sheng said: "The handsome king of the holy king is naturally climbing up! The handsome king of the holy king, who has never come before The handsome king of the Holy King is really... Holy King, you killed me!"

Talk about blinking, angered: "Fart! Continue, I said I will not mind, give me continue."

The ancient one drum tragedy said: "But I mind... the handsome king of the king... It’s so handsome, too handsome, too handsome..."

After talking for hundreds of times, it was so handsome. A holy king finally satisfied, and nodded with a smile.

Then I waved my hand and said: "Yes, I am very happy today, and you don't have to worry about it. After the end of the battle, I will look for opportunities to talk to Mo Tianji and let him come once again for us. The levy of the sky, let you also use the three light ray, through the cultivation of a magical power, to ensure that the tube is enough."

"Holy King, are you serious about this?" Everyone suddenly looked upon.

"Of course it is true, what's the matter!" Tan said that he was very stinky and snorted and said: "What do I say, Mo Tianji still dare not! From then... even if it is really I made a nerve, and the dog didn’t listen to me. Isn’t there my brother? My brother, but his boss, let Mo Tianji go east, Mo Tianji would not dare to go west; let him go to the dog He didn't dare to go to the chicken!"

"The Holy King is mighty! The sword master is mighty!" Everyone smiled and smiled.

"Sacred King! You are so handsome! Really handsome, really handsome to describe..." This time, it is truly true and sincere.

Talking about his face and accepting it, a copy should look like this.

Hey, Mo Tianji, the kid dare not listen to the words of the Holy King? This holy king is his biggest nemesis.

I remembered that the brothers got along and talked with each other, and they said, "I don’t have to go out with my brothers. Do you want to listen to me? Mo Tianji’s kid dare not listen to me? It’s really fat... oh..."

To be honest, it’s really not a blow, but Mo Tianji really dare not violate the words of the swearing, not only the celestial plane, even the nine brothers and all the brothers, even Chu Yang is no exception, they are very afraid Talking about the land, it is not for his holy king, nor for what he is, but not for his nine powerful weapons...

I am afraid of a word.

It’s just that horrible question, let’s take a look at it. I am afraid that I will be caught.

"Mo Tianji, do you think I am handsome? Is it more handsome today?!"

It is such a sentence that makes Mo Tianji painful, and suddenly remembers one day, and must have nightmares at night.

In the face of a guy who is far from the word "people", his face is quite a face, and an eyebrow is eyebrows and asks himself to say this, and Mo Tianji really wants to die.

In particular; as long as someone asks this sentence, if you don't give him a reply that he thinks is satisfactory, he will be so confused with you.

"Say, I am handsome, handsome? Is it handsome?"

"Is it more handsome than yesterday? Is it definitely handsome?"

"Really handsome? Where is it handsome? Tell me carefully..."

"What? No handsome? There is no handsome there. Come and talk about analysis and analysis..."


In this way, this is the case, Mo Tianji, the **** of the qi martial arts, and so on, was smashed and smashed, and he couldn’t hide, and he couldn’t find a helper.

The unity of the nine robbery brothers, descending from the ancient times, stretched for 100,000 years, from the outsiders can disintegrate, the past generations!

The power of the nine generations of this generation is better than any previous generation, but this unity practice does not apply before one person!

That person is talking about it!

When the brothers saw and talked about the Mo Tianji, no one dared to rely on the front, and one by one made a bird and a beast. Talk about the terrible degree of 昙 绝对 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Generally, it is like this: talk to the uncle... What do you want, please say, I will do it!

Throughout the life of Mo Tianji, to reach the situation that makes it responsive, there are three people, and there must be a talk among the three!

The sacred king of the king, can be seen!


Between the mountains and the mountains, the four teams from both sides flew in.

It is like a trickle that melts into the sea, and it is silent in the blink of an eye.

The mountain here is very complicated and changeable. Even if it is located on both sides of the mountain peaks, it may not be able to see all the situations after the two teams entered. Only by standing at high altitude can you see at a glance; but it is also far away.

With the voices of the commanders on both sides issued, the two teams went out, and the others did not know.


Ticketing! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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