Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 895: Gentle breakthrough

This is the eighth section of the Nine Robbery Sword.

Chu Yang body suddenly trembled, almost fainted in the past, because this sword is no stranger to himself. Is it the poem written on the day of the snow and tears? Could it be that……

It turned out that this is the sword of the nine robbery sword? !

Chu Yang feels that his own mind does not seem to be enough...

The original light dance... is the last robbery of the nine robbers!

But... Isn’t it allowed to have a woman among the nine robbers? Is it not allowed to have the same surname? why? Why is it so weird?

However, in the nine robbery space, in the moment when the four swords had just rang, the sword spirit grew up, and there was a long sword in the hand, which slowly danced.

Nine robbery sword, the eighth interception, sword trick.

Finally live!

At this point, the nine robbery sword can be called the word "complete"!

The blade body, the hilt, the sword ear, and the whole sword are completely complete.

Not expected by Chu Yang, the swordsmanship of the nine robber swords and swords is mainly soft; in the infinite softness, showing the boundless murder, in the unconscious, invisible and unintentional layout has been completed, to achieve lore .

Sui Sui accompanied the move, and the meaning was "not long-lasting, soft and unstoppable". The basic concept is that when the enemy's edge is slightly frustrated, the most sharp counterattack is applied immediately. The four-sword sword method is rare. In the case of the killing power, it is not inferior to the previous moves, and this attack is highly concentrated, and it is really a killer of the Jedi.

Lightness is like a dream and a dream, but it is gradually accumulating in the elegant defense; while protecting itself from the wind and rain, it will accumulate its own power.

Blood sea bones and mountain dances are enchanting; but they are the constant strength of gathering before the defensive operation, forming a completely special force field in the enemy without knowing it.

仗 千 千 里 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千 千Eyes and ears, it is necessary to surprise the enemy and save their passive situation before.

On the basis of the first three moves, the fourth move is a lore.

Life and death come with Jiuyi.

Hit must be, the middle must die, one hit and kill!

By the time of this move, the previously accumulated strength has actually surpassed the number of developers who have been dozens of times.

These powers far exceed the limits of the recruiters themselves. According to the general logic, after a shot, they dare not hit the enemy, but this force has already been sent out, and it is nothing.

But these four tricks are based on their ingenious coherence, which has intercepted the power of each previous move, and even included the power of the previous enemy attack; therefore, when the last move is made, it is equal to the enemy and the enemy. The power of all together must be multiplied by several times of power... Suddenly, a comprehensive and sharp counterattack!

I ask, who can resist this blow?

It is precisely because it combines the power of the enemy and me, so it is called ‘life and death to follow.’ Since it is a decisive battle, of course, it is life and death. This did not say...

As for ... to Jiuyi, it is to send the enemy directly to the West... And what about Jiuyi?

Four strokes in one, the power of the high is really incredible, even the most conservative estimate is more than twenty times more than Chu Yang's peak force!

Of course, this power does not mean that it really raises the strength of Chu Yang by 20 times. To achieve this super power, there is a premise that Chu Yang can make these four moves, and The middle of the journey has not been interrupted, as long as the process is completed successfully, Chu Yang can definitely kill all enemies.

Even the strongest of the supreme nine-level!

As for the people who exceed the level of the supreme nine products, they are not the current Chu Yang can cope with, but such people will never exist in Jiuzhongtian. Secondly, such enemies have higher eyesight and believe that they will never give Chu. Yang uses all four opportunities, so he will not consider it.

Chu Yang closed his eyes, seemingly pondering what, but in fact it is the soul of the soul has been immersed in the nine robbery space.

The truly complete nine robbery sword shimmers in his hands, and the newly added sword spikes gently lie on his hand.

The sword moves over and over again, and each time it is used, there will be a completely different new sentiment.

Chu Yang’s unexpected discovery, his own cultivation, has been advancing rapidly in this soft atmosphere, and he has made another big step forward without knowing it.

The new aura of soft water is constantly uploaded from the Nine Robbery Sword, into his body, into his meridians...

That is also the strength derived from the return of the sword ear.

Chu Yang condensed the gods and learned the sword, and knew nothing about this change. When there was a sudden explosion of roaring sounds in his body, Chu Yang discovered that he had inexplicably broken into the supreme seven-level!

In addition to ignoring the Nirvana of the Phoenix family, it was a coincidence that it broke through to the Supreme Seven-Piece, and it became the crown of the brothers. The nine robbers and ones were Qiqika in the Supreme Six. On the top, even Chu Yang, the nine robbery sword master is no exception.

