Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 881: Strict teacher out of the high!

Chu Yang’s consciousness power consists of two generations. Nature is very different from ordinary people. Before the power was not obvious, it was because there was a fault between his two worlds consciousness, a defect, and the fault and defect were Mo light dance. If it can't be solved, although the spirit of the two worlds is homogenous and homogenous, it can never be truly integrated, and at most it can only cooperate with the outside world.

But nowadays, Mo-light dance has not only been found, but has also made up for the regrets of the past life. The gap of consciousness between the two worlds has been filled in, and the spirit of the two worlds has naturally merged with water, perfect integration, and even great entry.

In addition, the former in the lake of death, Chu Yang is the chance to devour all the spirits of the first generation of the nine robbery sword master, the power of the soul of the whole person is only in the scope of the nine heavens, there is no doubt It is a unique step, supervading the past and the present!

It is only in this piece of Jiuzhongtian that the power of the soul of the mainland is hard to play. There is almost no chance to experience the power of the soul. The power of the spirit is useless even if it is powerful.

It is like having a golden mountain in Chuyang, but there is no room for spending.

Or it can be said that Chu Yang has a set of magical powers that can be called invincible. As long as it is played out, it is directly invincible in the world, but there is no chance for Chu Yang to use this magical power, to get things and useless things...

The result is that it has always been like a piece of loose sand piled up in the body of Chu Yang.

Engraved, the tyrannical spirit of the demon spirits, the spirit of consciousness, all without warning, and the sudden and violent forcing into it!

This is something that no one can bear.

Under this situation, there are usually two kinds of results!

First, being controlled by the demon, his own self-consciousness dissipated;

Either completely expel the foreign enemies, and still have a clear sky in their own hearts and defend their sovereignty.

This is already at the end of life!

At this critical point, Chuyang's powerful spirit of the soul has been fully operational for the first time. At the beginning, the soul of Chuyang faced the magical power of the devil's unusually pure and demon source. There was no room for resistance, almost in contact. In an instant, it has collapsed, and the entire soul power is in a sinister situation that is close to complete collapse.

This kind of collapse almost made Chu Yang completely collapse into an out-and-out idiot.

This is a harbinger of the complete annihilation of one's own soul!

However, there is a rebellion wherever there is oppression!

Although Chu Yang at this moment is in an absolute disadvantage, the heart of rebellion has not been reduced. Although he does not know how to use the power of the spirit to fight the enemy in the sea, he knows a little, that is, resistance, do everything. Power, everything possible, all means, all means, to fight against the enemy!

This thought is a lifetime, life is alive again!

How do the enemies rush over, and they will rush back like the gourd!

Chu Yang’s knowledge of the sea has gradually appeared sporadic rebellion. Although this sporadic rebellion is a huge pressure for the magical power of the demon, it is simply a cup of water and a car; it is completely vulnerable. But after all, there is a sense of resistance and counterattack!

The fire of the stars may not be punished!

Self-consciously winning the veteran smile in the corner of the devil's mouth, feeling that he is fully crushing the young man in front of him, and infinitely refreshing.

It’s so wonderful to be able to master, play, and play with each other. It’s so beautiful that you can’t bear to end this game!

Completely unexpected, this guy's soul power is so powerful, even if it is more than himself. However, under the influence of his own demon power, there is no resistance, and he is completely free to do whatever he wants!

Uh... This is really the benefit of the Lord of the Lord. This is completely complete, pure to a considerable degree of spiritual power, and still does not have any operation... What is really rare...

Now, at this moment, now, the last step is to make the consciousness of the people in front of you dissipate! By then, these, everything here is mine!

Mine! Hahahaha...

The demon further stepped up his movements, aiming to extinguish the last star fire from Chuyang.

However, at this time, the sudden change occurred, and the force of sporadic rebellion, which had only been extremely limited, suddenly increased, and there were many resistance forces gathered in all directions, which in turn surrounded the spirit of the demon. Formed a reverse encirclement.

This form of change is like a huge mountain to the extreme. Suddenly encountering the sea and the sacred fields, the land at the foot of the mountain turns into the sea. The mountain is surrounded by the sea and even submerged. At the beginning, the mountains stand up and the sea seems to be surrounded. Power. But the sea water does not attack, but in reality it can not cause any substantial damage to the mountains, only the effect of trapping!

If you want to really hurt the mountains, you can only rely on years of erosion and polishing.

But the demon is not a mountain, the mountain can not be moved, can only let the sea erosion, the demon is movable, but also can move on a large scale, doing everything possible.

