Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 18: Jinqiao Hengtian Dengtian

The fourteen people above seemed to have discussed each other; in the end, the leader who led the leader nodded and said: "This should be no problem. Just within our scope of responsibility, I will open a door for you, but I can only do this."

Chu Yang smiled and smiled: "Thank you for your gratitude, this is enough, and you will never forget the care of your older brothers."

Everyone clearly saw that there were four people who smiled slightly. Waiting for your sentence, the so-called sky price, landing money, if we do not say the words first, you may not be able to ask how much "convenience" this faceless kid!

"There are a total of nine areas available for access, and you have eleven people in addition to these three women." The leading messenger said: "Since this convenient door is opened, then simply give you more Some convenience! You decide for yourself, who else, hope is..."

Chu Yang has not spoken yet, and Mo Tianji has raised his hand: "I!"

Everyone looks at each other.

Just now, Mo Tianji did not speak. The companionship of competing with Chu Leer was already unexpected. The first jump out of the election area is even more unexpected. How do you get out of the rare things today?

"I am not very picky. I am not at ease with my sister. If I can be the best in a region with my sister, of course, if the messenger is embarrassed, I can also choose a region with the predecessors. I am very I am willing to listen to the teachings of his old man. These two sides will do whatever they want."

Mo Tianji said calmly, righteous and arrogant, and said in a big way.

Chu Yang mouth a pumping. This cargo, the wolf's ambition is clear, but the big reason is catchy, you said that you are so arrogant, and you have moved those ghosts to this, it is really chilling.

"I go to that area, the only requirement is to be determined to be separated from them!" Ji Mo shouted: "I want to be alone!"

Rock's enemies are not willing to show weakness, and shouted: "I am also Laozi! Laozi should be alone!"

I can't get a chest: "There are Laozi!"

Proud and evil clouds and other people have also demanded that, for a time, ten people are facing the fourteen ambassadors in the sky, and Zhangkou Laozi is shutting down. The scene was a bit confusing at the moment.

On the one hand, the Fengyue couple had already seen the chin and fell.

The top 14 receivers frowned at the same time.

Oh shit. Who are you guys, who are you talking about? I don't know the high-pitched things!

Chu Yang shook his head with a smile, saying: "Thanks to the messenger for helping me to mediate. As for the rest of us, it is random. Put it there and put it there. It doesn't matter."

"So good!"

The leader of the lead said: "But there is one point I want to remind you; after going up, the follow-up road can only go on by yourself. Life and death are defeated, and every peace is destined. Don't think about extra care." I am not allowed to take the lead."

Chu Yang said: "This is natural."

The brothers stared at each other for a long time.

The words have been said.

Separation is on the way.

One day today. Once again, I don’t know when. There is a limitation between each region and region; even if it is between the same region, you want to wander around, and there is still a limit to repairing it...

So when do the brothers gather again? That is really something that no one can say.

"Brothers!" Chu Yang said with a strong voice: "Nine Heavens. We have gone through countless bumps, but our achievements today are already shocking and smashing! In just four years, we have nothing to do, and we have achieved our present status. If it was four years ago, someone told us this... I said that after four years you will stand at the peak of the nine heavens, and you will break the void. Do you believe it?"

Gu alone and others looked at Chu Yang with their eyes wide open. No one is booing. But the eyes are hot.

Indeed, if someone said this to them four years ago. That no one will believe it!

"We have nothing to do, and have gone through four years of wind and frost to lay down the current mountains and rivers. Now we are ready, ready to go, and then on the journey; then, in the nine-day Tianzhu to reach our status in Jiuzhongtian, how long does it take?" Chu Yang haha ​​smile , proudly said: "Our brothers, who is willing to succumb to the next generation?! There are wood?!"

"Want to do, we will be the boss! In addition to the boss, the other is not rare!" Chu Yang laughed, suddenly felt empty in the heart!

Since I was born again, I have always felt pressure.

The fate of the past life is like a fate that is on his own. Every moment, every moment, it is like a thin ice. I am afraid to repeat the mistakes and repeat the tragedy.

However, as of today, at the moment of the breaking of the void, Chu Yang finally realized.

I have completely changed the trajectory of the original history.

I really reversed the wheel of fate!

All the tragedies of the past are now impossible to happen again!

Therefore, Chu Yang’s heart was suddenly relaxed.

The long-lost arrogance reappeared on him. But now no one says it is arrogant! No one dares to say it! Especially no one is qualified to say!

