Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 853: Receive Northwest [third! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

Chen Jianlong and Chen’s remnants have blood in their hearts, but they are brave and afraid to speak. This ugly ghost can do it without saying a word. If it’s just a matter of doing it, it’s just a matter of picking it up, but he shuts his mouth and shuts up. If you are really stunned by someone, it is even more terrible than death.

"Nine robbery sword master!" Xiao Chenyu turned his head and looked at Chu Yang deeply. He said: "This Samsung saint is your help? Your card?"

Chu Yang faintly said: "Xiao Lao feels that the Samsung Sacred will be my help? Can I have such a strong card?"

Xiao Chenyu sneered: "You are afraid that you have not done this yet!"

Chu Yang sneered: "Then you still ask? Is your head kicked?"

Xiao Chenyu snorted and walked away, and shouted loudly: "Nine robbery sword master! Come to Rijiang Lake, we will count the old account!"

Chu Yang sneer, but did not say anything again, now Xiao Chen Yu anger filled the heart, not provoke, if it is really irritating him, trigger a big battle, then it is not easy to deal with.

In the blink of an eye, the hands of the coalition forces have gone without a trace.


"Xiao Lao, let's just go?" Chen Jianlong apparently asked 100,000 unwillingly.

"Don't go, leave a dead battle? Let everyone get here? If you have this courage, you can stay a battle." Xiao Chenyu looked at him coldly.

Chen Jianlong’s words, the amazing strength of the ancient drums before, can make him feel awkward, until this moment is still a shock.

"After everyone went back, the news of the resurrection of the Samsung saints was announced to the world; in addition, the news of the nine robbers and the nine robbers should be reported to the major families and law enforcers!" Xiao Chenyu said: "We If all of them die here, who will send these messages?"

"The fifth is gentle..."

"Idiot, saying that your idiots are ill-conceived idiots... The fifth gentleness has already pulled people back to the South, and it is about to create a fifth family. The more chaotic the situation, the better for him, how can he publicize for us? This matter?" Xiao Chenyu sighed.

He faintly felt that this time the eight major families joined forces to annihilate the Li family. On the surface, it seems that they have achieved success. After all, Li Jia has been dying from his ancestors, Li Chunbo. All the masters are dead, and most of them are self-destructive and dying. Everything is gone, never surviving.

But, in fact, it seems to be a big defeat?

Nine robberies have now become a climate; the position of the city has changed from awkward to clear; the two masters of Fengyue are now sitting in the family of Chuyang; nowadays, the Samsung saints are also out of the mountain because of this matter; occupying a place in the mainland; and... The fifth family is actually starting up... And if the two old guys of Ning Tianya and Bu Liuqing reappear, the situation is bound to be even worse...

This continent... is caught in a chaotic mess!

This great chaos was caused by this encirclement.

"It's too messy! It's too confusing!" I thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't think of any clues. Xiao Chenyu felt that his head had become a paste, and he didn't listen to it at all; Long sigh; I am not really considering the material of these things, if the fifth gentle still...

"Xiao Lao, the Tianding event will begin soon..." Chen Jianlong said.

“Tianding event?” Xiao Chenyu frowned, saying: “This time... maybe a chance!”


"Everyone gathers." Tan screamed in the air.

Li Jiafu and her sister all looked at the sudden big demon with some fear; would the demon of the Samsung Sacred rule the northwest?

He even has Xiao Chenyu retreating from the existence of Sanshe. Hearing his ancestors said that Xiao Chenyu’s strength is above his ancestors, and to what extent is the strength of this great demon king?

Will it be out of the tiger's mouth and go into the wolf's nest?

Li Jiafu rushed to the side of Chu Yang and Mo Tianji and so on. At least there are still a few familiar faces, or they can be relied on, and it is serious to be far from the ugly ghost.

Chu Yang sighed and said: "You can rest assured that he will not hurt you."

Even with the persuasion of Chu Yang, the people in the Li family are still instinctively worried about the party.

"Everyone can put their hearts in their stomachs. Our Samsung saints are also human beings!" Talking and yelling, shouting: "I solemnly promised here today, Li family, always surnamed Li; you can still live in Here. We will not bully you, nor will we persecute them; what you have done before, what you can do now."

"Our existence is to provide protection for you. Of course, this protection is not unpaid. Relatively, you need to provide us with some labor; in exchange for some necessary living resources, I believe you can understand, With the style of the family, don’t you want someone else’s charity?!”

"As for the younger generation of the younger generation, if you are qualified, you can also go to us for selection; learn high-level martial arts; if you have a great success in the future, you can go out and find your enemies to revenge; A snowy family revenge, even Megatron! This is all achievable!"

