Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 973: Heaven and earth

I really didn't think that the world of thousands of people is really nothing. The fruit that comes out of the tree can still have such a square shape; Even more amazing is that it can also give people a perfect visual deception...

Really... a bit speechless.

On the surface of the fruit, there are six rings of unusually awkward fog, very clear, like six white apertures, surrounded by this fruit.

Holding it in your hand, the finger can't really touch the fruit skin. It can only be said that it is holding a mist, and the mist is holding the fruit inside.

Such a miraculous fruit, not to mention Chu Yang, even the sword spirit, is also a miracle never seen in life.

"It's amazing! There really is such a spiritual thing between heaven and earth..." Swording almost looked at his eyes and suddenly exclaimed: "There is a natural word on this fruit!"

"Is there a word?" Chu Yang stunned and looked at it.

I couldn't help but open my mouth.

Actually there are words!

There are not only words, but the word still moves!

Five words, one symbol, slowly rotating on the six sides of the fruit, seems to follow a certain law...

"Heaven, earth, mysterious, yellow, fruit..." Chu Yang wrote a word and a word, could not help but take a breath of cold air; actually there are five words, I am afraid, this is the name of this strange fruit.

Heaven and earth Xuanhuang fruit!

What is this fruit? Even the name grows on the fruit?

Moreover, what symbol is this symbol? What does it mean? I seem to have never seen it myself. It’s like two fishes sleeping in the neck, forming a strange circle of black and white; there is a white eye on the head of the black fish, and a black eye on the head of the white fish...

What is this symbol?

As the strange aroma continued to volatilize, the sword spirit suddenly screamed, because his body was in this strange aroma, and it was constantly restored...

The injury left after the battle with Fa Zun was not cured!

And this amazing result...just the aroma of this fruit! Just aroma can have such a big function! What's happening here?

Chu Yang and Jian Ling were stunned together, then turned their heads at the same time, watching the fruit in Chu Yang’s hand, almost no twisting the neck!

"It's just a scent, it has already made me completely recover from the injury... You and you..." Sword spirit said a little trembling: "Don't you want to eat it?"

Chu Yang is also a bit of cold air: "This..."

I sweated on my head.

If you just took out the fruit, it will be swallowed directly... Then, what is certain is that now the entire nine-robbery space has exploded everywhere, and even the entire nine-robbery space has exploded. It’s not too many things...

"The enormous energy contained in this fruit, even if you ten people eat, ten people work together to share ... I am afraid it can not bear." Sword Ling simply feels the "Tian Di Xuan Huang Guo" With a huge potency, the face "brush" turned white.

The pure and powerful drug contained in this kind of fruit is a highly toxic drug that cannot be solved for the warrior who cannot be repaired!

The only result of the service is only the explosion!

Chu Yang is completely entangled.

The seal was finally opened, and the fruit with powerful energy was also taken out, but... how can this be eaten?

This time, I didn’t go back to Baoshan’s empty hand, but I had no elixir in my hand, but I didn’t dare to swear, and I was more entangled!

"The energy carried by this fruit..." Sword spirit also smiled bitterly, seemingly hesitant, not sure: "The sword master! The power of this fruit, with my most conservative estimate, can completely let One of the most common ordinary people, starting from nothing, has not started at all, and rushed directly to the peak of the prefecture. This is the most conservative estimate."

Chu Yang stunned, this time is really stunned.

Since the reincarnation of Chuyang, the adventures have not been much, and the treasures of heaven and earth that have been obtained are all looking at the whole nine heavens. Throughout the eyes, it is absolutely possible to match the words "maximum". No one is unique!

However, just like this fruit, all the adventures of Chuyang have been hit to the bottom of the valley. It seems that all the adventures, all the heavens and earth treasures are added up, and there is no such magical fruit. This is too exaggerated!

"The sword master is probably more embarrassed about the so-called land-level title. To give a simple example comparison, the so-called land-level strength is a higher level than the current law..." Sword Spirit snorted: "At best, it’s only at the peak level when the demon is not injured. The existence of a slightly lower level! I don’t know this, the sword master can know more clearly!"

"Of course, the prerequisite for reaching the level of my hierarchy is... you have to be able to withstand it."

