Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 924: Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow

"But you and my brother, no regrets, no regrets for men!" Chu Yang haha ​​laughed, full of pride, Jianmei provoked, it is like a sword, from this moment to test the world, the world hero can dare to be? !

"Yes! There is no regret for success or failure. Heroes and losers are heroes!" Mo Tianji slammed his sleeves and stood up, swaying toward his room. He laughed in the mouth: "The brothers have no regrets! I have no regrets." If you can have no regrets in your life, how can you ask for it? Haha..."

Mo Tianji has returned to his room.

From this moment on, the nine robbers have taken the lead, and the world is bound to move.

The legend of the nine-robbery of the present, at this moment, at this moment, officially kicked off!

Mo Tianji is shouldering the heavy responsibility. From this moment, the situation is in the palm of his hand.

He must, always maintain a high degree of sobriety, strategize, and win the game, adjust the movement of either side at any time. Until ... the name of the real "Tian Ding Sheng" is completely over.

Or to say... the battle of the Nine Robbers and the Nine Heavens has completely fallen.

Mo Tianji can rest before he can rest.

Now for him, any slight negligence, even a short break, such as closing your eyes, is precious, and it is difficult to get the latest chapter super brain system.

Chu Yang huh, a smile, suddenly a big feeling, a table, and said: "take wine!"

Fortunately, there is also a young master of the Yellow Emperor, otherwise the pride of a certain king is really white, because at this moment, except for Chu Yang, only Huang Xia Liu is still a person of knowledge and knowledge. As for other Huang family masters... It seems that it is impossible to pull down the identity.

When the young master of the Yellow Emperor heard the nine grandfathers want to drink, he quickly sent the wine that had already been prepared.

Chu Yang can not see, a slap in the face to open the mud seal!

However, at this moment, suddenly a burst of crazy wind screamed and rang suddenly, in an instant. A few times, hehe... Many of the shops outside were suddenly inexplicably broken, and then they were blown away by the wind and blew away without a trace.

A series of screams and screams also rang, but it came faster, went faster, and only paused for a moment.

However, this pause was a little too fast, and all the sounds outside seemed to disappear all at once. The heavens and the earth have suddenly fallen into an unprecedented silence.

Quiet as a ghost.

Huang Xia Liu stood still, almost did not sit down on the ground. Just now, the sudden gust of wind almost blew his heart out of his mouth. A burst of inexplicable swaying oil began to emerge, and in an instant it was the extreme of panic.

If you have not witnessed the arrogance of the Nine Robbery, it is not uncommon for a pee in the pants. Anyway, the young master of the Yellow Emperor is withstood, and the past will be forgotten. Today is the big day to witness the opening of the legend of the Nine Robbery. How can it not be too embarrassing!

Chu Yang's one-handed jug, one-handed wine glass, facing the front of the scene, but the eyebrows did not tremble. Since I drink and drink, I feel relaxed and relaxed, and I don’t seem to feel anything.

"What happened?" Huang Xia Liu looked up and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked.

"There was some kind of change outside the street. The outside people didn't know why they were suddenly missing. Now I don't know what happened. It should be... there is a master who has completely emptied this piece..." Huang master, who stayed outside, walked in and frowned, and his eyes were a little scared. Whispered in a low voice.

This person has a good strength and has two levels of supreme.

This is not only the strongest in the Huang family. But it can also rank in the top ten. But at this moment, with the strange winds coming, the fear in the heart is gradually deepening. If it is determined, it seems that it is not as good as the young master.

In addition to the fearlessness of the ignorant, the young master of the Yellow Emperor is also convinced that the nine uncles, there is this respected **** sitting in the town, what else do they need to worry about?

Unlike the ignorance and fearlessness of the young master of the Yellow Emperor, the master of the Huang family was already full of cold sweat at the moment, only feeling the coldness in the spine.

If the gust of wind was artificially issued, then what is the point of cultivation of this person? It’s estimated that killing yourself is just a matter of raising your hand!

"Go out and see what happened." Huang Xia Liu did not finish the sentence, and the voice suddenly stopped.

No, it should be frozen.

Because at this moment, a cold and cold breath suddenly passed from the front, wherever it passes, the frost and snow drifted in the moment, and the air temperature suddenly dropped by several tens of degrees!

On the ground before the inn, a hoarfrost quickly condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, reflecting the magnificent brilliance of the sun in the sunlight.

Huang Xia Liu looked stunned and looked at the change in the eyes. The spirit of the spirit shuddered: "This...this...this is this..." But I can't even understand it.

It’s still very flamboyant in the summer. It’s so hot that people can’t wait for it, but this breath comes in the air. In the blink of an eye, it’s really hot in the summer, and it’s really awkward.

"Patience, calm." Chu Yang eyelids are not lifted, faintly said: "Do not forget, now with you, is the nine robbers!"

When the chill is coming, who is coming, Chu Yang has already had a conclusion.

