Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 842: Northwest Battle [4]

Lan Mofeng frowned and said: "Don't be moved!" The only remaining people in the Lan family heard that there was no impulsiveness.

This is the fifth gentle command; no matter how to fight, but the risky things absolutely do not have to be done, rather than miss the opportunity, can not be undoubtedly risky, now the Lan family, any little combat power is precious.

And now it is not in the Lan family, but in the fifth soft headquarters power, how can it be easily lost?

Xiao Jia and the night house took the lead, and Miao Zhendong and other law enforcement masters followed suit, and rushed up. Miao Zhendong was somewhat embarrassed and embarrassed. After all, he first withdrew, but caused such a big The loss, and the result is bluffing. Second, Xiao and Night have already rushed forward. They can’t say it, and they’re not positive. The risk is definitely small.

In an instant, more than 2,000 people came up from all sides and once again formed a situation of encirclement.

"Bulky, I want to continue playing tricks when I die." Miao Zhendong sneered: "Hurry up and hang them up! Let them go on the road, the soul goes to Jiuquan!"

"Playing tricks? Well, Laozi will play a good trick for you today!" The fierce family laughed happily, watching Xiao Xiaoyan and the night screaming Miao Zhendong and others rushing toward themselves and others. : "Li Jiazhong! People must watch the show, everyone can sell their lives, Bo replaces the price, it is at this time! Life and death are the same!"

"Hey! Life and death are the same!"

A neat roar, there is a similar "life and death"!

Just in the coalition, some people still sneered at the fact that they were still arrogant and ignorant, and suddenly a glaring flash of light flashed in front of them, and then an explosion of earth-shattering shocks, which suddenly detonated.

A deafening explosion!

Seventy-seven people from Lijia, at the same time, turned into the most pure energy between heaven and earth. When they compressed to the extreme, they suddenly exploded!

Nothing has shrunk! No hesitation! No hesitation!

At the last moment, even the slogan shouted nothing, just to give the enemy an accident.

A wonderful performance, a good acting, a good old game!

Xiao Yuyan is the fastest of all people, almost just rushed over, the sword is already approaching the enemy's body, and even has contacted an enemy, but at this moment, the explosion has begun!

Therefore, he is of course the one who died the most in the coalition!

Xiao Yuyan was blown into the sky without any resistance.

The repair of the night is still on the top of Xiao Yuyan, and he is rushing to the scene, almost indiscriminately turned into a fly ash, dissipated between the heavens and the earth, it is difficult brothers and brothers, brothers return.

Also, Miao Zhendong was eager to perform and save face because of her heart. This time it was very close, and it was the fastest in the ranks of law enforcement. Naturally, she was not spared. The expression of ridiculous face was not enough to be scattered. It has become the end of the world!

Under the blast, the two eight-character peaks are supreme, three or four are seven-supreme, seven or eight are six-supreme, and all others are all three or more supreme and seventy-seven are blew together...

Although the number of people in this explosion is far less than that of the previous 8,000 people, the quality is hundreds of times far more than a thousand times! Such a joint self-destructive power, as long as it is controlled within a certain range, even if it is the nine products supreme, only drink and hate one way!

What's more, only eight products are repaired?

How can you not die? !

The coalition forces rushed to the top thousand people, almost at the same time evaporating without a trace.

Among them, there are six eight-supreme masters of various families and law enforcers!

This kind of super master who can dominate the world, in this battle, it is so easy and easy to die, even as if it is a joke, it is so dead...

On the other hand, Dong did not hurt his eyes and looked red: "Big brother, are we really not going to fight?"

Chu Yang is heavy, Shen Sheng said: "No! Before the death of Li Jia, we do not participate in the war! It is not because of our heart, but... This is the glory of Li Jia! Li Chunbo solemnly cares, is to fulfill the family The last glory!"

"This is the battle of heroes. This moment belongs only to the children of Li family! Others, can not be destroyed!"

Everyone understands this truth.

Also understand.

But now, when you see such a fierce battle, everyone still feels hot and it seems that the blood is boiling.


"There is finally dead!" Li Chunbo's face is not waved, said: "Second brother, you have lost this time, your subconscious urge, but it has become the chasing order of your descendants; now, finally everyone is dead Are you happy?!"

At this moment, there are already two sword marks on his body. The sword marks that can make the nine products supremely injured, only the nine products can be made!

Blood infiltrated the white robe like snow.

On the body of Qu Xiangge, the scars are more; and Xiao Chenyu, only his face is slightly whiter, but it is still not a big problem, obviously it is cheap.

Li Chunbo's repair is probably a mid-level of nine products, but Qu Xiangge only has nine levels of supreme primary level; but Xiao Chenyu is a nine-grade supreme high, very close to the peak level!

Although it is only such a small level, in this level of fighting, it is already an insurmountable scorpio!

The more martial arts, the deeper the level, the greater the difference between each level.