He said: "But it is too early to say that at the moment; at present we must first trust each other and live in harmony. Now, with a lot of time, you can deal with family matters first, discuss the follow-up, make the living stable, the deceased Rest in peace; it is the most important thing at the moment!"

Having said that, although the words of the great demon are somewhat incoherent; but the family is still letting go.

It seems that at least life is saved, and those children will not be in danger for a while, but this is already too much.

Li Jia went to the next time to call friends and friends, almost in a mess; those women went crazy to their children; once sighed the rest of the life, the crying voices came one after another, one woman burst into tears, tight Holding his own child tightly, I burst into tears.

There are also the 120,000 Lijia low-level repairs for the children at the same time stumbled, pointing to the place where the war has just occurred, deeply gimmick.

Li Jiaying soul, rest in peace here.

Please pay attention, one day, we will personally recover the **** enemy!

I have been continually coming to Chu Yang and Mo Tianji to thank the enemy. The enemy has already withdrawn. From the attitude of Chu Yang to the Samsung saints and the dance city, everyone with a discerning eye can see that this group of people is probably the master of the nine robbers. The reinforcements that came.

Although it came a little late, it has always saved the entire family, especially those who are younger.

Chu Yang and Mo Tianji had been dealing with it for a long time, and finally they handed over the follow-up matters to Xie Danqiong and Ao Xieyun. They and Mo Tianji talked about each other and entered a large courtyard.

When it comes to dealing with such things, Ao Congyun and Xie Danqiong are both experts. Of course, the two also selected some of the elders of the Samsung saints to help.

There are also some Samsung saints who immediately set off to return to the original site of the ethnic group and prepare for the migration of the whole family.

After all, moving from the northeastern Jedi to the northwest is a great event for the Samsung saints. Although it is also ice and snow, the environment is not so good, but here is a living.

As long as it is a viable environment, it is thousands of times better than the original residence.

This yard is the original residence of Li Xiong.

When everyone entered, the dreams came out to meet, and everyone was shocked.

I saw a shiny steel knife on the neck of this girl with a bright tooth. The handle was held in her hand, and a head was quietly revealed.

Obviously, if the person who discovered it is not a family member, he is ready to smother himself to avoid being humiliated.

When it was confirmed that Mo Tianji and others came, I finally let go of my heart. When I slammed, the steel knife landed, and then I rushed over and rushed to the front of the Motian machine. Some sly, some suspiciously asked: "Mo... Mo Junshi, What about the hero? He...he is there? He...he must be good?"

Later, the tears were already full of eyelids, hoping to get a positive answer, but I was afraid that the loss would come.

Mo Tianji smiled and said: "Do not worry, he is fine... I will be back soon."

Hearing the words "He's okay...", for the dreams of Huanhuan, it is simply the most beautiful sound of the sound of nature. She trembled, and the whole person almost fell to the ground at once, and supported it, but Finally, I fell softly and fell to the ground, suddenly burst into tears: "He's fine... He's fine... Hey..."

Suddenly, I burst into tears, burst into tears, cried, and smiled with a happy smile on my lips.

Everyone understood her feelings and could not persuade for a while; only sighed in the same breath.

He said, "Well, the woman is really weird. If it is said that he has something wrong, of course he also cries; he is fine, actually crying even more... It’s really hard to understand wow..."

After the words have not been finished, Xie Danfeng slammed his feet: "Go and go! I have never seen you this kind of goods! You are crying and laughing, what are you doing! It is serious to get out of the way!"

Let me go forward and comfort the dreams.

When he talked about it, he stood up and patted his buttocks. When he saw the contemptuous eyes of Mo Tianji and others, he said triumphantly: "Is it not seen? This is the advantage of being handsome; she is afraid that I will smack it... It looks so tight..."

"Vo~~~" Mo Tianji smashed his face, his face was distorted, and he almost didn't spit it out.

Everyone sat in the hall, and Mo Tianji pointed to Ji Mo to go forward, and Li Hongtu, who was especially in a coma, came back and deliberately said: "It’s good to resist coming back, don’t wake him up, although Li Lao said There are three days, but it may not be absolute, not to be careless... If he is really awake, he must immediately punch and stun. Or else... I am afraid that something will happen, and all things are careful."

The heart said that Li Xiong said that the goods scorpion temper, if you wake up and engage in a confidant to die, then it is terrible...


I have a meal, then the code word! Everyone will give you a few monthly tickets... It will be caught up... There will be a fourth more tonight; as for the fifth one... cough, I am desperate! I'll try! I... I want a monthly ticket! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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