Although the breakthrough is a matter of time, this "sooner or later" is an unknown number. Not only does Jiansui return smoothly, but the bottleneck that has not broken through for a long time is also broken, but it is a happy event!

Chu Yang perceives that she has cultivated herself as a breakthrough. However, she feels that the power of Jiansui has not disappeared because she broke through the bottleneck. It is still in the endless stream, pushing the cultivation that has just broken through Guan and continues to climb. Slow and fast, gradually speed up, and rush forward.

Is this the welfare brought about by the return of the Eighth Robbery Sword?

Chu Yang asked in the heart, the object of the question, naturally do not think of the second person, Jian Ling.

However, for the question of Chu Yang, Jian Ling did not pay attention and did not answer.

Chu Yang continued to concentrate on practicing the sword, but at this moment, he has already had several familiarity with the trajectory of these four strokes. When he grasped some veins, he was shocked to discover that his current cultivation has already been ' Was 'rushed to the peak of the supreme seventh.

Looks like it is possible to break through to the eighth product at any time!

"What is going on? Is it an illusion? Impossible!" Chu Yang stunned.

Do not blame Chu Yang doubts, surprise, to know the level of supreme, each level of improvement requires countless tempering, and the level of repair required is often dozens of times before, more than a hundred times.

For example, if you only need a drop of energy to break through the Supreme Level, then you need a minimum of 100 drops to break through the three products. In contrast, if you break through the Supreme Seven products and only need the energy of a mountain, then the breakthrough of eight products will require the energy of a thousand mountains, which is so increasing, almost insanely increasing in geometric progression.

This is why, such as Xiao Chenyu, Li Chunbo and others who practiced for more than a thousand years, but they can only stop at the Supreme Nine Products, it is the more difficult to break through the practice.

It is also the cloth and the love of others, although it is only the peak of the nine products, but it is absolutely oppressive to all the nine intermediate and even advanced masters! The same is true.

"I don't know this time, I really don't know." Jianling finally spoke. "The previous nine robbing sword masters were completely different from yours when they got the eighth interception sword. They It does not have any energy transmission from Jiansui, and it is only the welfare of the nine robbery swords; and you have not yet got the welfare of the nine robbery swords, but you have first received such a huge energy gift... It’s really rare, really It’s amazing.”

Chu Yang thought about the electric turn, if thoughtfully said: "Do you say that it will be... Before this sword spike did not send any energy, but at the moment it will accumulate more than 90,000 years of energy. If I don't, I can't explain the powerful energy source like this!"

"This analysis of yours is very likely, but it is really difficult to explain." Sword Spirit dignified: "Or because you are the last nine-robbery master, and it is the real master of the nine robbery swords, Jiansui has This anomaly is also reasonable."

Chu Yang sighed, although the heart still feels strange about this change, but it is no longer entangled in this issue, this change is amazing, but it is good for yourself and nothing.

After eating a few elixir and drinking a few mouthfuls of springs of life, the energy given by Jiansui is still coming, it seems... a woman waited for 100,000 years and finally waited for herself. Good people, then can't wait to fully devote all of their own...

Finally saved up to break through the eighth product...

Chu Yang has even prepared for it, and is prepared to withstand an extremely difficult breakthrough. He thinks that he has not felt the feeling of breaking through, even at the moment of breakthrough, it seems that he has opened a layer of window paper. It was almost unblocked, the whole process was extremely rapid, and there was still little pain in it.

"This is too abnormal? I am the eight products supreme? Just kidding?" Chu Yang is scalp on the process, it is so sloppy, but before, even dreaming never thought of It’s so smooth and heart-wrenching...

However, the aura is still endless, as if there is no end in the end, Chu Yang will not practice the sword, but a look of helplessness, his own meridians are suddenly not aware of where the aura comes from again, and then Once again, inflated, in an unspeakable gentleness, gradually... continue to advance.


The speed is very slow, but there is no even a pause.

Firm and persistent advancement, completely ignoring all resistance.

"This is a good thing, but this is a bit too good? It is really a hell..." Chu Yang and Jian Ling sigh at the same time.

"Do you want to push me to the nine products forever?" Chu Yang's heart is infinitely thinking, a little fluttering.


I was stuck and killed me...

Continue to work hard for the second... Hey, I am stuck... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the Astronomical Registered Member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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