Although Xiao Chenyu is only a little higher than Li Chunbo, in the battle, Li Chunbo and Qu Xiangge are fighting alone, but they are all under the guise of one enemy and two, and they even have the upper hand.

Even a nine-level opponent can handle it with ease!

So at the beginning of the war, Li Chunbo said: Second brother, let you send it!

That is because he knows that he is not the opponent of Xiao Chenyu! But if he really wants to die, among the entire northwestern enemy, apart from Xiao Chenyu, there is really no one who is qualified to kill him and has the ability to kill him!

Therefore, dying under the hands of Xiao Chen Yu, it is finally dead.

This point, Xiao Chenyu also understands.

But at the moment, Xiao Chenyu is obviously a bit chaotic. Just now, I made a decree, but it led to the death of Xiao Yuyan and the night happy! Just a blink of an eye, more than a thousand people there were killed by their own orders.

At this moment, I heard Li Chunbo talking, not because of a red face, but also forbearing heartache, so do calm, cold and cold: "You still worry about yourself!" Then he attacked a sword and attacked it.

Li Chunbo did not do dodge, a sword swayed, and lived to hold the long sword attacked by Xiao Chenyu. "When" shocked the sky, haha ​​laughed: "The younger brother is asking the second brother to send me, still worried about what, If you really have to worry, is it not self-contradictory?"

Xiao Chenyu finally couldn't stand it: "So, I will fulfill you! On the road of Huangquan, say hello to Uncle Li!"

Li Chunbo felt a pain in his heart and said with great anger: "Xiao Chenyu, everyone is a world, and it will be a crime for a thousand years. How dare you insult the elders?"

Xiao Chenyu feels wrong when he says a word, and there is no regret in his heart. But the enemy and me are distinct at the moment, and then the explanation is also meaningless. It is no longer necessary to speak, but the sword in the hand is more urgent, and Li Chunbo and Qu Xiangge are pressured. But it’s mad.


At this point, the people in the Li family have already died almost the same. The only two battlefields below are Li Xiangsi and Li Zuo Li, and two other eight-product supreme are besieged by the enemy.

Seeing that seventy-seven people have turned into a blue smoke explosion, Li Xiangsi has tears in his eyes and laughs in his mouth: "Good! Li family! Li family soul! This is the case! It should be!"

Li Zuo Li right at the same time cheering, laughing, and fierce.

The three people laughed wildly, and their expressions became more and more mad. Under the spur of the heroic and self-destructive influence of the descendants of the surrounding, the three had gradually sprouted their death.

"砰", the sound of Acacia once again in the middle of the move, the instinct of the internal organs, such as the fire, the painful heart, can not afford.

The sound is not yet falling -

There were two deafening explosions, almost no difference.

Li Xiangsi only feels that something is coming in from the cold in the mouth, and the blood is strong; when he turns his head, he can't help but crack: "Ah~~~~"

A mad voice, a strong self-repressing blood finally sprayed out.

The two people who blew themselves are the only two other eight products that Li Jiashuo has!

In the face of the opponent's dozens of eight products, even the nine products of the supreme siege, the two did not avoid killing the enemy, no hesitation, simply blew together, in exchange for life's casualties!

In a flesh and blood, although there are as many as twenty high-ranking supreme joint forces at the same time, there are still more than 300 people who died in the explosion at the same time!

There are even three eight-good supreme because the distance is too close, it is directly blown into a crippled, three arms, four thighs at the same time left!

At this point, the entire battlefield, only the last two places are particularly fighting.

A decisive battle site is in mid-air, Qu Xiangge and Li Chunbo teamed up with Xiao Chenyu;

The other is, at the bottom, Li Zuo Li and Li Xiangsi are surrounded by three people!

The situation of the three people below is obviously not good, and now they are all high-level supreme masters! The lowest of them, there are also the level of the supreme seven products, a rough number, enough for the situation of fifty or sixty people!

The iron barrels are generally enclosed in a circle, and the situation of the surrounding is completed. It is impossible to break through.

As for the remaining warriors who were repaired to a lower level, they were all rushed to clean the battlefield and search for the wounded.

There is no room for them to intervene in these two battlefields.

Fighting, the battle to this moment is basically over.

The so-called cleaning of the battlefield, in fact, does not need to clean up; in addition to serious injuries and people who have a life, other people have turned into fly ash.

The entire battlefield, even a complete body can not be found!

The cruel and **** battle is the same!

The sword is like a rain, and a squeaking sound is heard. At the same time, there are nine eight-piece supreme swords. If the sword light is roller lightning, the link will be in the sky; there is no warning to penetrate the battle circle of Li Xiangsi and others!

Suddenly, the atmosphere of death completely enveloped the entire space!

Li Xiangsi suddenly felt that his own long-term lovesickness was turned into nothingness at this moment!

............(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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