Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 15: Compensation for the windy month

"Whether as a friend or a brother, you can't pay for it without asking for it; if you don't have anything to pay, everyone is used to your contribution, that is..." Sword Spirit smiled and ended. This sentence.

Chu Yang eyes concealed and pondered deeply.

After a long time, gently nod.

"Right, if they are infected with the energy of the nine great medicines in the nine-robbery space, they will be discovered by the people, then what about myself?" Chu Yang asked doubtfully.

Chu Yangdao: "Will others not find me? I want to use that energy to cultivate, is it easier to be discovered!"

"The two are because there is a decisive difference. You have a nine-rocketing sword. You can hide these breaths perfectly. No one will notice it. That's the way it is." Jianling is a little relaxed smile. .

"It turns out that." Chu Yang said: "Looking at the time now, I will use the nine ancient medicines that have evolved to refine some of the Jiu Dan Dan. The more the better, the more good."

Chu Yangdao: "After going up, it is inevitable that the separation is inevitable. There are more elixir, and the brothers can have more life-saving costs. Let me worry less."

Sword spirit seems to be a bit reluctant to sigh, or to obey.

The current situation of the nine great medicines is inextricably linked to each other. It can be said that it is inexhaustible, so the sword spirit is not as stingy as it used to be. Besides, Jian Ling also knows how much Chu Yang values ​​his brother.

If he can't be completely relieved, or if he refuses to refine the nine-density Dan for his brothers, Chu Yang will definitely be furious, even if he is expelled himself, it is not a strange thing...

Sword spirit is just a pity, but it is a good thing and a bad thing to greet a master who is too heavy. This time, the elixir of Lingyuanyuan has to lose a lot of...


When I saw that Chu Yang finally came up, everyone laughed with peace of mind.

"Two seniors of Fengyue, I am sorry to have dug a big hole in the law enforcement city." Chu Yang said frankly: "I have just arrived here. I accidentally discovered one of the nine great medicines. I got it without permission. Please excuse me."

Fengyue laughed at the same time and said: "What do you forgive? The thing that comes to your hand is yours. It is your chance. The secret that Law Enforcement City has been unable to uncover for many years is finally revealed. It turns out that the strange medicine is in Supporting the spirit of this place, it has supported 90,000 years... But now that the law has gone, the entire military level of Jiuzhongtian has drawn too many levels, and retaining that spirit has no more effect; let’s say if you If you don't find it, you can only let these gods continue to be in the dust, so that it is not a violent thing."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "It is not so exaggerated. The spirits can continue to be used there. I am inside, and some things are left to ensure that the spirit will not be damaged. In addition, for the couple, there are also A gift of thin gift, the district's mind may not be able to make up for the loss of the law enforcement city. It's just a little bit of my intention. Please also ask the couple not to refuse."

The wind and the moon still refused, but they saw Chu Yang's palms stick out. In the palm of his hand, a semi-liquid general thing, the whole body shrouded the brilliance of the scorpion, and handed it over to the wind and rain.

Just smelling this breath, the wind and rain felt the whole body Shutai, the pregnancy reaction caused by pregnancy seems to have disappeared all of a sudden...

At the same time, Fengyue’s voice rang in Chu Yang’s voice: “This is the new energy that has been derived from the convergence of the nine great medicines. I have taken a part of it... With these, I believe that I can guarantee the lady’s belly. Baby qualifications are excellent, and all diseases are not born. Moreover, after he slowly refining them all, I believe that his practice will not have any bottlenecks anymore, and it will be a long time..."

Fengyue two people heard the words are greatly surprised!

In the eyes of the two, it is no big deal for Chu Yang to take away the things in the original room. In fact, even if Chu Yang does not take it, there will be no one in the room.

It is equal to a useless thing.

However, after Chu Yang took it away, he not only said what he had taken away, but also gave back such a valuable gift.

If it is another gift, it will be enough, but this gift, the wind and the moon can not be refused.

How can I refuse to relate to my child's future life? How can I refuse?

Qualification is excellent! There will be no bottlenecks in life!

Fengyue as the top martial arts master, can you not know the weight of these two sentences?

Chu Yang thought twice about all the thoughts and concerns of the two people before deciding to send this gift drop...

"That... I would like to thank you." The wind and rain are very excited. For her, I hope that after more than 10,000 years, I finally have a pregnancy, the child's business, that is more important than everything!

This gift from Chuyang is undoubtedly more precious than any gift for the wind and rain. It must be important!

