Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 862: Exploring the outbreak of the news [third! 】

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the stone family has been killed in the near future because there is no sign that there is any decay in the body. From this point of view, the destruction of the stone family may have been before the destruction of the family.

This is a great irony.

The people who fought in the Shi family were in a state of extinction, collapse, despair, and madness.

Finally, there are still a few calm hearts. In the first time, this amazing news came out. The stone family was destroyed. The news ended in Shijia, or it was otherwise affected. The murderer is solely for Shijia, or has another purpose. In short, it is serious to inform the news that the world is...

When Chu Yang and others received this amazing news, they actually just came out of the northwestern land and just came to a small town!

Everyone has a long way to go, even if it is deep, it is not too tired, but it still needs to fill the stomach. Everyone is looking for a restaurant to eat, to sacrifice the five internal organs, but they have heard a lot of arguments, saying that Mo Tianji is really The fortunes were not good enough, and it was unfortunate that I stepped on a stone at the foot. I was shocked by the news and did not mention the gas. I fell a dog and ate it!

This dog eats a slap in the face, but the only one who has a big face before, is not an unprecedented one, but it is even more fortunate. Fortunately, I can see that it is a great blessing.

In fact, since the beginning of the Northwest, Chu Yang discovered that Mo Tianji, this guy from time to time, is not obsessed with the soul, or that the soul is traveling outside the sky, it is in fact that the wisdom of the week is very different.

But Wan Wan did not expect that the goods actually reached such a point, hurriedly joined the front to help, Mo Tianji full of face red, this fall is really the best of the five lakes and four seas, difficult to wash today is full of shame.

"Tianji, are you stunned?" Chu Yang is really inexplicable; this news is undoubtedly shocking, but it is not enough to shake the Mo Tianji into this way?

"Nothing, nothing, just thinking about something, I am really okay, rest assured, rest assured." Mo Tianji Junxiu's face showed a flush of red, and two laughs, intended to cover the past.

Mo light dance looked at his second brother strangely, wrinkled the eyebrows, said that to understand the Mo Tianji, you have to return to the memory of the two worlds, do not think of the second person, even Chu Yang is not enough, today's Mo The secret is too abnormal, but it is a bit of a tasteless hairy guy.

"Mo Tianji, you will not be springing up? The legendary nine-robbery think tank will actually spring, rare!" Ji Mo and Rock enemies seized the opportunity to laugh.

"Hurry to get me out!" Mo Tian's face red ears screamed, first went upstairs.

The stone house is destroyed, such a big event, everyone needs to know in the first time, and this restaurant is a mixture of dragons and snakes, which is the perfect place to inquire about the news.

Under the urgency of the people, they did not pick it. They simply found a large table in the hall. At that time, there were already a dozen people sitting next to the table. Chu Yang waved his hand and Ji Erye was eager to correct the past. I took a slap on the table!

This table looks like a river and lake person, but it is not to be outdone, and screams: "What are you doing? Want to find yourself uncomfortable?" Ji Mo snorted, and he slammed ten pieces on the table. Amethyst, and then a dozen amethysts, and then a bang...

The people on the table didn't talk, one by one, breathing fast, looking at the Amethyst in front!

This is all Amethyst, baby...

I haven’t seen it before, but I really didn’t see it all at once. If it’s mine, I...

All of a sudden there was such a big pile, and it was shocking!

Ji Erye took out a hundred pieces of amethyst and used his fingers to order the table: "Yeah don't want to find uncomfortable, just want a good time, just give us this table, this one hundred amethyst is you. Happy!"

Speaking of "啪", it seems that one of the amethysts was accidentally squeezed, and screamed: "Bad, the strength of the Lord seems to be big, and accidentally pinched a piece, leaving the ninety Nine, you have no opinion? Hurry and give a quick message..."

Where do everyone dare to have opinions? One hundred amethysts, well, now is ninety-nine, even if it is ninety-nine, it is still a great fortune, let a table get it, the fool will not do it, it is simply the stuffing in the sky. The good thing about the cake.

What's more, this guy who is like an outbreak is actually a super master who even has a broken Amethyst...

Amethyst is different in texture; and there is a large amount of heaven and earth vitality stored in it. It is almost indestructible until the aura of heaven and earth is absorbed. At least, the general Emperor of the Imperial Warrior is determined to have no such ability.

And the young man in front of this stream, actually **** are crushed, which means what...

What level of training can this be done? Don't say that it still gives us benefits. Even if we don't give benefits, or even let us give him benefits, we have to do it.

If you don't listen to him, take the table and don't leave, then... my mother, these people are completely afraid to continue to imagine, it seems that this result is terrible, nightmare, nightmare...

