Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 869: Cooked duck, accidentally back

The night drunk face was even more painful, and the sweat on his forehead continued to pop out, and then fell to the ground, and the ground was already wet...

He didn't even notice that he had already exceeded the ten-digit time limit. He was just immersed in this choice.

"I don't choose, I will die."

"I choose my mother, I will still die."

"But if I choose myself, my mother will die."

At this time, the night drunk is like a nervous whisper, the eyes are more and more frantic, and the expression is more and more intense...

The geek stared at it, and the corner of his mouth slowly revealed a smug smile.


I have seen a lot of people before, and there are even some people who practice high spirits, but in the end, I chose selfishness without exception; I chose myself; this kid is a cruel and wicked, killing people who are not blind, how to make the last pass There will be no accidents.

He will definitely make the "right" choice!

At this point, the blame's tongue hangs unconsciously, and the greedy cockroaches reach against their lips. As soon as this kid makes a choice, the genius of the genius will be formed, and he will immediately smother it and make up his own magic. The soul is heavy.

Although this kid is of low strength, he can always make up one percent.

As long as you continue this way, one day, you will be able to fully recover, and even be able to improve, because in this world, no one can stop yourself, and no one competes for resources with themselves. Although it is a garbage dump, it can be changed by itself. And qualitative change, unlimited improvement!

At that time, when I was in the sky, I didn’t want to go there, I went there!

Thinking of this, it has accelerated the further stimulation of the night drunk soul. Although this action requires the use of its own source energy, as long as it is completed, the benefits are considerable!

This is the only way to strengthen one's own self, and the strongest method.

Suddenly, the night drunk violently looked up, and the seven sputum spurted blood at the same time, Yang Tianyi: "Ah~~~~"

The geek’s eyes are cruelly proud. I know that the night drunk has already made the final choice, and the eyebrows of the night drunk are full of black air. Obviously, he chose himself "correctly", otherwise there would be no signs of gathering black gas.

People are really selfish. The geek’s thoughts are mocking, and the mood is relaxed, and the soul blockade is withdrawn.

However, at this time, the sudden changes occurred, and the black gas of the night drunking eyes suddenly dissipated, almost disappearing between the fingers, dissipating without a trace!

The geek glimpsed, but I haven’t realized what happened in the end. The night drunk has been madly exporting: “I can’t die because I can’t die! I can’t die without saying anything!”

He tried his best to say: "I am dead, I am dead, I am dead... I am dead, ah, ah..."

The heart is magical, the eyebrows are magical, and the tide is fading away!

The geek screamed, only feeling that his demon soul had been hit by the sudden selection of this sudden choice. The mind that had just just relaxed, the sudden unexpected accident, he just removed the soul blockade, suddenly trick.

In the daytime, I was so devastated that my eyes were black and my throat snorted and a black blood came out.

"He's **! How could this be? How could this be?" The blame is not going to hit one place.

This result is definitely not the one that the geeks expect!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The mind is restored to the clear, full of thoughts only one thing - I have to go back to see my mother!

Suddenly jumped up and shouted: "Hey! Mother!"

Spreading his feet and running away, he suddenly surrounded the magical envelop, and the lightning flashed out of the jungle. Although his mystery was messy, he still had nowhere to go.

The cooked duck actually flew! Ming Ming has already been put on the table, the duck that is about to enter the mouth, suddenly resurrected, flew away?

That strange smell is almost vomiting blood. Oh, not almost, but already vomiting blood.

The eyes are full of incredible infinite shocks, and there is a strong sorrow that is almost confounded into reality.

He is **, what kind of bird thing?

Not only did I get rid of the things that were stable, but I even suffered an inexplicable reversal. I couldn’t stop the other party from leaving. I couldn’t help but watch the magic array fail. The kid went away...

What is the name of his **? How could this be? Is this kid still a demon?

The unexpected change, this kid actually ran!

And make yourself want to vomit blood here...

"I...fuck!!......" The geeks only felt that their intestines had been entangled in seven or eighty, and finally could not help but spit out the most classic snoring sounds from ancient times.

"Did you see the ghosts alive today... obviously close to success... or I will not relax my mind and prepare to accept the results, but I have unexpectedly suffered a counterattack..." The geek scratched his scalp and looked Depressed: "What about his grandmother?"