"If one can't bear it, the result is very simple. It is a slamming sound, even the fruit, plus people, all have wood." Sword spirit is actually very difficult to get a funny, said: "Of course, can not say what None of them, those scattered flesh and blood, if buried in the soil, can instantly let the trees grow to the limit, and then instantly wither and fall into the dead wood into a powder... Then, in the thousands of years, Here Tiancao Dibao is constantly growing, even mutating... It is definitely not a dream to become a dreamy land in the rivers and lakes. It is a fairly simple thing..."

"Hehe嗬嗬..." Chu Yangpi smiled at the sword and looked at the sword spirit. He said: "You are really humorous today! It’s not a chain to play humor with me. Can you really? You really do. Ah? You are so amazing!"

Sword spirit smiled, quite a bit gloating.

The gloating gloom of this disaster seems to be somewhat contradictory.

However, the state of mind of Sword Spirit is like this at the moment. It is the first time that I saw Chu Yang facing a good thing but it is totally helpless. It is completely different from the stupidity of the previous confidence. Naturally, there is some gloating. Of course, for this. How to deal with the fruit, it is indeed for Chu Yang sullen, how unfortunately disasters and sorrow parallel.

Can only see can not eat. Change to be a depressing death for anyone to come.

"I'm not right." Chu Yang frowned, said: "The aroma of this fruit... seems to be very fast."

The two thought between the two, and turned to look at it. Then he screamed at the same time!

I saw it in the space of the Nine Robbery. In the Lingyuan Garden, it was only a moment of work before and after, and the elixir in it actually grew up in madness.

The two looked at each other and they only came back to God.

This... is it just the aroma of Xuanhuangguo? This seems to be too abnormal, right? ! Is it too exaggerated?

Before the sword spirit said that the promotion to the prefecture level is only a conservative estimate, it seems that it is indeed a conservative estimate, too conservative!

Chu Yang clearly saw that the Jade Snow Ginseng, which had already been formed, was pumping new leaves and leaves under the aroma of the aroma.

And the body of the jade snow ginseng, even at the speed visible to the naked eye, the snow white and pink is a big circle.

Chu Yang is stunned and blessed with a mouthful!

This speed is too abnormal... Jade Snow Spirit is a big circle, and it takes at least five hundred years for it to be good...

He turned his head and said it was an exclamation.

However, I saw that the six-ring fog on the ‘Heaven and Earth’s Xuan Huangguo’ had lost a circle. It turned into only five circles...

It turns out that the nine-robbery space can't stop the loss of the power of the heaven and earth.

Sword spirit screams: "Fast!"

Chu Yang, a spirit, instantly understood the meaning of the sword spirit, a slamming out of the nine robbery space, and then came to the outside.

The meaning of Jianling is very clear. Although the energy in the fruit can't be absorbed now, it can be absorbed in such a speed. It is likely that it will be absorbed in a little while.

Moreover, when I feel that I can absorb it, I am afraid that the effect has been greatly reduced! So you must be prepared in advance. This is really a bit of a mistake.

Once you find that trend, you should take it without hesitation. Perhaps there is a danger of exploding people when they are discovered, but after they have entered their mouths, they can basically digest.

Gu alone and other people are waiting outside, as the enemy of the enemy protects the law.

Chu Yang has just gone out, he has already yelled: "Talk about it! Dance seniors! Le! Come over!"

At this moment, even the sound is saved, and the shock is a little shocking. Now the time is the most important, and the moment is not delayed!

Hearing the sound of Chu Yang, the three people are almost subconscious movements, and the conditioned reflexes usually fly. I slammed into the room.

"close the door!"

When I saw a lot of thirteen people, Chu Yang said quickly: "It is too late to explain anything. Remember, everyone should not be moved, be prepared, open your mouth and wait, don't doubt, don't ask, just wait. Just fine."

Everyone was amazed.

What's happening here? Don't move? Still have to open your mouth and wait?

What do you mean by this?

Ji Mo really wants to ask what the situation is. I don’t know if Chu Yang suddenly flashes and disappears.

Mo Tianji took the initiative and said: "Everyone has questions and will ask again, now they are all open and waiting!" Mo Tianji knows that since Chu Yang said this, he must have his reason.

Moreover, the rush of Chu Yang’s voice, as well as the rushing look, has shown that this is absolutely essential! So, make a decision without hesitation!

Everyone's eyes went out at the same time, watching Mo Tianji... Boss went crazy, is your think tank crazy?

However, seeing that Mo Tianji has taken the lead in opening his mouth, the grim eyes are swept one by one.

Gu alone sternly said: "Don't open your mouth, wait for something?" Then he opened his mouth. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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