Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 911: Precautions [Supplement 8]

"Oh ah... Boss..." Ji Mo wants to cry without tears; sad reminder to the extreme said: "Why do you want to improve so much boss, you are dying me... I am..."

"Hey? I am raising your pit? This is awkward saying, what is it?" Chu Yang asked curiously.

"Ha ha ha..." The brothers naturally understood it. In a moment, the laughter shook the sky, but no one explained it.

Mo light dances on the edge of Chu Yang's ear, sighing and laughing, said the betting process again, Chu Yang moments. Then I saw the expression of Ji Mo, and suddenly I couldn’t help myself, laughing.

"Ji Mo, willing to gamble and lose, can now cash your bet!" Mo Tianji iron face ruthlessly said.

"I can lose ten souls of Amethyst and cancel the previous bet..." Ji Mo weak road.

"Yes, there is no such thing as a big advantage. If you cash it, you can cancel it. Take it." Mo Tianji was very refreshing and very generous.

"First owe, wait for me..." Ji Mo pleaded.

"That won't work, I hope to see enough Amethyst Soul or hear that sentence!" Mo Tianji categorically refused, and there was no muddy water at all.

"Mo Erge, you are my brother, good brother..." At this moment, Ji Mo is like a puppy with a tail swaying, holding the sleeves of Mo Tianji and pleading, and the identity of Mo Tianji is gradually rising. There is a trend like an elder to move forward.

Mo Tianji is selfless and hard to break someone: "It is a man who wants to gamble and lose! If you can't afford it, don't play."

Everyone started to fight together, and for someone who won everyone but lost to Mo Tianji, it’s natural to fall into the rocks!

"Yes! You can fulfill your gambling contract with Ji Mo! The gambling game just witnessed the drop!"

"It’s not a man to talk, isn’t you a man?!”

"Isn't that just a word? The lips are open and closed, so do you push the three resistances?"

"Hurry up, don't waste everyone's time."

"Come faster!"


Ji Mo stunned for a long while, suddenly biting his teeth and sorrowful words: "I understand that you are a group of people who have no sympathy and no humanity. Isn't it a word, Lao Tzu recognized!"

Mo Tianji slowly said: "Stop, you don't want to confuse, it's not a word, pay attention, it is after you talk every time, you must first say such a sentence, there are people at the place are notaries, but also supervision By."

Ji Mojie, the bottom of the scream, said: "Good!"

Then everyone calmed down together.

Chu Yang took out the water sac and drank water, while asking himself to ask for a light dance: "What the **** is it?"

It seems that Mo light dance just said anything, but missed the words of the bet!

"Ji Mo is a stupid bird!" Ji Erye has already called out with the spirit of heroic dedication. It was just the same voice with the low voice of Mo Qing Dance.

"Ji Mo is a stupid bird!" Ji Erye said with impatience: "This is the head office?"

"Oh..." Chu Yuzuo squirted directly out of the water, just sprayed on the pretty face of Mo-light dance; Xiaotoutou was talking to him with his head up, suddenly washed his face, staring at him with anger.

"Cough cough... cough and cough... Sorry... cough..." Chu Yang coughed constantly, and quickly apologized.

Over there, it is already a sea of ​​joy.

The brothers feared that the world would not be chaotic, and all of them rushed to talk to Ji Mo: "Ji Mo, look at the way the Rock enemy is now..."

"Ji Mo is a stupid bird!" Ji Mo said: "Rock is enemies?"

"Ji Mo, don't be too upset, get used to it, you know, everyone knows, Mo Tianji is really not a thing." Proud evil cloud smirked.

"Ji Mo is a stupid bird!" Ji Mo gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, Mo Tianji is really not a thing, you are not a thing."

"Ji Mo, then..."

"Ji Mo is a stupid bird!"...

Anyway, it is already said, Ji Erye simply broke the jar and broke, there is a tendency to say more and more smooth, biting his teeth and thinking: the next moment, Laozi changed his name to Ji Damo, I don’t call Ji Mo, still not? ......


Chu Yang almost can't breathe...

Go to the side of Ji Mo and take a shot of his shoulder: "Ji Mo, how are you..."

"Ji Mo is a stupid bird!" Ji Erye said: "What is the boss..."

Chu Yang mouth squat for a while: "I said how you are so two, it is better than no injury, you can not get the amethyst soul to cash the bet, but why not find me to borrow it? That thing I have here is ah, Don't say ten, twenty are also..."

"Ah?~~" Ji Mo's eyes widened and looked at Chu Yang. His face was unbelievable and he was speechless.

"How big is it!" Chu Yang grabbed a soul of Amethyst from the space of the Nine Robbery and shone in the air. There was a dozen or twenty pieces in the air: "Is this not so much? So what?"

