Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 909: What is a pig?

Dong did not get enough damage, even if he had already reached the Supreme Nine Goods, he couldn’t afford it. It was like being invaded by Yuanbao. Some of the two monks still couldn’t touch the mind: “What the **** is it... Hey... hurt... ”

"I told you how to bomb! Boom!" Ink tears filled his face with red eyes, chasing Dong's body without injury, a series of blows to the past, angry and angry: "It is such a bomb! So bomb! So this...bang!"

On the one hand, I was so happy that I couldn’t find all the brothers in the North. I didn’t know what happened, and I suddenly calmed down.

What's happening here? !

One by one, looking at the ink tears, the hair was born, and Dong was not hurt like a sandbag. The sound of the bombardment was endless. The voice of Dong’s screaming was one after another, and one could not help but be a cold sweat.

This... what happened?

Brothers... I can’t find someone like this, and it’s going to be dead...

This is a typical example of the car. My God, this is too embarrassing. Fortunately, the old Dong is already the supreme of the nine products. If it is almost repaired, it will not be smashed into meat. ! ......

Especially Ji Mo, watching Dong no injuries there, could not help but think of Hu Yan arrogant, in an instant is a glimpse of the moment, really feels the same, actually can not help but fearful - look like a long-awaited girl ... no more than the ink tears and the good, its violent, even more than that, Lao Dong is like this, I am...

My mother, the more I think the more horrible, the more panic in my heart, Ji Erye is strong and calm, but still stunned, his throat involuntarily swallowing, his eyes are straightened straight - scared.

Looks like both legs are also a little trembling.

Today, Jun is like my tomorrow...


Today, it seems to have created a super record, a district of the supreme six products, a nine-supreme mid-level strong player hit the pig head, no effort to fight back, but also another war-watching nine product supreme scared legs tremble There will be another six or seven nine-nine singers who are so scared...

Miss Chen tears this achievement, I believe that not only unprecedented, but also the end, the ancient and the present, ancient and modern!

"How do I let you blow!" With the tears of the ink tears, the big body of Dong Wu was kicked out like a meteor, and several big trees were broken and banged. Finally, the whole person was embedded. In the last big tree tree.

Seeing the ink tears turned around and rushing forward, several of the brothers turned their heads with great interest, and if nothing happened, they chilled. What happened at this time? Why? It’s all bad luck, it’s very likely to get into trouble, no one is stupid!

"Yeah, hey, you can be handsome now."

"Yeah, hahaha... Ji Mo, you are very handsome now, really handsome."

"Well, the little wolf is very character now."

"Gu Danxing wore a black dress today, it’s so cool..."

"That is, Mo Tianji actually laughed like a stupid..."


If there is no nutrition like this, it is very enthusiastic between the seven and nine supremes.

Looking at the people who have no shame and no lower limit, the ink tears hate and slammed their feet, and almost want to rush back to smash the Dong without hurting. If this tone is not clean, he will be wrong. "Sister, are you stunned?" Mo light danced and whispered on the side of the tearful ear: "No harm to your brother is not like someone who will make you angry, is there any misunderstanding..."

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding! This bastard!" Tears screamed and hated: "He is deaf! It should be!"

Mo light dances with pretty eyes. deaf?

Nine products will be deaf?

This one……

It’s just that you’re really deaf, and you’re not embarrassed. It’s like you’re not at all!

Dong did not hurt and struggled out of the tree hole, limping away, the prevailing arrogance of the former arrogant prevailing momentum has already vanished, replaced by a misty, and a kind of 'Zhang Er monk touch Not innocent and embarrassed by the mind; very depressed: "Are you in the end? This is awkward? I am holding you, you..."

As soon as I heard this, the ink tears suddenly flew up.

Can this goods be more irritating?

Can wood?

Mo Tianji rushed out to play the round field: "Okay, no injury, I have to talk to you if it is important, come over, hurry."

What kind of person is Mo Tianji? ! The mind is naturally not comparable to Dong.

Although the two did not say the beginning and end of the matter, they wanted to come out with a turn. Ink tears must be because everyone is sitting on the rocket and the general improvement, and she did not improve herself. It is naturally unbalanced in the heart of the place...

Not suffering from poverty, but suffering from inequality!

This is nothing wrong with it. In fact, I believe that it will be unbalanced in the mind of anyone.

What's more, Ink Tears was the super character who was on the same level with everyone here in the middle of the three days. It didn't go down a little bit along the way. However, at this moment, there are so many behind, and my heart can be blamed.