With the current strength of Chu Yang, it is not very arrogant to say a sentence. As long as it is not a few people, such as Fa Zun, Tian Mo, Wu Cheng Cheng, Ning Tian Ya, etc. As for others, he can not look at it. Inside!

Even Chu Yang said that it is still very modest, even if it is the front of the few people, really fight, Chu Yang may not necessarily lose, and even if it is really beaten, escape is still 10,000 percent.

What's more, since Chu Yang has debuted in the rivers and lakes, he has never really done his best to win the game! Chu Yang has an endless confidence and grasp.

But as soon as I heard Chu Yang’s words, a few masters of the Huang family suddenly turned their heads in a sudden look. Big brother, don’t be so scary...

Although we have vaguely guessed it, you should not say it so plainly...

You don't know, now that the name is on, what is the impact? That is almost a shock that has turned over the sky!

Besides... Although the name is really prestige, it’s very good, but here...but the night’s territory...

You are the goal of the nine major families. Of course, you can be afraid, but we are afraid. You don't care about the nine family, but you have to destroy it, but we are afraid of being destroyed by the nine families!

However, Huang Xia Liu nodded from the bottom of her heart, and she looked deep in her face. She actually sat down and said: "Yes! What is Laozi afraid of? I am not afraid, there are nine uncles here, what is terrible? ... afraid, afraid of a bird... Hey, Grandpa, give me a drink, my legs are a little shaken, I am not afraid, this ghost weather, frozen and panic..."

The teeth are fighting, it is already scaring, and the mouth is still talking.


The sound of the cloak of the clothes and the wind rang out neatly, and everyone felt like it was snowy and chilly.

There were nine people in front of me.

White, white robe, white scabbard, white iron hilt, white sword spike, white headscarf, even shoes and socks are white.

Suddenly, a cold atmosphere filled with ancient ice sheets came to the surface.

At first, a white-haired white-bearing old man stood up with his hands up, his body tall and straight, his eyes as a sword, and he looked inside.

Someone stepped forward, his body was beautiful, his face was beautiful, his eyes were extremely cold, and he heard a cold voice saying: "Dare to ask, the contemporary nine-robbery master Chu Junyang, Chuyang Chu Daren can be here? Lingjia Ling Hanxue, come to visit."

Ling Jia Ling Han Xue.

Huang Xia Liu’s leg was really soft for a while, and she almost didn’t sit down. She barely supported it. Damn, it’s okay to be fine. If anything happens, the nine family members will come directly to the door. Nine Grandpa, you, can really toss, really sinking. I am a friend of Nine Grandpa. Can this be a shame for him? I must hold it against me. Isn’t it the Nine Family? Nothing is great...

Chu Yang did not get up, still as before, Da Ma Jindao sitting; still holding a jug and self-discipline, faintly said: "Ling girl, long time no see, don't come innocent."

Ling Hanxue reveals a very complicated and unspeakable look.

On the same day, Chu Yang first came out of the southeast, along with the purple evils Chu Leer, once with the Ling family along the way.

At that time, Chu Yang was still an unnamed little pawn.

But now, at this moment, less than a year before and after, but it has already changed into a world of Megatron, the sword of the sword and the lake!

He and his nine robbery brothers have already created a new legend in the rivers and lakes - the legend of the nine robbers.

Now, the name of Chu Yang, the master of the Nine Robbery Sword, has resounded through the world, and has already possessed the tyrannical strength of the rivers and lakes!

Compared with the past, it is just as hard to believe as a dream.

Ling Han Xue gently sighed in his heart, his eyes showing a mournful color. At that time, the second uncle Ling Han dance... still!

When I think of the second uncle Ling Han dance, Ling Hanxue’s heart is just a sigh of unspeakable sourness.

Uncle, I have struggled for a lifetime, and I have been dancing alone in my life...

Chu Yang slowly looked up, his eyes were also a bit complicated; now he thinks of people, there are Ling Han dance, but there is still early morning, Meng Chaoran.

In the early morning of the first night, Meng Chaoran was injured, and Ling Han danced to death, and everything was as vivid as ever.

But this world is different, and the difference is very different.

The infatuation of Ling Han dance, the insistence of the early morning of the night, the pain of Meng Chaoran.

I think of my master. Every night, I have to drink with the cards of Ling Han Dance. I have a sip of wine, a solitary lamp like a bean, a dark night, a drunk with a gentleman, a life and death, a brother...

Chu Yang’s low sighs drove out all the thoughts that were inexplicably raised in my mind, and looked up and smiled: “A beautiful hand is a thousand miles of ice, and thousands of miles are floating.” This hand comes out, I know, today Lingjia is a big man... but I don’t know which predecessor of Lingjia wants to see me as a later generation?"

138 reading the book network high-speed proud of the world's latest chapter, this chapter is the seventh ninth and twenty-four chapters of thousands of miles of ice, Wanli snow floating address is. / text network./10379/4120591/

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