Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 30: Go see my knife

There are still some souls in Chuyang who don’t care, and they say: "Amount."

The cat greasy and squinted and turned up a circle. When it fell, the face was distorted. I almost cried and said, "Where is it? It is a heavenly knife..."

Chu Yang said with a weak voice: "Go to the auction to see it..."

The cat is still greasy and can't be relieved. After a few steps, he suddenly pointed to Chu Yang and screamed: " are a hard-to-find defeated family in the millennium, and you are in a hurry! You actually want to eat a meal, Even the ancestral treasure knife was thrown... You and you... You are mad at me! You are awkward, even if you give me the knife..."

"The rumors have been passed down. Your reputation for eating the tyrants is so good. My dear cat teacher is so miserable... Is there any reason?"

This time, the cat teacher’s mouth was so anxious that he couldn’t speak.

Although the cat teacher is more innocent, it is not a nerd who really does not care about the world. If it is a nerd in the general sense, how can it be a teacher of a family?

Although there are related factors in it, the real talents of the cat teacher are beyond anyone's doubt.

The entire Jiuzhong Scorpio has a vast territory and a large population. The master craftsmen are naturally not in the minority. The high-level casters at the master level are not too few, not too unknown, and there are still dozens of them. However, if this figure is compared with the population base of the huge Jiuzhong Tianwu military population, it will not even be a good one, or it will be more appropriate to use a few cows.

With a simple comparison of numbers, I believe that even if these masters who are regarded as 'masters' don’t eat or drink, and stay up all night, all of them will do their best for a lifetime, and it will still be far from solving the demand for the high-level weapons of the nine-day warriors. Contrast, no exaggeration, even the consensus of all.

What's more, the weapons of the heavenly level must at least be created by the senior foundry who is above the level of the craftsman. And it's still ‘occasional’.

Because if you want to be truly capable of achieving the weapons of the heavenly level, then. Only the ‘master’ can do it. But the master level of the forge. It’s also easy to move. People’s “master” class founders have the skill to prepare to march to a higher level. Because the master level is a weapon that can build a holy class, only a sacred weapon can be built. It really does not bear the words "master".

The existence above the "master" level is the founding master. That is the real casting of a line of peaks!

However, the entire nine-day scorpio, known as a total of only two masters. Moreover, these two have already been sealed!

In addition to being particularly familiar with, special old friends, or formerly owed a family, people with tokens to find the door. I have no longer cast any weapons...

Because of this, the cat teacher heard that a stupid slap in the face was actually a heavenly knives, and suddenly he felt distressed to the extent of crying.

Chu Yang, this stupid, this super invincible defeated son, actually for a bite to eat, in order to act realistically, will throw out a precious heavenly weapon? Until now, the cat teacher still can't believe it. unacceptable……

You say such a person. Not stupid, not a super-defective or awkward? !

"Oh..." Chu Yang’s expression on his face at this moment is very strange. It seems like a smile, it seems a little annoyed, the strangest, there are still some relieved smiles: "Let's go, let's go see my home knife, see who the knife is, and finally can shoot it. how much is it."

The cat is greasy and groaning: "It is destined to be a family anyway. If you look at it, you will add a sadness. It is better not to look at it. I told you that such a good weapon is the price of the auction. It must be a high price. You It’s absolutely impossible to redeem it, and it’s even more impossible to have that money... We have no money to buy a steamed buns...”

Chu Yang did not care, and he took him away.

At this moment, a certain king is really very curious. To be honest, at that time, he was just picking up a knife. Although it is several times stronger than the general weapon, it is a remnant item in the nine robbery space. How? Is it worth the money in Jiuzhong Tianzhu? Also recognized as a "day-level" weapon? ! What is this saying?

The weapons of the Nine Heavens Scorpio, actually so... What is missing?

Also, how much can the so-called heavenly weapon sell? If you can really sell a lot of money... then why are you just getting rich?

This thought, together with someone who is mad by "money", can it be relieved? Can you go and see it right away? !

And that auction, Chu Yang is going to see the drop anyway.

Interrupted legs have to go!


In order to enter the auction, Chu Yang paid two amethyst bribes to make himself and the cat greasy as a spectator, sitting in the auction hall inside waiting.

At the moment, the auction begins and there are two long hours.

A large seat in the hall with black pressure is almost impossible to see, but only Chu Yang and the cat are greasy and tired.

In addition, what is the staff of the auction house who are busy setting up...