However, Dong did not hurt a coffin, and he was still in the excitement of ascension. He didn’t want to worry about the head of the coffin... For the tears, he didn’t even hear it. If it was not repaired, then Call it strange.

"Hey? If you are important, you can't say it in person, but you still have to carry everyone. You have to say it quickly! I still have something to say with tears..." Dong did not hurt and came over and whispered.

"Oh..." Mo Tianji sighed before he spoke: "I finally understand what it means to hate iron and not become steel... How do you do this, do you really think that I have something to say to you?! I honestly tell you, Your wife is clearly because..."

Said a low voice to explain a meal.

"Oh ~~" Dong did not hurt. I finally understood it; I quickly turned around and ran back.

"Oh... I haven’t finished talking yet..." Mo Tian’s words have not been finished yet, and the goods have been rushed away, and I can’t help but burst into a stun. I haven't taught you how to be good... What are you worried about?

I saw Dong did not hurt all the way to the front of the ink tears, scratching his head and helpless, said: "Wife, this thing is really no way, don't worry, don't get angry, don't feel unbalanced, though Everyone has improved, and you have not improved, but this is really something that can't be done..."

After the words were not finished, the ink tears had completely flew out of the ground.

This time, it’s really true, shameful and arrogant.


Dong Wuju once again became a trapeze. Farther than before, I knocked down more big trees...

In midair, Dong’s face was even more confused... I really understood it completely. How did she beat me? What is going on here? Women are really not good at serving, don’t understand to fight, understand and fight...

Ink tears licked his face and rubbed his feet, nowhere to scream: "Don't hurt! You pig!!"

"It’s a pig!" The other brothers sighed at the same time, shaking their heads and silently saying: "It’s really a pig to a certain point..."

Originally, this was a very private matter. Ink tears are embarrassed to say it in person anyway, but Dong’s explanation is that it makes everyone know everything and puts everything on the bright side... let the tears of a girl's face get down the stage...


Dong Wu injured once again knocked down several big trees, stood up outside the dozens of feet, scratched his head, confused, looked at his head for a long time, feeling that he seemed to have nothing wrong, and suddenly felt embarrassed The opening of the pole: "Why?? Why do you hit me again?!"

I heard this question.

Including the ink tears and Mo-light dance, all the people moved in a uniform manner, and they all covered their faces with their hands.

I really didn't think... This product still doesn't understand it until now...

How talented this is...

Never use pigs to compare this product, which is obviously to bury the pigs!

This time, for the difference and disdain of Dong’s injury, everyone chose to stand idly by. Some enthusiasts still want to explain, but they are prevented by Ji Mo and Rock Enemy: Just kidding, you explain what? Let's see how good the show is...

Ji Erye even secretly opened a gambling gamble: gambling, Dong Erye can finally wake up when it comes to...

So the brothers of the punters have come up...

"Hey, it’s really a group of people who are afraid of chaos in the world. Brothers are difficult, don’t say help, and they have to go down the stone. It’s really not something..." Mo Tianji looked at this phenomenon and shook his head helplessly, then walked over. , bet a hundred amethyst...


"Next, what do we want to do?" Xie Danqiong has an infinite eagerness to try.

Everyone has improved their cultivation and naturally finds an opponent to practice, so that they can consolidate the current stage of cultivation.

"I will wait until Chu Yang comes up and say it again." Mo Tianji nodded calmly, indicating that everyone should be safe.

As soon as I heard this, everyone was quiet. Yes, Chu Boda hasn’t come up yet. Everyone is improving, but I don’t know what the Chu boss is now.

"Who is betting with me?" Ji Erye gambled, the market was not over yet, and actually opened again: "I gamble Chu is now at least nine high-end."

“There are three options for betting: nine intermediates, nine high-ends, and nine tops.”

"The speed of betting is coming. This place is more stupid than money. This is not cheap." Rock's enemy screamed and immediately bet five hundred amethysts in the middle of the nine products.

According to the experience of everyone, in the general case of Chu, as long as it is an upgrade, it is almost the same level as the brothers. Besides, it is only the eighth interception of the Nine Robbery Sword. It has not yet reached the last section. It should be the same level as everyone. It will definitely not be much higher. Therefore, choosing the mid-level of the nine products is very promising.

It is people who share this heart and the same mind.

Everyone has bet. Most of them are gambling intermediates.

Only Mo light dance has an infinite belief in Chu Yang, directly betting on the nine-pin Amethyst five hundred amethyst. Ji Momei smiled: "It’s still a good idea to play the younger sister. It’s because I’m poor. I’m willing to send me amethyst to make up for it... Well, look at the little girl’s heart, and bet on the top of the nine products. !"

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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