Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 971: Intractable seal

Chu Yang is very big!

Not only did the original intention to leave the share of Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian and the parents and sons, but also to guard against the sap, or the cockerel dog thief...

With Chu Yang's understanding of Tan Yi, these three methods of abuse, the Samsung King is absolutely dry.

"Oh, I only have to find a way later..." With a full of helplessness, I met several people.

Huang Xia Liu and several Huangjia masters, as well as several Lingjia masters, including a Ling Hanxue.

Both men and women look at themselves with an extremely resentful look.

Ling Hanxue also gave up, after all, it is a woman, but the other... the top big man, making this resentful expression is really too crashing...

But now it is really gone... other people will stop, you said that Huang Xia Liu you are also resentful, give you some **** can burst you, you resent a fart...

Chu Yang took a nap and went to the desert... and returned to his room again.

At this time, among the several brothers inside, Gu Duxing, whose true strength is faintly the crown of all, has absorbed the potency and is protecting the law for the brothers.

"How is the effect of the promotion?" Chu Yang quietly walked in, fearing to disturb everyone's cultivation, asked Gu Zhixing.

"Very good! Greatly exceeded my original expectations." Gu was alone excitedly said: "I was originally a nine-product supreme first-time mid-level, but after taking this medicine, I have now gone to the nine products of the supreme The peaks of the stage... I even have the feeling that I may step into the higher order at any time, and the bottleneck of the middle stage no longer exists."

"That's good!" Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, the effect of Sword Spirit is only a theoretical effect, how the actual effect is unknown, although I have taken it before. However, although the effect of self-improvement is obvious, it is not so good, but now the amazing effect of Super Jiuzhong Dan has been greatly reflected in Gu Lone, and the grasp of the future decisive battle is naturally a bit bigger! .

Immediately said: "I have to close this off, and after you have absorbed the medicine, give me protection... Before I am awake, don't bother me, no matter what."

Gu nodded and nodded.

Chu Yang took a breath and entered the room.

Then I entered the nine-robbery space.

Since the elixir is effective, then. Try to unlock the seal yourself and see if you can get something out of it. It is best to be able to help the current self and the brothers.

Otherwise, this battle is still not optimistic.

"Are you sure what you want to be there?" Sword Spirit took a sigh of relief: "There is nothing wrong with it... If you want to force it open, I am afraid that even the emperor will not be able to force it to open..."

Chu Yang calmly said: "Now is an extraordinary period, knowing that you can't open it. You must try your best to open it. Even if you try your best, you can only open it once... It is enough."

"The current situation is very unfavorable. If we can't get further improvement, it is very difficult for us to win this battle. We are afraid that there will be danger of the whole army being wiped out!"

"If this is the case, then this piece of the nine heavens will be completely finished. The law of the ruling will never stop... The consequences of this, the nine heavens can not afford, we can not afford it!"


"There is nothing now!" Chu Yang said: "No matter what. At all costs, you must open the seal! After opening, the things inside are not the same thing... but you can't try I will give up this hope early! Grasp this last chance and try it!"

"take me to!"

Chu Yang gave an order. Sword spirit is helpless, and with a sorrowful face, Chu Yang came to a corner of the nine-robbery space.

Here, it seems that it is no different from other places.

All the mists shrouded the edges, and it was clearly the barrier of the nine-robbery space.

"Is it here?" Chu Yang reached out and touched it. The fingers are directly exposed to a mysterious flexibility - that is the wall of space.

"It's here!" Sword Spirit said a nod.

Chu Yang is a little dizzy: "It seems that even the seal can not find out where. How can we talk about breaking?"

"Broken this seal, it is not the use of force. It is to use mental power. You only need to concentrate your mind... you can see the seal."

Sword Spirit said: "But I put the ugly words in my head... This seal is very powerful, and because the seal needs to use the mental power to impact the seal, if it fails, it must accept the evil spirits of the spirit... That is to say, once you fail, you have to bear all the mental power to fight back, so you can make your own punch, and it is still the kind of all-out shot..."

Chu Yang licked his mouth. I only feel cold sweat in my spine.

This stuff is easy to say.

However, I went all out and made a punch myself. This kind of taste is absolutely uncomfortable, not only uncomfortable, but also very uncomfortable.