"Well, the seniors can actually take it now, and slowly nourish the child from now on. Not only will all the negative reactions during pregnancy disappear, but also make the child healthier. He can make him born as a peerless genius!" Chu Yang laughed: "Of course, how to control energy, the predecessors should be very clear."

"Of course, of course."

The gratitude to Chu Yang at this moment is really at the very end.

"Right, did your child’s name be taken?" On the other hand, the dance city had a question with no one to take.

Under the wind and rain, the magical crystallization of the essence of the nine great medicines is contained, and it is controlled with great care, so that it does not cause any loss. Secretly determined, you must leave a complete gift to your child...

Hearing the dance of the city, he listened to the wife with a pity and said: "I am thinking about it. Now I just think about it. If it is a boy, it is called 'Moon Star'; the little name is called Star... ... If it is a girl, my husband and I are eager for the child to grow up happily, and Joel likes butterflies. If the girl is a girl, it is called 'Moon Little Butterfly', how? Like a happy little butterfly... Hehehe... ..."

"The name is good." Some of the dances in the city are old and old, and they say: "The name is called "Butterfly"?"

"Yes." The wind and soft smiled softly. A pair of hands is always intentionally or unintentionally guarded in front of your lower abdomen.

“Very good.” Chu Yang joked and said: “If it is a boy, let him and my family’s gangsters worship the brothers. If it’s a girl, just give it to my kid’s wife, I’m thinking, if it’s true The girl, looking around the entire nine heavens, will be worthy of our family."

"Your calculations are ups and downs, and you can't say anything, you are brazen!" Mo Tianji said with a sneer: "I just sent out good things, actually thought about recycling to your home, and still more to take back a daughter-in-law... Don't say to my family as a daughter-in-law? Your kid can be worthy of it. Can I not be worthy if I have a child?"

Chu Yang screamed twice, squinting and said: "When you give birth to a child, the day lily is cold... Can you be as good as I am? And, who do you think can fight with my son?"

Mo Tianji is stunned, and he is speechless.

The month of listening to the snow suddenly laughed and said: "Good idea, it is so fixed; if it is a boy, let the two worship as brothers, if it is a girl, we will be children and relatives. Can be a relative with the nine robbers, but also A beautiful thing."

Wind and rain are also laughing and nodding.

Let's talk about it, it seems that this matter has been nailed up in general, and the discussion has been in full swing. Later, the laughter broke out together: Now the child still doesn't know whether it is a man or a woman. It seems that some of these fathers are too enthusiastic. ......

"But that way, the boss's seniority has been improved a lot from the air..." Ji Mo shook his head and said: "This method is good. If you climb a good family, the price immediately rises to tens of thousands of years before becoming an ancestor. The sale of this is really worthwhile, and I will do it later. It’s not too much to make a ten-day outfit.

Everyone suddenly laughed, and Ji Mo was still the same, and he had nothing to say and no brain.

When Hu Yan Ao Bo reached out and screwed up Ji Mo, you still have to do a dozen pieces every day, not too much. What is the aging mother? !

Ji Mo’s mouth screamed and screamed, and everyone laughed even more.

The time of joy always passes quickly.

What Mo Tianji seems to think of, said: "Everyone will get together first, some things, you still need to explain it first."

"What? So serious?!" everyone asked.

"It's about the things that are about to break the void." Mo Tianji's voice was very heavy. He said: "I just thought about it carefully. I need the boss to go with me. There are quite a few people, including the two ladies who have a proud cloud. Xie Danqiong's family, our younger brothers and sisters; and the boss's lady, the iron girl... In addition, Jimmy's wife, Aobo, is a soloist, a little sister, and she talks about her family, Danfeng sister, in addition to others, what else? ?"

Everyone took a look at each other and said, "No."

Mo Tianji said: "So, it is... seven people." He turned to ask Chu Yang: "Boss, do you have any problems there?"

“Absolutely no problem!” Chu Yang took a shot and said: “The brothers are assured that the younger brothers and sisters are here and will never let them suffer any harm.”

Proud evil cloud, Xie Danqiong, Gu Duxing, Ji Mo together: "Everything depends on the boss."

Mo Tianji raised his hand and pressed it down, indicating everyone snoring, saying: "After we go up, there will be a lot of opportunities to be scattered around. In the future, we may not have the opportunity to pick up our family. During this time, I can only ask the old and most troubled..."


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