Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 848: Exposed!

Mrs. Li’s face is more and more ugly, and she really has a heart to slap the dead, but one is the only living thing in front. Secondly, it’s always a grandson and grandson. The old lady is still a favorite of this grandson. I really can't bear to start. .

At this moment, a far cry came out: "Ha ha ha... It turns out that everyone is here. Since you have all assembled, it has saved a lot of effort from the old man. From your knowledge, I must let You are on the road and reunited with yours!"

Unspeakable, I was out of control again, and under the panic, I sneaked into the pile of women, and I couldn’t say anything: "Come on, they are coming... Who will protect me... Fast... I want to run... Help what…"

"Shut up, you are awkward!" Mrs. Li gave a drink.

The sound is not big, but it is extremely majestic.

Hundreds of thousands of people, at this moment, heard the movements belonging to the enemy, and the face showed mourning color at the same time. The last hope was lost. The enemy came to the hinterland of the family and proved that... our own family has been counted kill!

Otherwise, how can they come over? How can I come here? !

However, in addition to grief, they are one by one, and they have no fear of fear. There is a kind of comfort that is about to be released.

They went, and it will be our turn. Although we are weak, but the iron and blood is still the same, Li family, how to fear? !

The shadow of the shadows came one after another. Chen Jianlong took the lead and was proud of it. The nostrils shouted: "Tell Laozi, the treasures of Lijia are all there? Just give it up, I will let you die, don't let me go. Give yourself a sin, and the taste can be uncomfortable and smart."

Mrs. Li faintly said: "Where is that one? Please quote it! The Li family has never looked at the treasures, but you want the treasures of the family, but you must not see enough qualifications!"

The old woman looked up, her white hair was in the air, and her two eyes were sharply shot. Cold and cold: "It’s not that a cat and a dog can take over the treasure!"

Chen Jianlong said coldly: "What is the old lady?"

The old lady smiled: "This is the northwest, the land of Lijia! Here is the Li family, the wife, I am asking you, who are you?"

Chen Jianlong was furious: "The northwest of Lijia? Is this a fierce family? Or this will still be a fierce family, and it will not be necessary to wait for a while. The man of Lijia is dead! Even the fierce family member Li Chunbo is dead. Do you think this can be the site of Lijia! You still insist on this problem. How ridiculous!"

The old lady suddenly laughed loudly, but sternly and boldly said: "There is not only a man, but also a woman. We are also a family! As long as there is still one person surnamed Li, this land is still a strong family!"

Everyone shouted at the same time: "Yes, as long as there is another person surnamed Li, this land is Lijia! Here is Lijia!"

Chen Jianlong laughed and reached out and said: "Well. There seems to be a belt there, and he is also yours!"

His fingers are exactly the same.

I felt that I was locked in the mind of the person I was coming in. I was horrified and shouted: "Don't kill me, help me..." and turned and fled. It was actually there that people went there. Do not care about the difference between men and women, the more they escape.

Chen Jianlong even more smiles, hehe smiled: "I can't think of Li, I still know the current affairs, I can live like him, because he knows that he is afraid, know what can provoke, what can't be provoked!? You still think Is this land a strong family?" Asked the question directly to Mrs. Li.

The old lady said faintly: "I will answer your first question first. The animal is not worthy of his current surname, but he is destined not to surname again, because he can live for a hundred years, even a hundred years. Ten thousand years, but the ancestors of the ancestors will not admit that his surname is fierce! He is not worthy! Secondly, here is the place of Lijia, as long as there is another person in Lijia, one breath, this will never change!"

Chen Jianlong heard the words angry and angered and said: "Good! Since the old lady said so, then I will kill the surname, and then go to search for treasures. The old man really does not believe that those Tiandi treasures can even grow wings. Fly!"

The old lady sneered: "You didn't intend to let us go, why bother?"

Suddenly shouted: "The men are all heroes. They will never bend their knees before, and they will die together! Will a woman from Lijia be afraid of death?"

"Li man hero, woman is not afraid of anything!"

Still unanimously screaming in unison.

The old lady waved her hand to stop the roar of everyone, and sneered: "In fact, what do you say about nonsense? What are you waiting for? Our men are already dead. Do we still have to be here, not to go. Reunion?"

An explosion of general embarrassment, suddenly the women of the family rushed up!

Everyone is holding a sword and a knife, and everyone else is doing nothing.

Most of them are low-powered, but this time they rushed up, but they were not killing the enemy, just to be killed, and killed as soon as possible!

that is it!

