Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 949: Dangerous enemy!

At the moment of the demon, the heart really knocked over the five-flavored bottle, sour, bitter and salty, and then arrived!

I am losing money...

If it is not being cut, if not...

The devil really wants to cry, but also wants to cry without tears.

The middle-aged scribes succeeded in a move, not scornful, and once again shot, Jianguang Huo Huo, as the enemy.

"There is actually a nine-pin peak!" The demon screams, and the body is even two swords, and the souls of the dead are all screaming, screaming and taking the road.

This old man is not only a poisonous master! And it is still the peak of the nine products!

I am really fucking, how can this ninth-day legendary master of the mainland be so flooded...

Where the devils who have already died are still dare to fight, immediately turn in the direction, the persimmons first pick the soft pinch, choose to break out from the direction of the little girl, run first. Go back and say...

This time the demon, even the attack on this little girl's mind is gone, not dare.

Besides, this little girl can't be the supreme of the nine products.

As long as you can get out of here as soon as possible, it is the blessing of the Devils of the Devils - it is too dangerous here.

This nine-day continent is really strange. When you meet one, you can't afford it. You can't see these people in normal times. Just when you are hurt, you will appear one after another... What kind of world is this...

Just as the body of the demon had just moved, the little girl, who was beautiful and bright like a pearl, suddenly raised her face and revealed a pure smile.

This smile is so beautiful!

Although the devil is a man of great evil, this moment is almost fascinated by this laugh.

Too pure! Too innocent! So cute!

But then the little girl's white hand was waving to herself. Just like the two white orchids in front of them.

When the devil stunned, he immediately felt a horrible pain rising from his own body, suddenly yelling like a pig: "God...have a ghost...innate poison...I can get it well Got ~~"

In the end, even if I couldn’t even speak, I couldn’t get it. It’s like the rhythm of the horse’s hooves that the horse trots on the ground. If there is a person who is proficient in music, I almost think that I am playing a horse-riding dance...

The invisible poison is not bad, but the innate poison, this thing is a horrible thing that even the devil can't bear!

The middle-aged scribe was an invisible poison that was already perverted. I did not expect such a naive and pure girl to be even more terrible, more horrible and more toxic.

Actually do not call one, the shot is congenital poison!

Really unlucky reminder...

This time the demon really cried. There, there was a wheel battle, and both hands were mixed. Here, it was an invisible poison, and then it was a congenital poison...

I... Who do I provoke who? ......

The demon is once again turned into a black smoke, rolling away.

Under the threat of their own life directly approaching the countdown, the only thought of the demon is that it only escapes. The dance city and Chu Leer did not catch up. It is not that they do not want to chase, but the speed of the escape of the devil is too fast. They are also unable to catch up with exhaustion.

This escape speed of the devil is simply shocking, incredible, and the blink of an eye before and after, has completely disappeared the shadow, such as speed, really worthy of the world's devil.

Seeing that the devil died and fled, Chu Leer wrinkled some good eyebrows: "Master, this is the legendary demon? The evil king?"

The city is thinking about the problem, and casually said: "Yes, this is the legendary extraterrestrial demon."

Chu Leer squinted: "But... the so-called evil spirits are this strength? This is too inferior... It’s not so much, actually crying and shouting and running, if he doesn’t escape, I will measure me. I picked up him, I saw him exaggerating the speed, and there was nothing wrong with it... It’s so white that it’s such a big name...”

What is the word for a dance?

Extraterrestrial demon, such a terrible existence, actually said by his apprentice ‘too bad! ‘, ‘It’s so white, so big’s name’...

This is a bit ironic.

"Small girl is not sensible, don't talk indiscriminately." The dance city then thought for a while, recalling the fleeting battle process, slowly said: "Shantou, you still have too little experience, how can the devil be like What you said is so unbearable, of course, you said that you can pick up the present, I believe this; because this demon must have suffered a fatal injury, or even a life-threatening worries. So, it’s so bad...” “And, I don’t know if you noticed that the two hands of the demon have disappeared; so he attacked me at first, and he could only bite with his mouth...just though A brief confrontation, but according to my judgment, the true strength of this demon must be above the peak of the Supreme Nine Products, and even beyond the limits of the Nine Heavens and Earth. If his injury is not so heavy, then you and my men and men will want to There are fierce and fierce things, maybe..."

Chu Leer’s judgment on his master is naturally not doubtful. The delicate nose is wrinkled and said: “But this guy is really wonderful. It’s clear that both hands have been mixed up, and they dare to provoke us... Interestingly, he actually opened his mouth to deal with Master’s invisible poison, which is really fun..."

