Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 824: Nine robbery

The nine robbery swords and swords show their brilliance, and they even send out a screaming sword, full of shock and anger, and the Excalibur has a spirit, you can fully feel the evil thoughts and greed of these people.

"Nine robbery sword master! Just now, I have already heard the sound, but now I am not willing to come out?" Xiao Chen Yu Zhuo Li air, suddenly drank.


On the other side, the fifth gentleness is almost fainting.

Really alive will be stunned.

It took a lot of hard work and paid so much sacrifice. It’s hard to drag you back to this powerful group of pigs! I also hope that you will join the battlefield, strangling before and after, killing the Li family in one fell swoop, and ending this battle!

I didn't expect you to come back when you came back. If you didn't do anything, you stood not far away, posing there, waiting for the nine-robber sword master who didn't show up at all!

This... Is this not a pit person?

I am not afraid of God-like opponents, but I am afraid of a pig-like companion. Hey, you are pigs who are insulting pigs!

The importance of the re-emergence of the Nine Robbery Sword, of course, the fifth gentleness. But... what about the nine robbery swords, and it needs someone to use it?

The nine robbery sword master can make it clear that it is the strong support of Li. You don't deal with him, who are you dealing with? Let's destroy the Li family and deal with the Nine Robber Swordsman first.

Why are you not here? why?

In the fifth gentle heart, I cried, almost shouting the orders of the blind man, but Xiao Chenyu’s night was just a move.

The fifth is soft and long.

He had to take it, Chu Yang appeared at this moment, even if it did not show up. It is already a strong containment! Nine robbery swords, nine robbery sword master!

This is a myth.

Does Xiao Chenyu and others have such reactions, or is it the most correct? After all, if the killing of the nine robbery sword master, even if the Li family does not care, the nine major families win.

But... at the moment it is the battlefield of the fifth gentle and Mo Tianji!

Although the fifth gentleness understands, but how can he not vomit blood for this!

The original long-snake snake array has already been defeated. The masters in the array are able to support it because of the expectations of Xiao Chenyu and others. Now, when these people are back, they are not going to fight...

What is the situation? I rely on, can we let us fight here?

So how many lives can we fight? Here are two of the nine products of the supreme killer...

Although everyone here also understands the importance of the Nine Robbery Sword, the degree of sophistication, and even the reason why everyone does not come. It’s not unclear; it’s even clear that if you change your position, you’ll probably not come over... but it’s one thing, the truth is so complete, but it’s completely unacceptable.

"Let's go... Xiao Lao, they will definitely not come over..." A six-product supreme screamed in his throat: "Leave the green hills, don't be afraid of not burning wood, the brethren will leave here and say..."


But everything is afraid of having a leader.

After this loud noise, countless people have set themselves up and flew out like a fly. The degree of enthusiasm can no longer be described in words. It’s as if Death is chasing them, although there are indeed a few death gods waving their lives...

In the twinkling of this mountain peak. The crowds are like falling dumplings, and they are falling down. Everyone is rushing to jump down...

With the cultivation of these people, if you jump, you will definitely not fall, but if you stay on it, you will definitely die.

Brush brush...

With the power of these people, if they are really collectively desperate, they may not be able to defeat Li Chunbo and others, but ... people, each has their own minds, and when they are truly united. Have you ever had it?

What's more, it is far from the end of the so-called end! Desperately... What?

The fifth is soft and trembling, and the hands and feet are coldly looking at the place where it was originally a big camp. This is... is this easy to change? This has become a family.

In addition to the dead bodies of the dead bodies in one place, they can still stand, all of them are family members.

The fifth gentleness finally couldn't help but spurt a blood out.

"This kind of person can actually become the backbone of the nine family. Such a family has existed for more than 10,000 years... It is a miracle." The fifth soft voice sighed lowly: "Mo Tianji, your strategy succeeded. The strategy of no success is actually successful, just succeeded in the fifth gentleness of me?! People can win the sky? People can't win themselves! Nothing! Nothing!"

"I saw everything, but I can't stop it!" The fifth softly screamed. The whole body fluttered across from the opposite side.

With Tiancaodibao, all the masters can be taken away. So, do the bait with the nine robbers do not directly cause the explosion?

If the sword falls to the hands of a top player in the coalition, he will first have to be guilty, and then...

The fifth gentle and dare not think about it again, the only thing that can be done is only a smile.

"This defeat, not my fault! This war, it is me to win!" The fifth gentleness will never shirk responsibility, has established facts, and will not say anything to justify. But this time, it was said in such a big way. This defeat is not my fault.

He understands that Mo Tianji also understands. The battle for this battle, I accounted for too much and too much cheap. It’s not good to win, it’s a laugh!