As Chen Jianlong said, the women of Lijia already have the consciousness of the losers; but this kind of consciousness can never be surrender, but death!

Strictly the kid is still escaping from life, and escape seems to be the only thing he can do. He is compared with the women or the white-haired or the red-faced woman, who is as big as a manure! No, there are dogs in the big manure, but he is too lazy to pay attention to the dog.

At the moment, the 120,000 men who had stayed behind had screamed and rushed up.

"Kill! Kill the light! One does not stay!" Chen Jianlong eyes red, looking up and screaming: "Kill! Do not kill! Chicken dogs do not stay, blood wash the northwest!"

"Cleaning the roots, leaving no trouble!"

Thousands of masters have also met the past positively. Compared with these family members in front of them, these people are like a group of long-awaited regular soldiers. In the face of a group of babies, nearly irresistible babies waved the most cruel. Butcher knife.

This is a killing without any resistance!

Not almost, it is a killing without any resistance at all!

A sword is thrown out, that is, dozens of people are screaming and falling down at the same time.

Blood rushes to the sky, and between moments, blood flows into the river.

Chen Jianlong has a cold color on his face, but he is chasing the past where he is.

The big man of the Li family, but the strange goods can live; at the very least, he should know the treasure house of Li, and his biggest feature, fear of death, this is the best for the enemy. Quality...

As his mind locked and accelerated, it was like a frightened rabbit. He was even more panicked. He even climbed, and he didn’t know what to call. He screamed that he was dumb. To the point.

"Help, save your life... help... oh, mother, my mother..."

"Kid, you are now useless to shout the big day!" Chen Jianlong flew up and grabbed it with one hand!

I suddenly thought about it at this moment; flee? Where to escape? Where can I escape to be safe, eh? Yes, what else is there, where is it safe, where is it, right...

"Pull the sky! Pull out the sky! Come on..." Li is almost incoherent and begins to meditate in the heart, clinging to the last life-saving straw.

Now Li Batian naturally sits in the secret position of the Mo Tianji, sitting quietly and quietly. There is a lot of silence here. There are a lot of seven thousand children. Everyone is silent. No one knows, hiding in this place will not I can really avoid it.

According to the original intention of Mo Tianji, I wanted to leave some space. There may be some space for maneuvering, but the position of the family of seven thousand people is too small. How can it be left empty?

So here is really a thousand people head full of Dangdang!

However, at this time, Li Batian suddenly indirectly received a strong call from the outside, and launched a request for all-in-one concentricity. Li Batian hesitated a moment, or immediately launched the secret law.

I have already said in advance that once it is at that time, it is definitely a dangerous moment that cannot be dragged again. It can only be started immediately!

Chen Jianlong waved a sword and once again flew around dozens of fierce family members, one big hand, one grabbed the sturdy vest, and smashed his whole person like a chicken. At this moment, he would never struggle. Now, I have to open my mouth and ask questions. Suddenly I feel a wave of ripples in the air, and the savvy that has been caught in the palm of my hand has suddenly disappeared suddenly...

And it disappeared without a trace.

Just leave a "beep" sound, a piece of cloth hanging in the palm of your hand.

Sudden changes, Chen Jianlong could not help but scream, and stay on the spot.

Immediately, I felt that the purple light and light suddenly appeared not far away, and there was a series of light and shadow changes, and then the sky began to rise. The loud noise of "Boom", countless people were flying out by the explosive waves.

The sky is dusty and the clouds are flying out.

Snow dust fell, and people in the place were all alone.

I saw that behind the crowd, there was a lot of open space out of thin air. In the open space, there were at least thousands of teenagers with a look of horror. Looking at this, they were totally at a loss.

Seeing the sudden changes in the situation, the coalition forces are still okay. Although the other side has thousands of people out of thin air, it is only a low-ranking warrior. It will not be harder to kill than those women. However, what is the situation? Ambush? Sending an ambush? Or a hidden refuge? But how can it be exposed in the mouth of the army?

And the women and children of the Li family, a dry white hair suddenly collapsed!

Where... Isn't it the child of the family? Each one is a familiar face, and each one is the most promising genius child of the family with the most promising future.

How can it appear here out of thin air?

Are they not taken away by the ancestors to teach the secret law? Are they not hiding security? How could this be the case, what happened to the end? !

The battlefield is silent!

The two brothers, Li Li and Li Batian, are now stupid. The two are sitting in the middle of the position, staring blankly at the outside situation. For a moment, the brain seems to be stiff.

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