Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 8: Queen's entry

Ning Tianya and Feng Qiliang looked at the iron to make up the sky, and made her get the idea.

Iron-filled days, a pretty face suddenly turned into a persimmon in the late autumn, how red is more red.

"So, there are three big brothers to report..." Iron-filled and blushing, almost slyly said: "The next three days will make up the sky... this... See you... See you..."

After a long while, I still didn't say what I wanted to see, and I was already ashamed.

The three guards look at each other and can see the door at the gate. How can there be a fool? Mind, this is the uncle who is provoked by the uncle outside the door to come to the door? It’s really beautiful...

Since the other party has already passed the name, he nodded and said: "So, please wait a moment."

One person immediately went in and reported it.

Of course, they don't know who this iron-filled day is. I don't understand what the three words of Tiebutian mean in the next three days. What does it mean here...

But the next moment, they will know, and thoroughly know.

The Chu family’s house suddenly boiled up.

Immediately, Chu Fei Ling Chu uncle, the great lady Yang Ruolan almost came out all the way, and then saw the young master Chu Yangfei rushed out, like a streamer flashing, the next moment, this beauty can not be described The woman hugged her arms.

"You are here, you are finally here..." Chu Yang hugged the beautiful woman.

"Let's let go... let go of me... what it looks like..." Tietiantian was ashamed and anxious, struggling. The kindness of the original kindness of the world, I don’t know how to fly there now. I don’t know if it’s a cloud, or something else, it’s definitely far away.

Chu Yang haha ​​smiled before letting go of the beauty.

Faced with Chu Feiling and Yang Ruolan, these two people who are destined to see, but most afraid of seeing each other, Tiebutian is full of shame, and can’t wait to find a seam to drill in.

This. that. What should I call?

This is really too difficult.

Chu Feiling and Yang Ruolan had prepared in the heart, and they saw the iron-filled temperament. The two were also somewhat strange, and they looked forward to seeing her with a funny look.

Chu Yang touched his nose, hit a haha, and confused: "Hey. Mother, I will introduce you to you, you must have never seen it, this is the mother of Tieyang, um, cough. The emperor of the Iron Cloud Empire for three days...cough...that is your daughter-in-law..."

Two other words were added quietly in my heart: ""

Tiebutian’s pretty face is even redder. Seeing that he is hiding is definitely not hiding. He has to cross a heart and bite his teeth. In the first three steps, Yingying stumbles and looks like a mosquito-repellent road: “Women fill the sky... see the father-in-law, See mother-in-law."

When you say it, you will squat down.

This worship is a must, no matter how familiar. But it involves the big things that recognize the ancestors. That is a bit sloppy. Even though there is more concern in the iron-filled heart, it has already arrived at the Chu family. It is already impossible for her. Except for the father-in-law, it is simply impossible to call here.

If you still call out a 'sister', then the whole Chu family will become the biggest joke in the world in a day!

Therefore, this time, it is really to push the iron to the corner! But my son is here, Tiebutian has to come, and has to give in...

"Oh, come up quickly..." Chu Feiling said quickly.

Yang Ruolan is directly stepping forward to iron up the sky, holding her whole person in her arms, laughing and closing her mouth, on the side of the iron-filled ears: "Little girl, I let you have a hard mouth, Oh..."

Iron-filled days are even redder.

They were originally teachers and sisters, and they naturally had to be very familiar. But after changing their identities at the moment, it was the first time that they had completely met each other.

I remembered that when I was hard at the beginning, I didn’t talk to Chu Yang, and the audience at that time was the one who was in front of me, my sister, my mother-in-law...

Yang Ruolan smiled affectionately and took the iron to go to the house. It is both his own sister and sister, and now he is still his own daughter-in-law. Where Yang Ruolan is willing to let the iron-filled days continue to suffer.

In front of the main entrance of the house, a red carpet is placed horizontally. On the red carpet, a large brazier, the flames in the pot burned.

Chu Yang came up and whispered to the iron to make up the sky: "Jump over."

Iron-filled Tianyi, seeing everyone with a smile, had to jump over and suddenly applauded around. At first glance, Chu Yang also jumped over with himself.

Can't help but wonder, this is also worth applauding?

It’s just such a small brazier. Besides, even if it is a peerless effort, what is worthy of praise in the martial arts family of the Chu family?

"This is called skipping the fire pit..." Chu Yang put it on her ear: "It is the custom of the family. It means that when you come to my house, it is equivalent to jumping out of the fire pit. Since then, it has been smooth sailing. Of course, there is also the meaning of entering the door of the family."

Tiebu Tian suddenly realized, heart, I used to be a fire pit in the next three days...

