Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 902: People sigh

In the next moment, the white light on the top of Chuyang’s head turned into a giant hand, pressing down fiercely!

With only one force, the bones under Chu Yang’s body suddenly sounded ‘squeaky,’ and seemed to be shattered in the next moment.

His legs trembled, like the grass in the wind, and may break at any time.

The sweat of the beans is constantly oozing out of his face. This pain has reached the limit, especially the pain of the previous days.

"I don't want to die! I don't die!" Chu Yang's muscles were all smashed and shouted. Under such pressure, I knew that I might have broken bones in the next moment. In this mouth, I was completely smashed. It’s all gone, because the body is now condensed by the soul.

Chu Yang knows that he only needs to kneel down, that is, a Tongtian Avenue, there is no harm at all, as long as he is willing to take a trip, everything is smooth.

Just a trip, it's that simple!

But Chu Yang is just coming up with an unruly temper: Do you want me to marry me? How old are you? Even if you are the Sky Avenue, Lao Tzu said that it is not awkward! The dead bird ridicules the sky, if you don

Not dead!

The spirit is not destroyed!

"Hey!" The white shadow shone and the strength of the hand increased again.

The power of the violent anomaly has gone one step further, and it has been crushed by the momentum of the sea.

Chu Yang suddenly felt that the whole sky had collapsed, and all the weight in the world was pressed on oneself at this moment.

A face rose red, and the blood in the body seemed to be splashing at any time.

The two legs made a clear sound, and it was a warning that it could no longer be loaded. After a blink of an eye, Chu Yang’s face turned from red to purple. Under the pressure of strong horror, the two eyes were almost prominent. Eyes.

The pressure that has been withstood has reached its peak.

It has reached the highest limit that Chu Yang's current body can bear.

The so-called one can not fall, one can not add high-level martial arts can also be used here, as long as there is a hair, one hair force to add, Chu Yang is almost finished!

However, although Chu Yang is trembling, there is a possibility of collapse at any time, but on the verge of collapse, he is still biting his teeth, and squeezes out two words from his teeth: "Hugh!"

Bai Ying smiled a little: "The bones are really hard, then I will destroy your bones. There is no pride, how proud you are!"

Respond to your hand and press again!

This pressure, the strength may not be much stronger than before, but it is a pressure of a hundred pounds!


Puff puff!

The pressure on Chuyang has already reached its peak. The load has reached its limit. Under the pressure beyond the counter-strength force, the rupture of blood vessels smashes, exploding one by one, and the blood is foggy. .

The pain of this moment is really beyond words!

Originally, when the human body was suffering from excessive pain, it was immediately affected by the self-defense mechanism, and it immediately entered the state of automatic coma, avoiding the unbearable pain. However, the physical body of Chu Yang is actually based on the soul, but has no authority for self-defense.

Therefore, even if it is a big pain, it can't let Chu Yang faint. The whole body has been pressed and bent, but it is still barely reaching the extreme life and death. The corner of the mouth can't stop flowing blood, bit by bit falling on the ground. Slowly shook his head and still refused to give in.

Not awkward! Just don't worry!

"The body is already unable to load but still refuses to admit defeat? Then come again! Ken you can stick to what position! You have the limit, but I don't have it!" Bai Ying seems to have no mercy, but it is re-issued force!

This time, Chu Yang's physical strength is completely inadequate, gradually collapsed!

Hee... The bones on Chu’s legs are broken in an instant, and a white bone scorpion is pierced from the muscles and exposed to the outside of the body.

His body was straight and short. The bones of the lumbar thighs are completely broken, falling straight, colliding with the calf bones, and making a soothing collision sound.

Chu Yang slammed a mouth, blood in the mouth rushed like a spring, especially from the visceral pieces, but at the moment he is still a word does not say, only the silence of the stubborn block.

His two-legged bones were broken as early as the first time, and the whole body was short, but overall it was vertical.

The thighs and calves were brought together and turned into minced meat, but the knees were never bent.

Although the knee is no longer there!

"Very good, very good." Bai Ying's eyes slightly revealed a hint of appreciation, but now Chu Yang's mind has entered a confused state, nothing can be seen, the state of the soul is not not confused, just entering the confused state, it is equal to the soul will be scattered, At any time, the soul flies and scatters, never surpassing.

If Sis is seriously injured, the soul will be destroyed, even if it is Jiu Dan, there is nothing to do!

Chu Yang is dead? !

The white shadow hand slightly raised, Chu Yang almost collapsed, the broken body instantly came to him, a finger on his chest, a white light flashed, Chu Yang's broken body, actually completed the reorganization in an instant, regained into a complete Personality.

