Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 947: This legendary sword!

When Tianmo and Tanxi discovered Chuyang, Chu Yuzuo was already rushing in like a thunder!

Why not kill the world!

A sword, mixed with infinite anger, urging the power to the limit, completely without any consequences, so straight into the battlefield of the two masters!

Except for the sword, he didn't even say anything extra!

After a long journey, I have launched a strong blow, the only one hit!

This blow is even extremely sudden.

Because no matter whether it is a demon or a talk, it is believed that Chu Yang should at least change its breath. I didn't think that this one wouldn't even say a word, and even the cricket didn't say anything, it started directly.

Moreover, it is still so hard to hit the end of the battle, unsuccessful will become a blow!

At this moment, talking about 昙 猛 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚He looked at Chu Yang desperately and looked anxious.

Should not come...

A sword flashed, Chu Yang did not even have eyelids, and did not talk about the retreat, so it was so arrogant to talk about it, the situation is like a thunder!

The two brothers and brothers are staggered and open!

The sky in the eyes of the gods flashed through the sneer.

A time ago, the hatred of the old hatred all came to mind; the last time the soul of the experiment, this kid accidentally swallowed up a considerable part of his energy, or else, he has already recovered 20% of the damage, and even more.

If you have recovered from the two-year cultivation, then it is not easy to deal with this supreme magic body at this moment. Why do you want to go back and forth like this?

At this moment, this kid actually sent himself to the door.

This is the road to heaven, you don't go, **** has no door to come in!

Although this guy is extremely powerful, his performance is only at best, even at the same time, even slightly worse.

Although this sword seems to be a huge force, the sword is fierce, but the ancient fat drum can be easily sent by himself. Can he be an exception?

"Looking for death!" The devil's mouth smirked with smirk, and both hands rushed toward the sword tip of Chuyang without hesitation.

It is necessary to crush his sword between the two strikes, kill the kid, and let him be a **** of destruction. Take a sigh of relief!

Your own hand, even if the famous sword of the Nine Heavens can not hurt a trace, let alone this kid is just an ants of the nine heavens martial arts?

When it was said that it was too late, before and after it was just the scene of the electric light stone fire, Chu Yang even with a sword has hit the palm of the devil!

"Be careful!" screamed.

The sneer on the face of the demon suddenly freezes on his face.

next moment--

"Ah!~~~" The screams of the gods are not screaming.

When he was tempted by the palm of his hand, when he confronted the other's long sword, although it blocked the resistance, the next step was as if the tofu had encountered a sharp knife, and the sound of "嗤" was washed away.

At this time, the demon is still cruelly thinking about how to lick each other, but has not responded...

Chu Yang screamed and screamed, but why not all the cohesive swords in this move burst into the palm of the opponent's palm at the moment!

Tens of thousands of swords, almost rushed into the body of the demon at the same time!

Fully invade the whole body meridians of the demon!

"Ah~~~ He is **! How is this possible? What kind of sword is this! What kind of sword is this..." The demon screamed and screamed, but it was unexpected. The sword of this kid was able to sharpen to this point.

The demon in the body rushed to spurt, intending to block the raging of the other side.

However, the momentum of Chuyang’s rushing has never returned, and the tip of the sword continues to stalk forward in the palm of the demon.

Pierced into the palm of your hand!

Pierced the arm!

Pierced the arm!

Pierced into the shoulder!

The skeleton of the demon is under the sword of the Nine, and it is like a broken bamboo.

Chu Yang screamed fiercely, and the nine-day sword was bursting out!

The magic gas comes in all directions and is intended to block.

But Chu Yang has even smashed the sword into the body of the demon, "bang"!

The whole left shoulder of the demon was hardly smashed by Chu Yang, flesh and blood, and turned into a dark rain. Well, his flesh and blood are all black...

The demon screamed, and half of the body has completely turned into nothingness!

Chu Yang actually came from his body... ‘rushed out! ’!

Take away a large piece of demon fog!

Hey, the swordsmanship rushed out of the body of the demon and shot it out! The moment of the demon's body is like a sieve that leaks everywhere. It is desperately out of the blue sword that almost melts into the essence!

This time, it is not the body that was transformed by the magic of the previous day, but the body of the real demon is destroyed! The severity of the devil's injury has reached a shocking level!

This kind of clean and fruitful results, not only the devil, even the talks are also unexpected!

This... This result is too ridiculous, right? !

Our two strong men have been killed and killed here for so long, and they have never been able to help each other. When this kid comes, he does not call one shot, but instantly breaks the deadlock and completely insults the devil!

