Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 865: The demon appeared [third! 】

The venomous snakes rushed out of the grass, and countless beasts rushed out from the inside and rushed out to the outside. Seeing the law and the night drunk that blocked the road, they started the crazy attack directly.

The temperament of those devils is a dream for the two gods, but for these snakes and beasts, it is a deadly toxin!

Before and after, but the depth of the jungle three hundred miles, the two have already killed the beast that does not know how many roaring from the side.

Finally, the black fog is only a stone's throw away!

Just in front of you, a huge black mist, moving in the air; it is the essence of the devil!

The spirit of the devil, close at hand, seems to be at your fingertips. Both of them breathe a little.

It seems that it is the arrival of the two people. In the dark fog, the sound of the squeaking sounds suddenly, and even if it is a hundred rivers, it will quickly retreat in an instant, like a black snake, rushing back to the nest, between the fingers, It has disappeared without a trace.

In the dark fog behind, there was a blurry figure in the shadows.

An unusually tired voice said: "I don't think there are two people here... Where did you come from?"

This voice, very tired, is not only tired but also weak, and even gives a subtle feeling that 'the next moment will be dead'. This person should be seriously injured! Both of them have this feeling at the same time.

But the opposite of this feeling is that the person has a powerful and powerful force at the same time, it is an almost irresistible tyrannical force! The combination of the two, this is the power to the end of life, but still with a horrible tyrannical that can swallow the world and destroy the whole world! There is a kind of cruelty that is scattered in the air!

There is a ghost in the night, and I dare not answer.

Fa Zun looked up and asked, "Who is you? Where did you come from?"

The voice was silent, and suddenly a low-pitched grin was heard: "Don't answer it? The interesting little guy... is good. Since it's already here, don't come in and let me see."

Suddenly, the dense forest suddenly began to decay quickly, just in front of the two, before and after the blink of an eye, a straight road appeared out of thin air.

All the flowers and trees that were originally on this road disappeared without a trace!

The inexplicable corruption has evaporated.

A road that spreads evenly to the extreme is so suddenly formed.

Seeing this scene, the night drunk and the law are both taking a breath. These gods are different, and the law can not be done by himself; let alone the strange and strange way.

When the two set foot on this road, they all felt that the magical elements in the body were running wildly.

Uncontrollable, Teng Teng emerged from his body with a strong black air.

Fa Zun naturally has a feeling of early, but night drunk is stunned. Seeing the black gas emerging from Fa Zun, there is a weird sense of absurdity in which the world is upside down.

Who is Fa Zun? This is the lord of the nine heavens; the commander of the order, the righteous leader for the welfare of all the people of the nine heavens!

Nowadays, what is actually the most evil demon in the world? I, I, I... I am not blind, what is wrong?

"French, you..." The night was so stunned that he couldn’t speak.

Law Zun snorted, his eyes showing sharp murderousness, and turned his head to look at the night drunk.

A murderous murder, suddenly broke out.

Obviously, Fa Zun wants to kill people. In any case, he is not prepared to let the night drunk!

Fighting with me, the devil will die!

"You dare to kill him, I will kill you!" In the jungle, the tired voice was not salty and said: "Do you want to try again?"

The body of Fa Zun is dead there. He felt that the gas of the demon in his body suddenly became uncontrollable; it seemed to be to counter the heart.

I really didn't dare to move. The law can be clearly sensed. Although the people in front are tired and want to die, they say that they are killing themselves. It is not intimidating. If there is a killing, it can be killed, or only the mystery of the day. Women's purple evil feelings can be compared.

In the view of Fa Zun, even in the presence of the demon outside the domain, it is also a heavy weight. Although the night drunk is also the magic of the devil, but the strength is low, but also a nameless generation, not much use, how can you kill yourself?

In addition to reducing the benefits of the magic of this place, it also avoids the trouble!

After all, if the identity of his own magicality is leaked out, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable!

In addition, there are only two people who are drunk with the night and the locals, and the night drunk, the mysterious demon has only one choice, so killing the night drunk is definitely a good thing.

Night drunk must die!

At this point, Faozun said with respect and respect: "Yes, follow the predecessor's decree."

The meaning of obedience seems to be soft, but after Fa Zun finished the sentence, the sharp light flashed in the scorpion, and suddenly he crossed out. "After", there was a ripple in the air.

Close at hand, full force shot!

