Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 987: Destined to be destroyed, why not fight

Yueling Snow said with extreme excitement: "This is beyond the ultimate realm of the ninth martial arts limit! I can't think of my monthly snow, and I have seen these visions of heaven and earth in my lifetime!"

Ling Xiaoyang is stunned!

This statement, he has always been a legend.

Because, since ancient times, no one in Jiuzhongtian has ever reached this realm; in other words, this is the realm that should not be reached in the nine heavens!

Even if it is the legendary ninth robbing sword master, no one has ever reached this legendary realm!

According to ancient legends, it was still the time when the dragons and phoenixes were rampant and Samsung was raging. Some people have had such cultivations, but they are just legends. They are not seen in classics. As for what you see, there is absolutely no...

So no one can really confirm the existence of this realm.

In fact, Ling Xiaoyang did not believe in the existence of such a realm; but now, this legend has actually happened in front of himself.

And one-time is fourteen together!

This result, this fact, Ling Xiaoyang simply can not accept.

"The next step is to be thundering and thundering..." The moon was snowing solemnly and said: "We will keep it for a while. When the thunder is flooding, we must leave here immediately. Otherwise, I am afraid that the Xuanlei Yubo will be blasted. It is said that they have to bear the test of thunder and light; as long as they can finally pass, if they can’t leave the Nine Heavens in a very short time, then there will be strong people from the upper bounds who will come to arrest people, they are now The realm has exceeded the limit of the load of the nine heavens, or they are no longer the existence of our interface..."

The voice has not fallen, and the low and majestic thunder has been heard in the sky.

Boom... rumbling...

"How come so fast!" Moon heard the snow and was shocked and said: "Let's hurry!"

Everyone in the inn rushed out at the same time and flew out under the leadership of three people. Just went out and couldn't reach Baizhang. A whirlpool in the sky suddenly slammed down, the center of the vortex, the blue thunder of an arm thickness, and slammed down!


In the strong and abnormal roar, the earth responded to the sound, and the two men of Fengyue and Lingyang were simultaneously shaken by an inexplicable force. They felt that their minds were dizzy. When they landed, they were already in a thousand feet. It is.

On the other hand, Huang Xia Liu and others are not like the three top masters...

"The light of heaven is strong, and when it is strong, it is strong!"

The moon is watching the snow and respectfully watching the thunder of the sky falling, the road of fear: "The heart of the sky, really pity the world... If all these people feel the same, then only a strong person needs to be present. A thousand miles will be turned into coke... Nowadays, the average person who is close at hand is just like the ordinary Jiao Lei, and will not really hurt the body..."

Ling Xiaoyang gasped and said: "Yes, we have all kinds of thunders in our supreme, but the sound is enough to shock everyone around once we reach the point where we need to meet the thunder, I must find a relatively secluded place. I thought that this breakthrough of Chu Yang and others might destroy the entire Chinese capital, but I never thought that it would be harmless to humans and animals. This result is beyond my expectations..."

The wind and rain softly said: "This is the so-called realm..."

Under the gaze of the three awe, the vortex in the sky, one after another, began to prosper.

A series of lightning, almost all the gaps into the inn!

The robbery cloud seems to be on the top of the head.

Later, the lightning has turned into a heavy rain. I saw countless lightnings falling down from all directions in the air. The points are concentrated in the same place. This also caused all the lightning to appear to be shot down to a certain extent. Blended together, forming a giant lightning that doesn't know how thick...

Under this endless glory, everyone is ashamed.

Even the war outside the city has temporarily stopped due to the next day.

It has always been a flash of lightning. At this moment, the sky has almost become a huge and persistent individual. It covers thousands of miles and then sneaks into a fixed position in a crazy way.

Seeing that this is enough to destroy all the power of the heavens and the earth, everyone is full of heavy weight.

On the law enforcement side, almost everyone’s face is a worry.

The endless thunder power is shocking, but the real threat is behind it. It can be like a slain, but it means that the other party will have many strong support, and the other party suddenly appears so many, and it is completely beyond imagination. Super master, this is definitely not a good thing.

Only the law respects, the face implies a smile, faintly looking at the sky, if you think, if you have some memories; if you lose, if you have income.

Between the loss of thoughts and memories, the infinite thoughts are exhausted after the faint smile, only one piece of calmness!

As the only demon seed on the heavens and the earth outside the heavens, facing the death of a strong enemy is coming, it is only calm! Even some expectations!

The night sinks and others look at the sky, and the face that was originally suffering is finally a little more relaxed, but there is still a deep sigh.

In the middle of the city, suddenly there was a raging fire, and a riot broke out from the center of Zhongdu City.

"Big brother, the place where the fire is the base camp of the night house?!" Zhuge Cang was shocked and said nothing.