Because Chu Yang now has such strength, there is such a temper.

Even if you are crazy again, you will be proud, and in the eyes of everyone, you can only say: This is self-confidence!

Haotian's confidence!

Chu Yang black robes, long laughs in the law enforcement, the hair flies up, the clothes fluttering.

Looking at the arrogant Chu Yang in front of the eyes, no one of the brothers spoke, but they all emitted light.

The boss is right!

Since we can use four years from nothing to the nine-day heaven, what if we are about to face the nine-day scorpio? Nothing is true!

Mo light dance eyes obsessively looking at Chu Yang, the eyes of love unlimited!

What I like is Chu Yang like this!

No matter how difficult or dangerous, he never fell! Never bend your own spine!

No matter how hard and hard, but he is always a determined face!

Now, standing at the peak of the world, he smiled and finally smiled happily.

However, who knows that all the people standing here today have only one talent qualified to laugh like this!

This person is Chu Yang! It’s only Chu Yang!

He should laugh! Pleasant smile, pleasant laugh, laugh!

Mo light dance shouted: "Chuyang, you wait for me! I will go to you soon!" In the shouts, the tears of the beads have already rolled. Seeing tears in the eyes; Chu Yang's body is already in the fog in the clouds.

Chu Yang laughed and said: "You don't look for me, I will find you! You are my destined wife! Who dares to move you, I will marry! Even if it is a sacred monarch, it does not work! Hahaha... ”

Fourteen people in the sky were screaming at the same time.

This kid is really crazy, and he is so mad.

The entire nine-day Scorpio, who dares to say that the saints are adults? Even if it is behind the scenes, no one dares to say it, this kid is actually here, the blue sky, the unscrupulous shouting...

The bullish character really has a savvy thinking, and only the most powerful characters can dare to make such a thing!

A thunderstorm in the sky suddenly blew, and the leader of the lead screamed loudly: "You, the door of the Scorpio is open! Please go ahead!"

Immediately, the sky suddenly appeared in the golden light, the Thousands of Thousands of Colors, the smell came out!

In the eyes of the public, all the people who saw it took a breath of air!

There are a total of fourteen bridges connected to the sky, which are unusually and abruptly appearing in the void, and the boundaries of the Wanli area are clearly visible as long as they are not blind!

The sky, the whole sky, all the overflowing with endless golden light!


Chu family.

Yang Ruolan looked at the golden light of the sky, trembled and suddenly rushed out, yelling: "Yangyang!! My son!! You must be good!!"

"You must be good!!"

"Mother waiting for you to come back to see me!!"

Yang Ruolan Yang Tianzhu, tears linger.

She knew that her mourning at this moment would not be seen in Chu Yang. Since she would not see it, that is to say, it would not affect her son's state of mind, she broke out with impunity.

I will miss my son's thoughts and blessings, and use all the strengths of the whole body to help me out!

Chu Feiling stood by his wife and held his wife's weak body in his arms. His deep eyes looked at the brilliant glory in the sky, but he could not reach the golden light and stare deeply.

Son, this way, go by yourself, you have to go well! Go steady!


Law enforcement city.

Before Chu Yang stood in front of a golden bridge, the wind blew, and the clothes fluttered, if they wanted to fly by the wind.

He seemed to have a feeling. When one foot stepped on the Golden Bridge, he suddenly turned his head and stared deeply toward the southeast.

There are attachments in the eyes, envy and affection.

That is where my parents, my home.

Although I was not a big parent since I was a child, although I have not been cared for by my parents like other children, there is no such thing as a chill in the morning...

But I am absolutely certain that my parents' love for me will never fall under the love of any pair of parents in the world!

Even have it!

When the parents do not expect the son to have a good time?

"I am a Chujiazi, and I will bring glory to my parents!" Chu Yang stepped on Jinqiao step by step, step by step, and said slowly: "I am the son of my parents, and I will be supreme for my parents." Pride! Unparalleled pride between heaven and earth!"

"This is my responsibility as the Son of Man!"

"All in this world and the world are the Son of Man!"

Chu Yang said, step by step, climbed up the Jinqiao, straight body, straight!

"As the responsibility of the Son of Man! We also have!" Gu Duxing and others screamed and screamed, suddenly felt filled with sour and tender feelings, it is a thick family that can almost melt the heart.

We, we must also make our parents proud!

"Go!" and shouted, and 13 people, such as Mo Qingwu, set foot on the golden bridge in front of him.


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