A hit will kill, a blow will die!

Fa Zun is confident, his own sneak attack is abrupt, the distance is so close, and looking at the entire Nine Heavens, absolutely no one can save the night drunk, the night drunk will die, but also die to be broken, the soul is gone!

"Oh..." A sneer, a group of black shadows appeared in front of the night, and then two black air appeared out of thin air. When the time was not allowed, the front faces the hands of Fa Zun.

Two sounds, two strong strong gas collisions, but only a very slight sound, if not quiet here, I am afraid that even a little sound can not hear.

Fa Zun’s surprise is not the same as that of a small one. I don’t dare to sneak in the mind and turn back quickly. With his high-speed backward movement, the air flow overflows with the sound of '啵啵', but the black gas is eroding. The shocks in the air are general, and the power of the earth-shattering has just disappeared without a trace.

The night drunk was repaired to a low level. Just a few rabbits had fallen and turned into elbows. I didn’t react in the first time. When he wanted to understand, he found out that he was still alive and dead, and he escaped his life. I am afraid of it.

His face was pale and his legs were almost trembled. Suddenly, he was very angry and said: "Fa Zun! I respect you as a senior. I have always been respectful, but I never thought that you were such a mouth-baked sword. Despicable villain; in your capacity, for a junior I actually made such a sneak attack, you still have to shame?!"

"You are the first to be the law enforcer in the world, but there is a **** in the bones; it is a sneak peek, but this is not the case, why do you want to kill me! Can you not see it, I am also a descendant of the gods?"

Night drunk at this time is still alive and dead, extraordinarily impulsive, and the heart resentment is difficult, the body's tyrannical violent emotions broke out, and there is no more scruples, red eyes roared: "Do you think that Laozi is so irritating No?"

This night son is also very powerful, actually facing the face of the law, claiming to be ‘ Laozi’! If this kind of thing makes his ancestors know how to sink, but I don’t know what to think?

Fa Zun missed the attack. It is known that the mysterious man is not only extremely horrible, but also a master of intrigue and tricks. He is prepared for his own movements, and he has no chance to succeed. He simply no longer shoots; I did not hear it all; the clear face was still calm and calm, and the old well did not wave.

"Oh..." The strange man’s voice said: "If you leave this place, I will ignore it if I kill him. But in the place where I am, only I can kill, others, no!"

"Where am I, where is it... I am the master of life and death!" The strange voice is low and hoarse, but full of a strange rhythm. When this sentence is said, it is even more prevailing, and it is the temperament of the world!

Fa Zun smiled lightly: "Where are you...only you can kill? Hehe... In this case, I will follow your rules. If you don’t kill him, it’s a cockroach ant.

The geek was silent, and suddenly he gasped.

The gasping sound is like the gloomy horror of countless ghosts.

The temper of the geek can be said to be arrogant, and arbitrarily arrogant; if he is not injured, the semi-satisfied attitude of Fa Zun is enough to make him rise to the murder and put it under his command.

But now this mouth is able to save a point of power, save a force; the most important thing is that his current cultivation, the ability to win the people in front of him is already the limit, when it is said that it can stop him from fleeing, but he is not sure...

The timing is subtle, and there is no such thing as a perfect grasp!

Fa Zun said: "This predecessor is a person outside the domain?"

The geek snorted and said sullenly: "I know what you want, I am the one you think."

Fa Zun smiled: "So, the movement here, presumably also the deliberate manifestation of the predecessors, deliberately led me to wait?"

The geek was silent and said: "You still don't talk! Especially, you don't ask questions, I don't like to answer other people's questions, you are nonsense, I am afraid I can't help killing you."

In the heart of the law, he said: "Yes."

Mind, this guy is really arrogant and has a lot of weaknesses. These weaknesses may not be exploited...

"This mainland name is actually called the nine heavens..." The strange man said to himself, suddenly and very angry, said: "I am, why? Such a place of git, garbage, what qualification is called Jiuzhongtian ?"

For this problem, Fa Zun and the night drunk are at the same time. I don’t know how to answer the question at all, and I don’t know what the other person is saying.

The nine heavens... It seems to be called this for hundreds of thousands of years. What is the problem?

The last three days, three days, and the next three days are called the nine heavens. It is just a matter of course, just right!

This guy's attitude seems to be somewhat inexplicable.


Seeking a monthly ticket! ! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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