"Ah~~~" Ji Mo screamed: "Oh my god... my emperor is behind the earth..." On the one hand, the brothers have already laughed and fell.

Ji Mo suddenly grabbed the soul of Amethyst in the hands of Chu Yang, rushed to the side of Mo Tianji, and counted ten: "Give you a bet! Ten amethyst souls! Is this ok? No more difficult for me." !"

Mo Tianji took a good look at the past and squinted and smiled: "Yes, the gambling debts are clear and there is no owing to each other."

Ji Mo gritted his teeth: "No... I just said it several times in a row, and now you say a few times, 'Mo Tianji is a stupid bird' and come back."

Mo Tianji squinted: "What do you mean? Do you mean to continue to talk about it? Yes, I will return these Amethyst souls to you!"

Ji Mo instantly stunned and muttered: "No, I don't mean that, I am... I am..."

Mo Tianji ha ha ha: "I don't mean that mean? I know that you are not willing, but as a dealer, do you have similar rules in the bet?"

The brothers said in unison: "No! Absolutely not, hahaha..."

"Look, everyone is a witness." Mo Tianji said: "Everyone agrees that there is no such rule, so..."

Ji Mo was completely stupid. He didn't dare to speak again. He even feared that Mo Tianji would not want the soul of Amethyst, then he would have to continue to say which one is wrong.

Secretly decided that in the future, you can’t make a mess and decide...


The brothers talked and laughed. In order to celebrate the great strength of the group, everyone decided to hold a grand barbecue in the Elves. Everyone was full of excitement. Only Ji Mo was like an eggplant that was beaten by frost. It was the poor little girl who had been tween by the twenty devils. The resentment and grievances were raised, and sad! Miserable! Tragedy!

Everyone is busy. Busy and hot, Chu Yang quietly pulled Mo Tianji to the side.

"Tianji, this joke seems to have passed some..." Chu Yang is a bit unhappy.

Brothers can make jokes, but after a joke, they hurt people, hurting people hurts feelings, and once the feelings are cracked, it is very difficult to repair!

"It is indeed a little over." Mo Tianji nodded and admits: "But it is my intention, and I am willing."

"Why?" Chu Yang asked, for the answer of Mo Tianji, Chu Yang is not only unexpected, but also reasonable.

Who is Mo Tianji? !

God plate ghost calculation! Nine robbery think tank! There are several wise men in the world!

How can he ignore the reason, rush to kill, and leave no room for their own brothers, and there are other reasons!

"Ji Mo's words are too much, and the temper is not very good, and it is also very easy to offend people. I want to get rid of his problems, and it is natural to take medicine."

Mo Tianji said faintly: "Whatever he said in our brothers, we can also bear it. In the scope of Jiuzhongtian, with our current strength, there is no need to avoid anyone, no power, naturally not afraid of Ji Mo. Saying the wrong words, offending people, but we are going to rush to the nine heavens."

"There is a totally unfamiliar world, and it is a higher-level world. There, or just a sentence, it can trigger a disaster. If there is such a time... no matter whether we are capable or not, it will never A good thing, and the brothers get together and can be responsible for him. If we are separated, what will happen?!"

"The most important point is that Ji Mo has positioned himself as the pistachio of the brothers... This is not good, he is our brother, and our part must not be a clown."

Mo Tianji said: "In addition, he is too dependent on our judgment; this is certainly the trust of ten million, the most precious thing; if we are always together, he is undoubtedly the best."

"But if he goes away one day, he will be at a loss. This will undoubtedly harm his life."

"If this temper can't be improved, then if you rush to the Nine Heavens, he can only be with you or me, or you can't be separated from other brothers, because he must be looked after by his side..."

Mo Tianji said: "If things really evolved to this point, then it is really different. My practice this time is actually hurting his self-esteem, but... I think the value, as long as he can change, everything is worth. It’s up to me to do the wicked."

"Even if I hate my life, it is better than losing my life." Mo Tianji said faintly.

Chu Yang sighed.

Yes, Mo Tianji said it was right. As the brothers made great progress, everyone has already felt that the days of the Nine Heavens will not be very long.

Once the collapse of the sky is broken, it is the time of separation.

Because each has its own situation, it is absolutely impossible for the brothers to go up together and stay together. It is scattered all over the world.

If you are not careful, you may be eternal.

And Ji Mo’s casual and unscrupulous temper is really worrying.

Mo Tianji also felt this, so he only had special training for Ji Moge; he wanted him to get rid of these broken problems... lest he should suffer after going up.


In the third chapter today, the eighth chapter is added. There will be a more tonight... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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