Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 7 Chapter 999: Unlimited waiting for the next life (the seventh end)

Everyone faced such a law, and for a time did not know what to say.

Fa Zun looked at the nine robbery swords with great enthusiasm, reached out and gently stroked the sharp swordsman outside his chest. His face was full of satisfaction, and his voice was awkward. Some of his heart trembled and sighed. Road: "Brothers... brothers ~ brothers ~ ~ brothers ah ..."

His voice is so deep affection, such nostalgia, so sour, a drop of tears, falling down, some tears happen to fall on the sword of the nine robbers, along the blade, into his chest.

Fa Zun opened his mouth, suffocated and exhaled gently, and finally trembled: "I am going to leave soon, and there will be no future... Chu Jianzhu, don't forget your promise, commitment to me."

Chu Yang’s heart is sour, saying: “Never forget it; the fifth, the fifth, the fifth, you are destined to stay in history forever; in your brother’s heart, you will only be the fifth in the year! There will never be Any change! For the sake of the world, it is just the seeds of the demon, the law is only..."

The pupil of the fifth scorpion was a little loose at the moment, and seemed to unconsciously ask: "Is it true? Really?"

Then his face showed a childlike innocent smile, muttering: "If so, how happy I am..."

He suddenly calmed down.

For a long time, he slowly whispered: "Life and death are not empty, brothers are also in love at the end; hate me without reincarnation..."

He seems to want to make a poem, a poem made in dying, but his voice is getting lower and lower.

Chu Yang puts his ear on it to hear what he said last, but Fa Zun has no breath at all, but the voice is full of embarrassment, his face is regrettable, his fingers are still in love with the touch of the sword. But the whole person has become dead.

he died.

"...unlimited waiting for the next life!" Chu Yang gently sighed and continued the last sentence of this poem for him.

Or the fifth one does not think so, but this sentence. It is Chu Yang’s blessing to him.

This subverts the world and destroys the world. But there is no limit, no regrets, no regrets, no generation of sorrows... sincere blessings!

Chu Yang tried hard to extract the nine robbery swords; but at this moment, Fa Zun’s still body completely disappeared and turned into a little bit of light, starting from his hands and feet. Gradually turned into nothingness.

The attachment in his eyes, the regret on his face. I finally finished the light spot, fluttering in the air, and then extinguished one by one, eventually disappearing between the whole world.

Between heaven and earth, the place where the original law stood, only left the purple sword that was stunned. The blade is as bright as water. Silently flashing in the air.

Then, the nine robbers sword suddenly issued an unusually strong huge suction, like the long whales absorb water, the magic fog around them instantly inhaled into the nine robbery sword, nowhere.

Between the heavens and the earth, the dawn is reappearing, but for a moment, the magical atmosphere is eliminated. Completely restored to a blue sky.

The sky is shining. The mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away.

Chu Yang and Mo Tianji looked at the void in front of them. At the same time, I sighed softly.

Then, the brothers have one, one can not endure a long gentle sigh.

The fifth one has already gone. But the meaning of the embarrassment between heaven and earth has been long gone.

"Life is alive, I really can't take a wrong step. I have lost a lot of hatred. I want to look back for a long time... I don't want to make a mistake..." Mo Tianji sighed deeply.

A sigh, drifting in the void, and scatter.


The people below have already waited for the eyes to wear, and they looked at the sky one by one, and their necks were sore.

Finally, the sky is fluttering, and a personal shadow flashes out.

It is Chu Yang and so on.

The following people saw Chu Yang and many others, and they were all in good health. This was a breath of relief. The heart was finally able to settle in the stomach, and the moment of joy thundered.

Chu Yang just landed, Feng Yue and others surrounded it: "French? Didn't you escape?"

"Dead." Chu Yang sighed and said: "The gods are extinct, and they die under the Nine Robbery..."

"Oh..." Fengyue’s faces are both happy and awkward, whispering: "Dead... well, it’s his relief..."

Mo Tianji solemnly said: "French is the law, not anyone else... This, please remember."

The dance city, Lingyang and others, nodded deeply.

Obviously, the rich experience of more than 10,000 years has made everyone understand the meaning of this statement.

Fa Zun has been able to make a living, and now it is impossible to comment. Now, if a person dies and dies, anything will be attributed to nothingness. Since it is impossible to conclusively determine that it is a death, it will be a sigh.

Chu Leer came over with Tie Yang: "Big Brother."

When Chu Yang turned back, he suddenly became awkward: "How can this kid be here? Who brought him here, isn’t it a mess?"

The little guy put a finger into the small mouth and bite it. I was a cute look of the baby. It looked like a sly look at Chu Yang. The milk shouted: "Oh..."

Chu Yang shuddered and suddenly grabbed his son and hugged him in his arms and asked, "How did your boy come? Your mother? Is she okay?"