And still mentally rebellious!

The painful experience before did not want to re-experience, it would definitely be able to make an 18-story **** trip!

But unfortunately, Chu Yang has not had many choices now. Even if it is a painful experience, try it. Hell travels to hell, because if it doesn't work, Laozi will start to really travel to hell...

Standing in front of the seal, Chu Yang took a deep breath and adjusted his mental strength to the best state, and lively and vigorously worked. After a while, I suddenly gathered my eyes and looked forward.

I saw it in front of my own eyes, and from scratch, there was a near-transparent barrier.

Behind this barrier, there are a lot of fruits hidden in it, which are arranged in disorder.

The person who placed these things clearly did not take the fruit as a good thing, so he threw it in. He did not estimate that the irregular placement would affect the fruit itself. This situation can be seen in Chu Yang, and my heart is also a big joy.

One, since the other party does not attach great importance to these fruits, the seal may not be more formal. It is undoubtedly a good phenomenon for itself. Maybe it will open up at once?

Second, since it is a fruit, then these fruits themselves must be the treasure of heaven!

Since it is a heavenly treasure, then it is sure to be accompanied by the ability to improve the repair.

I believe that this time will not be busy, the other party is not rare, we are very rare now.

Looking at it at a glance, those fruits are all halo around a circle and a circle. Only on this point, there is no such special phenomenon in all the heavens and earth treasures of the Nine Heavens.

It is enough to explain the extent of its extraordinary.

The question now is how to take it out and hope that the other party really does not pay attention to it, so that it will not set a strong seal...

When things came to the fore, only efforts to move forward, Chu Yang will be a heart, split the mental strength into a tentacles, and extended to the seal.

Just approaching this almost transparent seal, I immediately felt a feeling of powerlessness that could not be shaken at all.

But fortunately, it has not been countered!

Chu Yang gradually increased the intensity of spiritual strength, but the feeling was consistent, with no effect at all.

The intensity of mental strength gradually climbed to the limit of Chuyang itself, and still could not break through the seal. Chu Yang tried everything and never made any progress. Under the helplessness, all the mental powers were concentrated to one point, and they rushed forward. A hit with Qiankun, I hope that I am lucky...



A strong anti-shock force that was strong to the extreme was immediately reversed, and Chu Yuzuo fell into the fog.

Chu Yang was sealed and slid on the ground. He didn't get up for a long time. For a time, he couldn't even make a sound with his voice. He could only roll back and forth on the ground. It used all the strength and the whole body was completely tight. The unconscious tumbling, after a long time, barely breathed a sigh of relief, holding his head and screaming out: "Ao Yu Hehe... I **** him..."

This is being countered by the fact that it is really not light; Chu Yang’s own positive resilience of mental power, if it is converted into force, is almost equal to the first master of the nine heavens, Ning Tianya, to make a punch! After all, the total amount of Chu Yang’s mental power is almost the first person of the Nine Heavens, even if it is the current law, it must be less!

So this is a good thing to fight back?

When Chu Yang barely supported and stood up, he still felt that he was weak and weak. The sweat that had already hurt was close to dehydration. The anti-phagic effect of mental power not only affects the brain and the gods, but also has a considerable impact on the body...

After sipping a few mouthfuls of life springs, I felt a little recovery, looking at the seal that still seems to have nothing, Chu Yang especially self-confidence.

I didn’t know what it was like to be a car and a mountain. I know it today.

There is no vacillation at all. What can I do?

Ming Baoshan is in front, but there is no means to open the treasure!

"Do you want to give up." Jian Ling advised: "This is not a seal that you can open now. If you try hard, it will only cause self-damage. If the war is not complete, it will be more unfavorable for the future war. The greater the impact, the stronger the counter-attack, one is not good, I am afraid that..."

Chu Yang shook his head: "I understand, one is not good, it may make me mentally collapse, and even become a living dead, but now giving up is equivalent to giving up this battle and the brothers' life and death, how can I give up I used my life to fight the lives of many brothers. This bet has been beaten and spelled!"

Chu Yang took a deep breath and stood before the seal again.

Spiritual strength, once again urging, impact seal.

Then there was another scream.

Chu Yang fell out again. This time is even worse!


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