In fact, as long as everyone can listen to the fifth gentle, then, this time, Mo Tianji is definitely not good. The ending of Li’s being destroyed is irreversible, and... Mo Tianji can’t even get a little cheap.

It is already very good to let the fifth gently admit a tie that is both defeated. It is a very brilliant result.

But now, when the coalition forces retreat, the Li family eventually occupied the mountain, which is equivalent to grasping the command hub that Mo Tianji originally decided. Then, the next battle, the fifth softness is really dangerous.

Finally, the enemy was forced to the top of the mountain. Li Chunbo, who was relieved, felt that his own cultivation was almost collapsed.

The body swayed and stood strong, and said: "Check the casualties!"

"There are 970 people on the peak, there are still 430 people!" Li Xiangsi took a deep breath, but a blood did not hold back: "Death, 540 people!"

Li Chunbo was silent for a while.

The battle just said, it seems to be very long, but in fact, there are only a short period of time before and after; even half a column of incense is not. But in such a short period of time, the master of the five grades and above, the death of 540 people, this is not considered a wounded!

"There is no one with a slight injury, and only 17 people are seriously injured." Li Xiangsi said sadly.

Everyone is a long sigh.

This data has already vividly explained the fierceness of this war: in such a battle, there is not even a light wounded person! Only serious injuries and deaths. The death data is far more than dozens of times of serious injuries.

"It's all desperate." Li Chunbo smirked.

"The number of enemy deaths is around 1,300 people!" Li Xiangsi said.

"I don't care about that, that doesn't matter." Li Chunbo said faintly: "I don't care if the enemy dies... Now, immediately gather the people, and all enter a hidden state."


This piece of hills has been transformed before the battle, and the original caves in the mountains have been concealed by the Li family and formed a natural fortress.

Nowadays, it has been super-hardened by Samsung's big array, and it has naturally become the secret of Li's family.

This is also a change that the coalition cannot think of. It is also the biggest card pre-arranged by Mo Tianji.

Mo Tianji flew down, and Chu Leer stood on the top of the mountain, his face was very heavy, and there was no joy in his victory.

"How?" asked Li Chunbo.

"The fifth is soft and difficult to entangle, it is really difficult to entangle. I have tried to overestimate the wisdom of this person, but I did not expect him to be able to make this point." Mo Tiandao said: "If it is not today's variable, if It’s not that the leaders of the nine family have their own selfishness, they have their own plans, they don’t obey his orders, especially Xiao Chenyu’s selfishness... I’m afraid, even if we pay more, we won’t get the set goals. It’s my defeat.”

Mo Tianji sighed and said: "I am careless. He won me, won the day, but lost to himself."

Mo Tianji is indeed a big idea. Before the hub was placed on the enemy's site, it is a subtlety, but this move is undoubtedly an adventure. As long as the enemy does not move, or can hold on to the end, the only result is that the defeat is successful.

Such a strategy can only deal with the wise man. The fifth gentleness is, but the fifth is soft but still higher than the first line. Almost let Mo Tianji defeated.

Although the success has achieved the intended purpose, but Mo Tianji is still the embers still exist. Because he clearly knows how this is achieved, he is slightly inferior to the battle between him and the fifth gentleman.

Most of the strategic bases that can be obtained are luck.

"No wonder the nine robbers will not die." Mo Tianji sighed in the heart, this luck, no one can grasp.

"However, if you win, you will win. Everything will still follow the original plan!" Mo Tianji said: "You are arranged, I am going to see my big brother, and by the way, explain to him the things of the predecessors. Since the nine robbers Come out, then, there should be no accidents in a short period of time. The attention of all the owners is only afraid of not paying attention to you. Therefore, it is a point to recover the injury as soon as possible.

"In this battle, the people in our ambush did not move, and the manpower of the other ambush did not move. So it is very likely that the next battle is a comprehensive decisive battle. At the moment, it is still the key to its own strength. "Mo Tianji said solemnly.

"it is good!"

Li Chunbo is not embarrassed. He turned and walked. He experienced many years and he still didn't understand anything.

Chu Leer and Mo Tianji both stood up and flew to the high ground on the battlefield.

There, the huge and unrelenting nine-robbery sword is still shining with brilliance.


"Nine robbery sword master! Are you afraid to come out?" Xiao Chenyu's sharp eyes glanced around: "Come out, let everyone see and see, the legendary mysterious nine robbery sword master, what is the number one? !"

"Hehehe..." A faint voice suddenly sounded, the voice that was spoken before.

The spirit of the people was shocked, and the mysterious nine-robbery sword master finally appeared!

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