Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 976: Smoke to!

The essays of Fa Zun have made everyone in Zhongdu City mad at the belly!

"This seat is in charge of the nine heavens and the law for more than 13,000 years. It has always been good for the best, for the benefit of the world, worthy of the heavens and the earth, and worthy of the eternal life. Today there are chaos, the nine family and the Jianghu martial arts from it, this seat does not want to do more Killing; but for the sake of the world, only waving the butcher's knife, cleaning the world!"

"This is a helpless move, but for the sake of the law enforcement, 100,000 years of glory! Nine heavens and millions of lives! It must be, the heart is very painful, very regrettable."

"This battle, the world is discolored, the sun and the moon are dull, it lasts for 20 days, and it is effective!"

"Southeast Theater, killing the Xiao family rebellious, a total of 433,559 people! Another killing of more than 33,500 people rebelled in the rivers and lakes. Pay a torch! Law enforcement headquarters loss, three hundred and thirty-three Thousands, included in the law enforcement loyalty. The loss of the southeast blood is 97,000, and all the pensions have been put in place."

"Southwestern theater, killing rebellion totals 330,000. The law enforcement officer Bingfeng pointed out that all rebellious disintegrations were dissolved, and the southwest law enforcers lost more than 300,000 people. This battle is extremely lossy! Loading, loyalty is immortal!"

"Northwestern theater, killing more than 70,000 rebellious people. The loss of the law enforcement headquarters, more than 20,000."

"The North Battlefield, killing a total of 270,000 people with rebellion. The loss of the law enforcement headquarters, 198,000!"

"Zhengnan Theater, killing rebellion totaled 666,400. The law enforcement officer lost 5.3 million; Zhengnan law enforcement, several with the enemy to the end. The loyal soul immortal!"

"Zhengxi Theater, killing more than 500,000 rebellious; law enforcement officials loss, 230,000 people! Among them, nine products supreme one; eight products supreme ... loyal soul immortal!"

"Zhengdong Theater, killing the rebellious 850,000! This war is about a million troops, the law enforcement loses more than half, and the loyalty is immortal!"

"Northeast theater, killing more than 70,000 rebellious people, the law enforcement unit lost 479,500 to the Ministry! The loyal soul is immortal!"

"I have waited for the hero of the law enforcement, and I have already killed the outer embers. At present, only the Chinese are still the gods. I am coming from the overall situation, and I am going to be in the blood, and I will be in the world!"

"There may be accidental injuries, but it must be."

"Bing Feng pointed out that it was Zhongdu, and the ancestors of the ancestors blessed, blessing me with a battle, and I am a golden day!"


The road came from the law enforcement officers and was continuously introduced to the capital. It was like a sharp knife, inserted into the chest of the nine family remnants of China.

For a time, the sound is overwhelming!

Law Zun is so eloquent, referring to the deer as a horse, turning the right and wrong, so that everyone who has poisoned has broken the only child. In a certain way, it has become a pre-war mobilization of poisoning!

Too shameless!

Too mean!

You have done all the bad things yourself, but in turn you stand on the side of justice and stand on the commanding heights of morality to frame others and suppress others...

It is unbearable!

It’s absolutely impossible to stop so many people.

Moreover, the huge data contained in the war report also makes everyone feel cold and cold.

So ferocious!

It’s just this decisive battle. It’s just that the law enforcers have recorded unilaterally. The entire nine-day masters of the rivers and lakes have already killed more than nine million people!

Nine million people!

This is a huge number, really an astronomical number!

All the people who heard the news, all of them were cold and sweaty, and they couldn’t speak for a long time.

Nowadays, Fa Zun commanded his law enforcement believers to continue to be **** after a total of nine million!

You must know that the current Zhongdu is not an ordinary person. The number of people in a single river and lake is more than 10 million! And the meaning of blood washing is to kill all of these thousands of people?

The practice of Fa Zun can only be described by absolute absolute madness.

A stable wise man is compared with a crazy wise man. The latter is absolutely more than ten times more dangerous than the former. The sane wise man will have such concerns, and there will be limitations in doing things, and the crazy wise will no longer have Any concern, so the damage that he can bring, can cause dozens of disasters, hundreds of times.

The catastrophe brought by Fa Zun is already the best interpretation!

The wise man is good, and can benefit the world; the wise is evil, but it can be a disaster!

Crazy wise man, it is terrible!

"The army of the law enforcement in the southeast is now assembled and is on the way!" No one expected that the first to be assembled would actually be the law enforcement in the southeast.

"The army of law enforcement, all the way, all the way to the mountains, all the obstacles, all do not ask the feelings to do all the way to get rid of the roots. The martial arts family along the way, are forced to join the army, dare not to follow, that is equal to subordinate The nine family, the end of the door, the chicken and dog do not stay is its only ending."