Listening to the children said that it was fun, and the city couldn’t help but laugh and laugh. After a smile, the heart still couldn’t help but be afraid.

Don't look at the dance city, it is very solemn to say Chu Leer. In fact, it is still as much as possible to depress the tyrannical strength possessed by the demon. If you dance the city for tens of thousands of years, you can't see the limits of the demon. The devil's head is really terrible!

It’s just these words, and now it’s said to the apprentice that it will strike her I still have reservations.

Just thinking for a long time is always trying to understand, how can such a horrible guy fall into such a field, that virtue seems to be too bad a bit...

Who is such a cow fork, can actually hit the incomparable demon to this point? It’s almost like killing and shattering!

It’s really admirable... Is there such a **** in the world of nine heavens? ......

"Let's go two steps in advance; maybe the demon is injured in front. If possible, the power that will kill the devil will be serious." There is a strong interest in the eyes of the city.

The reason why "these" is used is because the devil is too strong and strong, and the power of one person can be dealt with with it, let alone the disability!

"Good!" Chu Leer nodded in a hurry, and the little girl was naturally interested in the demon hero.

The mentor and the apprentice accelerated their pace, just like two breeze, quickly disappearing on the road.


On the battlefield, it was full of insane.

At first, I talked about the chaos created by 昙 and others, and it was like a big pit.

Although Chu Yang and other people have taken the elixir, they are only barely able to move. After all, the injuries suffered this time are too serious. Everyone is doing meditation in the same place, restoring strength and healing. Seven of the Samsung saints, six of them are all wounded, and one is talking about being in a coma.

In the battle with the demon, everyone who participated in the war paid a lot of money.

Especially the ancient one drum and another elder, although these two people can take the full version of the help of Jiu Dan, save their lives, the wounds of the flesh have gradually recovered, and the recovery can be expected, but the body of the demon magic, but Can not be expelled.

Once the magical magic of this day is smeared, it can be described as incomparable. If you are not a person who is not high enough and has insufficient strength, it will not be far from the day of the devil. Even if the ancient drums are deep, you will be harassed by the magic. Uncertainty, there is still the danger of being demonized. Even if it is Chu Yang, it is powerless.

In the end, there is no way for the world. Chu Yang has no way to control the magic. It does not mean that no one has a way, such as talking about it, Samsung King!

Talk about itself is the supreme magic body, it is the body of the devil, the magic of the devil is a big trouble for the average person, but for the talk, it is a very nutritious tonic.

So, as long as you wake up, you can use the secret method to make sure everything is fine.

Everyone is doing their part in the game, and they are fighting for time to restore their strength. Now in the wilderness, it belongs to the four zones. Everyone is in an unprecedented period of absolute weakness... If you regain strength, there are masters of law enforcement who pass through here...

It’s really easy, even with the help of the nine-robbery sword, with the Samsung saints.

If the dog is transported like a person, the people are absolutely dead.

Everyone has such a sense of urgency.

Among the people, Chu Yang is currently in the best state, and he is concentrating on his efforts to restore his vitality. He deliberately releases his own knowledge, pays attention to the movements around him, protects the law for everyone, and avoids accidents!

However, this thing is really evil, just like the old saying goes - good spirit is not good.

Just when everyone was worried and desperately trying to recover; suddenly a burst of wind rang, and a shadow in the distance quickly came, and the speed was as fast as the wind.

A person carries his hands, and a long hair is scattered on both sides, coming long.

Not ill, leisurely.

Comers are the ones who return from the middle!

Before the law, he noticed that the ghost swords and the swordsmen had broken the konjac before they died. They would rather be scattered and not cheaper. The facts have already been made, and they have not rushed over, but chose to fold back directly. Take care of things while walking, until you find that the dust is far away from here, just take a look at the situation.

Of course, what really attracts him is that there is a faint scent of sorrows on this side, which makes Fa Zun very surprised: Who can make this kind of devil like this? Actually not being *dropped? !

Law is getting closer and closer.

Chu Yang's current knowledge is unparalleled in the world. At least it is unparalleled in the nine heavens. Naturally, I also noticed the familiar atmosphere. The mouth could not help but reveal a bit of a desperate smile.

This is really finished!


Today is the birthday of the ‘Le Xin Baby’ lord; let us wish the baby a happy birthday! Every year, today, now and now! Happy birthday, more than a few big red packets! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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