Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 829: Success or failure!

"Do you understand?" Mo Tianji screamed.

"I understand it, I really understand it..." Ji Mo rushed to smear the spit on his face, very sad, very depressed, very wrong, almost wronged during the day.


"Tomorrow's decisive battle, command and dispatch will rely on the fifth commander." Xiao Chenyu still has some ambiguous expression on his face.

The fifth softly decapitated, said: "Gentle and do your best, and do your best!"

"Today's things... something happened suddenly, the whole thing is an accident." Xiao Chen Yudao: "The fifth commander does not blame."

For today's events, Xiao Chenyu is really embarrassed in his heart. After all, he and others are waiting for the war to chase after the treasures. It can be said that it is left to the fifth gentle one that is almost impossible to clean up.

The fifth gentleness insisted on this mess, and even insisted that they wait for someone to come back, but they did not care about the immediate crisis, and they simply pursued the whereabouts of the nine robberies, resulting in the eventually losing control of the war and not defeating it. It is already the fifth gradual tactic of great strategizing, and the family has already felt very fortunate.

If it is true, the nine-way coalition forces will encircle the family, and if they fail to reach the final stage of the final battle, they will be defeated by the enemy. It is really a joke. As for myself, it will definitely become the biggest joke in the joke, and Qing history is famous.

But understand and understand, understand and understand, if it happens again and again, Xiao Chenyu really can't be sure that he won't chase it again!

Everyone will say, but how many people can really do it? !

The fifth gentle point of nod to understanding, said: "It's okay; gentle can understand the choices of the seniors and others. That is the temptation of our warriors, it is difficult for someone to resist the temptation."

Xiao Chenyu saw the fifth gentle and sincere heartfelt words, but also the appreciation of the heart: can meet this kind of thing, but also can not accept the color of acceptance, but also so calm, looking at his own life, he still really did not I have seen it.

The fifth soft and faint smile seemed to be respectful and bowed. Mindfulness: The people of your nine family are like this; if I blame you, how can I get you? In the end, I still find myself guilty; you are nothing but my tools, I use you to compete with Mo Tianji, not to bear what you have learned in the chest, nothing more. It’s just that I’m not lucky, I have no choice but to choose you.

But since it has been chosen, it must bear the consequences.

Regardless of whether you obey or disobey orders, I will eventually carry out this battle to the end.

In this case, what am I still angry with? Really looking for a breath?

The next morning.

The morning light has not yet shined, and the war has already begun in a scream.

The ambush arranged before the Mo Tianji, after all, began to move.

And the person who started the action first is not someone else, it is stern!

This piece of snow, on the top, is no different from other snow layers, but there is a difference in the bones.

Here is the snow layer formed after the landslide, because there have been countless boulders rolling down the landslide, which is dense in this piece of snow. Undoubtedly formed a natural cover.

Because of the role of the three-light array, as long as the mountain has contact with the mountain, under the influence of the big array, it will immediately become an inseparable part.

It can be said to be a natural bunker.

And Mo Tianji had already made a lot of preparations on the ground before the war had begun, and informed the family of this section early.

After the four teams of the Li family entered the snow layer, they were familiar with the terrain and they immediately sneaked into the air, quietly waiting for the appropriate moment to make a fatal blow. Under the snow layer, there are caves that have been dug in advance.

Three light bursts into a single formation; the cave becomes an indestructible base! After entering the underground, the Li family immediately found the big stone in the snow layer rolling down the mountain, pressing down the big stone, and the snow all the way in front of such a master, there is no stopping power to the ground. !

It is equal to the fact that this piece of snow is fixed by the middle of the big stone.

Some of the large stones that are useful for ambushes stop at a moment when there is still a little gap from the ground.

Then the person drilled into the cave, the stone was suspended, and only a few feet touched the ground, thus forming an unusually concealed bunker.

If you are in danger, just drag the stone down and touch the ground. So the stone that was broken at the last moment is now a thing that the gods are hard to destroy.

Mo Tianji made such arrangements in advance, it can be said that it has already arranged the advantages of the terrain here to the extreme! As long as everyone in the family is doing this, it is definitely not too rare to win more with less and weaker.

Not to mention other important backhands!

The masters of the Li family are hidden, and the masters of the coalition are naturally unaware; it is even more impossible to know the secrets under this snow layer. Before, there was a means by which a supreme master applied his hands to the sky and wanted to spread the entire snow layer. Turn it up.