Follow-up information is getting more and more detailed.

"The law enforcement is in the south of the army, and it has already been assembled. It will be going north."

"The army of the West is already gathering."

The news is like a reminder, a wave of bombardment in the hearts of the nine families.

The various army of law enforcement officers swept all the way, and the momentum was like a wave of waves. Standing on the highest hill outside the capital of China, I saw the smoke and the dust rolling in the air!

The army has not yet arrived, it is already a powerful force, and the momentum of the first one has already become a success!

"Fa Zun actually took the law enforcement and blood members under the sun as the army to call, the most admirable thing is that he actually completely combed and formed, when the military became a qualified soldier, the combat effectiveness of this army It will be difficult to estimate..." The fifth gently stood on the hill and his face was dignified.

"The reason why this army of law enforcement officers can be formed is based on the high pressure of death." Zhuge’s face standing next to him was gray-faced, and the light of hatred was shot in his eyes. The hateful words: At the beginning of the establishment of the army, Fa Zun had already passed orders. The various army must strictly implement militarized management. There is one that does not, kill one, and never kills, kills thousands! The order is forbidden, the offender, the kill, the innocent !"

"In addition, there is another order that goes out to the extreme: the law enforcement officers of the Nine-Nine Roads are all gathered outside the city of Zhongdu. At that time, if there is any law enforcement person who can't become a soldier, the rest of the group can be summed up!"

"This road has come, because the law enforcement and blood members who are killed by the law, the absolute number of more than 100,000, only like the army! This madman! Terrible madman! Horror madman!"

The fifth gentle long took a deep breath.

Such a thing, since ancient times, seems to be only able to do it.

Can not become a military, the rest of the crowds are doing their best... know that this is not a hundred people, but a crowd of millions! Fa Zun actually wants to kill and kill, never hesitated!

This has gone beyond the limit of the so-called "killing and decisive decision". It is simply that life is no longer regarded as life!

"Now the Fa Zun has already regarded this piece of heaven and earth as an abattoir; the life of all living beings in the world, now in his eyes, may be just some gasping bodies, or just suffocating ants, what is it? Injury?!" Zhuge Cang sighed long.

"Yes, the world is full of life, the heroes of the rivers and lakes, are already the target of his destruction. This point, he has already made it very obvious." The fifth gentle way: "Even, including his leadership for more than 10,000 years The law enforcer regards him as a member of God's law enforcement! It is also the goal of his destruction, or all the creatures on this continent are the targets of his destruction..."

On one side, Chen Yingfeng said coldly: "This land of the capital will be the place where Faozun finally committed to destroy. After destroying this place, there will be no more forces in the world to dare to confront him, and there will be no more Any strength can be against it."

Ye Qiu's brow wrinkled, turned to look at Chen Yingfeng, faintly said: "Chen Yingfeng, I see you look very excited! Looking forward to the coming of the war?"

Chen Yingfeng sneered: "Why don't you expect that the people of our old Chen family are now almost dead.... How many people in this world die, what is the relationship."

Xiao Chen Yu sneered: "Chen Yingfeng, your family is dead, is it because other people's family will die?"

Chen Yingfeng sneered: "The old man is now in love, whatever you say!"

"Stop!" The night was so angry that he said: "Even if there is no love, can you not even report it?!"

Chen Yingfeng snorted with a gray face and bowed his head, no more words.

"Fa Zun came to the top of the mountain and came to the sea. How to deal with it... At this moment, when the war is fierce, it is the time to work together. You may wish to come up with ideas or discuss it. It is not necessary to have good countermeasures." The heavy voice was a little tired.

"The only thing we can do now is to combine all the forces in the capital of the city into the army... Otherwise, it is difficult to confront." Zhuge Cang said.

"About this section, I have been doing it for the past few days. However, there is no high pressure of death on the side of the law, so the effect is not very good." The fifth softly sighed softly.

As a veteran of the battlefield, how do you not know the terrible degree of the army formed by the military, but the difficulty of forming such an army is also terrible, and there is no such high pressure as the law, and there is really no effective means, at least It is not a short-term effect.

The stone roaring injury has now recovered more or less, saying: "In the past few days, there has been no movement in the Nine Robbery Sword Lord, but Ling Xiaoyang is preparing for an active preparation..."

"I think that the nine-robbery sword that has not been dried up has already been scared by the law." His body was repaired, and all of them were obtained by external forces. They faced the future battle of the past and escaped. It’s just normal!”

Chen Yingfeng is yin and yang.


Yesterday, the Laiwu earthquake... But when I was in the earthquake, I was screaming, I didn’t feel it, I missed it... I didn’t know until today... I’m still arguing with others: What earthquake? Which earthquake? No! ......

Keke... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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