These two people are all non-existent, breakfast is naturally not eaten, and now it is close to lunch, already hungry, but still no money, did not have to go out, have to spend here.

So, how long are these two hours? !

"Oh..." The cat’s stomach rang again like a thunder.

Chu Yang eight winds do not move, close eyes and raise the spirit.

"Hey...hey..." The cat’s stomach seemed to be thundering and raining during the summer season. He kept picking up and turned his head. The cat teacher looked at Chu Yang with pity: "Hey~ hungry."

"Resist!" Chu Yang eyelids do not blink.

"I can't help it, I can't help it..." The cat teacher groaned in pain and felt a little bit wide inside her stomach.

"Just lose weight..."

"Hey~~ Ok."


An hour is finally passed.

Chu Yang sighed, and I couldn't help it.

I took two pots of wine from the nine robbery space and threw it to the cat teacher: "Would you like to drink some wine first..."

"Drinking on an empty stomach? Are you crazy?" asked the cat teacher dizzy.

"Don't drink it, save it!"

"Who said that I don't drink, I drink!"

A pot of wine under the belly, the two more smoked and smoked, for a while, it seems that it is really not hungry. But it was only after a quarter of an hour, the feeling of hunger suddenly struck again, and it seemed to be ten times stronger.

In the eyes of the cat teacher, the green light of the forest appeared, and the eyes of the bench and the bench were full of sorrow. It is very doubtful whether he will swallow the table with a stool.

With the stomach curled up in the chair, the cat teacher trembled with enthusiasm.

The noisy sound began to sound, and finally someone started to enter.

The cat teacher immediately straightened his back and sat down, and the school was awe.

The shameful face just said that nothing can be seen by others. If the cat teacher who is seen to be hungry becomes hungry, then the cat does not have to go back to the valley, and directly kill it...

In the hungry and eager eyes of the two, the long-lost auction finally opened.

As usual, it was a nonsense opening ceremony, and then officially started the auction. I first bought a few jade articles, auctioned a few elixir, and then auctioned a piece of amethyst chalcedony.

Chu Yang was a little surprised. He listened straight to the ear. This piece of slap-sized amethyst chalcedony was finally sold at the price of five thousand purple cloud coins!

(Simple conversion: one water cloud coin equals one dollar; one purple soul coin equals one hundred pieces, one purple cloud coin equals ten thousand pieces)

This is simply a sky-high price!

Chu Yang’s eyes are straight.

Such a piece of amethyst chalcedony, actually sold five thousand purple cloud coins? In other words, that is... 50 million water cloud coins?

When I think of the amethyst chalcedony in my space, I can't help but feel a miser.

It turns out that Laozi is so rich, it is clearly an outbreak of households!

However, seeing the situation in which the class was eagerly contested, Chu Yang clearly realized that if he really took it out... I am afraid that he really wants to be the target of the public!

In this auction transaction, there are quite a few genuine masters involved in the auction.

Since entering the Nine Heavens, the performance of the gods that have been unprofitable before has been weakened without restriction. Now, Chu Yang can only feel the temperament of a stalwart, but I don’t know what the people are doing, and they are completely unaware of each. What is a person's specific repair...

But what is certain is that there must be at least a few prefecture-level masters in this hall. This is irrelevant, but it is out of Chu Yang’s own judgment, because the pressures that those people brought to Chuyang are extremely huge. Yang is roughly the peak of the human level, and it can put pressure on him, at least it is a master at the level of the land.

As for whether there is a heavenly level... Chu Yang is even more impossible to estimate. Because the heavenly master himself has been able to perfectly hide his own breath; if he is less than heavenly, he will not notice any abnormality.

"Amethyst chalcedony..." The cat was greasy and envious looking at the stage, and the saliva dripped.

Chu Yang's face is speechless.

This cat brother is also a heavenly master. According to the understanding of these two days, the heavenly masters are probably some characters that can be traversed.

But this cat is still...

Not only did my face look so thick, but my body also saw that it was thick, and a mouthful was even more...he was thick...

"Hey." Chu Yang was speechless for a while, looked up and looked at it.

Today's highlight is officially started.

Two charming young girls, dressed in tight black clothes, infinitely beautiful outline the perfect curve, holding a sleek five-foot knife and embarked on the auction floor.

The black snow knives form a sharp contrast, and it seems that the knife is cold and cold, and the cold light is pressing!

The main event finally appeared.

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