If it is a change of personality, for example, the kind that has always been a martyrdom, the kind of light and the moon... This magical array has failed and it has failed. It has nothing to say, nature is mutual, and success is rare. ......

But who is this night drunk? But the sorcerer of the cultivation of the magical power!

Is it true that in this piece of the nine heavens, the real thing is not good? If not, why did it fail? ?

Really incomprehensible, unreasonable, incredible!

Also, not only did the Magic Transformation Ceremony fail, but it was also able to break through the Magic Array and run it on its own – just a little bit of shrimp!

How can this be?

This day, the devil feels that his thinking is not enough.

Too many too many impossibility is there! ?

If it’s not the night drunk, it’s the real thing, the geeks even suspect that the night drunk is actually the embodiment of a super-devil, playing games with them...

"It’s wonderful to be his mother!” he muttered to himself: “This is not the case... it’s not... that kind of person?”

After thinking about it, I decided to adjust the interest first. If this is the case, I will give it back to me once again. Oh, it is impossible! This time I have to wait until I have absorbed the source before unlocking the mental blockade!

If it fails again, then it is really unreasonable...

The devil who suffered from the accident was tempered, and after a slight recovery, this was the cautious attitude of the two points, and came to Fa Zun.

To be honest, Fa Zun is by no means a good choice. Yes, the magic level of Fa Zun is much higher than that of night drunk. If it is the source of his magic, the effect is definitely too much too much, but the effect is definitely too much. The strength of Fa Zun is also much higher than the night drunk, so the potential danger is naturally much too much to be drunk than the night...

However, Fa Zun is already the last hope of the Devil, especially after the accidental counterattack of the night ants.

It must be said that the real force of the demon geeks can basically be said to be invincible in this world. Usually, it is not too much to play with the law and play, but the serious injuries on his body have already surpassed the limits that ordinary people can endure. If you don't get the support of the demon source, then you can only die in a serious injury.

Fa Zun has been waiting for a very short time. Because of the obstruction of the magic fog, he couldn't hear the slightest movement there. He didn't know what it was like at night. Although both sides were close at hand, they were completely in the dark.

This is the characteristic of the higher level of the magic of the demon, even if the devil's life is dying, and even may fall at any time, but his running magical ability can still completely block the sense of the law, the temporary gap of reality, can not exceed the absolute gap in instinct .

Fa Zun’s heart is firm, not the night drunk, he doesn’t care what the night is, but he always insists on his choice.

One until the last step.

When he heard the voice of the demon whisper sound again, Fa Zun opened his eyes slightly.

After listening to the rules of the game, Fa Zun's look moved slightly. This new game rule seems to be some of his expectations, but some are beyond expectations.

But Fazen still accepted the test calmly.

The first one to be removed, all without accident, is the beautiful wife.

"A beautiful wife, at best, is just a life-changing thing; a woman is just a plaything, a simple plaything; if it is because of a woman that blocks other life fun, it is just a fool!"

This is the reason for the choice of the law; when he chose to abandon, he did not even feel any slight pain.

Very clean and made a choice.

The second item, he gave up the world. The third item, he gave up the order to the world.

From the fourth item, Fa Zun finally became drunk as usual, began to struggle and began to suffer.

Because the rest, strong body, the world is invincible, longevity is not old, but I am the only one, the two parents, the brother of life and death.

Regardless of each of these six items, he did not want to give up.

The pain suffered by Fa Zun is in no way inferior to that before the night drunk, although his cultivation and heart are completely different from the night drunk, but this game punishment is in the big illusion, against his soul and spirit. Non-offself self-cultivation is high and low, and this is not the case. With the current strength of the Devil, it takes a price to pay such a pain to Fa Zun.

Although there is no end to the pain, Fa Zun does not have a little bit of pain, even if it is broken in the mind, like a needle, he does not make a noise, even the face does not appear to be distorted, just The pain is sweating like rain.

As time goes by, the pain that Fa Zun has endured has become more and more intense, and it has gradually surpassed the maximum limit before the night drunk. Law Dame still insists on living; because of his endurance, he benefits from his own heart repair. For, but it is not the night drunk, the pain is even worse, the look of the law is actually more and more calm!

After the selection, if it is, it is the body of the demon, the world is invincible.

If it doesn't work, the smoke will disappear!

What is success?

What is not? !


I feel a little nervous in these days... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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