Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 856: Exotic trading

"Pig... is also very cute!" Chu Yang said with a smile: "Besides being cute, you can eat and use a lot."

Wei Gongzi was mad at him and lived, gnashing his teeth: "What are your conditions? Say it! I try my best."

"Is this saying, as if I have any intentions?" Chu Yang said: "I also know what you are going to do, but I just can't give it to you! This thing I keep is useful... if I gave it to you, what should I do? Can't you destroy my own plan for you?"

Wei Gongzi said: "I don't want it all! You just give it to me temporarily. I will send it back when I run out."

Chu Yang resolutely shook his head: "Temporarily handed it to you? Use it to return it. This is temporary for a while, two days a year, two years a year, 10,000 years, 20,000 years, or 100,000 years, as long as it is given to you, Is it equal to handing the meat buns to the dog? No, no, no!"

Chu Yang’s head is like a rattle.

"It won't be that long, or if you are accompanying you, can this be all right?" Wei Gongzi only felt that the temple had collapsed and jumped up with his fingers, and said with hatred.

"Alright, I am going with you. Wouldn't it be to help you? You can really count, not only count my things, but also my people? I don't dare this heart. I’m dealing with you.” Chu Yang said with anxiety: “When you say, who knows how much you want to use, I used up all of a sudden, I have no place to cry, but the world has no regrets to sell...”

"Not to mention that I am so busy now, the Tianding event will begin to see. The situation on the rivers and lakes also requires us to create some paradoxes to guide us..." Chu Yang pushes three resistances and four, obviously it is unwilling to help.

Say, I don't agree, how are you?

Wei Gongzi was furious and couldn't bear it. Huo stood up: "You pretend, you reload, I promise you, wait until you open the city of the elves, restore the holy land, whatever you want, take what you want directly." There are certainly many good things in the ruins of our Elven City. They are all left in the ancient times, so you should always be satisfied? How? Give a quick speech! Don’t promise me to turn back and go back for three days..."

"The deal!" Chu Yang did not wait for him to finish, it has been very loud and promised, it is really a promise; the lazy body suddenly stretched straight, brushed out a hand: "Let us high-five For the oath, no one can repent!"

Wei Gongzi looked at the white palm of his hand on the tip of his nose. His eyes were stunned and he didn’t react.

Is this what is going on? Was Chu Yang not just a reluctant side county? How can you agree so so? Is there a conspiracy?

Wei Gongzi faintly felt that he seemed to have made a big deal, but he couldn’t think of it for a while, what he was up to, and what would be lost; he was eagerly looking forward to Chu Yang’s promise. But now he is suspicious and afraid to make a decision.

"What do you want? You tell me." Wei Gongzi asked suspiciously.

"Hey, you don't want to go? You say that you are this person, indecisive..." Chu Yang suddenly seemed to be softened by the extracted bones, and lazy to sit back: "That counts!"

"Hey!" Wei Gongzi, who was on the verge of breaking the line, "shooted" on his palm that had not been taken back, and said: "Clap the swear, never regret it! Just set it!"

Seeing this guy actually wants to repent? Is this still ok?

Wei Gongzi took the initiative and immediately made a decision!

Chu Yang threatened: "The words are like this, but if you don't keep your credit at the time, I will take you no, you are so high..."

"Scorpio is extinguished!" Wei Gongzi hurriedly interrupted and smiled.

"That's good, then it's good. Let's start when I am? I know that you are very anxious." Chu Yang smiled, and paid for your attitude. The brothers were also smiling and all the people put down. A big stone in my heart, a long burst of breath.

Wei Gongzi felt that there was no room for it, and he wondered: "What do you say?"

"It should be late, the sooner the better!" Chu Yang said very refreshingly: "It is OK to leave now."

"Hey!~~~~" Wei Gongzi finally determined that he was indeed pitted again and again. The most tragic thing is that I still don’t know what is being pitted until now...

He couldn't think of dreams. The eighth piece of the Nine Robbery Sword is in the City of Elf!

Even if he does not ask Chu Yang to go, Chu Yang will in turn ask him to take him.

Because... In addition to the pure blood elf of Wei Gongzi, the entire Nine Heavens World, no second person can find, can open the remains of the Elven City!

Nowadays, Chu Yang can not only get the eighth interception sword, but also can get a lot of surprises by the way, you can search from the remains of the Elven City...

Can you not turn your heart, do you feel dizzy?

Mo Tianji rolled his eyes and finally confirmed: Chu Yang, this bastard, if it is sinister, on the blackmail... not at all!

It was originally a place where the brothers were eager to go, but they could still be won by him for the conditions of such a heavenly pie.