Of course, Chu Yang's consciousness is also different from the sea water of the sea. The sea water will not attack or learn. It can only be repeated and repeated, and the inertia is repeated. The original soul of Chu Yang will not attack, but it can be learned.

And also learned very quickly, so scared to death, scared to death.

Well, it’s really fast enough to scare the dead!

Feel the left and right of the demon, and the Chu Yang ideology flashes, seeming to ponder what, with what kind of understanding. Forcing the head almost to explode the general severe pain, Chu Yang first tried to control the power of the soul!

People are self-help, self-improvement, vitality, and the transfer is born!

This process is undoubtedly extremely painful; moreover, Chu Yang can even feel that even if all the torture under the whole world is concentrated on one's body at the same time, it may not be as painful as this one!

However, Chu Yang still insisted on sticking his teeth. Once he gave up, he would give up his own, give up the red face, give up his life, and decide not to give up.

You have to deal with others, or you can't really support it; but it is wrong to deal with me! Big mistake!

Because... Laozi is a battle, and he has been tempered!

At the beginning, when the purple evil was tossing Lao Tzu with torture, it was tossed ten or twenty times a day. Although you are stronger than that, but... it’s just that!

In such a bad situation, Chu Yang actually has a sneer.



Once, once again, one wave, another wave...

After the counterattacks came one after another, the demon finally found out that something was wrong.

Originally thought that the other side's counterattack is just a return to the light, dying, but the result is more powerful than once? How is this going? This is still like a dying counterattack, it is simply a large-scale counterattack of a wave higher than a wave!

Is this **** not condensed by the soul? how come……

After carefully feeling it, the demon almost vomited blood: the frequency of each other's movements is exactly the same as that of his own movements. There is no difference at all.

What does this mean?

This shows that in this case, the kid is actually stealing lessons from Lao Tzu? Use Lao Tzu's trick to confront and counterattack yourself!

Found this, the demon almost did not collapse!

Almost a spurt of blood, this is also amazing?

This day, the devil is coming to destroy the gods of this guy, but it is not to be your teacher.

The demon feels the counterattack of the other side, and the heart is filled with a feeling of extreme depression. Suddenly, it is more violently raging, not asking for destruction, first asking for a mess.

Let you and Lao Tzu do the opposite, let you learn Laozi, let you imitate Laozi, see how you learn, how to imitate!

Chu Yang only feels that his pain has doubled again after a certain moment!

If it was just a thousand dollars, now it has to be two thousand knives and 20,000!

Chu Yang roared, although the pain of the day is dim and dark, and the pain is not wanting to live, Lingtai is very clear because of the intense pain, carefully pay attention to the other side of the action, the details are fine, once again, according to the cat painting tiger came up one day!

You have to turn me upside down, I will also hang you up!

It’s true that the teacher is a high teacher.

Under the attack that Tianmo is threatened by life, the progress of Chu Yuzuo can be directly described by a leap!

The devil screamed in anger, well, this is really lifting the stone to lick his own feet; although the damage he made is the original version, it is slightly larger than the piracy of the other party; but it is always the opponent’s home. what……

Originally, it was the power of the soul of the whole body. With the two sides stirring at the same time, it was actually three pieces. Became a battle for each other!

"I am a treacherous grandmother!" This is a very vicious and vicious swearing word of the demon family. Now, the sorcerer has been stunned by thinking.

Then he did not dare to neglect, hurriedly gave up the chaos, divided into three parts of the soul to break through and gather in the middle, hoping to rejoin together. After all, after the dispersal, the power is not weak.

This time, Chu Yang was very clever and did not follow the study. Instead, he tried his best to prevent the three souls from coming together and tried everything to chase.

If the enemy wants it, I will not allow it. If the enemy is not allowed to achieve the set goal, it is undoubtedly the highest strategy at present!

At this moment, the demon actually feels that he is helpless.

How could this be?

Who can think of it, Laozi only spent half a cup of tea less than the effort, actually taught a such outstanding apprentice?

It’s really alive and seeing a ghost. This superb soul power, even if it’s a nine-day-old land-level figure, is definitely not as good as the spirit of the bastard.

Even if the devil is the strongest genius, it is not as fast as this kid...

The demon finally felt some fear.

Because, he suddenly found out that his soul power was divided into three in the accident shock, but there is a tendency to gradually shrink, and even the final annihilation is absolutely possible!

This is this...

Can this **** still in turn devour my gods? Is this impossible? How is this possible? The Devil is completely confused. I felt it for a closer look, and finally I was tempted by a spirit, and I was born with a dead soul: Really... Really... I am x... I can really swallow it...


I am going to Wuhan tomorrow, a friend is getting married, everyone is going...

The update is a little later... If you owe it, come back and make up. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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