However, I did not expect to be able to relocate the mountains and reclaim the sea. In this snow layer, there is no use at all! This discovery has made the leaders of the coalition forces stunned, like a thin ice. Had to obey the order, slowly advance under this snow layer, quietly lurking.

This day and night, I really don’t know how many coalition masters turned around and turned around every hole in the ambush.

Li family has never moved, only waiting for the attack command of Mo Tianji, giving the enemy a heavy blow!

However, this should be the most sharp attack, but it is destroyed by oneself!

Just as Xiao Chenyu and others are tempted by foreign objects, regardless of the overall situation, the war situation is out of control, but this time it is the turn of a rat to smash a whole pot of porridge!

God does not completely ignore the nine robbery brothers, at least, never really ignore the Li family!

I can’t help it anymore.

The kind of aversion and embarrassment that is inherent to a person who is better than himself, so that the arrogant and arrogant Lijia Dagong has less patience than others.

Seeing that the two coalition masters swayed from the cave where they were hiding, the desire to express their feelings suddenly became unstoppable and could not be stopped!

The enemies in front of you are completely unprepared, and one blow is enough to kill the commandments! Why do you have to wait for the command of Mo Tianji? Can his eyes see the specific situation of the ground?

Is he so powerful?

So the sneak sneak out of the hiding place, the two short swords in the hand silently cut the neck of these two people from behind!

The wonderful taste of this lore sniper is simply not too cool!

Two strong men who are not weaker than themselves, so silently lost their lives under their own sneak attack, and they almost have to scream in the sky!

However, immediately after a while, the sound of the sound began to sound like a cry!

The sullen face instantly became pale.

The two former deaths of the Supreme body made strange noises; as one of the nine family members, the sect of the ancestors, absolutely can not know this voice?

That is ‘Supreme 殒’!

The so-called 'Supreme 殒' is a peculiar Tianyin metal made, worn on the body, as long as there is still life in the human body, even if there is only one trace, there will still be no sound, but once the person is dead, life The breath naturally disappears, then this 'Supreme 殒' will make a strange sound similar to crying.

Generally, all major families will wear on important people, but they did not expect that the fifth gentleness will give these people such important things...

In fact, as long as you think about it, you can understand that fighting with each other is under the dark snow layer. What is the fifth gentleness not equipped with this? The lower the warrior, the more likely it is to be killed, but once it is killed, it can reveal the hiding place of the enemy, especially in such a situation where the enemy is so dark, the equipment is reasonable. It's a thing.

"Hey!" A distant voice was apparently a call for the summoning order; then the squeeze of the snow layer suddenly increased.

Strictly retreat to his hiding cave.

"The target is over there!" A voice came and found this side; there were voices on the opposite side and left and right.

It’s too late to retreat to the cave at the moment. I’m so worried that I will turn around and run to the side; there are my family’s hidden inside, and I have a master, I can be safe.

"Everyone shot, grab the one that ran!" An angry voice rang low: "He is the murderer, Liu Laosan and Ma Jun are finished..."

"Brush", a few people quickly chased over, volley a palm, banged out. Even in the ground, a clear air burst sound was heard.

Wherever passed, the snow layer melted rapidly!

I grew up in the northwest, and I can say that I have been dealing with snow and ice all the year round. Naturally, I know all kinds of changes under the snow layer. How to move at high speed under the snow layer is a good thing. Of course, it is not only him, but Li Lizhong People, all this way, compared with the coalition forces, it is really like a fish, very flexible.

Even if it is weak in its own strength, it also has an absolute advantage in speed. This has undoubtedly become the strongest means for him to fight with the enemy.

An abrupt turn, sliding by the snow, the moment has gone to a large stone fixed before the accident, then the whole person disappeared, as if disappeared from the air. The fierce and arrogant supreme force "banged" on the big stone and made a loud noise, but even the stone foam did not shake down.

The three light arrays, the hard stone is immortal, the hegemony can be seen.

"Stupid! Don't hit the stone! Useless, follow the people!" One Supreme Fury.

The supreme heart of the palm of your hand is not depressed, what do you say about his mother? I, he, don’t know how to beat people? Isn't this just a person behind the stone? If I don't aim at it, can I hit the stone so well... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe (this site) to subscribe. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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