It’s amazing...

Two words - served!

Li Xiong, still in a deep coma, was brought back by Ji Mo, and placed on the bed, in order to see the goods, even the meeting that discussed the next move did not participate.

I have to say that Li Chunbo is a million-year-old monster. He said that three days of coma is three days. It is very quality-assured. If you don’t wake up, you can rely on Li Xiong’s own self. It must be three days to wake up. .

Coma, really, for this guy, everyone is a little frown; the main thing is that I don't know how to tell him about it.

Everyone knows that this kind of goods is as hot as a fire, and the temper is said to be good. It is not good to say that it is better than swearing. If you die, you will never be vague. I really want him to know that the Li family is full. The loss of the sacrifice of the staff, everyone died, and he did not participate in the battle to survive, I am afraid...

Chu Yang, Mo Tianji is precisely in view of this, only to put Ji Mo on his side.

Dream Huanhuan girl also came over at the first time; staying beside Li Xiongtu, her face is worried, not because of Li Xiong’s unconsciousness, she also knows Li Xiong’s personality and personality, and understands the possible consequences. .

"What should I do now? Can't you always keep it? Or will you wake him up now?" Ji Mozhen started, some eager to try, he is very tired of guarding a "man" task.

Mo Tianji frowned: "Let's wait a moment, let me think about it."

"What else do you want to worry about? What kind of strength do you worry about? If Li Xiong can't bear this blow, how can I match my Dong without entanglement for a lifetime to be an enemy!" Dong did not hurt, but said so, Dong is still hurt. It is the intention to respect Mo Tianji, and has not rushed to awaken Li Xiongtu.

Mo Tianji thought of a move, "Yes, if he is indulged in this, it is indeed a waste that can't be created. External force is always only an aid, and it is fundamental to the heart!"

After saying that Dong did not hurt, "I said that the person who knows the most about this person is always your enemy. I have calculated my own organs, but I always ignore the heart of the people, hehe!"

Meng Huanhuan suddenly looked up and concentrated all his spirits and eyes on Dong’s injury. He exclaimed: "You are Dong no injury?!"

Suddenly remembered in my heart, Li Xiongtu had mentioned this person more than once, the biggest opponent in this life that Li Xiong figure thinks, the goal that has been chasing all the way so far, that person is called Dong Wushou!

I finally saw myself at the moment, and the dreams of Huanhuan saw that Dong did not hurt the body, and Yuan Yuyue, even if it was not fortunate, it was also a stalwart of the military, and it was also a move: it was only such a hero. The character is only suitable for the opponent in the heart of Li Xiong!

"Yes, I am Dong no injury! I must have told you about Li Xiong, I told you about it?" Dong did not hurt and said: "If Li Xiongtu couldn’t hold it, it would collapse, then I slaughtered him and gave it to him. He is so happy, he has a hundred!"

After that, in the sound of the joy of joy, it was a clean and slapped shot on the top of Li Xiong.

From the palm of your hand, a pure and powerful force will top down!

Li Chunbo's palm power is early and late to send and receive the heart, and the strength of the stunned and powerful figure is just the right thing. It will never really hurt Li Xiong, so the rescue is relatively simple, as long as the pure power is used to stimulate the Baihui point. Feasible

The next moment, Li Xiongtu shouted: "Kill!" The whole person suddenly turned and jumped.

Everyone looked a little tight, and Qi Qi locked the mind to Li Xiongtu, especially Dong was the most nervous. Don’t look at the free and easy thing he just said. It’s still a matter of tension. If Li Xiong’s picture is really Sui Tang, or it’s self The most uncomfortable thing is that Dong is not hurt.

Li Xiongtu stood in the middle of the javelin. He saw everyone around him, and there was still some confusion between his eyes. Then his eyes slowly slid over the faces of the people; his eyes slowly calmed down and cooled down.

Then, the whole person was silent.

Chu Yang whispered: "Li Xiong, some things, I believe you have been able to guess, so I will not say more. Do you understand what I mean?"

Li Xiong made a heavy nod, and the voice was somewhat hoarse. "I know, I know."

Then he lowered his head and hoarsely said: "They are all dead?"

Chu Yang nodded, affirmative: "Yes, the dead is clean!"

This sentence, for the current Li Xiongtu, some deliberately added cruel; but Chu Yang still said so.

Dong is not right to say that for men, things need to face and escape without any use!

Li Xiongtu took a long breath and looked up. He asked: "Li Chunbo's ancestors...he...he died?"

Chu Yangdao: "He also went! Killed and died, turned into a long-day flame!"


The update is late, I continue to work hard... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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