Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 904: Gam bet

The black-faced youth smiled. At this moment, there was still a little bit of anger. It was just a laugh. It was very sullen. He said: "It is not the reason for them to sin. I really want to seduce all believers. Resist you and me, deny you and me. Actually, I want to be against me with the power of faith. Oh, the limit of the power of faith that they can absorb is eight thousand years. Then I will wait for them to reach the highest and the confidence to reach the most complete. Time to destroy them! Don't you find it interesting?"

The young man in white touched his chin and said: "Interesting? It's interesting! I used to be very generous and careless about the things that year, that is, the talents of the dark side of you under the ground are so narrow-minded..."

The young man in black snorted and said: "Don't think that I don't know your mind, you can't go anywhere, right, you have been compressing time, reversing time, and occasionally going back time, that time. How is the matter going? How can there be no progress? It’s not too much to see you.”

The white youth is quite unwilling to mention the incident, but at the moment the black man asked face to face, he could only sigh and replied: "I am also his mother's service... that fat man made me really convinced... The spirit of wealth, but unwilling to last forever... Every time he is about to succeed, his soul will awaken, then he will destroy himself and destroy his own path... I can’t wait to smoke his fat oil. Light! What is this about his mother!"

"Ha ha ha..." The black-collar youth laughed and leaned forward: "It’s a cute fat man! It can hit your existence, absolutely cute!"

A white youth flashed over the face of the youth, and said: "Don’t shift the topic, but this time you bet, but you lose! Hurry and fulfill the promise, and bet on the old man!"

" Lost?"

The young man in black whispered twice, bowed his head and meditated, then stroked his finger and said: "Backtrack!"

With the "brush", the situation of Chu Yang being tossed fifteen times in the nine-robbery space was once again repeated in front of him.

He stared at him, and he looked at Chu Yang's expression intently.

He was so serious and even played back three times in a row.

Then he snorted: "Reverse!"

In front of the scenery again, began to brush backwards, the sound of the wind rang, the most strange thing happened: Chu Yang's life experience in the past life, actually played here quickly, brushing and flashing past. Then, it is the struggle of Chu Yang’s life, and all the way... that is all the magnificent experience.

It is like a huge picture scroll, which is constantly unfolding in front of white people and black people.

Then he looked thoughtfully at Chu Yang in the nine-robbery space, his face was dignified, and his eyes were infinitely appreciated. "It seems that I really lost... but I am very happy, this kid." The temper, I like it!"

The white youth said: "How? Have you seen your own shadow from him?"

This sentence is obviously a joke.

However, the young man in black was thinking deeply. After a long, long time, he said faintly: "It’s really, seeing him being so bullied by you, seeing him coming along so rough, I really feel that he is like me, really almost……"

"Especially this arrogance, even more similar meaning."

The young man in black smiled: "Good boy! Good bones! Good bones! Good mad!"

The white youth is a joke, but at this moment, the young man in black is so solemn, he can't help but laugh: "Yes, I didn't even think that under this cautious and low-key appearance, this kid is so arrogant and steadfast. Unyielding heart."

The black man snorted.

The white youth said: "Since you value it so much, it is better to... accept a disciple?"

The black-collar youth suddenly sank, for a long time, said: "No, he can't."

He raised his eyes and looked at Chu Yang in the space of the nine robbers. He said: "This bone, I really don't want to let him jealous."

The white youth was silent and said: "Sure! This bone, if it is awkward, is really a pity."

Then the two looked at each other thoughtfully.

They all saw a certain kind of divine look from the other side's eyes.

"He still has the last level." The black man said: "There is still a bet. If you lose, I will cash it for you."

The white youth is full of confidence: "That is for the gambling contract when this guy just reversed the time... you still have to lose! This point has already been confirmed. In fact, you already know why it is delayed."

The black man smiled bitterly: "I feel it now... I bet you, I don't seem to have won, the little gambling of the shit, I feel so depressed every time... After that, I never gamble again. ""

The white man laughed: "Old black, ten gambling and nine swindles, winning is always a bookmaker. You can't understand it now!"