What the **** is this? !

In terms of cultivation alone, it seems that ten Chu Yangs are not the opponents of the current demon.

But the devil is really too big. Actually, the sword of Chuyang was hard to grasp with the palm of the hand. Want to deal with the ancient drums, kill Chu Yang!

But the demon does not know that the sword of Chu Yang is not an ordinary sword. It is the legendary nine robbery sword!

Even in the Nine Heavens, it is definitely the number one peerless god!

Even more than nine heavens, looking at the world, the universe is flooded, it is difficult to find a stronger front than this nine robbery sword!

Because of the creator of this sword, this is the super power that is almost above all else in the world!

But then again, if there are only nine robbery swords, even if the devils carelessly, they will never suffer heavy losses. When the sword is in the body, it can be driven out by the magic gas. At best, it is hurt by some flesh and blood, which may not affect the overall situation.

However, in addition to the nine robbery swords, Chu Yang also has nine heavens!

The repair of Jiuzhong Tianshen's power as a breath of extreme bursts, all turned into swordsmanship, even if the Tianmo is in its heyday, it is impossible to bear the explosion in the body's meridians, let alone his cultivation is ten.

Do not say that the demon does not know that Chu Yang is the master of the nine robbers, even if he knows, he still has to eat this loss. Because he didn’t even know what the words “The Nine Robber Sword Lords” represented!

Tan couldn't help but blink his eyes and muttered: "I am not dreaming, I must be dreaming, or how can there be such a powerful, how can there be such a horrible sword..."

"Ah~~~" The devil screamed fiercely, incredulously feeling the extreme pain of his own river, the eyes horrified, and finally, the right hand screamed at Chuyang, screaming: "Boy, you Dare... you can’t get a good death........."

Grabbed it to Chu Yang.

Now Chu Yang has expelled all the strength of the whole body, and it is difficult to connect a finger with the whole body. It can only fly forward with the inertia of a rush, and see the celestial palm of the hand rushing like lightning. But it is powerless.

Talking and yelling: "Be careful!" The body rushed forward, but it was obviously too late.

"Chuyang!" Talk about the scream of screaming, only feel that the heart is cut by the knife!

If not for himself, why is Chu Yang so? It is his own cry for help, Chu Yang comes from thousands of miles away, even if he doesn't even breathe, he will directly go into battle, and one shot is desperate!

Now, it is a situation that is in the doldrums.

But I was trying to save my inability to save my brother and succeeded in saving myself, but he took himself!

At this moment, Tan Yi almost wants to settle himself, and the confession in his heart almost drowns his mind.

Just in time for this millennium!

Chu Yang's body, suddenly a cold, a figure, a sudden burst of violently rushed out from Chu Yang body!

Two skinny hands, stuck in the right hand of the demon!

The gradual solidification of the figure, but a vulgar figure with a vague appearance, the eyes of the old farmer after the vicissitudes of life, full of turbid meaning; but those eyes are staring at the demon, and said: "The devil?! Hugh to be crazy! And I!"

It is the sword spirit!

The voice is especially reverberating, and one of the swords of the sword, even a "bashing" spurt out an unusually blazing flame.

The demon seems to have seen the ghost scream: "Ah~~~ Nirvana Fire! Damn **** ah ah **** ......!"

The flame rushed over, and the right hand of the demon was caught on fire and ignited.

But the hand was also slammed with the sword's hand. The boundless magic, and the endless destructive power, also broke out at the same time.

The cultivation of Sword Spirit follows the cultivation of the Nine Robbery Sword Master. Although it is not weak at present, because of the limitations of the Nine-Robber Sword Master, Sword Spirit currently has only one level of power above the peak of the nine products.

In the face of the desperate blow of the demon, the current sword spirit can not bear!

Sword Ling's body trembled fiercely, and then coughed, and the body gradually faded and then disappeared, and then disappeared completely.

But the demon has already screamed and screamed.

He had been forced to revive the repairs. He was completely unsustainable here, but he suffered serious fatal injuries. His left hand was destroyed by Chu Yang, and his right hand was also given by the guy who was inexplicably rushed out of Chu Yang’s body. Burned.

And the guy's weird phoenix infuriated on the basis of his serious injury, and added another layer!

The **** Nirvana Fire is still in his own hands, and it is so elegant and continually burning. The flame flashed again and again, and it flashed again...

The new injury and the old wound have a full-scale attack. The moment of the demon is really a dead heart.

More because he is really dying!


Cherry... my cherry... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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