One finger everywhere, Bai Chuang all disappear! God comes to the finger, but that's it!

Even if there is no pain in the body of Chu Yang, but in the mind, it is still in the extreme pain of hell, and can not come back immediately.

However, for a moment, the pain of Chu Yang is even more exaggerated than the 18th floor of Hell!

Bai Ying was not in a hurry to rush this time. He still waited for him to rest for a while, and after he was clear-minded, he was a little embarrassed: "The taste is good, how, what is it?"

Chu Yang smiled, very gentle and said: "Hey? I am your uncle!"

"Miscellaneous things! Dare to be strong!" Bai Yingbo was angry, and the palms fell again: "Since it is not awkward, then just those wonderful tastes, let you try again!"

As long as it is a person, there is fear. You can marry an extreme pain, but you may not be able to survive for the second time. As long as your mind is lax, your mind will collapse, and your painful heart will collapse. The pain and fear just now is absolutely It is difficult for human beings to withstand the limits and experience. In the face of the second same hardship, it is difficult to load in ten and eight!

"People sigh!" I don't want Chu Yang to sneer: "Try again... just try it again! Come, if Laozi asks for a song, it is not a hero!"

Bai Ying sneered: "Is it? Then try it a few times. Are you a good guy with me?!"

This kind of pain, when you first feel it, there is always a thought. The next moment, the next moment is over. When people have hope, most of the difficulties have a chance to pass, and so is the situation in Chuyang. The white shadow is only for him, but he does not intend to take his life.

Otherwise, with the strength of white shadow, you may not need to use your hands, blow your breath or your eyes can kill yourself.

However, for people, what is really terrible is not pain, not the flesh, but the will, or the soul.

For example, if someone encounters a car accident and breaks his leg; then, although painful in this whole process, life is not as good as death, but as long as the initial pain of smashing, it will be able to withstand it.

But after he recovered his body, the second time he was hit again with his legs ready... the taste is very human tolerate, although it is the same trauma, but for the psychological, but psychologically, It is a multiple of it.

For some pains, all passing people say: I would rather die than try again! It is because... his will, his soul is already scared, he is already afraid, and he is already paralyzed.

Now white people repeatedly use the same method to deal with Chu Yang, not the tricks of poverty, it is the principle adopted.

However, Chu Yang’s nerves are now like iron castings. They are crushed again and again, and they stand up again and again.

This kind of pain, every time you taste it, the pain will be much more. But he was always stiff, and he came over again and again.

After six consecutive times, even the white shadow could not help but sigh that this kid is really a monk, and he can't conquer him.



The black man has been watching, and at the moment he can't help but sigh: "This kind of goods, there are kinds of things!"

"There is a species! It is not the usual kind." The white-haired youth nodded with the same feeling.

"Hey, can't you think there is a guy who is more evil than you in the world?" The young man in black smirked, and there was some gloating sorrow.

"Since the body can't conquer it... then try another way." White youth said leisurely: "For example, the soul..."

Black youth face a glimpse, the soul of the creation?

He knows that the creation of the soul is more than a hundred times more cruel than the flesh! The degree of pain will also be a geometric increase.

Chu Yang, can you afford it?


Nine robbery in the space.

On one side, Jian Ling shuddered and looked at the soul of Chu Yang. He was crushed again and again, and then reorganized again and again, again and again, splitting, smashing, smashing again and again, and again and again Drop, the soul flies again and again, and then reorganize, recover, re-circle...

Sword Ling couldn't help but almost fell to the ground.

He didn't try to stop it, because he didn't dare, he really didn't dare. He didn't know the strength of the white shadow at all. The only thing he knew was that the white shadow in front of him was too strong, so strong that he couldn't evaluate it at all. The height of cognition is even more than the snow and tears of his old master, although the white shadow is just a avatar...

The only thing that feels is that only when Chu Yang is standing up again, the white shadow and Chu Yang will repeat the previous dialogue.

The persistence of Chu Yang also made the sword spirit feel creepy. He never thought that the new owner he is following now is so arrogant! Such a super monk, so... super!

“Is it right?”

"What do you say?"


“Is it right?”



“Hey, still?”

"Oh your uncle! Have the ability to let Laozi not wake up! Over and over again, you and his mother are bothered?!"



Some miss the evil spirits. I dreamed of dreams, the protagonist who couldn’t be arbitrarily arbitrarily... I wrote a very protagonist.

I wrote here today, and I suddenly came up with an idea: In the next book, I want to write a person like Jun Moxie... I will be reported in the evil spirits because I was reported because of *prevention... , make up all! ! ! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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