"Take your dog fart, but I don't gamble anyway! Well, after this kid has passed this level, what will happen later?" The black man suddenly asked with interest. The ‘this kid’ in his mouth is of course Chu Yang.

"What do you say? Interested?" The white man smiled with a sinful smile.

The black man was silent and finally said: "I am really interested, I want to see it."

The white man heard the words and silenced for a while. For a long time, he said: "To tell the truth, my opinion is contrary to you for this point... I think, give up support, let him go, everything is possible. Only the legends that come out on their own are the most wonderful legends."

The black man smiled faintly: "You misunderstood what I meant... I just looked at it. This guy, the arrogance in this bone, is like me... I want to find, myself The footprint."

The white man’s eyes shot the light, and he said sharply: “Is it just a look? If he is going to die in front of you? Or is it dead?”

The black man exhaled and said: "That is the life, I will not intervene."

The white man’s eyes showed a gentle look: “You can think like this, best, change the cause and effect, reverse the cause and effect, it may not be a good thing.”

Black people said: "And, you have won so many nine secluded **** fruits this time, always this kid helps you win, whether he knows or not knows, always give him two, what about it? ”

The white young man smiled bitterly: "Now, he is a nine-secret **** fruit that can spur him a hundred times..."

"Do you want to give it?" The black man's face is not good.

"Give it! I didn't say no, it's his business, but it's my business, but it's my business. The two can't be confused!"

"That's almost the same." The black man groaned and said: "In addition to the nine secluded jelly fruit, you are the day of the sacred yellow fruit... also give you some meaning? Your fruit is not rare, give him a few hundred! And what kind of five-party world sword do you have... It’s not used now? Give it to him, it’s waste utilization!”

The white-haired youth suddenly became furious: "Fart, how can Laozi’s treasure come to your mouth? It’s so unbearable. What did you say? What is your current confession? I really want to give him these things... What is the difference? Also, these things that you said are mine, useful and useless is also my business, you are using my things to do human feelings, doing quite cool!"

The black man snorted and stood up: "I will give it anyway! If you don't give it, I will not honor the bet. The head is light and heavy. You are weighing yourself. You also said ten gambling. I will swindle it today, and I won’t gamble anymore!"

The white-clothed youth has no words in an instant, and it seems to be the upper hand by the black people.

"This is so many young people... I found the only one who is similar to me, I don't want to miss it." The black man has a memory in his eyes and whispers: "You understand what I mean."

The white man was silent and said: "Good! I should bear you!"

"In this case, then you are going to finish the last level with the guy. The gambling contract between us should have been broken." The black man said with a hand: "When I finished this, I went there. In a few places, challenge your brothers!"

"Oh? Really have the courage!" The spirit of the white man was shocked, and the look of gloating in the depths of his eyes revealed: "I wish you success. I will cheer for you."

The black man waved his hand: "You promised this guy... I owe you a favor."

The white man stunned and suddenly laughed: "I don't think that the first madman of the nine secluded will actually owe me a favor for this guy! It seems that this guy is really worth it."

The black man sneered: "The first evil in the world, each other, is not the only one who has promised to fight alone with others. What do I owe my personal feelings?"

The two laughed at the same time.


In the space of nine robberies, Chu Yang felt that his body that had already become a solid body was gradually dissipating and returned to the original state of soul shadow; this is not his cultivation is falling, but the soul is completely congested. It is the cultivation that Bai Ying imposed to torture him.

Now that things have come a long way, this repair that does not really belong to him is naturally to be scattered.

But Chu Yang can be clearly felt, the speed of the energy dissipation is very slow.

This energy, if it can be filled in an instant, can naturally be dispersed in an instant.

The reason why it is so slow now is that Bai Ying is deliberate.

Chu Yang thought of a move, exhausted all his memory and strength, and clearly remembered every state and all kinds of feelings that were gradually dissipated in the heart.

The refining of the soul is the path that one must experience. This accidental experience, or test, is painful to the extreme, but the harvest is equally huge.

First, the soul of the soul is equal to Chu Chu pointed out a road to heaven!


Second more! The third is writing... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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