Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 3: It’s hard to be alienated

All abandoned?

That is obviously not feasible, and no one will be willing. If anyone says so, it is estimated that Chu Yang must first stand up and kill who...

"Hey, let's talk to everyone to discuss it." Chu Yang frowned. For a time, I felt like a big head.

When I didn't reach this level, I didn't think so much at all, but now I have to think about it.


"What can we do with this? If we go here, I hope that it will not be possible afterwards. Otherwise, why haven’t anyone come down for so many years?" Mo Tiandao said: "So, it is necessary to take it with you. of."

"The problem is how can we bring them up together. Their strength is obviously not enough, and they are too much..."

"Moreover, after going up, everything starts from the beginning, and the road ahead can be imagined step by step, step by step, and life-and-death difficulties are much more than Jiuzhongtian... They seem to have at least the ability to protect themselves at all... ”


It was already late at night, and the brothers gathered together to discuss this matter, and they racked their brains one by one, but they were unable to do anything.

After all, strength is a hard injury, and basically it is an unsolvable problem.

For a time, everyone was a little envious of Dong. It seems that this guy is the most relaxed, or if you have a blessing. Ink tears have also reached the standard, and even exceeded the limit; these two people can fly up without a tie...

Dong did not hurt and frowned, thinking hard; the more honest people, the less they thought. At least he didn't feel happy at all, and he didn't feel a sigh of relief; instead he felt guilty.

If you go up with yourself and the United States and the United States, the brothers can’t do it. Then, you are too much of a thing...

But what should I do?

Dong did not think that his face was dark.

A long sigh, everyone can do nothing. Everyone looked at Mo Tianji at the same time, and Mo Tianji finally rushed: "What do you all look at me? Do you think that I will have any way to let them reach the point of breaking the void all night? I really think that I am a god, even if There is no such power in the gods!"

"There is no difficulty to go up, there are difficulties to go up. There is no way to find a way to come." Ji Mo and Xie Danqiong arrogant evil clouds do not care: "This is a death, but at least for decades, can not meet; etc. We are coming back... I really don’t know when it’s time. Maybe it’s time to be red and white, and it’s even a life of death...”

"If you don't want us, you won't go up!" Talk about his own hair: "It's here to call the king to dominate, and there is a red face, life and beauty, but that's it."

"The idea is very beautiful, the facts are very cruel." Chu Yang said with a wry smile: "We haven't come here yet. It is estimated that it is already extra-legal. I judge that someone should be deliberately manipulated, and specially reserved for us." Time, and, when the devil comes to the world, it should be an experience for us, or else. Law Zunna and others should not stay here long ago..."

"In addition, the Nine Heavens continent has always been different from other planes. Other planes can break the void as long as they reach the supreme level, but we need to reach the peak of the nine products to fly up... Now, after we leave, maybe This ban should also be the same as other outside..."

Chu Yang frowned and analyzed, the more the analysis, the more it feels like a big fight.

"What's the matter with him, God, you are not playing us..."

Everyone sighed together.

"Actually... I have a way of not being able to do it." Jian Ling said weakly: "Just. Even if it is true, there will be certain risks. Otherwise, it will not be said."

Chu Yang spirit shocked: "What is the solution? Say! You still take one, say!"

Sword Spirit said: "Remember that I mentioned it to you at the beginning. Although our nine-robbery space can be planted with heaven and earth, it can not be loaded with living things. But you have now achieved the eighth interception sword, which can already be loaded. A few living people go in, and, in the current nine-robbery space, even if you install hundreds of people, you can put them in..."

"Just like this, there are a few concerns that must be found beforehand. One of them is that they are not strong enough. The nine heavens are the world of the strong, their pressure is far beyond the ordinary interface, the gravity is greater, even the most common The places must be several times more than the mainland of the nine heavens, and their bodies are afraid of not being able to load them..."

Chu Yang said without hesitation: "It is easy to do this. Now our resources can't be made to make them as broken as we are, but it is no problem to slowly upgrade them to a product supreme; you then say other concerns. ”

"The second concern is that after you go up, you may not be able to get together. The chances of dispersing each account for more than ninety-nine. And these people are here, and you need to take care of you... you have to know, you There is no foundation in the Nine Heavens, and even the most basic land will not be there..." Sword Spirit said: "This is impossible for the Lord to help you."