When the emperor is a fire pit... this is really rare. Can it be said that hundreds of millions of people are jumping into the fire pit all the time?

Forget it, look at taking my part as a member of my family, don't care...

Then there was another maid who came over and sent a red robe.

Bright as a flower.

Yang Ruolan was attached to the iron-filled ear, and the face of Tietiantian became more and more red, and finally nodded with a shyness.

It is said that when a new wife first enters the house, she is going to wear a wedding dress. Even if she is outside, as long as the family admits it, she must revisit it. This is a folk custom in the southeast.

But Tiebu Tian and Chuyang are all secret operations, even the sons are so big, obviously, what are they going to do, some are not suitable, how are some strange and strange.

Yang Ruolan had a general discussion with his family and had to make a compromise. He only walked through the Chujia Hall in a wedding dress and worshipped his ancestors. Even if he counted it, he would avoid the embarrassment of everyone and save a lot of trouble.

Then he walked around the Chu family compound. There was a saying that ‘the hall was in the kitchen’, so he even officially entered the Chujiamen and became a Chu family.

As for what to worship, I had to wait for Chu Yang to get married, and everyone will come together to make up the rituals that can’t be made up now...

Anyway, Chu Yang’s confidante is more than one, and he must be broken with him...

Looking at the figure, Lin Tian, ​​the national color of Tian Zhan, wearing a bright wedding dress, Chu Yang touched his chin and smiled. Little girl. See how you run this time? I thought that if I had an emperor, I couldn’t help you?

Now I am at the Chu family. What are you doing? Not all of them have the final say?

The new wife saw her in-laws for the first time. What do you have to listen to when you say something, and where is your room for resistance? From now on, you are a serious Chu family, a deeper layer of my wife! I am a wife of Chu Yang... one!

run? Think beautiful!

This is naturally the method that the two mothers of Chu Yang and Yang Ruolan came up with. This is used to deal with the iron. Where does Tiebutian know that there are so many bends around here? Coupled with the first arrival, the thoughts, the shyness, everything is at the mercy, until the end of the matter, has not reflected what happened...

The only feeling is that you are only ashamed...

On the one hand, Chu Yang has a bad idea in his heart. A face of sinful gas: Well, if you want to run later, your brother will lighten you, then put your clothes away and see how you run. Oh...

"Wow, my mother is so beautiful..." A tender voice cheered. However, Xiao Tieyang stayed in the arms of Chu Leer and was taken out.

The little guy can clearly walk, but as long as someone is willing to hold him, especially holding him is a beautiful woman. He is never going to take a step by himself.

Iron supplement Tianyi saw this little thing. I suddenly liked it and I was happy. But there are still some anger, and a little bit more sad.

In the days when the little guy was missing, Tie Tiantian said that he almost collapsed.

If you are so small, you will leave the house so quietly. If you grow up, then you still have it?

Tiebu Tian took Tieyang over, and it was with a tear in the palm of his hand on the ass: "Little bad guy! What are you running?"

After two slaps, Yang Ruolan did not want to, and robbed the child in the past: "Okay, well, this will be played and beaten, and you have already passed, don't scare the children, the children are small, can't help but scare..."

Said to hurry to give his grandson a butt: "Hey, does it hurt? Grandma is blowing... Hey, your mother is so sly, the **** is red..."

I almost cried.

Chu Yang and Tie Bu Tian were speechless.

Tiebutian did not use force at all, how could it be reddened? Let's talk about this kid's ass... Even if you use a fire, you don't necessarily burn red? It’s red...that’s the redness that it’s all there...

Still can't help but scare? Can this kid be scared? On the battlefield where millions of people died, they could be turned a blind eye, and they also extorted all the nine robbers and all the people present...

Besides, this little **** really should have a meal. How did you get to the mother and gently slap the two palms?


On the evening of the same day, the Chu family made a big banquet. Ning Tianya naturally sat in the chief, and everyone was drunk.

late at night.

Tiebutian lived in a house arranged by the Chu family and could not sleep. The child is not around, and has already been taken away by Yang Ruolan: "You can beat the child by your side, don't worry..."

Very good reason.

But Tiebutian is very helpless: I am really willing to beat him once, is it like I am a child abuser...

For a time, I only felt confused, and after a long time, I began to look at the room. The more I saw it, the worse I was. Well, this is clearly a man’s room...

What is the status of this?

Looks like there are men's clothes on the hangers, men's shoes in the shoe cabinets... How come... Is it in the room of Chuyang? ......

Iron-filled Tianyue thought that the more it was wrong, was preparing to go out, leaving the land of right and wrong, but only heard the "Oh," a door opened, a man with a mouthful of squirting wine came in.


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