The little guy’s naughty wink: "Mother is okay, this time I secretly came, my mother didn't know that I came out..."

The voice has not fallen, has been shot on the **** by a big slap: "You little bastard, you are not asking your mother's life, how dare you do this..."

Chu Yang is extremely angry.

After a slap in the face, I felt distressed. I just wanted to soothe. I had already been robbed by the wind and rain. I was angry and said: "How do you kid a child? Are you still a father? Your hands are not light or heavy, You are a git!"

Chu Yang stunned, he was taught by others, was reprimanded, and became a confusing thing!

Looking at the wind and rain, I couldn't help but scratch my head: Is this my son or your son? How are you still tighter than me? Do you have a relationship with you? What is this called?

"Hey, I am coming out this time, I want to discuss something with you, a very important thing." The little guy waving a chubby little hand is very upright.

Chu Yang sneered at the nose: "You a little hair child knows a fart! Actually, I also want to discuss anything with Lao Tzu, but also important things, do you know what is important..."

On one side, Mo-light dance in a red dress looked at Tie Yang with some gaze, and whispered: "Chuyang, is this really your son?"

Iron-filled things. Mo light dance knew it long ago.

The twists and turns of this matter. Mo light dance has also been carefully understood; but, just to see the moment of Tie Yang, the feeling of Mo Qingwu's heart is still very complicated.

The child's lively and tender, Mo light dance is naturally sincerely like him, but for the subtle relationship, but his heart is somewhat embarrassing.

Chu Yang scratched his head. I knew that the real trouble had come, and I was going to explain it, but I saw the little guy’s head and head and looked at Mo’s dance. He said, “Hey, is this the mother’s most sorry light dance mother?”

Chu Yang a glimpse, but see Mo light dance has been full of face.

Xiaotie’s words are better than a certain king’s saying ten. Say a hundred sentences, the phrase 'Mother often said the most sorry light dance mother', instantly offset all the blockholes in Mo Qingwu’s heart, and went forward, some embarrassed asked: "Your mother... really is So to say?"

The little guy nodded hard and his face was pure and innocent: "Light dance mother, you are so beautiful, it looks so kind. It's so gentle. It's so considerate, how can I have such a beautiful mother? Too happy... ”

Mo light dance instantly dizzy, and my heart is even more inexplicable joy, patted the clapping: "That... baby let the light dance mother hug?"

Ignore Chu Leer's strong block, the little guy can't wait to reach out: "Wow, I like to let the friendly and gentle light dance mother hold it..."

"It's so cute, what's your name?"

"My mother called me Xiaoyang."

"Xiaoyang, um, really nice name."

"Light dance mom, is your relationship with my mother particularly good?"


"I always listen to my mother and say that you will be the best of his life..."


"Of course, I never lie..."

"Well, your mother is also a good person..."

“Light dance mom is a better person...”

"Well, we are all good people..."


Watching Mo Qing dance holding the children in the circle of play, a large and small time from time to time to send innocent, joyful laughter, Chu Yang a pair of eyeballs have become a bell, the sudden protrusion of the eye.

As for Gu Duxing and others, it is even more dazzling. You and me are jealous.

The most worrying problem before Chu Yang, let the son solve the whole sentence in two sentences, and still solve the problem without a trace; the whole process is so natural, so harmonious, then it is logical. Moreover, it also gave a very solid foundation for getting along with Mo and dancing.

In the eyes of Mo Qingyan, such a small child will naturally not lie, nor will he panic... Generally speaking, such a big child can’t say clearly, lying? How can it be?

Therefore, Mo light dances to the letter of course.

But Mo-light dance is the fusion of all the wisdom of past and present, and I absolutely can't think of this little guy I am holding. It is a big freak.

Of course, the reason is so easy, there are still several preconditions. First, Mo Qingwu deeply loves Chu Yang. Second, Chu Yang has never concealed anything, everything is very frank; third, iron supplement The day has accepted the existence of Mo Qingwu. Fourth, the memory recovery of Mo Qingwu's past life, although still the memory of this life occupies a dominant position, but the obedience of past rationality and habits in Chu Yang still exists in the subconscious.

These conditions are indispensable. Without any of them, it is difficult to achieve immediate results.

Even the most arrogant Mo Tianji, at this moment is also touching the chin, do not know what to say, just shook his head: "Chuyang, I said that your son, really smart." Enchanting."


Thank you to the brothers and sisters who have followed all the way!

thank you.

Today is the birthday of the lord "Tianma Meteor Foot", let us wish him a happy birthday!

Tianma meteor foot, very unbearable uncle, as long as it appears in the group, the first sentence must be expression! The first expression must be a face!

So it is called ‘瘫瘫天马’. I hope that everyone will bless the birthday of Tianma and wish him happiness.

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