This question that seems to be affirmative is a result of exposing the heart imbalance of Zhuge Cang. If even the last base on his side is also framed, this will completely fail, and there is no possibility of turning over!

"Yes, it is the night house." The night at the moment was a calm anomaly. Indifferently looking back, looking at the source of the fire, listening to the riots that occurred there, his face was calm and scary.

It is clearly a major attack on the family base of the night family. The night of the night ancestor seems to be indifferent.

"Big brother, this...we will return to help immediately, otherwise everything will be..." Zhuge Cang screamed with some anger.

"There is no need for it." The night fell sullenly: "But just look at the momentum of the fire, and listen to the huge riots, and think about how big the night house is, you can know - too late."

"With such a full range of hands, there is no power other than the masters of law enforcement."

"Do you still don't understand it? From the very beginning, Fa Zun wanted to annihilate the nine families. If we return at this moment, we will only let the law enforcement forces led by Fa Zun move in advance, once we lose our Sitting in the town, the enemy will inevitably sneak into the city and transform the battlefield outside the city into the city. At that time, not only all the warriors, but even the tens of millions of civilians in the middle of the country, they have to suffer together. The night house still can't help but be destroyed."

"Since it is destined to be destroyed anyway, it is better to fight here, except to make the innocent people in Zhongdu City more productive. I believe that the law enforcement will pay more. At the last moment, let us Some of the glory of death."

The night was heavy and screaming.

At the same time, Zhuge Cang and Stone Roar gnawed his teeth, tightened his fists, and his eyes filled with anger and sorrow.

"The nine robbery sword masters have obviously been upgraded to the depths that my generation can't imagine. Now, seeing such ascension, they already have the ability to cope with the Fa Zun. I believe that even if the nine major families are not destroyed, as they have in the past, but For such a nine-robbery sword master, there is only a share of waiting for it. Before the absolute tyrannical power, any force is just like a cloud."

The night smiled sadly: "But at the moment they have brought hope to Jiuzhongtian, the last hope... We are the deadly enemies of the nine robbing swordsmen, but there is no need to see him again, or say, see each other. Only the troubles of each other. After we die, this world is entrusted to him, huh, huh..."

Everyone is speechless at the same time.

Yes, there is a law before, and there are nine masters of the sword; the fate of the nine family is already doomed.

The night turned and turned and looked at the fifth gentleness: "The fifth master, if there are still sporadic descendants in the next nine families, please take care of one or two. I will wait until the soul of the nine springs, still feel great."

The fifth softness only has a long sigh: "Please rest assured that the first ancestors, after this war, but whoever can leave a life, gently will not forget the old night, life and death."

The night turned slowly and slowly turned, staring at the army of law enforcement officers outside the city, and said softly: "We don't have to wait for the end of the thunder, the sky, and fight for it! No matter the nine robbers or the law, the final total There will be one winner, but the winner is not us."

"So, I don't want to see the final winner is that."

"Although we are losers, we... have our dignity and pride!"

Zhuge Cangwu only feels that the blood of the whole body has burned up all of a sudden, and some of the previous panic-like feelings have disappeared. Yang Tian Li Xiao: "War! Law Zun, let your Zhengnan law enforcers play! The old man wants to urge them to kill the blood !"

Fa Zun’s original plain face showed a cruel smile, waved his hand, and the sound penetrated from the thunder, and elegantly said: “If you want it!”

With a bang, the law enforcement officers opened the venue in the south.

Zhuge Cangxiao laughed and smiled deeply at the night, turned his head and strode down the wall, and never looked back.

The stone roar went to the front of the night, bowed, and then straightened up, followed by Zhuge Cang, and quickly went down.

The surviving Supreme Lords of the Zhuge family went on one by one and went on.

No one is talking anymore, one by one, and the back is straight.

The night was heavy with a smile on his face, his hands raised and his face was light.



Everyone in Chuyang and others is doing their best to endure the baptism of endless thunder.


These days have finally come to an end. For a long time, I was modifying the manuscript of the physical book; it has been revised for the next three days.

The typos inside are all found to be modified, and the sentence is completely removed; there are some words that have been greatly streamlined, and some unnecessary explanations or discourses have been deleted.

The manuscript of the physical book, serialized with the Internet, is believed to be more different and more interesting.

Just modified, it is sometimes a long sigh, if you were writing, you can find these deficiencies, how good?

After all, life can't be repeated; but fortunately there are physical books that give me the opportunity to correct mistakes.

At present, the first three episodes of Ao Shi, "Cangtian Reversible", "Chu Yu Wang" and "Tianbing Pavilion" have already been released. The fourth episode is brewing, and the content will never let everyone down. I hope that the brothers and sisters who have the ability to support, give them a support, and wish everyone to see a different world! Have a more comfortable reading pleasure.

Thank you.

Thank you. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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