Chu Yang indulged a bit and said: "This is not a big problem. The first thing after going up is to solve this problem first. If it is not solved, everyone will still wait in the nine-robbery space for a while. It doesn't matter. It's better than going out to kill."

"There is also a third concern, and it is also the biggest concern. After going up, you may face countless sufferings, great chances of step by step, and self-sufficiency; I am afraid that it is difficult to have the energy to take care of them..." .

Chu Yang sighed, this is really a big problem, I have to pay a lot, this is nothing, take care of the brothers' family, this is what it should be. But I am afraid that the care is not comprehensive, in case anyone is hurt... how good is that?

In such an unknown world that is ignorant, your strength is still at the bottom, how can everything go smoothly?

There are ten steps to kill one person, and the nine-day rivers and lakes that the crisis sees everywhere!

It is not the peace and prosperity of the next three days.

Chu Yang finally could not help but sigh.

The brothers turned their heads.

Chu Yang sighed and said: "I have a way to bring them all... but..."

Saying, I said the three concerns that Sword Spirit took into consideration. Everyone listened, and there were some moments when they couldn’t make up their minds. If they couldn’t solve these three concerns, it would be better not to bring them up, even if they were separated from each other. Nothing is better, no.

"If you can upgrade them to a product supreme, to achieve the basics that can survive in the Nine Heavens, and to be low-key in terms of acting, there should be nothing." Mo Tianji said: "The man is low-key, the women are the most." It’s good to cover up your own posture, so you shouldn’t get any trouble, and there’s a boss who cares, even if our brothers are scattered, they can be assured. I don’t have any concerns about this...”

Gu said alone: ​​"Yes, this is all right."

Everyone nodded and said: "Just like this, the boss is too hard."

"What's hard for me, I just worry about taking care of me... I can't face my brothers in the future." Chu Yang smiled bitterly: "Tianji, what other worry you just said?"

"Another concern is somewhat vulgar, but it is also a problem we must face." Mo Tianji smiled faintly and said: "After going up, the brothers are sure of each other. If you gather again, you don't know what year. What month is it... So, this time will be very long, and it will last for a long time... The average woman can't wait."

Gu Zhixing and others suddenly fell silent again.

Yes; the age is easy to be old, the youth is flowing, the woman's youthful appearance, the most beautiful scenery is only a few years. Is it good for the beautiful people to wait, for decades, the brothers and sisters are as handsome as ever, but in the past they have been chickens and cranes... If so, what is the situation?

That is regardless of the brothers or the beauty of each other, it is unacceptable.

If this is the case, it is better to die than to die.

Chu Yang Yan Yan said: "This section is not a big problem, I can refine the medicinal herbs in Yanyan, let everyone's beauty, one by one is youthful... Of course, this resident Yandan also needs everyone to repair To cooperate, if it can't be put up, it can only last for decades, and that's it."

"For decades, it is almost enough." Mo Tianji made a decisive decision: "Then decided to do this."

The brothers nodded, and each face was heavy and thoughtful.

That is to say, after rushing to the Nine Heavens, everyone has only a few decades of development time. In these decades, even if you can't reach the peak, you must have at least one place.

Otherwise, the previous concerns are still unsolved.

"With the wisdom of our brothers, within three or five years, we may have collided with the heights of the nine heavens. Can we not establish a firm foothold in Jiuzhong Tian for decades?" Mo Tianji said with a sigh: "Wait for this. Now, we will go home immediately. The people concerned, who are willing to go with us, will bring it; others will let the boss go to trouble, who will let him be our boss."

Mo Tianji did not give everyone more time to consider, this kind of thing, the more you think about it, the more serious it is, the better it is better to make a quick decision.

Otherwise, even if it is to discuss for another year, the result is normal today, there will be no better way.

After all, what is most lacking now is time!

"After everyone went back, the main question was only our family." Mo Tianji showed bitterness in his eyes.

The brothers also sighed together.

Everyone is sighing and knowing each other. But no one said it.

"Well, this light dance will go home with me; say goodbye to my parents." Mo Tianji said to Chu Yang.

"Okay, I understand." Chu Yang nodded silently.

Everyone is also silent, and Mo Tianji’s ‘by parents’ is equal to everything.


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