The few people who fought a lot of spirits, hurriedly stood up, hearted not to accept Amethyst, and feared that the outbreak of the household misunderstood, the mind was turned, and the table was cleaned and diligently cleaned up.

"Take the chair all the way, right, and move a few more chairs, so you can't see it!" Ji Erye screamed and screamed, but this opportunity is not much, especially for Ji Erye. Usually, the chair is usually him, who makes his strength is the end of the brothers, does not punish who he punishes.

The few people were saddened by the red face, and they didn’t dare to say more. They left a few people to continue to wipe the chairs again. Others quickly moved the chairs over until the chairs were enough and all were clean. Only if you go out in general.

"This group of cowards, Erye, I didn't say that I am going to leave you! What are you running?" Ji Mo said: "Sit on the side, don't you have dinner together? Then again, there are still some things I want to ask you. , the answer is good, and there are many rewards!"

When the ten people stayed, they quickly said: "Yes, yes, the villain and others are all ignorant."

Hurry and sit down next to a small table next to it, it seems that this small table can also sit around five or six people at the end, and now sit down ten at once, it is really crowded.

Chu Yang could not help but shake his head, and the brothers were already seated.

Everyone in the restaurant can see that the twelve men and women in front of the man, the handsome and handsome man, the handsome and the handsome, the female eyebrows, the national color, is absolutely not an ordinary person, just look at the most amazingly upstarts. As a result, everyone’s jealousy has risen early, and even the sound of eating and drinking has been reduced a lot. The voice of the conversation is almost inaudible. Such characters are usually very promising. It’s hard not to provoke nature to be unwilling to provoke. it is good.

"I said, I will send all the signature dishes in your store, all of them! Speed!" Ji Erye waved: "Grandfather, I have money! If you eat delicious, drink and drink, there are heavy reward!"

There are countless amethysts in the pocket, and Ji Mo feels that he is now a nouveau riche. In this case, of course, to be a nouveau riche...

The diners in the four counts looked at the sect of Ji Erye, and they all secretly said that this is true. This guy is estimated to be the first-class servant of this pedestrian, and it’s not so much out of tune with those of the children. Everyone's children travel, how can they not accompany a few servants who are responsible for communicating with ordinary people? Although the strength of this guy is amazing, the faction has already exposed the details...

The top day is also a housekeeper. It’s disgusting to be a deputy. If it’s my housekeeper, I’ve already gotten out of a stick... I can’t afford it.

If Ji Erye knows that he has become a steward of servants in the hearts of others, I am afraid I can faint on the spot!

Chu Yang sat down, frowning, and stood up and said: "When you walk in the rivers and lakes, you will have a chance to meet each other. Please don't worry about us. What to say when you say something, eat it, drink it; Oh, let's go. When I came to the restaurant, wasn't it just to be happy to eat and drink? Haha, it was said that this morning, the arrival of the next sudden abruptly disturbed everyone, so that no matter what the table this morning, the money is mys! I treat you!"

The atmosphere suddenly warmed up.

"Thank you, son!"

"This son is really generous!"

"Good guy..."

Everyone has a dark future, this is the true attitude of everyone, and it is the nouveau rich boy. This son actually used such a housekeeper, it is a pity that the son of the cockroach.

Ji Erye shrinks his head and is very upset. The nouveau riche who had just made a party, but in front of the more upstarts in Chuyang, they were eclipsed, and the second master was so easy to get a singer, but he still had no idea to understand, depressed.

However, the faction of Chuyang also attracted a compliment, and there was no suspicion of 'upstarts'.

"Is this the so-called gap?" Rock's enemies shook their heads.

"I just heard that you are talking about the destruction of the Shijia... but I don’t know anything about it in the inferior; I am very curious. Shijia is one of the nine great families in the last three days. It can be said to be the strongest gatekeeper in the world. One, is it really destroyed? How is it at the beginning and the end, but I don’t know which brother can solve it for me?"

Chu Yang Wen Wen's smile, gently put his hand on the table, suddenly a lot of amethyst.

Although he did not say it clearly, the meaning in the discourse is very obvious: whoever said it, it is also clear, who is the amethyst.

This action suddenly caused a commotion.

"I know!" One stood up.

"I know too."

"I know absolutely insider!"

"Absolutely no one knows better than me... The stone home is destroyed, I am on the scene! Absolute live replay!" one shouted, full of greed.


The General League has opened a book in the month of the Dragon; the "Four Pieces of Heaven and Earth", the content is indeed unrestrained; everyone will go and see, add some members to the League to click. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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